Why can't a new house be built on the site of a burnt house? How to find out the history of your house What used to be in the house

As the population increases, people in big cities strive to build as many residential buildings as possible. Buildings built on former cemeteries have long been common. Although it is better to abandon the idea of ​​such construction, because both the builders and the residents of such buildings may be in danger.

Why shouldn't you build a house on the site of a cemetery?

Modern settlements are growing rapidly. The number of people increases every year, and each person needs their own home. Abandoned burial sites, the territory of which has been empty for quite a long time, can become a place for the construction of residential buildings.

Many people don’t even think about why it is impossible to build a house on the site of a cemetery, and what danger it carries.

The graveyard is the resting place for the dead. These people were once someone's relatives and loved ones. Each of them had their own destiny. To erect any building, especially a residential building, on human bones is, at the very least, unethical.

Even if you are far from mysticism and magic, and do not think that your actions can disturb the spirit of deceased people, it is still better to honor their memory and not start construction on the site where human ashes rest. After all, such actions can be characterized as vandalism and complete disrespect.

If construction does take place, then people who are “lucky enough” to live in such a house will be regularly exposed to the influence of negative energy. There is such a thing as , By visiting the churchyard, each of us can feel its influence on ourselves. When someone comes here, they feel peace, others experience anxiety, and some experience horror and panic. But no matter what people feel, few would want to live in this place.

In addition, many of you have probably heard about. Even after visiting the graveyard, our ancestors carefully washed their shoes before entering their house, for fear of bringing soil, which is a powerful artifact, into their home. It is used in many black magic rituals. Throwing earth from a churchyard on a threshold or windowsill can damage you through illness, bad luck, or even death.

Therefore, a building built on the site of a cemetery can bring happiness to few people. People living in such houses complain of systematic headaches, weakness, loss of strength, they often have bad dreams, and even see the ghosts of the deceased, whose peace was disturbed. Such residents get sick more often, they often experience nervous disorders, and some even lose their minds, ending their days in a psychiatric hospital.

What is it like to live in a house built on a cemetery?

Any person with psychic abilities, upon arriving in such a house, immediately feels the energy of the other world. Sooner or later, the disturbed souls of those buried in the cemetery, on the site of which the foundation of this building was laid, will influence the inhabitants.

This influence can manifest itself in different ways. But in most cases, it does not threaten anything good for the residents. Their life can change dramatically for the worse.

People living in a house in a cemetery begin to get sick, some have worsening chronic diseases, others may develop oncology. Mental illness is also not uncommon. Animals do not take root well in such houses; they behave strangely and restlessly.

According to statistics, many residents of such houses become alcoholics and drug addicts. The percentage of suicides among “cemetery” residents is also high.

During construction, troubles often occur - workers are injured, and sometimes even die under unknown circumstances.

It’s unfortunate, but it’s practically impossible to cleanse a house built on the site of an old cemetery from negative energy.

Ghosts in abandoned cemeteries


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Well, with the foundation, why is it clear, but what’s so scary in the garden - they don’t bury themselves for meters when digging and planting all sorts of potatoes? po4emu4ka 01/12/2010 02:42 quote: Originally posted by SergeyVS: Does the sign not apply to this case? Any sign only works if you yourself believe in it. If you ask about this on the forum, it means you don’t have faith in this sign, so build calmly and don’t worry Yep 01/12/2010 05:56 Moscow is therefore just one bad place in borders of 1812 “tell me uncle, it’s not for nothing…” (c) edit log Postoronnim V 01/12/2010 09:54 quote: Originally posted by Nekromanger:…- Mom, the firefighters have arrived! That’s where this came from, offensive to the old ones firefighters, the word: “firemen!” Gilyarovsky, of course, was an authoritative and correct writer, but still he wrote about Moscow and Muscovites.

Is it possible to build on the site of a burnt house?

Spinningist34 01/11/2010 18:29 quote: Originally posted by Fyn: if you judge any place in a fairly old city to be ashes. And not very old, for example Volgograd... Passerby 01/11/2010 18:32 Probably just a sign.

I know the building, built on the site of one that burned down on the same foundation - it has been standing for 10 years, no one there has been “sick” from it. In villages, houses are also often built on the site of burnt ones (as a rule, they do not burn to the ground, you can use the remaining structures...).

SergeyVS 01/11/2010 18:55 No one was burned in the fire, essentially a temporary building burned down. It’s just that according to the “project” there should have been a bathhouse or a warm winter house there later.

Is it worth building a house on the site of a burnt one?

The scorched earth is barren, dead for quite a long time. The qi of the sky must nourish the qi of the earth in order to restore the balance of energies, and this is not a quick process. In addition, a fire is usually a grief for the people who lived in this house.

Surely many tears were shed there and people experienced great shock and great grief. Why live in a place where the earth is saturated with tears and grief...? Nothing is impossible in life:) MACTEP Registered: 08/21/2010 Messages: 1108 From: Moscow-Bridgewater Added: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:27 pm Ivan B.

wrote: If we turn to the traditions of the ancient Slavs, then there is information of this kind. There were some rules that were followed impeccably.
It was impossible to build houses on the site of the former road, because happiness would leave such a house. They never built houses on lands whose ownership had previously been disputed. It was believed that there would be no harmony in such a house forever.

House at the site of the fire


In such cases, a decision must be made quickly, because the questions “What to do?”, “Is it possible to build a house on the site of a burnt one?” and “How can I live now?” will arise by themselves. In some beliefs you can hear that new house In no case should you build on the site of a fire, because the site of the fire carries negative energy and living in such a house will be very unfavorable.

But if we remember the history of our country and think about how many houses and cities were burned during the wars, we will understand that not everything is so sad. Despite all the tragedies and fires in the past, our country is developing quite successfully, and people have been living in newly built houses for more than a generation, and everything seems to be fine.
In addition, in order to build a house, a person will have to invest a lot of both effort and finance.

Are they not standing on the site of a burnt house?

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For what reasons is it impossible to build a house on the site of a burnt house?

Nekromanger 01/11/2010 23:20 quote: what kind of firefighters are these? these are “firemen”, an untranslatable play on words: In Moscow for a long time this word was popular, but had a completely different meaning: it was the name of a special kind of beggars who came to Moscow for the winter season along with their masters, owners of rich estates. Landowners came to the capital to live off their income from their estates, and their serfs came to raise money, part of which went as rent, into the master's pockets. This was done under the guise of collecting for the “burned out” places. Fire victims, real fake ones, came and came to Moscow with their families. Women and children rode in sleighs to collect alms in money and junk, presenting certificates with an official seal stating that the bearers of this were going to collect donations in favor of a burned-out village or village.

Superstitions and signs when building a house

What zone outside the contour of the walls of a burnt house is captured by fire qi? In case you build a house not on the site of a burnt one, but in the immediate vicinity. How can one determine the strength of the active fire qi, for example, in the case of a burnt attic? How to determine the moment when the balance of energies returned to normal? As for the earth, which is saturated with tears and grief.

They are usually not poured over the ashes. It’s worse when people in the house were seriously ill and died, when the place or house was cursed/damaged. Just in case, I apologize if I admit inaccuracies in terminology - the area of ​​these concepts is not too close to me. As far as I know, negative energy fields can be eliminated by contacting the appropriate people. They cleanse the house/apartment of unwanted energy. I spoke with some of them personally. Certain actions are carried out with a candle in hand.

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Throughout our lives, certain events constantly happen to us, pleasant or unpleasant, joyful or sad. When everything is good, we think that life is wonderful and are sure that there is no reason for sadness or doubt.

But if suddenly some kind of misfortune happens to us or our loved ones, then we not only get very upset, but also begin to complain about life, asking “Why do I need all this?!” Of course, the reasons for grief may be different for everyone: someone’s wife left him, and someone’s beloved pet died. A person will always find a reason to suffer and be indignant.

But what to do if you have a disaster like a fire? Let's say your house burns down and you no longer have a place to live? In such situations, you can’t get too philosophical—it’s very difficult to maintain control over your emotions while remaining calm.

Signs for building a new house were invented by our ancestors several hundred years ago. It is advisable to follow them so that you can live well in this house, and so that prosperity and happiness do not leave you.

You need to start building a new house on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday or Thursday. This better days for this. The moon phase that is suitable for this type of work is the full moon. If you follow this guideline for building your new home, it will be strong and last a long time. And the time of year is spring or autumn.

You cannot start construction during a leap year, otherwise you will suffer misfortune related to the house. Don't start on Sunday or the day dedicated to the holy martyr.

You cannot work on a construction site every day - rest on Sundays and during church holidays.

The location chosen for construction plays an important role. Under no circumstances should they build houses on the site of old cemeteries, otherwise they will be disturbed by ghosts. This way you can invite death into your home.

If you bought two neighboring plots, you can only be happy for you, because you will have a large house and, most likely, you have a large and friendly family. But you can’t put a house on the border of two plots or on the border of anything in general, it’s a bad omen.

You cannot build houses where lightning has struck. It is believed that the land there is “evil” and the place is “bad”.

Do not put a foundation on the site of an anthill, this will lead to quarrels and disputes with neighbors, high mortality and illness in the family.

If you are building a house where someone has lived before, be sure to find out about the former residents. If there was a murder on your territory, the site threatens you with problems and the loss of family members. Don't buy material from a building where the occupants have suffered from repeated failures. It is also undesirable to live after quarrels and swearing, alcoholics and seriously ill people. As a rule, such problems arise due to evil spirits that simply do not leave their homes.

If you are putting a new house in place of an old one, make it larger. Otherwise, the brownie will not like the cramped space, and he can reduce the number of residents in accordance with his usual concepts of space per person.

You cannot put houses where there used to be a bathhouse, and there was a fire in it. Otherwise, you too will suffer from the fire.

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Where the elderberry grows, no foundation is built. It is believed that it grows only in bad places.

The place where there used to be a road is not suitable, otherwise all your wealth will leave you along it.

The best place to build a residential building is land that has never been plowed. If there is a lot of sunlight and space - very good. When the area is large, or you are building a house in a field, release the cow, and where she lies down there will be a good place to live. Traces of dogs, cats and cows also mean that the place has positive energy.

Signs for building a house - materials

It is common for every person to save. Building a country house is far from a cheap pleasure, and such a desire is not surprising. Many people buy materials that have already been used. There are signs for building a house that make you pay attention to the materials used.

You cannot take materials from an old house that has had a fire. The same applies residential premises, in which the entire family died mysteriously or in a logically inexplicable way. Otherwise, something bad might happen to you.

You cannot build a house from poplar. This is a vampire tree. It is considered as unfavorable as aspen. If you use trees from the cemetery, you will attract death.

Signs for building a house - stages of construction

Only those craftsmen who do not dislike those who will live in this place should be engaged in construction. Therefore, in the old days they always tried to appease builders. At the beginning of each stage of building a house, they are sure to treat you to vodka and a snack to go with it.

There are also special signs when laying the foundation of a house. Usually they put incense, some wool and a coin there. Wool promises that no one in the house will freeze in winter, incense protects against evil spirits, and a coin will save you from want and poverty. If you put pine branches, you will save your house from being struck by lightning.

The girl should lay the first stone in the foundation, then it will always be pleasant to be in the house.

When making a roof, unopened pine cones must be placed under it to protect against evil forces.

If they make something from logs, they are not laid crosswise, this portends death.

The stove is made on the new moon, then the house will be warm and cozy even in winter. And when it is ready, leave something for the brownie - bread, milk or vodka.

You cannot smear the house on Mondays, otherwise rodents and other household pests will infest.

When construction is completed, you should walk around the house and look at the condition of the trees that surround it. At the same time, our ancestors removed diseased plants without pity, so that their diseases would not spread to the residents.

When finishing work is going on, there is usually a lot of debris left on the floor. It should be removed at night. It is believed that angels look into houses at night and give their blessing to those who have cleanliness and order. This also pleases the brownie.

If you've already installed doors in your new home, don't leave any of them open when you leave.

When your new home is ready, before the family moves in, you should first let the cat spend the night. It will scare away all evil spirits, but will not touch the good brownie if you already have one. Read about how to invite a brownie to a new building in the corresponding article on our website. The brownie plays an important role in the well-being of the whole family.

You should not move into newly built housing during Lent. The best time for this is a waxing or full moon, then the house will always be warm. It's good to do housewarming at dawn. If you're going to have a party to celebrate this, wait at least three days. Under no circumstances should you do this on moving day.

Using such signs will greatly help you in your new home. If you follow them, then failures, evil eyes and curses will pass you by, and if you ignore them, then your life can turn into hell.

Signs for building a new house - how and why - all the secrets on the site

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed down from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defenses that work towards your excellence. Visit our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

The updated renovation program in Moscow has started. Within its framework, according to various sources, it is planned to demolish from 5 to 8 thousand five-story buildings in the capital, which do not meet modern requirements, living in them is uncomfortable, sometimes downright dangerous: the roof is leaking, the walls are thin, the ceiling risks collapsing at any moment, the foundation is destroyed. And also - too cramped kitchens, combined bathrooms without proper baths, almost complete absence of a corridor. According to expert estimates, the resettlement program will not be quick: it will take about 20 years to implement.

  • number of floors – approximately 10-15 floors;
  • built from monolith or modern panels;
  • each building is equipped with an elevator;
  • built-in systems available fire safety and fire fighting;
  • a barrier-free environment has been created for people with disabilities;
  • the first floors are considered industrial - they are intended for business, shops, beauty salons and other similar institutions will open there;
  • the buildings will have wide staircases and large flights, people will not feel like they are in a cage.

It is noteworthy that all new apartments are furnished. Citizens will not have to spend a lot of money on repairs; everything necessary for a comfortable stay is already available in the premises:

  • on the floor - laminate;
  • there is good wallpaper on the walls;
  • ceilings – leveled and painted;
  • there are high-quality lamps everywhere;
  • durable entrance and interior doors have been installed;
  • there are plastic windows and wide window sills;
  • modern fashionable plumbing.

Moving expenses

Some displaced people fear that moving “will cost a pretty penny.” After all, new housing is more expensive than old housing; you will probably have to pay extra to “make up” the difference? In fact, this statement is wrong. Citizens do not bear any costs associated with the renovation program. All financial obligations are assumed by the Moscow government.
The person and his family only need to pack their personal belongings and transport them to the premises received under the program. There will be no additional payments, hidden fees or commissions. If this happens, then there is a violation of the law - this urgently needs to be reported to the administration and the police - the relevant authorities will quickly sort it out and restore order.

By the way, in the constructed high-rise buildings even the utilities will be lower - the buildings are equipped with meters for water, heat, and electrical energy. Each owner regulates the supply and controls the consumption himself. The walls are thick and dense, the roof does not leak, the windows and doors do not siphon, which means that heat losses are almost completely eliminated.

Series, house plans

The demolition program includes buildings of the following series:

  • 1605-AM;
  • II-32;
  • II-35;
  • 1MG-300;
  • 1-515;
  • 1-510;
  • 1-511;
  • 1-447.

It is expected that in their place the following serial buildings will be erected:

  • CUBE 2.5;
  • Domrik;
  • Domnad;
  • Dommos.

Modern buildings not only look stylish, they are as comfortable as possible for living. There is all the necessary infrastructure - wide parking lots, playgrounds, places for walking pets, flower beds, benches, trash cans.

According to the plans of the Moscow City Hall, residential areas should be such that people do not need to leave them - a large number of shops, educational and sports institutions, schools and kindergartens, museums and libraries - it turns out to be a city within a city. Such “little things,” according to city authorities, should significantly reduce the load on the transport system and roads of Moscow.


It is already known that modern houses from 10 to 15 floors will be built on the site of demolished five-story buildings in Moscow. It is possible that 20 and even 25 storey buildings will appear. But these options are still only being discussed. New buildings meet the requirements of the 21st century - living in them is comfortable and safe. Apartments are rented with ready-made renovations, according to the principle: come in and live. All expenses for the renovation program are borne by the city authorities. Citizens benefit: instead of emergency premises, they receive new apartments for free, in which they do not need to invest additionally. They promise not to offend the owners - all premises will be equal in size, probably larger, but definitely not smaller.

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

It is traditionally believed that churches and temples have been built in places with positive energy since ancient times. But is this really so? After all, temples were often built on the site of former pagan temples, where sacrifices were made, and others were even built “on blood,” that is, where people died.

And there were often burial places near the temples. Many buildings Russian capital built on the site of former church cemeteries - they were demolished during the expansion and renovation of the city.

Meanwhile, by decree of 1657, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich prohibited burials in the Kremlin and Kitai-Gorod. In 1723, Peter I commanded: “In Moscow and other cities, dead human bodies, except for noble persons, should not be buried inside cities.”

However, after the death of the emperor, until 1771, the dead were buried within the city and only then stopped. The Soviet government destroyed more than four hundred church graveyards in the capital, along with churches, but built a cemetery right in the Kremlin wall. And the Mausoleum on Red Square still stands...

Occultists have a hypothesis that revolutionaries deliberately built buildings “on blood” - on the sites of graveyards and massacres. Moreover, they built not just houses, but government institutions - courts, people's commissariats. Allegedly, it is easier to confuse people’s brains, to hammer crazy ideas into their heads in buildings where a person’s consciousness becomes clouded and he begins to perceive reality distorted.

But there was nothing new in this; methods that had long been used by clergy were simply transferred to the new reality...

One way or another, the building that now houses the State Duma was built on the site of the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church in Okhotny Ryad. Near the wooden church in the 15th century there was a field where “judicial duels” took place.

There was a judicial practice in which the outcome of the dispute between the plaintiff and the defendant was decided in a fair fight - it was believed that this was “God’s court” and only the one who was truly right could win. Many were killed in these fights, and the ground here was literally saturated with blood. Later, a stone one was erected on the site of the wooden structure, and a parish cemetery was built behind the church.

It is interesting that the signs and functions of the main female deity of the Slavic pantheon, Mokoshi, were transferred to the cult of the Christian saint Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. Her image is associated with spinning, weaving and crafts. But the main thing is that Mokosh performed the work that the Moirai did among the Greeks, the parks among the Romans, and the Norns among the Vikings: she spun the thread of fate.

By the way, there were two Paraskeva Pyatnitsa churches in Moscow. Pyatnitskaya Street has preserved the memory of the female deity who was worshiped here since ancient times. Here, in the place where the lobby of the Novokuznetskaya metro station is now, stood another Paraskeva Pyatnitsa church, which had the status of “farewell”.

And according to ethnographic evidence, places of worship of Mokoshi were called “farewells”. It was here that her sanctuary was located in pre-Christian times. Both Paraskeva churches - sacred places where the invisible threads of fate are woven - were located opposite each other on both sides of the Moscow River.

In 1928, the church in Okhotny Ryad was demolished, and by 1935, the House of the USSR Labor and Defense Council was erected in its place. Later it housed the Council of People's Commissars and the State Planning Committee. It was here that projects like turning Siberian rivers to the south were often born. And it is not surprising that the current State Duma, where the fate of the state is decided, was traditionally located here too...

On July 11, 2002, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article “The Supreme Court of Russia stands on bones.” It said: “In Moscow, under the floor of the Supreme Court building on Povarskaya Street, construction workers discovered human remains.

The main version of the burial is that a long time ago there was a cemetery at the church. And in 1938 the temple was destroyed. In 1954, the Supreme Court building was built on this site. According to another version, the burial may date back to the 1930-1940 years of mass repression.”

Another Moscow landmark with bones is the building of the old Manege. It was built in 1817 by order of Emperor Alexander I. The construction of the building in the very center of the capital, near the Kremlin, was timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary of Russia's victory over Napoleon, intending it to host military exercises and parades.

Once upon a time, as the chronicles say, on the site of Manezhnaya Square there was the Stremyannaya Settlement of the Streltsy Regiment. In 1493 it burned to the ground. After the fire, it was forbidden to erect any buildings at that place: they were afraid that if it caught fire again, the fire would spread to the Kremlin.

In 1993, archaeological excavations began on Manezhnaya Square. Researchers recovered from the ground numerous household items, ancient coins, and jewelry. We also came across layers of pure sand and coal. These were the remains of a long-ago fire in Stremyannaya Sloboda.

Human remains lay at a depth of 6-7 m. Scientists have counted more than forty graves dating back to the period before the Mongol invasion of Rus' in 1237. Most likely, the graveyard was located at an Orthodox church.

The warriors of Khan Batu burned the temple and destroyed the cemetery, and centuries later a Streltsy settlement was erected on this site. Perhaps people simply forgot what was here before, and this became the cause of a chain of further dramatic events.

On Sunday, March 14, 2004, the next presidential election was held in Russia. At 21:14 at attic spaces A fire started in the arena. The fire area was more than 2000 m2. By midnight, only a charred skeleton remained of the monument of Russian architecture: the roof and end walls of the Manege were destroyed.

Muscovites are well aware of the gloomy-looking gray building in Moscow on Serafimovich Street, known as the House on the Embankment. Its sad fame is associated primarily with the political repressions of the Stalin era.

The place where the house stands was once called the Swamp - because of the lake located here, overgrown with mud and duckweed. In the 16th century, boyar Bersenya Beklemishev (the embankment was named Bersenevskaya after him) began building his chambers here. Not completed, he was executed by order of Tsar Vasily III.

The construction was completed by Duma clerk Averky Kirillov, but even he did not have the chance to live in the new place: he died during the Streltsy riot. Around the same years, state criminals were executed in the Swamp. The legendary robber Vanka Cain robbed merchants passing here. In addition, there were fist fights very nearby. The churchyard of the Church of St. Nicholas on Berseny was also located here. In a word, the place is disastrous, unsuitable for life.

However, it was in the area of ​​Bersenevskaya embankment, on Vsekhsvyatskaya street, on the right bank of the Moscow River, on the site of the former Wine and Salt Yard, that in the late 1920s they decided to build a “house of the future” for the party elite.
Officially, it was then called the home of senior officials of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. Before construction began, all the old buildings were demolished. The foundation was placed directly on the tombstones of the old church cemetery.

The house was commissioned in the early 1930s. There have always been many legends about him. They said that between the walls of the apartments there were secret corridors, into which Lubyanka employees entered every evening to listen to what the residents were talking about.

Every now and then someone was arrested, but the neighbors did not see anything, since state security agents got to the landings not through the entrances, but through hidden passages in the garbage chute system. Those arrested were taken down the elevator to the basement, to the minus third floor, where the trolley was already waiting. From there they were taken through an underground tunnel directly to the Lubyanka.

Among the remaining residents, many committed suicide. Perhaps the general atmosphere of fear was taking its toll: the person was afraid that since his neighbor was arrested today, they would certainly arrest him tomorrow. Or maybe the negative cemetery energy of the area where the ominous building stands is to blame.