Loan according to the lunar calendar, for those for whom this is important. On which lunar days is it better to take out a loan? When is it better to take out a loan in June?

When can you take out a loan? Some people believe in various horoscopes, the influence of the moon and sun on monetary energy, so they borrow money strictly on certain days of the week or months. But can astrology really help you get a good loan?

On which days is it better to take out a loan, and on which days is it better to abstain?

If you need to become a borrower, then astrologers recommend taking borrowed funds on certain days: 2, 8, 24 or 27. Also avoids taking out a loan on Mondays and Sundays. It is better to apply for loans on the waxing moon, and repay on the waning moon.

It is better not to take money on a new moon. Unfavorable days are considered: 1, 6, 11 and 23 lunar days. It is better to take a large amount of money on Wednesday or Thursday, but not on Tuesday.

Money lunar calendar is the secret of financial success!

Business astrology is not an empty phrase for many. It is actively developing, since the predictions of astrologers make it possible to avoid various unforeseen situations related to money.

She can help with the following question: when is the best time to take out a loan to avoid large financial losses? Selecting the most favorable date for taking out a loan will allow you to competently and effectively manage borrowed funds.

That is why individual forecasts in the field of investing, lending and obtaining loans are very popular in the astrological field.

According to professional astrologers, by choosing the right and favorable day, it will be easy for the borrower to get a loan with a low interest rate. If you submit documents on an unfavorable day, then there is a high probability that the bank will reject the application.

However, experts do not recommend bothering with this question: when can you take out a loan and completely rely on the stars. It's better to study it properly credit terms all banks of interest, compare their offers and choose the most convenient and suitable ones.

You should also not neglect your solvency. It is better to take out a loan only if you have a stable income and a permanent place of work.

The main reasons why you can’t take out a loan?!

Today, banks are willing to lend, since there is a lot of competition in this area. To attract customers, they organize various promotions and make special offers.

Despite this, borrowed funds are far from a profitable option. Therefore, if you do not urgently need a loan, then it is better not to take it. There are many reasons for this:

  • Large overpayments. It should be understood that banks issue cash just to get a certain percentage for them. The larger the amount, the greater the benefit for them. That's why many bank employees they are trying to impose large sums.
  • It will be difficult to equalize the family budget, much less increase it. Credit is just an illusion of material well-being. It often happens that a person takes a large sum to buy a new foreign car. Typically the loan is issued for 5 years. It turns out that a person pays off the loan, by which time the car becomes old, spare parts wear out and require replacement, and this again costs money. It turns out to be a vicious circle.
  • Financial vulnerability. If a person invests his money in real estate, assets or makes deposits, then he is under financial protection. Even if the bank goes bankrupt, it will still get its funds back. Losing a job is also not so scary, because the interest and savings received will help you stay afloat for some time. But a person who gives 30-50% of his wages The bank is completely and completely dependent on its work.
  • Financial illiteracy. Most borrowers do not understand the essence of the contract and sign it easily. Many banks take advantage of the fact that clients do not know terms such as: annuity payment, effective interest rate, etc. They offer various credit products with beautiful names, and clients then pay for their ignorance without even knowing it.
  • Credit addiction. Some people fail to cope with their loan and go back to the bank to take out a loan to pay it off. On the forums you can see that some borrowers have several loans at once.

Despite the listed disadvantages, you should not give up on loan offers, because in some cases they can help and even stabilize your well-being.

A loan can be taken for:

  • Making a profit. Obtaining a loan can be justified by the fact that, having bought a certain thing with borrowed funds, it will be sold at a higher cost.
  • In this case, a loan is a better option. If you compare the cost of rent with monthly payments to the bank, they are almost at the same level. In this case, investments will be in your own housing.

When should I repay the principal?

The most suitable days for returning a loan payment are the 19th and 21st lunar days. Care should be taken in advance to draw up a suitable debt repayment schedule. Give away banknotes you need your right hand.

Some people find it painful to part with their money. This position does not lead to anything good.

In order to avoid unpleasant thoughts, you should initially set yourself up and accept that a loan is a kind of material assistance, without which it would not be possible to purchase the necessary thing.

How to attract money? This is probably the age-old question of many. Today there are various rituals aimed at attracting monetary energy. According to Feng Shui, the symbol of money is water. This is where the tradition of throwing coins and jewelry into fountains and ponds came from.

  • You can perform a ritual to attract money “with a herbal bath.” To do this, you need to properly prepare a money mixture from herbs.

The selected herbs are placed in a clay container and mixed clockwise. At the same time, you need to clearly understand sum of money, which can make your dreams come true.

Then, through visualization, the essential oil is charged. Next, you need to transfer the herbs into a thin bag and tie it tightly.

Then fill the bathtub with hot water, add a few drops of oil, place a bag in it so that the herbs fully give up all their monetary energy to the water.

Immerse yourself completely in the water and imagine how all the cells of your skin are saturated with monetary energy. While in the bathroom, you need to imagine that it is filled not with water, but with banknotes.

  • To attract monetary energy, you can acquire special talismans. You can place a ceramic turtle in the northern corner of the house. The presence of this animal promises wealth and prosperity in the house. You can also keep a live turtle in the house. You can feed her pelleted food.
  • Positive energy is carried by bright light in the corridor. To do this, you can hang a large chandelier. It is also beneficial to hang red lanterns. They carry a certain meaning and are intended for good luck and wealth.
  • To ensure that you always have money in your wallet, you need to store the bills in order. Coins should be kept separate from paper banknotes. In this case, the bills must be intact, clean and not wrinkled. The wallet should be brown or gray, since the elements of money are metal and earth.
  • To avoid losing your money, you should never pick up coins from the ground.
  • Another indispensable guarantee of well-being is careful and proper handling of money.

What time of year is best to take out a loan?

When can you take out a loan and at what time? This question is not without logic. Indeed, seasonality affects loan demand. For example, summer is the holiday season, therefore, the demand for credit in the summer months is always stable. People take money for travel, repairs, trips, etc.

If you look at the statistics, you can see that the maximum size loan portfolio is reached at the end of the year, when many borrowers pay off their loans to start the new year debt-free.

For some reason, some people believe that there is a certain time of day when it is better to apply for a loan. This is actually a simple misconception.


You should postpone such a purchase until spring or summer. During this period, you can purchase a new or low-mileage car. In January, most dealers hold seasonal sales and reduce prices on last year's models.


Spring is the beginning of a new life. Therefore, you can safely go to the bank to apply for a mortgage. It is during this period that the real estate market stabilizes.

New and interesting offers appear at better prices. Also in the spring they take out loans for agricultural needs.


Summer is the holiday season. It is during the summer months that banks launch various loyalty programs and organize promotions aimed at attracting customers.

At this time, you can safely apply for a loan for repairs or travel. They also take out loans for school in the summer.


It’s better to decorate in the fall loan agreement on long term. At this time of year, banks increase interest rates for consumer loans. Usually money is taken to prepare children for educational institutions.

Outside of seasons and not in competition, targeted loans are issued for the purchase of digital equipment, tablets, smartphones, laptops. The demand for such loan products is high at any time of the year.

Favorable days in December 2016 to take out a loan, buy or sell currency, do cash deposits, borrow and repay debts.

December 1, 2016, 3rd lunar day (10:39), waxing Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. The dynamic energy of the day contributes to career achievements. Support your success with the necessary spells and amulets. In the evening, make a personal talisman to attract wealth.

December 2, 2016, 4th lunar day (11:28), waxing Moon in Capricorn. Hard day. There is a high probability of conflicts. If possible, refrain from making important decisions and transactions. In the evening, seek advice from money fortunetellers.

December 3, 2016, 5th lunar day (12:08), waxing Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. Today is a favorable moment to lay the foundation for prosperity for the coming quarter. To do this, perform money rituals. Slavic magic is especially strong.

December 4, 2016, 6th lunar day (12:40), waxing Moon in Aquarius. Time for major purchases, gifts, meetings. Rejoice and have fun - positive emotions will become a catalyst for successful events. In the evening, count the money, showing it to the Moon.

December 5, 2016, 7th lunar day (13:07), waxing Moon in Aquarius. Do not borrow money and do not enter into credit agreements - otherwise you will scare away financial energy and get bogged down in a series of losses. In the evening, read a prayer for prosperity.

December 6, 2016, 8th lunar day (13:28), waxing Moon in Aquarius/Pisces. Today, the likelihood of running into thieves who can steal your luck is increasing. Use the amulets! Hints from Higher Powers will help you choose the right magic.

December 7, 2016, 9th lunar day (13:48), waxing Moon in Pisces. A good day for creativity and self-realization. If you put in the effort, your hobby will soon generate income. A favorable moment for concluding deals and contracts.

December 8, 2016, 10th lunar day (14:06), waxing Moon in Pisces/Aries. Do not lend in any way - you will get a hole in your personal money energy flow. In the afternoon, charge your piggy bank or savings book for an influx of money.

December 9, 2016, 11th lunar day (14:24), waxing Moon in Aries. Don't brag about your achievements. This is not a good time to spend big. Turn to esotericism to determine the direction of movement, and insight will come to you.

December 10, 2016, 12th lunar day (14:44), waxing Moon in Aries/Taurus. Read a prayer against envious people. Perform a ritual to repay debts. Avoid major big expenses and purchases and focus on your savings plans.

December 11, 2016, 13th lunar day (15:07), waxing Moon in Taurus. In the first half of the day, turn to oriental magic and the art of feng shui to increase the flow of wealth. Don’t quarrel with your loved ones - otherwise you’ll end up with a breakdown in your money energy flow!

December 12, 2016, 14th lunar day (15:57), waxing Moon in Taurus/Gemini. The word has great power - when reading conspiracies, be careful not to make a mistake. Learn new magical practices, make witchcraft artifacts.

December 13, 2016, 15th lunar day (16:15), waxing Moon in Gemini. Today is a good time to carry out a ceremony to increase your salary, to attract a new money job. A favorable moment for concluding food locks and contracts.

December 14, 2016, 16th lunar day (17:06), Moon in Gemini/Cancer, full moon at 03:07. Start your magical influence on financial flows in the morning. Great is the power of conspiracies to repay debts, charge a business for success, and rituals for trade.

December 15, 2016, 17th lunar day (18:10), waning Moon in Cancer. A good moment to start a journey, for major acquisitions. Read conspiracies so that your superiors will show loyalty to you. Otherwise, you may fall under undeserved sanctions!

December 16, 2016, 18th lunar day (19:24), waning Moon in Cancer/Leo (16:14). Reckless magical manipulations can lead to material losses or loss of strength. Be careful - your competitors are plotting against you, protect yourself with a talisman!

December 17, 2016, 19th lunar day (20:43), waning Moon in Leo. Any type of magic aimed at improving life is effective. In the afternoon, make your own amulet for the wallet, perform a ritual-bait of work.

December 18, 2016, 20 lunar day (22:02), waning Moon in Leo/Virgo. The energy of the day is suitable for carrying out money rituals. Show generosity, give alms, and in the near future your financial situation will improve!

December 19, 2016, 21 lunar day (23:20), waning Moon in Virgo. You are guaranteed success in business if you show determination. When concluding deals, use amulets against scammers. In the afternoon, read a prayer for a full wallet.

December 20, 2016, continuation of 21 lunar days, waning Moon in Virgo. In the first half of the day, resolve issues related to real estate and trade. It is favorable to strengthen business connections and make the necessary contacts.

December 21, 2016, 22nd lunar day (00:35), waning Moon in Virgo/Libra. Be careful, focus on work tasks - there is a high risk of making a serious mistake, for which you will then have to suffer a monetary penalty and lose your trust!

December 22, 2016, 23rd lunar day (01:48), waning Moon in Libra. Beware of scammers and envious people - today it is easy to catch a spell of good luck. Use amulets and talismans to protect yourself from theft and loss.

December 23, 2016, 24th lunar day (02:59), waning Moon in Libra/Scorpio. Keep yourself under control so as not to spoil your relationships with your bosses and colleagues. This is not the best time to manage money energy - the result will most likely disappoint you.

December 24, 2016, 25th lunar day (04:10), waning Moon in Scorpio. Throw all your energy into solving work issues: the powerful energy of the day will open up new potential in you, your work will return to you a hundredfold. It's good to start looking for a new job.

December 25, 2016, 26th lunar day (05:20), waning Moon in Scorpio. This is not the best time to manage money energy - the result will most likely disappoint you. In the evening, tell fortunes to determine a strategy for attracting wealth.

December 26, 2016, 27th lunar day (06:28), waning Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Day of negotiations and resolution of important issues, be prepared. In the evening, count the cash you have, imagining how it multiplies and how you get richer.

December 27, 2016, 28th lunar day (07:33), waning Moon in Sagittarius. Take a charmed coin with you when you go shopping - it will protect you from scammers. Be careful - today the likelihood of running into thieves increases.

December 28, 2016, 29th lunar day (08:33), waning Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. Today it is favorable to make large purchases, make real estate transactions, and establish new business connections. In the evening, read conspiracies for unexpected profits.

December 29, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days (09:26/09:53), Moon in Capricorn, new moon at 09:53. On the new moon, conjure a new wallet and piggy bank to increase your income and increase your savings. In the afternoon, turn to the Slavic magic of prosperity.

December 30, 2016, 2nd lunar day (10:10), waxing Moon in Capricorn. Do not leave personal belongings anywhere: today it is especially easy to cause damage through them. Don’t raise the money you find: you risk taking on other people’s problems.

December 31, 2016, 3rd lunar day (10:45), waxing Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. Understanding mistakes will help you find the path to wealth and success. It is important to pay off all debts and not make new ones. Do not borrow money on the eve of the New Year 2017. Charge your talisman for good luck.

The US dollar is a safe haven currency that is constantly in flux. Researching fundamental phenomena and determining the trend in the value of the dollar allows investors to have a constant income.

The exchange rate depends primarily on the issuing country (USA), international trade, supply and demand.

Dollar exchange rate for today and dynamics (data Central Bank Russia):
09.05.2019 65.2287
08.05.2019 65.2166
01.05.2019 64.6314
24.04.2019 63.7906
23.04.2019 63.7860
20.04.2019 63.9602
19.04.2019 64.0688
18.04.2019 63.9450
13.04.2019 64.5171
11.04.2019 64.7373
10.04.2019 64.7766
09.04.2019 65.3498
06.04.2019 65.4072
05.04.2019 65.3281

Important: - expert opinions.

What does the dollar exchange rate depend on?

External factors affecting the dollar exchange rate

  • Fluctuations in the exchange rate of the American ruble are caused by external reasons, which include investment projects, increasing output money supply, the country’s participation in hostilities, oil and precious metals quotes and the degree of confidence in the currency. The whole world prefers to conduct transactions using US dollars for settlements. But sometimes, major players (Norway, Iran) decide to use another standard, for example, the euro or oil. Lack of trust threatens to reduce the value and collapse of dollar quotes.
  • Rising prices for oil and gold lead to the depreciation of the American currency, since the United States is their main consumer. The participation of the United States in international conflicts and even information about this causes immediate fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate.

Internal reasons for changes in the value of the American currency

  • The main factor determining the dollar exchange rate in a country is its economic development, depending on the gross domestic product, inflation rate, trade and payment balance ratio, number of unemployed, etc.
  • No less important financial indicators banking institutions, which include discount rates, the amount of money in circulation, dividends from government bonds.
  • The state of the American ruble is affected by negative natural phenomena and the unstable political situation in the country.
  • Depending on the rise of a particular party to power, the exchange rate can vary greatly. The turbulent situation in the country, the threat of terrorist attacks and strikes lead to an increase in the dollar. A positive foreign trade balance helps strengthen national currency, the fall of the dollar and vice versa. Trade balance is constantly changing and may be seasonal, causing temporary fluctuations in the exchange rate.
  • The state can intervene on foreign exchange market and artificially influence the value of the dollar. It all depends on the scale of the authorities’ actions.
  • US unemployment data has a very strong impact on all markets. If it has decreased, it means American economy feels good. This means the Federal Reserve will soon begin raising rates. This helps the dollar grow.

Since April 15, 2003, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has established the official dollar-ruble exchange rate based on the weighted average value established as of 11:30 Moscow time on the previous trading day.

History of the dollar

One version of the origin of the dollar says that this sign appeared back in the 16th century, in the Czech city of Jáchymov. In the 1500s, coins for Rome began to be minted there. The British who came to the Czech Republic borrowed this banknote and called him "thaler". Subsequently, the Americans appropriated this name for their currency, replacing the first letter “t” with “d” and the result was “Daler”.

According to another version, the dollar first appeared in the Scandinavian countries. Historians claim that when the Czech Jáchymov appeared, money with a similar name “Daler” was already used in Denmark and Sweden, and it was the Czechs who borrowed the name from the Scandinavians, renaming “Daler” to “thaler”.

The dollar symbol "$" is a redesign of the German Thaler symbol. The reverse of the coin depicted a snake entwined around a cross. Subsequently, the snake took the form of the “S” sign, and the cross was transformed into a stripe crossing the letter. Hence the well-known “$” symbol.

An important event in the history of the dollar is that in 1785 it became the national currency of the States of America. America's first mint appeared in 1792. The Americans liked paper money so much that they decided to abandon coins and completely switch to them.

The dollar acquired its green color in 1961, when the printing house that printed money received an order to print a colossal amount. To quickly complete the task, the printing house workers used the paint that was most abundant in the warehouse. From that time on, the color of the dollar became green and never changed. The type of dollar changed very often and became constant in the 20th century.

The dollars depict presidents and prominent figures of the United States. On the bill: $1 - George Washington, $2 - Thomas Jefferson, $5 - Abraham Lincoln, $10 - the first Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton, $20 - Jackson. The 50 dollar bill features Wiliss Simpson Grant, and the 100 dollar bill decorates the portrait of diplomat B. Franklin.

It is forbidden to depict the faces of living politicians on American dollars, since a living politician can ruin the reputation of the national currency with his scandalous actions. In 64 of the nineteenth century, a corresponding law was signed in America.

A financial horoscope can be an indispensable help in money matters. Especially now, when there is very little left until the end of the year, and issues of savings and expenses arise especially acutely.

In order not to waste your finances, you can not only read the weekly financial horoscope, but also look at the lunar calendar for every day. And Feng Shui talismans will help bring prosperity into your home.


In December, the Stars treat Aries favorably, but so that Fortune does not turn away, you should think about tomorrow: postponing small amounts for the future, you will improve energy and attract financial flows into the house, because money attracts money.

In addition, some Aries will begin to look for themselves in another field of activity. If you have thought about this step in advance, it will certainly bear fruit. It is better for Aries to plan their purchases wisely, without rushing to spend large sums at a time, either at the beginning or at the end of the month.


Taurus's finances this month do not directly depend on career success, although a cash bonus at the end of December is very likely. Continue along the chosen route.

Wanting to attract abundance and prosperity into the house, Taurus will succeed: you need to carefully monitor expenses, and everything will work out in the best possible way. A good solution would be to buy New Year's gifts in advance so as not to overpay in the last days of December for low-quality goods.


Gemini, judging by the horoscope, will have to tighten their belts in the first week of December. However, it is quite possible not to end up broke. To do this, astrologers advise Gemini to take a closer look at where the money is spent. By working on this, you will notice already in the second week of the month that you can control your financial flow.

It is better to attract the attention of the Stars closer to the New Year. Try to learn something new in a month that can bring you success - for example, improve your foreign language skills, computer literacy, and broaden your horizons. The Universe pays attention to such little things - although it doesn’t always happen right away.


If at this stage you are in cramped circumstances, it’s time to figure it out and think about where exactly you might have stumbled. Maybe you should even decide and change your field of activity. But don’t get excited, think about everything - you have a whole month ahead of you. By the way, have you already come up with a New Year's wish?

And if things are already going well, just continue in the same spirit. Positive thinking helps you go from small victories to big achievements.

a lion

The financial horoscope of Leo is favorable for big acquisitions. True, they will have to be done very thoughtfully: the time for sweeping gestures has not yet come.

Judging by the money horoscope, Leos should think in advance about what to give for the New Year. Time will fly by, and it will be difficult to please your loved ones with gifts bought in a hurry. In order not to waste your money, approach the matter thoughtfully - with a list and a willingness not to buy up half the souvenir shop.


In December, Dev will experience a redistribution of financial flows. Money may come into your hands - but you may also end up broke. However, the monetary astrological forecast is favorable, which means you just need not to give up the opportunities that come your way and not miss the signs from above. And then the changes will only be with a “plus” sign.

From time to time, look at astrological forecasts throughout the month. Then you can build your success strategy and evaluate every week whether you are going in the right direction.


By the end of the year, many Libras will notice that stability and constancy could be shaken: someone will receive a lucrative but risky offer, and someone will be faced with a choice between a job they love, but not very lucrative, and a job that is paid, but does not evoke a response. At such moments, the Universe will not choose for you which direction to move. This means that you will have to decide to take a step forward - come what may.

The voice of intuition will help you insure yourself against negative consequences. Listen to it and develop your sixth sense - it will be useful to you next year.


Your sting may turn against you. At the end of the year, astrologers advise to improve relationships with others and loved ones, and also not to harbor negativity, focusing on the positive and happy moments of life.

It would be a good idea to cleanse the energy of things that you often use so that they do not attract failure or poverty. This will help you in both everyday affairs and financial matters. When all other areas of life go well, money begins to stay. Try this method; Perhaps harmony is exactly what you are missing right now.


In December, when the holidays are very soon, you can safely please yourself with a gift. Buy yourself your favorite sweets or a fun set of Christmas tree decorations. Of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes, but you shouldn’t deprive yourself of your mood in austerity mode either.

And energy cleaning of the apartment will help create favorable conditions for material wealth. At the end of the year, there comes a special, transitional time when you can take care of energy and bring prosperity under the roof of your home.


You can’t earn all the money, which means it’s time for many Capricorns to think about workaholism. Despite the fact that it will pay off, and you will see its fruits, including in the form of salary growth, do not forget about other things.

For example, your loved ones may lack warmth, and this cannot be made up for with gifts. Try to think not only about financial, but also about spiritual wealth.


Aquarians can attract money with Natalia Pravdina’s affirmations for wealth and prosperity. Positive attitudes have a good effect on both energy and self-confidence. They will help you take on business with faith in your strengths, and then receive the finances you deserve.

This approach will be most beneficial on the eve of the holidays, when the energy around is upbeat and filled with positivity. Set yourself up for the best: when starting to save, collect money not for a “rainy day”, but for something good - be it a new car, a new dress or a trip to the other side of the world.


To prevent your finances from flowing into unknown places, you can try the advice of psychologists for proper budget allocation. Or resort to the help of wealth talismans in Feng Shui. By choosing the method that suits you best - working with the inner world or a rational approach - you will achieve results.

The most determined Pisces can combine business with pleasure. Try both methods, and practice will show which has a better effect on your wealth.

December 1. The day is suitable for shopping: purchasing clothes, accessories, cosmetics. There is a chance to buy great things and save money at the same time!

December 2nd. An ideal moment for financial negotiations, signing agreements, and especially for completing transactions.

December 3. Today it is worth resolving issues related to banks, taxes, and insurance. But starting something new, for example opening deposits, is not recommended.

December 4. The day favors saving. But remember: the miser pays twice! It makes sense to buy quality items that are designed to last for a long time.

5th of December. Unforeseen expenses can take you by surprise. Take a stash with you, but not too big, so as not to accidentally spend too much.

December 7. Carefully check your financial documents, keep an eye on your wallet and valuables: the likelihood of losses is very high!

December 8. Plans and projects that arose today are destined to come true! Think about the paths that will lead you to wealth, but it’s better to hold off on real actions.

9th December. Do a meditation: imagine that a cloud of banknotes hangs over your head. It grows and finally rains money, and you are charged with the energy of wealth.

December 10. It is possible to replenish the budget and receive dividends. You may get back a debt that you no longer expected to receive.

December 11th. It is not recommended to have your head in the clouds today: your carelessness or the malicious intent of others can hit you in the pocket!

12 December. A good time to sign financial documents, implement banking operations. It is possible to make a profit.

December 13th. Today, determination and drive are your trump cards in money matters. But do not forget about caution and practicality!

December 14. It is better to postpone all important financial transactions, especially those related to banks, loans, inheritance: difficulties are possible.

December 15. The best purchases will be goods for active recreation and travel. It is worth purchasing gym memberships, tickets to sporting events, clothing for fitness, and vouchers.

December 16. Good day for bank deposits, business investments and solid purchases. But be careful with other people's money, it is a potential source of problems

December 17. "Trust but check!" - the motto of today. Extreme practicality and attentiveness will help avoid financial losses and disappointments.

December 18. It is better to solve current financial matters without taking on new major projects. Large purchases are also not recommended: they will not last long.

December 19th. Keep an eye on your belongings and pockets, especially when traveling: losses are likely. To avoid misunderstandings, be careful with checks and receipts.

20th of December. Today it is appropriate to show generosity and make donations. Take the opportunity to make successful gifts for your family and friends on the eve of the New Year 2017!

21 December. The desire to impress or treat yourself can put a strain on your budget. But it’s definitely not worth getting into debt or asking for a loan.

December 22. Today's investments are practical and promise decent profits. But there may be discrepancies with financial documents!

December 23. You should approach spending rationally, giving preference to practical and useful purchases (even if these are gifts).

December 24. This is a bad time for financial transactions, investments, purchases: it is unlikely that you will be able to increase your capital, but losses are very likely.

December 25. Perform a ritual for wealth. Place a bowl between the burning candles and a mirror behind it. Pour water into it and throw 10 coins with the words: “Money, always flow into my house, like water into this magic bowl!”

December 26. The day is favorable for money matters and making a profit. It is likely that your debt will be repaid or you will have the opportunity to pay off creditors.

27th of December. It is better to spend money on entertainment, gifts for loved ones and grand gestures. Try to match your desires to your possibilities!

December 29th. The new moon is a reason to slow down all financial affairs, they will not be successful anyway. It is advisable to reduce even purchases to the necessary minimum.

December 30th. The day favors profits, gifts, and pleasant spending. However, do not forget about the need to save, otherwise life will remind you of it!

31th of December. New Year 2017 - it's time to do some magic! Take large bills, wrap batteries in them and put them in a secluded place. Let the money “charge” for the whole next year!