OKPD 2 supply of goods. All-Russian classifiers assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. What is

The structure of the OKPD is harmonized in accordance with the Statistical Classification by Type of Activities (CPES 2002) used in European countries. The Russian classifier retains six-digit codes and volumes of denomination concepts taken from its foreign counterpart. Also, the compilers of the classifier took into account the special needs national economy Russia, and for better product detail, they provided for the possibility of using codes with 7-9 digits of alphanumeric combinations.

In OKPD, produced goods and services are classified by type of economic activity. The list of presented positions has a hierarchical structure. Each type of activity is designated by a special code consisting of 2-9 groups of symbol combinations. Conventionally designating each character with the symbol “Z”, the composition of the code can be represented by the following formula;

ZZ – class of service or product;
ZZ.Z – subclass;
ZZ.ZZ – group;
ZZ.ZZ.Z – subgroup;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ – type;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ0 – category;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZZ – subcategory.

The seventh, eighth and ninth digits are indicated by the number “0” in cases where product detailing is not carried out at the national level. Detailing of the last characters of the code is performed only on the condition that services or goods of the same type can be divided into several categories or subcategories. For example, tropical nuts are designated by code, and by code are coconuts as a subcategory of tropical, are Brazil nuts, are cashew nuts.

Explanations may be provided for individual groups to clarify the information.

The All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activities (OKPD 2) is part of national system standardization Russian Federation. Classifier OK 034-2014 KPES 2008 is a tree structure of OKPD2 product codes, built on a hierarchical principle. The OKPD2 classifier is used to solve cataloging problems when certifying homogeneous groups of products built on the basis of groupings of OKPD2 codes. Each OKPD2 code contains 2-9 digits of the form XX.XX.XX.XXX. The OK 034-2014 classifier has an eight-level hierarchical classification. The first stage of the OKPD2 code consists of sections of the KPES 2008 classifier with a letter designation (A, B, etc.), then there are classes of the OKPD 2 XX classifier, then subclasses XX.X, groups XX.XX, subgroups of the OKPD code XX.XX.X , types XX.XX.XX, categories XX.XX.XX.XX0 and, finally, subcategories XX.XX.XX.XXX The correspondence of OKPD 2 codes and CPE 2008 between the second and third, fourth and fifth characters of the OKPD 2 code is ensured by the separator - a period. Additional levels of OKPD 2 compared to CPA 2008 are separated by a dot between the sixth and seventh digits of the OKPD code. In cases where there is no division of the species into categories, 7-9 characters of the OKPD 2 code have a zero value.

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Classifier OKPD 2 OK 034-2014 KPES 2008


From the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2003 No. 677 “On all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information in the socio-economic field”:

The development of all-Russian classifiers is ensured by federal executive authorities and is carried out in agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, the Federal Service state statistics and the Ministry economic development Russian Federation.

The use of all-Russian classifiers is mandatory when creating state information systems and information resources, as well as during interdepartmental exchange of information and in other cases, established by law Russian Federation. All-Russian classifiers are used in legal acts in the socio-economic field to unambiguously identify objects of legal relations.

Determination of the code of a classification object related to the activities of an economic entity using the all-Russian classifier is carried out by the economic entity independently by assigning this object to the corresponding code and position name of the all-Russian classifier, except for cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services OK 004-93 (OKDP)

All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services OK 004-93 (OKDP)" style=" display: none;">

developed taking into account the recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission. The construction of the OKDP is based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) and the international Central Products Classification (CPC). Part II and Part III are currently used to classify products and services. Parts I and IV were canceled by Rosstandart order No. 454 of November 6, 2001 “On the adoption and implementation of OKVED”.

All-Russian Classifier of Economic Regions OK 024 - 95 (OKER)

All-Russian Classifier of Economic Regions OK 024 - 95 (OKER)" style=" display: none;">

is a systematic list of regional economic groupings of objects of administrative-territorial division of Russia. The objects of classification in OKER are various types of economic regions. At the same time, under economic region is understood as a set of objects of the administrative-territorial division of the country that have a number of common natural and economic characteristics.

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1) (OKVED)

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1) (OKVED)" style=" display: none;">

built on the basis of harmonization with the official version in Russian of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Economic Community (hereinafter - NACE Rev. 1) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 1) by saving it in OKVED from NACE Rev. . 1 codes (up to four characters inclusive) and names of the corresponding positions without changing the scope of concepts. Features that reflect your needs Russian economy by detailing the types of activities, are taken into account in OKVED groupings with five- and six-digit codes.

OKVED is used to classify and code the types of economic activities declared by business entities during registration, determine the main and other types of economic activities actually carried out by business entities, develop regulations relating to government regulation certain types of economic activities, implementation of state statistical monitoring by types of activities for development economic processes, preparing statistical information for international comparisons, coding information on types of economic activities in information systems and resources, the unified state register of enterprises and organizations, other information registers, as well as to meet the needs of public authorities and management for information on types of economic activities when solving analytical problems.

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1) (OKVED)

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1) (OKVED)" style=" display: none;">

built on the basis of harmonization with the official version in Russian of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as NACE Rev. 1.1) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 1.1) by saving it in OKVED from NACE Rev. . 1.1 codes (up to four characters inclusive) and names of the corresponding positions without changing the scope of concepts. Features that reflect the needs of the Russian economy in detailing types of activities are taken into account in OKVED groupings with five- and six-digit codes.

The objects of classification in OKVED are types of economic activity.

It is used to carry out state statistical monitoring by type of activity over the development of economic processes, and to prepare statistical information for comparison at the international level.

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic detail OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002) (OKPD)

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic detail OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002) (OKPD)" style=" display: none;">

built on the basis of harmonization with the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2002 version (CPA 2002) by maintaining without changes in the OKPD from CPA 2002 codes (up to six characters inclusive) and the scope of concepts of the corresponding positions. Features that reflect the needs of the Russian economy for product detailing are taken into account in OKPD groupings with 7-9-bit codes.

The objects of classification in OKPD are products (services, works).

OKPD can be used to classify and code products (services, works) for the purposes of state statistics, as well as to prepare statistical information for comparisons at the international level.

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev.2) (OKVED 2)

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) (OKVED 2)" style=" display: none;">

built on the basis of harmonization with the official version in Russian of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (Version 2) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev.2) by maintaining it in OKVED 2 (from NACE Rev.2 ) codes (up to four characters inclusive) and names of the corresponding groupings without changing the scope of concepts. Features that reflect the needs of the Russian economy in detailing the types of economic activities are taken into account in OKVED 2 groupings at the level of groupings with five- and six-digit codes. The objects of classification in OKVED are types of economic activity.

OKVED 2 is used to classify and code types of economic activities declared by business entities during registration, determine the main and additional types of economic activities carried out by business entities, develop regulations relating to state regulation of certain types of economic activities, carry out state statistical monitoring by types of activities for subjects of the national economy and social sphere, preparing statistical information for comparisons at the international level, coding information by type of economic activity in information systems and resources, meeting the needs of government authorities and management for information on types of economic activity when solving analytical problems.

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity 034-2014 (KPES 2008) (OKPD 2)

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity 034-2014 (KPES 2008) (OKPD 2) "style=" display: none;">

built on the basis of harmonization with the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2008 version (CPA 2008) by maintaining without changes in OKPD 2 from CPA 2008 codes ( up to six characters inclusive) and the volume of concepts of the corresponding positions. However, there are cases for which national characteristics reflected by changing CPA 2008 groupings with 2 - 6-bit codes. Features that reflect the needs of the Russian economy for product detailing are taken into account in OKPD 2 groupings with 7 9-bit codes.

The objects of classification in OKPD 2 are products (services, works). OKPD 2 is intended to provide information support for the classification and coding of products (services, works) for the purposes of state statistics, the development of regulatory legal acts relating to state regulation of certain types of economic activities, the implementation of a set of accounting functions within the framework of work on state statistics related to meeting the needs of authorities state power and management in information about products by type of economic activity in solving analytical problems, ensuring a system of state contracting and wholesale trade in the domestic market, preparing statistical information for comparisons at the international level, placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work (provision of services) for state and municipal needs, taxation, ensuring the classification of fixed assets used in the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets, standardization and mandatory confirmation of product conformity, classification and coding of services provided to the population by business entities.

You should not expect that the first problem that the solver or individual entrepreneur will face will be the need to understand the complex system of state classifiers, codes and abbreviations. However, over time, when the primary documents are drawn up and the head of the newly created company can gradually begin to conquer living space in the market, one will have to delve into the intricacies of domestic and European classification and deciphering incomprehensible terms - or it will be necessary to use the appropriate reference books, which will make life much easier for a businessman.

One of the most commonly used codes in the Russian Federation is OKPD 2; You can’t do without it when carrying out almost all types of activities. How the abbreviation stands for and where you can download a complete reference book on OKPD 2 codes is in the following brief explanation.

Why is OKPD 2 needed?

You should start by deciphering the term. OKPD 2 is, according to official data, the All-Russian (O) classifier (K) of products (P) by type of economic activity (D). As you can see, when creating the abbreviation, not all the words involved in the full name were used, which creates a little confusion with another frequently used code - OKVED, All-Russian (O) Classifier (K) of Types (V) of Economic (E) Activities (D). Nevertheless, there is a difference between the codes, and a very significant one.

The new OKPD 2 system, which replaced the previously existing OKP and OKPD, was approved in 2014 by Rosstat Order No. 14; Moreover, the structure of the document itself was developed over several years by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Important: in official documents (in particular, in the recently mentioned order), the classifiers have different names that are difficult to remember: respectively OK005 93 (OKP codes), OK034 2007 (OKPD system) and OK034 2014 (OKPD 2 itself, finally brought into line with the European CPA 2008 classification). It is easy to guess that the digital designations after the abbreviations are years of development or approval of code systems.

Like its direct predecessor, OKPD, which is still in use today, OKPD 2 is part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical, Economic and Social Information, which allows not only to quickly find, but also to use a unified automated approach to processing information received by Rosstat about production of products and provision of services.

Although formally the mentioned department identifies four main areas of application of the classifier (economic, accounting, statistical and standardization), in practice the codes are simply called statistical, since entrepreneurs know even less about the use of OKPD 2 for other purposes than about the main one.

In fact, the All-Russian Product Classifier in its second edition is a large reference book (you can download it on the Internet either in parts or as one document, usually intended for working in MS Word), by navigating through which or using the built-in search function, a businessman can only only those who have completed or already have sufficient experience in commercial activities can independently find “their” code and check the correctness of its assignment by the registration authority. However, it will not be possible to check the counterparty according to the OKPD 2 list: the maximum information that an entrepreneur can receive is the type of economic activity of a potential business partner.

Important: although the OKPD 2 code system was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, changes to it are made only in agreement with the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). Currently, there are about twenty corrections made, so it makes special sense for an individual entrepreneur or head of a commercial structure to check the current classification from time to time.

The information contained in the All-Russian Product Classifier OKPD 2 is especially often used in the following cases:

  • When developing and executing acts that serve to regulate any type of activity. As is known, inspections in different areas are carried out at different intervals, and, therefore, an entrepreneur may find himself in a situation where in each new episode a different code is used (while maintaining the commercial focus of the enterprise); this once again demonstrates the importance of timely data reconciliation; an act with an incorrectly entered code may be declared invalid.
  • When classifying products, works and services for the purpose of statistical study. Data received from all entrepreneurs registered on the territory of the Russian Federation is sent to the Federal State Statistics Service and processed in order to create a unified picture, which is important for assessing the economic situation in the country. All that is required from a businessman is simply to provide information of interest to Rosstat in a timely manner; all other operations are carried out by government employees.
  • When conducting public procurement at any level: from federal (all-Russian) to regional and municipal. Statistical codes, including OKPD 2, are used in the development and execution of documents, as well as when submitting an application by an entrepreneur wishing to participate in the competition. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to provide up-to-date information, checking the latest available OKPD directory, otherwise the application may simply be rejected.
  • Upon registration and further taxation registered organization. Here the burden already falls on the employees of the Federal tax service; an individual entrepreneur or the owner of a legal entity can only check, using an online or downloaded directory, the correct assignment of the code according to the classifier of products by type of activity and, if necessary, notify the Federal Tax Service of the error.
  • When standardizing and further checking the quality of manufactured products or services provided. In this situation, active actions from a person conducting commercial activities are also not required: codes according to the All-Russian Classifier (you can find them in a single directory) are assigned and used by the registrar; a businessman should, from time to time, setting aside some free time, check the codes assigned to his enterprise with the current ones and, if inaccuracies are detected, notify government authorities about this.
  • When drawing up documents necessary for conducting economic activities at the international level. If the application is drawn up by the entrepreneur himself, he should directly monitor the accuracy of the data provided in it; if the merchant is represented by a government agency, this responsibility falls on civil servants.

Important: despite the statistical and representative significance, in the everyday life of an entrepreneur, codes according to the All-Russian Product Classifier OKPD 2 are used relatively rarely. Much more often there is a need to check it against the database Federal service bailiffs, than to make sure that the type of activity of a business partner, already known by default to the second party, corresponds to the code assigned to it. Therefore, when concluding cooperation agreements, the stage of reconciling OKPD 2 codes can be skipped, concentrating on more important details of commercial activities.

Classifier structure

As already mentioned, the All-Russian Classifier of Products, Works and Services OKPD 2, developed and approved in the Russian Federation, is brought into line with the European classification CPA 2008 (Statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community - CPEC, or CPA 2008).

In most cases, the Russian developer, the Ministry of Economic Development, for the purpose of maximum compliance, left the two- to six-digit CPA 2008 codes unchanged, but sometimes, taking into account the peculiarities of the development and functioning of the domestic economy, “extended” seven-, eight- and nine-digit codes. The Russian Federation is no exception in this matter: a similar practice is common in a number of countries of the European Union, as well as in states that are applicants to join it.

As you can see, OKPD 2 contains a huge amount of information, completely excluding the possibility of simple sequential classification. On the other hand, too complex a breakdown into subcategories would lead to new problems and inevitable confusion, threatening not only economic but also reputational losses. Therefore, when developing the classification, it was decided, as before, to use both methods: sequential and hierarchical. The types of products produced or services provided are listed sequentially, and the subtypes (subcategories) are listed in a “deepening”, hierarchical order.

Classifier structure in general view comprises:

  • 00 - classes (the most general category);
  • 00.0 - subclasses;
  • 00.00 - groups of goods, works or services;
  • 00.00.0 - subgroups;
  • 00.00.00 - types of products offered by the entrepreneur (this is where the pan-European classification ends);
  • - categories (in the Russian system);
  • - subcategories (in the Russian classifier).

As you can see, the number of digits in OKPD 2 of an organization can range from two to six (within the CPA) or up to nine (taking into account the specifics of the domestic economy).

Important: to maintain compliance of the codes used according to the OKPD 2 and KPES 2008 classifiers, as well as to improve perception, the following are separated by a dot:

  • second and third characters of the code;
  • fourth and fifth digits of the classifier;
  • in the Russian version - the sixth and seventh characters (the ninth, if there is one, is written together with the seventh and eighth).

In addition, it is currently customary in codes that comply with European standards (that is, including no more than six characters) to use all nine digits, replacing the last three with zeros. If the product or service has Russian specifics, the final three characters (or only the seventh and eighth) differ from zero.

Example of product classification using OKPD 2:

  • 05 . General class name: "Coal".
  • 05.2 . Subclass name: “Brown coal (lignite).”
  • 05.20 . Product group name: “Brown coal (lignite).”
  • 05.20.1 . Subgroup name: “Brown coal (lignite).”
  • 05.20.10 . Product type name: “Brown coal (lignite).”
  • . The name of the first subcategory provided by the regulator: “Run brown coal (lignite).”
  • . Name of the second subcategory: “Enriched brown coal (lignite).”
  • . The name of the third subcategory: “Brown coal (lignite) concentrate.”

In order to prevent possible misunderstandings, the developer of OKPD 2 has provided explanations for categories and subcategories included in the name, which serve to:

  • precise, leaving no room for ambiguous interpretation of the understanding of isolated terms, abbreviations or phrases within the general name;
  • creating an unambiguous concept about the specifics of the production, provision and use of goods and services included in a given category or subcategory;
  • providing the reader with an exhaustive or broadly interpretable list of products included in a category or subcategory or work performed;
  • prevention of intentional or accidental inclusion in the described category (subcategory) of goods or services not provided for by the compiler (for example, mixing shale and anthracite coal).

For “European” (up to six characters) codes, explanations for classes, subclasses, and so on in descending order of goods and services usually correspond to those adopted in the European Union and are not given in the directory (or are given partially) or, if there are significant discrepancies, are included directly in the classification.

Important: in accordance with the logical principle of constructing hierarchical lists, a comment relating to a more “general” group fully applies to its subgroups. Therefore, when trying to independently find your code using the All-Russian Classifier, an entrepreneur must take into account the notes related to “superior” categories.

For example, in domestic practice, instead of the European standardCPA 2008 in use:

  • for subclass 10.4 (“Vegetable and animal oils and fats”) - Technical Regulations TR TS-024/2011 of the Customs Union concerning relevant products;
  • for subclass 10.5 (“Milk, dairy products”) - Federal Law (Technical Regulations) No. 88-FZ, approved in June 2008;
  • for subclass 10.32 (“Juices from vegetables and fruits”) - Technical Regulations CU TR-023/2011 of the Customs Union;
  • for all drugs included in the OKPD - ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) classification system and so on.

When using unified codes, they are not used, but the most general letter designations of the sections of the classifier are included in all online and offline directories. They have no practical significance and rather serve to understand the structure of the system itself:

  1. Section A. It includes agricultural products, animal products from fisheries and forestry.
  2. Section B- all products related to the mining industry.
  3. Section C- goods offered by processing enterprises.
  4. Section D- gas, steam, electrical energy and air mixture conditioning services.
  5. Section E- works on water supply and drainage of water flows, as well as reclamation services.
  6. Section F- all types of construction work.
  7. Section G- services related to retail and wholesale commercial activities; and in addition, with the repair of mechanical Vehicle(cars, trucks and motorcycles).
  8. Section H- work on organizing transport transportation and warehouse activities.
  9. Section I- services in the field of hospitality and catering.
  10. Section J- services provided in the field of communications (including cellular), information processing and transmission.
  11. Section K- services of financial (including investment) companies and insurance agencies.
  12. Section L- the entire range of services to ensure the interests of clients in the field of real estate.
  13. Section M- works related to engineering, technical, professional and scientific (not applied) fields.
  14. Section N- administrative, economic, organizational (in a general sense) and support services.
  15. Section O- a set of public services for social insurance(mandatory part), management and military support.
  16. Section P- services provided by government or commercial structures in the field of education.
  17. Section Q- services provided in the field of health care and social protection citizens.
  18. Section R- a set of services in the field of entertainment, cultural events, recreation, sports (in its entertainment part) and art.
  19. Section S- other services provided to citizens, including the activities of public organizations.
  20. Section T- goods, works and services produced and provided at home and for one’s own use.
  21. Section U- services provided to consumers by extraterritorial structures.

Advice: although officially the letter designations are not used when using OKPD 2 codes, since they represent unnecessary information, it is recommended that an individual entrepreneur or the owner of a legal entity, when mentioning the code in the text of the document, add the corresponding name in brackets after it - this will allow the counterparty to quickly check the given data on reference book.

Download OKPD 2 classifier

How does OKPD differ from OKPD 2?

Total in history modern Russia Three options for classifying products by type of economic activity were consistently used:

  1. OKP, that is, simply the All-Russian Product Classifier. Developed since 1991 by several virtually independent government agencies on behalf of the Russian Government. Approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation at the end of 1993; came into force the following year. Not related to European requirements for the classification of goods, works and services; consists of six significant characters (the first two, indicating the class, are separated by a space) and a final check digit to verify that the code is assigned correctly. Thanks to the use of a hierarchical structure, the code can accurately determine which type of product it belongs to. The all-Russian OKP classifier has been completely phased out, according to the Rosstat Order of 2014, starting in 2017.
  2. OKPD. Appeared in 2008 (initially as an addition to the main OKP classifier). The first of the domestic systems brought into compliance with European standards (at that time it was still the CPEC of 2002). Approved by Rostekhregulirovaniya Order No. 329 at the end of 2007; came into force the following year. It included only 17 sections (four less than in the current edition), but almost 40 thousand groups versus the currently used 18 thousand. Formally, it has been taken out of use in accordance with the above-mentioned order since 2017, but for a number of reasons given below it is still in use.
  3. OKPD 2. Came at the beginning of 2015 to replace OKP and OKPD at the same time. Highly consistent European system CPA 2008, except using 7-9 character codes instead of the EU six digits separated by dots. Typically, OKPD 2 codes are in agreement with OKVED 2 codes, but there are also obvious discrepancies that no one is currently going to eliminate. Officially, OKPD 2 is the only used classifier of products manufactured in Russia since the beginning of 2017.

Important: in accordance with Order of the Federal State Statistics Service No. 14 of 2014 individual entrepreneurs and owners of large commercial structures must use in their work (starting from 2015) exclusively codes according to the All-Russian Classifier OKPD 2. However, sometimes, to make it easier to understand, it makes sense to include old codes in documents - if, of course, the company was registered before 2015. Otherwise, OKPD or OKP simply could not be assigned to it, and therefore the merchant would have nothing to choose from.

It also makes sense, when drawing up an act or agreement, if there are several codes, each time indicate in brackets after them the affiliation: OKP, OKPD or OKPD 2. Although, by decision of the legislator, the first two classifiers have already been withdrawn from circulation, there is no punishment for the fact that they (of course , together with the new code) will be given in the document, not provided.

Let's sum it up

OKPD code 2 is used for unambiguous classification and identification of goods, works or services offered by the manufacturer. The structure of the code is sequential-hierarchical, using letter designations for sections not mentioned in the document and six to nine-digit unique digital sequences. Check numbers at the end of the code are currently not used.

Find any code according to the All-Russian Product Classifier in accordance with economic activity(this is what the abbreviation OKPD 2 stands for) can be done using an online reference book or a document for MS Word, which can be downloaded from the link above. Currently, in accordance with the Order of Rosstat of 2014, only OKPD 2 codes should be used: OKP and OKPD are a thing of the past.