How to raise your credit rating with microloans? What does a borrower’s credit rating mean and how is it compiled? What prevents banks from raising their ratings

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How to exercise the right to receive credit history for free?

You have the right to obtain your credit history free of charge once a year or in the event of a lender’s refusal to issue you a loan (Clause 3 of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the organization of the formation and circulation of credit histories”). To do this, you need to send an application to the postal address - LLC "Ukrainian Bureau of Credit Histories", 49044, Dnepr, PO Box 2733.

The application must contain information that will make it possible to identify you (last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, identification code, legal address, residential address). The credit history will be sent by registered mail to your postal address within 2 days from the date of receipt of your application. The letter is delivered and handed to the recipient personally against signature. If there is no credit history, a signed and stamped certificate is provided.

Who has access to my credit history?

According to the legislation of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Credit History Bureau ensures the protection of information that makes up your credit history. Only the financial institution to which you have given your consent to access your credit history and receive information about you has access to your credit history.

If you do not agree with the information in your credit history?

If you disagree with some data from your credit history, you have the right to object to this data. Adjustments to your credit history can be made if the creditor confirms that the information that is being disputed is incorrect. Otherwise, you have the right to include in your credit report a comment of up to 100 words regarding the information that is disputed. You can submit an application to challenge your credit history at the bureau . To submit, you will need to log in to the site using your mobile phone.

How often is your credit history updated?

The information in your credit history is updated in accordance with the update schedule of the bureau partners. Information can be received daily - this happens if a new loan appears or information is transferred from a new bureau partner who has information about your financial obligations.

Why is it necessary to regularly monitor your credit reports?

Monitoring is necessary to prevent fraudulent activities against you and to avoid mistakes on the part of credit institutions that transmit data about you.

How to improve your credit history and raise credit rating?

A positive credit history is formed through active use of credit products, subject to timely execution of payments. The degree of influence of events on the state of credit history decreases as their statute of limitations increases. Those. the impact of past delays will decrease over time, and the recent repayment of the next loan agreement will improve the current state of the credit history. It is worth noting that a large number of simultaneously opened loans will reduce the current credit rating; when contracts are closed, the rating will, on the contrary, increase. Thus, to improve your credit history, you should first pay off current arrears, if any, minimize the number of simultaneously open contracts, actively use credit products (preferably small short-term loans), making payments on them on time.

Why is there no information on one of my loans in my credit history?

Information on loan agreement may not be transferred to the bureau for several reasons: the bank is not a partner of the bureau, the agreement was opened before the bank began cooperation with the bureau, the bank does not have your written permission to transfer information to the bureau, the bank decided not to transfer information on certain types of agreements, etc. .d. In any case, you can contact the bank with a request to transfer data about your agreement to the bureau. The bank, in turn, can either satisfy your request or refuse it.

How to check who was interested in my credit history?

This information is stored in the credit history - section Register of requests. To track all requests received for checking your credit history, you need to connect to the StatusControl service. When we receive a request to check your credit history, we send an SMS message to your mobile phone.

Who and why can become a UBKI Partner?

UBKI partners (Bureau user) can be banks, non-bank financial institutions and other legal or individuals— subjects economic activity, in this case, a prerequisite is the intention to conclude a transaction involving monetary obligations of the parties or existing transactions for which one of the parties has incurred monetary obligations. By becoming a Partner, you can check:

  • borrower,
  • buyer and supplier,
  • customer and contractor,
  • participant in the tender and auction...,

which allows you to reduce the risks of doing business.

How to become a Bureau Partner?

To connect you need: 1. Fill out the Agreement-application for accession to the Terms and Conditions for the provision of information services, namely:

  • fill out the details part;
  • appoint an Organization Administrator;
  • select a payment form;

2. Fill out the Questionnaire; 3. Print out the Application Agreement and the Questionnaire in two copies; 4. Send signed copies of documents to the postal address of UBKI or contact us in any way convenient for you.

Is it possible to obtain a credit history of an individual or legal entity in such a way that the latter does not know about it?

No you can not. The law establishes a special regime for storing and disclosing information constituting a credit history, and the consent of the subject of the credit history is a necessary condition for the provision of a credit report.

What do you think your cell phone tariff and apartment rental agreement have in common? Many find it difficult to answer this question. But the truth is on the surface - both points require that you have a decently high credit rating in order to be trusted with renting an apartment or using a telephone plan without fear that you will violate the payment agreement for services. The higher your credit score, the better your chances of getting approved.

It's no secret that higher credit scores can translate into benefits such as better interest rates and insurance rates. But practically speaking, we often don't think about it. To obtain a loan for favorable conditions it takes some work.

Whether you're new to lending or trying to get re-loan, these tips will help you use credit card to improve your credit rating.

Choose the right credit card and stick to it

Yours credit score tells potential creditors how good your ability is at managing your own debt. If you've never had a credit card, lenders won't know anything about you, hence you won't have a credit score.

Fortunately, guaranteed or secured credit cards are specifically designed for those who want to build or repair their credit history. Do your homework and choose the card that best suits your needs. Although the rewards and additional benefits for these types of credit cards may not be as impressive as for world-class cards, this step is a good starting point for building your credit history.

Once you receive a credit card, stick to its payment deadlines and be responsible about its terms and conditions. Frequently applying for new credit cards can lower your credit score - lenders may think you're looking for more new credit.

Pay your credit card obligations on time

The most important thing you can do with your credit card to improve your credit score is to make your required payments on time. This will show potential lenders that they are not at risk of losing money.

35% of your credit score is calculated based on your payment history; The more often you pay on time, the higher your rating. In addition, making payments in full is important to increase your credit scores.

Keep your credit balance low

The next 30% of your credit score is calculated based on your credit utilization ratio. The ratio compares the amount you've already spent on your credit card to your total credit limit. Effective use credit requires that you keep your credit card balance at least 30% of your total limit. For example, let's say you have two credit cards with a total limit of $5,000. Maintaining a balance of $1,500 (5,000 x 30%) will help increase your credit score.

It's important to note that depending on the random time of the month in which your credit score is calculated, you may have a high utilization rate even if you pay your bill in full. Monitor your credit utilization: if it's close to 30%, pay now to keep your ratio low—this will help improve your credit score.

Keep your credit accounts open

Lenders always want to be confident in your ability to use credit responsibly and will look at how long you borrow. This credit history will earn you up to 15% of your credit score.

Opening and closing credit cards for promotional offers and sign-up bonuses can damage your credit score. If you need to close a card, remember that it may reduce the time lenders believe you have credit. The longer your accounts are open, the better your credit score will be.

How can I improve my credit rating?

Credit cards, when used strategically, can significantly improve your credit score.
To improve your credit score with a credit card:

  • Find a guaranteed or secured credit card and use it.
  • Make required payments on time. If possible, pay off the debt in full.
  • If necessary, use your credit no more than 30% of the limit with payment in the middle of the month.
  • Keep your old account open.

Building or repairing your credit history can seem like a daunting task. But with the right approach and responsible use, credit cards can be used as a tool to acquire new benefits that come with good credit account. Be careful with credit cards about overdrafts—misuse will lower your credit score and lead to costly late payments and interest.

With bad credit, you may have difficulty getting things like loans, credit cards, and store cards. It can also negatively impact your chances of getting a mortgage on your dream home. There are many ways to improve your credit score, and the best place to start is with this article!



    Get a credit card if you don't already have one. If you don't have a credit card and have never provided collateral for a loan, your credit score will be 0 (but in a good way). Because credit card companies and credit reporting agencies don't have information with which to make an estimate of your credit score. You are like a dark horse to them. You may or may not be a reliable borrower.

    Get a free copy of your credit file online. There are many websites where you can get it. You are also entitled to one free report per year. Make the most of this opportunity! Just search for the three major credit rating agencies (TransUnion, Experian, Equifax) using any search engine and you will find a ton of places and ways to get your credit report in hand.

    Take a good look at your credit report for obvious errors. Even small mistakes can have a big impact on your credit score. Therefore, if you find inconsistencies, take immediate action to correct them.

    • Find the records of small credit and collection agencies in the report and contact them. Ask them to provide evidence that the overdue payments belong to you and are processed according to the details you provided. There is a chance that smaller companies will not be able to provide you with this information and you will have the opportunity to ask them to remove this data from your report. This will immediately improve your credit score.
    • The same applies to companies that have merged with other companies or liquidated companies. If the information you request cannot be provided for one reason or another, you can request that the relevant entries be removed from the report and thereby improve your credit status almost instantly.
  1. Get a reasonable loan if you know you can repay it. About 10% of your rating is made up of the so-called “cocktail of accounts”. In other words, the number of available loans and credit accounts. If you take out a small loan and pay it off quickly, you can improve your credit scores.

    • However, if repayment will take you several months and/or years, don't bother with it. Interest rates could eat up your cash and only make it harder to pay off your principal. Take out a loan only if you are 100% sure that you can pay it back.
  2. Start using your old credit cards again. if you have credit cards that you no longer use, the creditor may simply decide to stop reporting the account status to the credit bureaus. This isn't so bad until you realize that accounts with a longer history actually improve your credit score. So get out your old credit card, make small recurring payments, or use it to buy movie tickets every now and then. Pay off your debt in full every month.

Does a low credit score make you a bad borrower?

Don't give a loan because of a low credit rating? How to improve your credit rating?

Banks often refuse to issue borrowed money due to low credit rating. What does this mean? And the most important question is how to increase your rating, and therefore your attractiveness as a borrower.

Banks and microfinance organizations today use scoring programs to evaluate borrowers. These are a kind of mathematical formulas that take into account available information about a person. This includes credit history data, which indicates financial discipline, and demographic data. Different credit organizations use different formulas, but the essence is the same - the lower the rating, the less chance of approval of an application for a loan or even a small loan from an MFO.

The rating sometimes decreases partly not only due to the fault of the citizen himself, but due to the fact that the demographic data about the borrower corresponds to a social group of people that banks consider not reliable enough. Relatively speaking, the system “noticed” that in such and such a region, representatives of such and such a profession and of such and such an age are bad at repaying debts. And if you live in this region and belong to the same profession and fall into this age category, this is a signal for lenders that there is a high probability of loan non-repayment.

But still, the main reason for a lower rating is a bad credit history. If the borrower has already made delays in loan payments, the rating will be low. And even if the loan is issued, it will be for more high percent and more short term, than to the borrower positive.

1. You can take out a small loan from an MFO and repay it on time. It may take more than one loan to improve your rating. Thus, gradually, you can try to improve your borrower rating. Thus, the borrower will demonstrate increased financial discipline. MFOs, like banks, submit information to the BKI. That is, the borrower’s efforts to improve his credit history will not be in vain. New pages will appear in your credit history - positive ones. A loan with a low credit rating can be applied for on a card from an MFO without leaving home.

There are microfinance organizations that offer to create individual proposals for correcting your credit history and increasing your credit rating. There are resources that offer to calculate the existing rating.

2. You can buy something in a store by applying for a pos credit. In this case, the lender sees where the funds are going, the borrower remains in possession of a valuable item, and in case of non-payment, it can be seized to pay off the debt. Risks for the lender are reduced; even a borrower with a low rating can count on such a loan.

3. Credit card with a small limit. Credit card - good way demonstrate to creditors your financial discipline, because you don’t need to apply for money every time; when you pay off your debt, you can use the funds again. Banks and microfinance organizations will be able to see the real picture - how accurately the client fulfills his obligations. True, it is still more difficult for a citizen with a low credit rating to get a credit card than a loan from an MFO.


And as advice to everyone who has a rating from 0 to 300 - don’t delay, start correcting the situation today. In the future, you may want to issue mortgage, decide housing issue for family and... Get rejected if you don't take care of your credit rating today.

The path is long for those who have ruined their financial reputation, first loans from microfinance organizations, then a credit card from a bank or consumer loan at a high interest rate, and only then a mortgage.

It may take more than one month, or even a year, to convince lenders that you can be trusted and given a large amount for a long period of time, which is exactly what a mortgage is.

Vera Povarnitsina

Credit rating is a unit that determines the creditworthiness of an individual or organization. It is also called credit scoring,credit score,scoring point. Credit ratings depend on many parameters, the main ones being past and current financial history, as well as from estimates of the size of financial obligations assumed.

The main purpose of such assessments is to give potential credit organizations an idea of ​​the likelihood of timely payment of undertaken financial obligations. Recently, the scope of application of credit ratings has expanded: they began to be used to establish new amounts of insurance premiums, to determine rental deposits, and to determine the quality of new candidates when hiring.

You cannot go ahead and change your credit history. This is only possible if the data was entered incorrectly. In other cases, it is impossible to make changes to the data, but you can supplement your credit history with new information about credits or loans.

If you comply with your credit obligations and there are no late repayments, you will be able to increase your credit rating, reduce the impact of negative factors and improve your credit history.

However, using new loans is Not always a sufficient condition. If your credit history has existing arrears, then servicing new loans is impossible - banks will refuse. And the popular method of using microloans has the opposite effect - banks consider borrowers with microloans at high interest rates as a risk group.

  1. identifying and eliminating possible causes of failures
  2. improving your credit history by using credit products

Ways to increase your credit rating

Obvious reasons for refusal - delays

Usually the reasons for refusal are quite obvious: most likely these are existing overdue debts or already repaid arrears, but for which the debt period was long (for example, more than 90 days).

In the first case, you first need to understand the status of the debt. To do this, you need to contact the lender for a certificate about the status of the loan debt. Don’t be afraid to do this; by receiving a certificate, you are not “giving up your position to the bank.” But, knowing the current state of affairs, you can understand how best to pay off the debt.

Possible debt statuses:

  • the delinquency is active and interest is accrued on it.
  • the delinquency is active, but no interest is accrued on it
  • debt written off
  • debt sold

In the first two cases, you need to contact the creditor with the intention of repaying the debt. The official one is best. Only official appeals can be provided to the court as exculpatory confirmation of your intentions to settle the debt. If the debt period is more than a year, the chances of restructuring are high; if less, ask for an installment plan or refinancing of the loan, cancellation of the amount of fines and penalties, citing temporary financial difficulties and a real willingness to settle the debt.

If debt written off- take a certificate about this and whether the status of the debt in it coincides with reality. Most likely not - the debt will be in overdue status, which is a violation and can be challenged in your opinion.

If debt sold to a third party - ask for a copy of the notice of assignment of claims. It will indicate the organization that is the legal receiver of the debt. Most likely a collection agency. Contact them with the intention of repaying the debt. Prepare for the conversation in advance: know that the collector acquires the debt much cheaper than the amount of the debt, so do not hesitate to ask for a 40-6% discount on the debt amount and payment in installments. As soon as you receive verbal consent, ask to send an offer agreement with new terms and payment schedule.

Only after this you can deposit money. : whether the debt is closed on behalf of the bank and whether there is a record of the same debt on behalf of the collector. If it does not correspond to reality, write an application to make changes to your credit history at the BKI or to the bank.

Unobvious reasons for refusal

The reasons for refusal are not always known to us - we are sure that we have repaid everything and do not have any debts for a long time. But in reality it looks different: according to statistics, a quarter of credit histories are damaged due to the fault of the lender. The reasons may be different: from a technical error to problems associated with mergers, closures and acquisitions of financial organizations.

Also, do not forget that telecom operators and housing and communal services can submit data on overdue payments to your credit history.

Therefore, after receiving a credit history report (it is better to obtain reports from the four main credit history agencies), check them carefully for compliance with reality.

Of course, doing this “manually” is tedious and quite difficult if you are not a professional banker. Therefore we recommend our system for checking and analyzing credit reports.

Simply download the received reports from any bureau (NBKI, OKB, Equifax, KBRS) in the format pdf into the system below and in a minute you will see:

  • Your credit rating
  • Summary and comparison of all downloaded reports in one place
  • Ways to optimize payments on current loans
  • List of possible errors in your credit history
  • Reasons for loan refusal
  • Tips for improving your credit score and history
  • Current bank offers available in your situation

Formation of a positive credit history

Now that all possible causes of failure have been eliminated, you can move on to the next important stage - improving credit history.

The easiest way is to take out several small loans and pay them off without delays. Loans for household appliances, offered in almost any supermarket, or credit cards are ideal for such an operation.

But firstly, if you already have a damaged credit history, you will simply be denied a loan.

Thirdly, by applying to several organizations at once, you increase the risk of refusal and lower your credit score. Each application for a loan is recorded in the credit history and spoils it in case of refusal.

So, task number 1 is to find a bank that will approve a small loan or credit card. Searching for a bank by brute force is not suitable for us - it takes time and it spoils the credit history.

To solve this problem, we have created a system for searching for banks with the highest probability of approval. The system analyzes your credit history, income, employer and government funds - essentially the same way a bank does when applying for a loan. Then, the system finds similar portraits of borrowers in our database and looks at which banks have already approved such clients and displays their list to you.

To use the system, also fill out your information in the form. Then the system will do everything itself.

What to do in case of refusal

Of course, there are situations in which banks refuse despite all efforts, and a vicious circle turns out: we need to improve our credit history, but we can’t because no one gives a loan.

For this case, we have developed a product for restoring or creating a credit history.

These are programs to improve credit history for people who, for one reason or another, cannot get loans. The essence of the program is to obtain a credit limit and use it for 3-6 months.

We accurately and accurately transmit information about received and repaid funds to the main Credit History Bureaus.

This way you build a positive credit history. Gradually, positive entries will begin to have more weight than negative ones and you will be able to apply for the desired loan.

You can participate in the program with any credit score, any credit history, zero credit history, and even if you have bankruptcy on your credit history. OK credit funds- does not depend on credit score and credit history.

Any attacker, having taken possession of copies of your documents, can issue a loan in your name, and you will not even know about it until the collectors or the bank call.