Tinkoff online fines. How to use the “traffic police fines” service from Tinkoff Bank. Sanctions for defaulters

You can check and pay traffic police fines at Tinkoff Bank. All these procedures are done either on a computer or from a smartphone.

Moreover, Tinkoff has developed a separate Mobile application for the smartphone.

We do not recommend delaying payment of fines, otherwise more severe sanctions may follow, for example: it will double, you may be arrested for up to 15 days, you will not be able to travel abroad, and your property may even be confiscated.

Most useful: if you pay on time, you will receive a 50% discount on the fine.

Online fine check on the website

First, we will do a check, maybe you have nothing, or maybe the fine has been “hanging” on you for a long time.

The system will show whether there is information on you (fine debt) or whether you are clean before the law. It is impossible to find out information by last name!

Overdue fines will be highlighted in red. Information will also be shown on how many days you are overdue for payment.

Payment online on the website

It’s also easy to pay directly on the same page as checkout. You just need to click the second tab in the “Pay” menu.

And enter the number of the Resolution (without spaces).

Payment is made by ordinary bank card. Cards from almost all banks are suitable. Payment is received within 5 minutes. Sometimes longer, but very rarely.

With or without commission?

Holders of any bank cards can pay fines on the website no commission. And it's free.

Payment, verification and information in the Mobile application

Tinkoff Bank I have developed a very convenient Mobile application specifically for mobile phones. Owners of iPhone, Android and Windows Phone phones can download and install it absolutely free.

Appearance of the Mobile application

The main advantage of this application is that you are not tied to a computer. All you need is a smartphone, and now every person has one in their pocket or bag. On the road, in a car, on a train or in the country, all you need is a mobile phone.

Also an interesting feature of the applicationalerts. You will immediately learn about new fines online as soon as you connect to mobile internet or wifi.

You will receive notification of new fines as soon as they appear in the traffic police system. It's free and you don't have to wait for a ruling by mail.

To see if you have a fine, you need your car details or license number. The application will make an official request to the traffic police database and check if there are any unpaid orders. It's easier than on the government website. services, because the application does not require registration, entering first name, last name and other personal data. You can also watch and pay the fines of your relatives and friends.

Checking fines is also free. The bank only takes a commission when paying a fine, but it amounts to only 20 rubles. Tinkoff Bank clients can pay without commissions.

Penalty table

  • What kind of penalty table is this?
  • Where did you get the information about traffic police fines?

    We took information from Chapter 12 of the Code “On Administrative Offences” (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). If you wish, you can find the full text of the document on the Internet, but keep in mind: there are more than 400 pages in A4 format. It is much more convenient to carry our table of current traffic police fines in your car. Or download it to your phone.

  • How often does the traffic police change data on fines?

    Traffic police fines change at least 3-4 times a year. Therefore, we advise you to visit this page once every 2-3 months and download the updated version of the file.

  • Why should I carry a table with traffic police fines with me?

    Because it is impossible to remember all the administrative penalties for violating traffic rules. Print out our fine table and place it in the glove compartment of your car. Or simply download the file with the traffic police fines table to your smartphone.

  • When is the traffic police fine table useful?

    If a controversial situation arises with a traffic police officer, the table will help you prove that you are right.

  • Does the table contain all the data on traffic police fines for 2016?

    Not really. We have included in the table only the main fines for traffic violations. It does not contain some specific fines: for example, for incorrect transportation of dangerous goods. Look for them on the traffic police website.

At least once in my life. No matter how hard you try to drive carefully and follow all the rules, everyone can make a mistake, for example, in a hurry, park in the wrong place due to the lack of parking nearby.

The process of paying fines is not the most pleasant and simple. But now this procedure has been simplified; now it is not necessary to look for the nearest bank branch or terminal; you can make the payment online. This service is offered by Tinkoff Bank; let’s take a closer look at what is needed for this.

Expert opinion

Natalya Alekseevna

Tinkoff Bank offers its users checking administrative fines from the traffic police and paying them. There are two ways: through the official website and using a mobile application.

Let's take a closer look at both options.

Tinkoff website

To use the service for searching and paying fines, you do not have to be a client of Tinkoff JSC. The service is available to everyone - go to the bank’s official page and go to the “Payments” section. A “Government Services” window will open, click on it and select the “Traffic Police Fines” section.

Debt verification service.

Drivers who are unsure about the presence or number of fines should use the search.

Enter the required data in the highlighted fields:

  • number of the vehicle registration certificate, which is used to search for penalties for violations recorded using video cameras;
  • – necessary to detect administrative fines issued by a traffic police inspector;
  • email where information about new violations will be sent;
  • login from personal account on the bank’s website, if there is one or a mobile number, an SMS with an access code will be sent to it.

After filling out the data, click on “Check traffic police fines” and wait for the information. The service can show not only the presence of fines, but also the date of delay.

Mobile app

The company offers to use a specially developed application for smartphones, available to Android, Windows and iOS users.

It must be downloaded on the same page where debts are searched and paid. You need to click on the “More” tab and select “Mobile offer”. You can also find the program using a search engine.

The application is convenient because it is always at hand, with its help you can find administrative fines, pay them, and also receive a reminder and notification about the expiration of the term.

Additional services

The service developers offer additional services. One of them is a table of administrative penalties, which includes current changes.

For car owners, such a map of fines can be very convenient, since there are a lot of them and it is impossible to remember everything. In case of a dispute with a traffic police representative, such a thing will be useful.

You can print the table and take it with you or download it to your mobile phone. It includes many administrative fines, with the exception of specific ones.

For example, you will not find information about penalties for incorrect transportation of dangerous goods. At the bottom of the page, after the entire list, there will be two buttons: “Download table” and “Print”. Choose a convenient option.

How to pay fines through Tinkoff

Let's move on to the most important thing - payment of state traffic police fines at Tinkoff. The company operates exclusively remotely, so it is offered to pay only via the Internet.

Payment, as well as verification, occurs in two ways: on the organization’s page and using a special application on the phone. Having chosen any of these options, all you need to know is the number of the resolution imposing the fine. The process is similar to the search, only you need to select “Pay traffic fines.”

Drivers have the opportunity to pay via smartphone - everything is much simpler here. If you have a paper receipt, just point the camera at its barcode and then all the information will appear automatically. Then you should enter your card details and payment order and click “Pay”.

If you have previously provided this data, it will be saved in the database. The transaction is confirmed by an electronic receipt, which will be sent to your mobile or email account.

What is the advantage of paying through the Tinkoff service?

By paying online through the bank’s service, you will notice many advantages:

  1. The service can be used by owners of any type of card, no matter which bank.
  2. Tinkoff clients pay their debts without commission.
  3. Using the program, you can link several cars to it and control not only your administrative fines, but also family members, friends and others.
  4. After registration, users will receive notifications about new debts for free.
  5. After the first entry of data, all information is remembered and there is no need to enter it again each time.
  6. In case of doubt about the legality of the imposed penalty, the program will help you obtain information about the traffic police cameras and where they are located, if a violation of the rules was recorded with their help.

It should be noted that the commission is not charged only to bank clients; the rest will pay 20 rubles more for each account.

Payment terms

The Tinkoff company will help monitor the deadlines for paying state traffic fines.

  • doubling the amount of recovery;
  • ban on traveling abroad;
  • up to 50 hours of compulsory work;
  • arrest for 15 days.

Surely all drivers know about the right to pay the debt within 20 days. Therefore, it is extremely important to quickly find out about the presence of administrative penalties and have time to make the payment.

Tinkoff Bank promises to update data in 5 minutes, but sometimes the process can take several days. It is recommended to check the payment made on the official page of the traffic police. If the payment is not noted in the system within a week, upload the payment receipt yourself to the State Traffic Inspectorate page.


Drivers who do not want to waste time paying a fine to the State Traffic Inspectorate while waiting in queues can use the online service from Tinkoff Bank. The company operates only remotely and offers customers a convenient service that has many advantages.

Convenient online service.

The website provides the opportunity not only to pay off the debt, but also to use the administrative violation search system that is registered with the driver. Just enter the required data and then information on your question will open.

Tinkoff offers users the following additional services:

  • frequently asked questions with answers;
  • notification system;
  • reminding about new administrative fines and deadlines for their payment;
  • mobile app.

The program allows you to monitor the presence of not only your own violations, but also others, for example, family members or friends.

The easiest way to find and pay existing fines is online. Have you already tried the service?

Reading time: 3 minutes

Traffic rules are an important part of the citizen safety system. The greatest responsibility for their compliance lies with car owners. Sooner or later, even the most responsible and attentive drivers are faced with a situation where, wittingly or unwittingly, they have to break the rules. And it’s good if you only have to pay for mistakes on the road with money. Failure to repay the debt on time may result in administrative liability. Checking and paying traffic police fines at Tinkoff Bank is one of the ways to protect yourself from the consequences of non-payment.

Description of the service

There are a large number of modern services that make it possible to pay off penalties from police officers. Today, such a payment can be made not only at the bank’s cash desk, but also using mobile services. But not all of them have profitable terms and user-friendly interface. Tinkoff Bank's service compares favorably with similar services, as you can see by reading its main advantages.

Traffic police fines can be paid online through the official Tinkoff website. The service allows you to perform two important functions:

The main advantages of the service include:

  1. Possibility of payment by credit card. If own funds there is not enough balance on your balance, you can always use it credit limit from Tinkoff.
  2. Possibility of paying traffic police fines through Tinkoff Internet banking. This allows you to use the system at any convenient time. All payment details are created automatically.
  3. Ability to connect notifications. Immediately after receiving a decision from a police officer, information about this will be sent to you by phone or email. This eliminates all risks associated with the loss of the resolution.
  4. Simple interface. The process of entering information on the website and in the application is simplified as much as possible. You can perform the operation in a matter of minutes, without spending a lot of time understanding functionality. Accessible even for beginners.
  5. Works throughout the country, regardless of where the order was issued.
  6. No inspection fee.

Verification algorithm

There are two ways to check traffic police fines for Tinkoff:

  • using your driver's license number;
  • using the vehicle registration certificate number.

Using the ID number, you can find all the penalties that arose after the violation was recorded by the police inspector. The second method makes it possible to check the existence of obligations for violations that were recorded automatically by a surveillance camera.

In order to use online verification, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the “Payments” section on the bank’s official website – www.tinkoff.ru.
  2. Select the item “Government Services”.
  3. Go to the “Traffic Police Fines” section.
  4. Fill out the form in the “Check debt” tab.

It is best to use registration number and driver's license verification at the same time. This will eliminate all doubts about the existence of penalties in your name.

Other available verification methods can be found in detail in the article “”.

An alternative method is the application from Tinkoff - “Traffic Police Fines”, which can be downloaded on markets for mobile devices.

Payment instructions

If, after checking, it turns out that the driver has a debt, it is important to be aware of how to pay the traffic police fine online through Tinkoff. The law establishes that failure to repay a debt on time may result in arrest for 15 days. On the contrary, if you manage to make payment within 20 days, you can save 50% of the total amount. Therefore, the sooner payment is made, the better.

Not only inspection, but also payment of traffic police fines by Tinkoff clients is carried out without commission. For other users the fee is only 20 rubles.

Instructions for paying through the site consist of the following steps:

Other ways to pay off fines can be found in the article “”.

Checking and paying fines using the Tinkoff Bank service is an ideal option for vehicle owners. Using a mobile application or website, you can carry out transactions conveniently, quickly and with minimal monetary losses in just a few clicks.

How to pay a traffic fine online: Video

Paying traffic police fines for violating vehicle driving rules is an eternal headache for motorists, which leads to certain costs of money and time. There are many mobile services that allow you to pay off a collection using a smartphone or tablet, but the conditions offered are usually very unfavorable for the payer. The application from Tinkoff Bank “Traffic Police Fines” stands out favorably in the list similar solutions, which you can see for yourself by reading the review below.

Purpose of the service

The utility from Tinkoff Bank makes it possible to pay fines issued by authorized traffic police officers for violating traffic rules. There are several ways to check whether fines have been issued:

  • by license number for driving a vehicle;
  • by car registration certificate number.

To view information about existing fines, enter the necessary data in a special field and click on the search button. The check is carried out using the GIS GMP database, and information about the payment is sent to the traffic police. If you have a court order in your hands, you just need to enter its number and proceed to payment.

The application from Tinkoff Bank allows you to add several cars at once, and their owners may be different. For example, one family member can download the program and track penalties imposed on relatives’ cars. To add a new vehicle, you simply need to click on the “+” in the menu and enter the required information.


The Tinkoff Bank service has many important advantages compared to similar applications. Among the most important advantages are the following:

  1. Possibility of payment by credit card. If you don’t have enough personal funds on your balance, you can always use one of the Tinkoff Bank credit cards.
  2. Possibility of payment online. Details for repaying the fine are created automatically, so you can pay it immediately after receiving it through the Tinkoff application.
  3. Availability of notifications. As soon as you are issued a fine, you will receive a message to the number mobile phone or email. This eliminates the risk of losing your receipt.

Entering information into the application is simplified as much as possible. All you have to do is point the gadget’s camera at the barcode of the receipt, after which the data will automatically be placed in the appropriate fields.

Note! The service operates throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, without exception, so if you often travel or go on business trips in a personal car, it will be indispensable. In just 5 minutes you can pay off the fine you received without additional bureaucratic delays.

How to pay a fine

It is very important to pay a fine for violating traffic rules within 20 days from the date it is issued. In this case, the transferred amount is reduced by 50%. The service from Tinkoff allows you to quickly make the necessary payment through the application on a device running iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Payment can be made using any debit or credit card with a positive balance. You need to indicate the plastic number and other service information, after which the operation will be performed. To make working with the service more convenient, you can link a card and save time on data entry.

The commission in the application is quite low and amounts to 20 rubles. If you are a client of Tinkoff Bank, then there is no additional fee at all. Transaction status information can be found in your payment history.

The Traffic Police Fines service from Tinkoff Bank is an ideal option for quickly and conveniently repaying debt for a fine imposed for violating traffic rules. It differs significantly from competitors' products and offers the most attractive terms among similar solutions.

Website page where you can pay fines from Tinkoff Bank https://www.tinkoff.ru/payments/fines/


  1. Checking for fines
  2. Payment
  3. Table with fines and sanctions for violating traffic rules.

Traffic police fines. Where do they come from? Those who have a car do not need to tell about this. “Chain letters” regularly appear in your mailbox if a road surveillance camera records your car speeding.

A traffic police officer can also issue a fine if he believes that you have violated the rules. All fines issued are entered into a single system.

Advantages of online payment of fines at Tinkoff Bank

  1. 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  2. Being anywhere in the world where there is stable Internet access.
  3. If you have a card from any bank.
  4. Save time.
  5. Save money (if paid up to 20 days).
  6. Convenience and comfort.

How does Tinkoff Bank's service for paying traffic fines work?

It allows you to see the fines officially issued to you and immediately pay them using bank card.

Having opened the service page, you will see a window in which you are asked to enter:

  • Registration certificate number. It records violations automatically (camera).
  • Driver's license number. According to it, “manual” receipts are issued by a state traffic inspector.
  • Tinkoff Bank client phone number or login.

If you enter data only in the first or second paragraph, you will receive an incomplete result in the form of information only about automatic or only “manual” fines. We advise you to enter data for all items at once in order to get complete information and not miss anything. We will talk about the consequences of non-payment further.

If you are already a Tinkoff Bank client, then you must have a special login. Enter it on the third line on the page. If not, please provide your phone number. The system will send you an access code.

By logging into the system, you will see the presence of fines issued to you and will be able to pay them. Overdue fines (unpaid within 60 days) are highlighted in red.

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If you have the number of the violation order in your hands, then in a special window you can pay a specific fine.

Payment goes through the billing payment system and is credited within 5 minutes. In some cases there may be a delay of up to 5 business days. Don't worry in advance!

Penalty table

(pdf format)

  • What kind of penalty table is this?
  • Where did you get the information about traffic police fines?

    We took information from Chapter 12 of the Code “On Administrative Offences” (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). If you wish, you can find the full text of the document on the Internet, but keep in mind: there are more than 400 pages in A4 format. It is much more convenient to carry our table of current traffic police fines in your car. Or download it to your phone.

  • How often does the traffic police change data on fines?

    Traffic police fines change at least 3-4 times a year. Therefore, we advise you to visit this page once every 2-3 months and download the updated version of the file.

  • Why should I carry a table with traffic police fines with me?

    Because it is impossible to remember all the administrative penalties for violating traffic rules. Print out our fine table and place it in the glove compartment of your car. Or simply download the file with the traffic police fines table to your smartphone.

  • When is the traffic police fine table useful?

    If a controversial situation arises with a traffic police officer, the table will help you prove that you are right.

  • Does the table contain all the data on traffic police fines for 2016?

    Not really. We have included in the table only the main fines for traffic violations. It does not contain some specific fines: for example, for incorrect transportation of dangerous goods. Look for them on the traffic police website.

Is it paid?

Pay fines through Tinkoff Bank for free Only holders of a Tinkoff Bank bank card can. Cardholders from other banks will pay a small fee.

Unique bonus

Pay fines earlier. According to Federal Law No. 437-FZ dated December 22, 2014, if you pay a fine to the traffic police within 20 days from the date of its discharge, then you can pay only 50% of the amount.

Sanctions for defaulters

  • the amount of debt after 60 days will increase by 7%, but not less than 1000 rubles;
  • a lawsuit will be filed against you, which can lead to many problems;
  • money will be debited from your bank account without your knowledge (by court decision);
  • you end up on the “black list” of FSSP debtors, which means that you will not be given a loan, you will not be given a car registration, or a visa to travel abroad. Your vacation will not take place, because you will be stopped at customs when trying to leave Russia if the amount of debt is more than 10,000 rubles. This list can be continued for quite a long time.

We hope we have convinced you that paying a traffic police fine through Tinkoff Bank is simple, convenient and profitable. Regularly checking your details in the service will help you avoid many moral and material troubles. Well, even better – don’t break it!

An important point is the fact that you can add several Vehicle with different owners. This advantage is very noticeable in those families where the husband has one car and the wife has another.