Free Bitcoins. bitcoin faucets - free bitcoins Free bitcoins bitcoin distribution

With the growth of cryptocurrencies, a number of platforms appear that offer to make a profit from any of them, including the actual earnings of bitcoins. Sites for earning bitcoins (as the best cryptocurrency) may offer two options:

  • The first involves investing, that is, in Bitcoin or making a profit on. This option is very common on many exchanges.
  • The second is earning bitcoins 2019 with virtually no investment. This option is more suitable for certain groups of people who do not intend to spend a lot of time. At the moment, the Bitcoin exchange rate has increased significantly (compared to the beginning of the year), which contributes to an increase in its quotations. The main problem with this option for receiving cryptocurrency will be to find reliable sites for earning bitcoins in 2019.

Process of obtaining cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency mining sites can provide a variety of earnings. If it is possible to obtain a currency such as Bitcoin, the site must have a certain reputation, including it should not be a one-day operation. The best sites for earning bitcoins promise ease of obtaining them, but often it is almost impossible to earn a large amount of satoshi. Bitcoin sites that pay to view ads do not always make a good profit, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to find a bitcoin site that really brings in earnings of 1 million satoshis or more, that is, in shares of bitcoins.

The main mining process is that you need to go through the resources and enter a captcha, which will allow you to receive a certain percentage from paid advertising. Payments can go automatically to the wallet or withdrawals will be made to micro-wallets, and from them, when accumulated, to the main account. In order to earn decent bitcoins, you need to find a good faucet and go through all the stages of registration. And also cryptocurrency sites can allow you to earn Bitcoin in 2019 in a fairly large percentage of Satoshi.

Websites for earning bitcoins in 2019 may provide various payment options. Good cloud mining is also important, which will allow you to start making a profit after registration. This method is not available to all users because not everyone is ready to invest, but it is more profitable.

Basics of choosing the best platforms:

  • having a certain reputation that allows you to attract clients;
  • earning a larger share of bitcoins compared to competitors;
  • no hidden fees;
  • sites paying bitcoins must have accessible withdrawals to the wallet;
  • opportunity cloud mining, as the most profitable and affordable way;
  • availability of a minimum contract for testing;
  • the opportunity to make real profits.

Most sites offering cryptocurrency earnings (including bitcoins), even if they have a fat faucet, do not have the same capabilities as cloud mining platforms. There are options .

Services from the TOP 10

How to earn bitcoin from scratch in 2019 - the answer to this question can be found in this list - sites for earning bitcoins must have a reputation and provide the opportunity to actually receive them and withdraw them to your account.

The list includes services that will provide you best earnings bitcoins in 2019.

According to these criteria, sites that offer earning bitcoins must be suitable for all clients and be accessible.

Important! Be sure to read the information at the end of the article ( Important!).

In order to become the owner of the most popular cryptocurrency in the world, you do not have to spend your money. However, you won’t be able to get it completely free either.

Today you can find many ways to earn cryptocoins by doing various jobs on the Internet and getting paid in the form of digital money. As a rule, tasks for users are very simple and in their free time everyone can provide themselves with additional income.

In this material, we would like to analyze all the most popular and profitable options for earning bitcoins without investment.

How to earn Bitcoin for free: use faucets

Cryptocurrency faucets are special services on the Internet that pay digital money for performing the simplest actions. Often you only need to complete a captcha or open a page in your browser for the money to flow into your account.

This is a fairly simple option for earning bitcoins: it can be done in parallel with your main work on the Internet without spending a lot of effort and time.

However, such sites have one significant drawback: the profit the user receives is very small. So, for example, you can earn only 0.00288 coins per day of work. And this is not the most low rate of services of this kind.

Availability and simplicity. Anyone can start working on cranes at any second.

The job is easy and anyone can do it.

Small profit.

If the faucet is unreliable, you may not receive your dividends.

Bitcoin without investments: writing texts for BitcoinTalk

One of the popular ways to earn coins is to write texts on the Internet. Moreover, there are quite a few different services offering payment in the form of bitcoins. But BitcoinTalk, created in 2014, is the most popular of them.

Any user can register on the resource and start writing materials. These should be texts related to cryptocurrency - each published entry can bring a certain income.

Moreover, the resource has various levels, upon reaching which you can increase your profit. So, for example, in order to start earning 0.0005 per post, you need to make at least 120 publications before. Before this, you will either have no profit at all from your posts, or you will receive minimal money.

You also need to remember a number of requirements that the creators set for employees:

In order to write such material, on average you will need about 5-6 minutes of your time. To make it more clear, if you work around the clock, you can count on 0.144 coins in 24 hours. But often on such sites there are restrictions on the daily number of publications.

Not a bad rate for the work done.

Accessibility for everyone.

Knowledge of English is required.

To generate income, you will need to work for some time almost for free.

Bitcoin without investment: start working professionally in the field of digital currencies

Today in the field of cryptocurrencies there are quite a lot of positions that any professional can take. There are also similar vacancies in the field of Bitcoin: you will receive payment in cryptocurrency.

In order to find a job that suits you, you can use the main resources where members of this community communicate. Today the most popular forum is BitcoinTalk. Various vacancies can also be found on the Coinality website.

However, not everyone can find a suitable job. The most popular specialties include the following:

  • Blockchain web developer;
  • Web site administrators;
  • Designers (graphics);
  • Internet marketer and various other specialties.

You will work in your specialty.

Remuneration in this area is at a good level.

It is not always possible to find a suitable vacancy.

How to Get Free Bitcoins: Posts for Blogs and News Sites

For such work, you will need certain knowledge, both in the field of digital currencies and in the field of journalism. Many news resources are looking for journalists and copywriters to write various thematic materials: in order for search engines to display such resources in top positions, you need many articles with certain query phrases.

To earn more, you need to search for sites and contact developers directly. There is an option to work through portals where orders are collected: it is easier to find a job, but the profit will be several times less.

For this kind of work, you will be paid by the number of words or characters. On decent platforms you can expect a rate of between $1.7 and $3.7 per 1000 characters written.

Another way to increase your income: master the English language and work for foreign portals. There you can get up to $80 for a thousand words. And this is already quite a prestigious salary even for Moscow residents.

Good income. You can earn decent money by working every day.

The ability to choose the amount of work and do it yourself.

It is not always easy to find a job that pays decently.

Qualifications required (ability to write and knowledge of the cryptocurrency field).

How you can earn bitcoins without investments from scratch: transaction arbitrage

Let us immediately note that to make such money you will need to have a good reputation in the field of digital currencies. Arbitration of cryptocoin transactions is carried out by escrow agents - for such services only verified persons are contacted.

Moreover, it is also difficult to say anything definite about the amount of income: in various situations, prices are negotiated between the customer and the contractor.

Where to earn bitcoins for free: we lend at interest

Today you can find a lot of projects that need financing. And those who have investments in bitcoins can invest money in various startups - this can bring good profits.

However, such operations (like any investment) are not always a 100% option for generating income. Often projects that look quite worthy simply fail and do not bring money to either the creators or investors.

Therefore, when choosing a startup to invest in, you need to pay attention to many factors, study the project in detail, and assess all the chances and risks.

In order to invest in Bitcoin, you can use various services: BTCJam, Bitbond, Loanbase and other popular platforms (they are easy to find in search engines). For residents of the CIS the most the best option will be Biterest or BTCJam.

With good and large investment your income can increase thousands of times.

There are quite a lot of people who want to receive investments.

Risks. There are no guarantees that your money will not simply disappear.

To start earning money, it is better to understand the work of the entire sphere as a whole.

How to get bitcoins without investment: start trading cryptocurrency

Every user who has at least some minimal investment can start. In general, there are different types of trading that will allow you to earn bitcoins:

In general, trading is an exciting activity, but it requires the inclusion and assimilation of a large amount of knowledge. If you feel like you can make good money doing this, try it now.

You can earn both very large and small amounts - it all depends on you.

Ease of operation: in a few minutes you can go to the exchange and start trading.

Bitcoin without investment: we participate in affiliate programs

In order to become a participant in the affiliate program, you must have a resource (website, portal) with sufficient traffic. Then you can enter into an agreement with any company to place advertising on your resource. Most often, payment is made for transitions to the customer’s website from your resource: a certain number of bitcoins will be received for each new user.

It is also possible that a user who places an advertisement on his website will receive a certain percentage of product sales.

How to earn free bitcoins: online games

To earn Bitcoin, you don’t even have to work - you can earn coins by playing various games. We have divided this method into some categories to make it easier to understand what's what.


This method does not need a detailed description: everyone is familiar with casinos and other types of gambling. The only difference is that such resources accept bets in the form of cryptocurrencies. Accordingly, you will also win digital money.
But, as a rule, users often lose more in these types of games.

The opportunity to get rich quickly without doing anything.

No special skills required.

Earning money depends only on luck. You can't control anything.

Mobile games

If you are interested in how to earn bitcoins without investments on your phone, special mobile applications will be a great option for you. At the beginning of the material, we already told you about cranes. Similar applications for smartphones work according to a similar system, only for the accrual of a certain amount of coins you will need to play in the applications. This is more interesting and exciting than simply going through banners.

Only 17 years have passed since the beginning of the new millennium. less than a year old, and now we can say with confidence that the 21st century will leave the twentieth century far behind in terms of technical innovations, both in their quantity and in quality. But just recently the past century was considered almost a phenomenon in terms of the pace of technological progress.

The innovations of our days have not only touched sometimes the most unexpected areas of life, but are also revolutionary and unusual. However, like modern society - free, unexpected in its manifestations, active and innovative.

If you take financial sector, and it interests us in the first place (after all, we are talking about making money), then the most striking representative of new technologies here, undoubtedly, is the digital currency bitcoin. This word is probably familiar to many of our readers, and they have heard something like this, but it is unlikely that many can clearly formulate what it is and how these same bitcoins can be earned (after all, this is money, which means there must be a way to earn it ).

So, meet Bitcoin (bitcoin, BTC or just cue ball)

Bitcoin (known as cue ball on the Internet) is a digital currency or electronic payment system, one of the varieties of cryptocurrency.

The topic of such a currency, so to speak, was in the air until it finally took shape in 2007 into a concrete idea. The history of its creation is very vague and ambiguous. The most common version says that Bitcoin (its source code) was created by a certain Satoshi Nakamoto, in whose honor the components of Bitcoin - Satoshi - got their name. But no one knows who exactly is hiding behind this name - 1 person or a whole group of programmers.

Be that as it may, after 2 years of development, in 2009, the source code was presented to the general public and from that moment the life of Bitcoin began. By the way, within a few years there were dozens of varieties of cryptocurrencies.

This currency is exclusively virtual, it cannot be seen, touched or held in your hands, that is, it is not present anywhere in physical form. It is used only on the Internet, which gives it some features that distinguish Bitcoin from the money we are used to.

Bitcoin Features:

  1. This cryptocurrency does not have any material backing and its value is determined only by the level of demand from users. It's like the price of gold. While people want to get it, it's expensive. And the more people strive to acquire gold products or bullion, the more expensive it can all be sold. But imagine for a moment that everyone suddenly lost interest in this precious metal. How much will it cost? Probably at the level of any other metal from which a pot or frying pan can be made. But you can’t even make a frying pan out of Bitcoin, so if demand disappears, its price may simply go to zero.

But until this happens (and will it happen at all), no natural, financial or political factors can influence the value of bitcoin.

  1. The next feature is the absence of a single center or regulator (like central banks in each country), that is, there is no one to determine the volume of cryptocurrency production, influence its exchange rate, etc.
  2. The number of units (coins) of Bitcoin is programmed in the source code and is 21 million. In addition, the frequency of release of new units has been determined. Today this is 12.5 coins every 10 minutes. The dynamics decrease by 2 times after 4 years. This means that sooner or later (presumably in 2033) the issue of the cue ball will be stopped. And this, naturally, causes its cost to increase.

But the payment system will not stop developing with the completion of the coin issue, since the technology provides for the division of the coin (after the decimal point to the eighth digit).

Disadvantages of the system:

  1. Such a feature of the cue ball as the absence of a regulator (single center) is a significant drawback, since it excludes the cancellation of completed operations.
  2. The next problem is the technological complexity of cryptocurrency. All this electronic system too confusing and incomprehensible to a simple user, far from the latest developments. Therefore, the conquest of bitcoin to a wide audience is still going on at a snail’s pace.
  3. Well, like any anonymous currency, bitcoins run the risk of being banned by the governments of most countries. Most likely, this will happen someday, especially since shops have begun to appear online that sell drugs and weapons for bitcoin. The ban will cause the exchange rate to fall, but will not destroy the system as such. Rather, he will drive her underground. After all, there will always be users seeking complete anonymity.

The question is logical, but no one except you can answer it. We can only present some thoughts on this matter.

Digital currency can be used as a unit of payment when purchasing any goods (services), as a store of value, or for stock market speculation.

As for the first use, we are much more accustomed to paying in cash or by bank card, and bothering with some new, confusing and not entirely clear digital technology in order to buy a sofa seems to be of no use. The good old ways are enough, but mastering something that is still unknown how it will show itself in the future (and does it even have a future?) is only a waste of time.

This is on the one hand. But there is another one. Think back to a couple of decades ago and remember what you understood about a computer then, and how realistic did the prospect seem to you that it would be in almost every home, and even preschoolers would be able to use it? So no one can say today that after some time Bitcoin will not become a convenient and accessible electronic financial system with a lot of advantages over the banks we are used to.

Now about Bitcoin as a way to save for a rainy day. Many experts pay attention to the high volatility of the cue ball, which may well turn hundreds of dollars invested into it into tens. But on the other hand, the exchange rate can not only fall, but also rise. By the way, on the Internet, if you wish, you will find many stories about how people who spent several tens of dollars on Bitcoin at the dawn of its appearance, a few years later became owners of fortunes of hundreds of thousands of “American rubles” (immediately after the appearance of Bitcoin for 1 a dollar could buy more than a thousand BTC, but now 1 BTC costs more than a thousand dollars).

And finally, about how realistic it is to make money from buying and selling cue ball. Realistic, but difficult and risky. If you have strong nerves and at least some understanding of trading strategies, then serious experts in this field advise you to try it. In any case, the number and volume of investments in bitcoin are growing constantly, although perhaps not very quickly.

Here are the pros and cons. But in our opinion, what stops users, first of all, is the fear of the unknown and not entirely clear. So maybe, instead of being cautious and hesitant, it is better to try to understand and study this “unknown and incomprehensible”?

If we nevertheless accept as true that earning bitcoins is necessary and useful, then a logical question arises - where and how can this be done?

There are more than enough resources on the network where you can start earning bitcoin without investment. They are called bitcoin faucets. These sites differ in interface convenience and efficiency, so we will only talk about those that we are confident in and can recommend to you with a clear conscience.

I would like to immediately note that it makes sense to do this business if you work on at least 2 dozen sites at once. For convenience, it is better to open them in a separate browser and immediately turn on a sound alert, which signals that the issuance of satoshi has begun. Then you won’t have to be on duty at the monitor - after hearing the sound, it will be enough to sit down at the computer for 15-20 minutes, collect bitcoin cents and go about your business again.

There are various ways to effectively earn bitcoins. We will look at the main ones, first dividing the faucets into categories, since each category has its own characteristics and nuances:

  1. Satoshi distribution at intervals of 60 minutes. In this category, I would like to first highlight the site The faucet distributes from 262 satoshi once an hour. And although the minimum distribution requirement is not very high, there is an opportunity to get additional satoshis through bonuses, lotteries or roulette. Moreover, this addition is quite significant, sometimes reaching 2 bitcoins (they can be won in the lottery). By the way, the likelihood of receiving a good prize is directly affected by the frequency of Satoshi withdrawals.

The second bitcoin faucet that I would like to mention is The mechanism for receiving cue balls here is the same as on the previous site, but up to 400 coins are distributed. But in the local lottery the main prize is more modest, and to participate in it you need to purchase a ticket.

Faucets that distribute coins hourly include such promising resources as (500-1000 coins every hour), (90-20000), (up to 20000). generously and consistently distributes Satoshi. Every 2 hours here you can collect from 5 hundred to 5 thousand coins.

Of course, this is not a complete list; it can go on and on. Many bitcoin faucets in this category bring in less income, but are quite suitable for expanding your earning opportunities, so you shouldn’t neglect them.

  1. Sat collection time is 15 minutes or less. The interval in the distribution of Satoshi by faucets from this category ranges from 1 minute to 15. That is, you can collect the “harvest” almost continuously and get quite a serious profit in 2-3 hours of work.

The site 777bitco.on is particularly generous in this category, where up to 6,000,000 satoshi are distributed every 15 minutes.

Faucets such as and distribute 250 and 150 coins, respectively, every 5 minutes. And on CrocoCoin you can earn from 200 satoshi to 1 bitcoin.

There are sites where you can collect coins while playing. It takes a little longer, but, firstly, it is more interesting, and, secondly, the earnings are higher.

For example, on the bitcoin faucet you can become the owner of a poultry farm. The chickens will lay you one egg every 6 minutes, which you can exchange for 100 satoshi. If you do not carry out this operation with one egg, then wait for 3 pieces, which will bring you 150 coins. Or accumulate 3 dozen eggs and exchange them for 2000 satoshi at once.

For fans of "sea battles" the site is suitable. Here you can play every 10 minutes and thus earn coins. If you win a complete victory over your opponent, you will receive as much as 600 satoshi. is another site that allows you to have fun while earning money. A game with a bird fluttering through the clouds is available every 10 minutes. Satoshis are hidden behind the clouds. But not everywhere, sometimes you get an eagle and then the game is over. On the tap there is a frog instead of a bird, water lilies instead of clouds, but everything else is the same.

You can also note the site, where you, crossing the road, will collect coins from each cell until you blow up a mine. You can also play once every 10 minutes. There is also roulette, a successful attempt in which will enrich you in the amount of 1000 and more.

  1. Automatic satoshi payouts. There are Bitcoin faucets that automatically distribute satoshis, meaning you don’t have to periodically enter a captcha. It is enough to register on the resource, turn on the timer and log into the system as often as possible to withdraw a “harvest” of satoshi. If you prefer to accumulate more coins and only then withdraw them, then keep in mind that accruals fall over time.

It is recommended to add faucets that work on this principle in the maximum quantity (as much as the power of your computer allows), because this is an effective way to increase earnings. The only thing bad about it is the short-term operation of such sites - about six months. Then you have to look for new ones.

A few more “fat” Bitcoin faucets

As you already understand, there is nothing inaccessible or labor-intensive about collecting satoshi. You need to go to the resource, watch a video, enter a captcha, wander around the site, etc. But sometimes advertisers clearly go overboard with advertising, it happens that the resource has an inconvenient interface or administrators complicate working with captcha by displaying completely unreadable pictures. Therefore, we decided to show you a number of faucets where you can easily and completely free earn bitcoins:

  1. ClaimBTC. The project is relatively young, which did not prevent it from becoming a leader among similar resources. The pay here is good, the faucet operates uninterruptedly and allows users to harvest the BTC “harvest” 3 times an hour.

It is impossible not to note the attractive system of incentives and bonuses. Each of your visits will be rewarded with an increase in payments or will make them more frequent, and the most successful ones may get a jackpot and a lot of other pleasant surprises. If you are not too lazy to log into ClaimBTC every day, you can double your profits.

  1. Moonbit. Unique site. Its exclusivity lies in the fact that you only need to come here once a day. After the captcha is entered, you can receive your satoshi and transfer it to your account. The counter is reset and the cue balls are accumulated automatically. Not a bad affiliate program - royalties are 50%.
  2. Bonusbitcoin. You can get rich here once every 15 minutes by first entering a captcha in a special field. Bonusbitcoin is distinguished from other projects by its one-of-a-kind bonus program. Every day the system rewards you with 5 percent of the amount you have accumulated. To receive the bonus, you only need to log into the site once a day. Affiliate – 50%.
  3. Coinhd. Here, to collect satoshi you will need to watch a video. Videos from YouTube are built into the project. For watching them, you will be credited with Bit, then this item will be exchanged for Bitcoin and credited to your balance. By the way, the site provides the opportunity to promote your own video, and it’s cheaper compared to other offers. Many users like this feature and attract them to the project. There is also an affiliate program here.
  4. Starsbit. The size of the one-time earnings here is such that this site would not be worth mentioning if not for the frequency of distribution. And they distribute satoshi here every 3 minutes. You need to enter the address, then spin the wheel, solve the captcha and pick up the BTC. And so on as many times as you can.

We don’t know whether this advantage will outweigh the obvious disadvantages in your eyes. Try it and decide for yourself. But the disadvantages are the huge amount of advertising, which does not add anything positive. Plus, the wheel spins with an unpleasant sound, reminiscent of the sound of a roulette wheel and God knows what else. So at late times you need to either retire or turn off the sound.

  1. ePay. To collect a “harvest” of satoshi on this site, you will have to work at least a couple of hours a day. If you go to such temporary expenses, then in a month you can enrich yourself by 50 dollars. And this does not yet take into account bonus savings. True, there are such captchas that you can break your eyes, but you can manage your profits without any problems, the interface is convenient and payments are always made on time. You can withdraw from 13,000 satoshi.
  2. MyCoinAds. A resource of venerable age, tested more than once. The interface is no frills, simple and convenient. Working here turns into an entertaining game that is well paid. The task consists of browsing various sites. Don’t be afraid of the relatively high minimum for withdrawal; you can earn it without any problems. Payments are made daily and automatically.

Of course, the list of Bitcoin faucets is not exhausted by the resources presented above. But this is enough for a start. The main thing is to understand that this process is accessible to everyone and does not present any particular difficulty.

In the generally accepted sense, mining, translated from English, means the extraction of natural resources through the development of deposits. In relation to our topic, that is, bitcoin, this is the creation of new units of this cryptocurrency. People who engage in this process are called miners.

Bitcoins cannot be created like any traditional currency - printed on a machine or minted. The appearance of each new unit is preceded by complex computing operations, which are carried out either on personal PCs or using special and very expensive equipment.

You won’t earn much through an ordinary home computer, but you won’t need to make large investments either. You just need to download the program and accept the loss of some part of the power of your hardware.

If you want to earn money on an “industrial” scale, then you will have to spend accordingly. To buy the necessary equipment and create a so-called “farm” that can bring serious profits, you need to invest no less serious money.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves, but before making a decision to purchase expensive equipment, you need to carefully calculate everything so as not to end up at a loss.

The topic of mining is very broad and quite complex. We remembered it here only in order not to ignore this method of earning bitcoins, and in general this is not an option that can be recommended for widespread use.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that currently costs almost 500,000 rubles per coin. Although (probably this won’t surprise anyone, but suddenly) literally 5 years ago this same coin cost less than a ballpoint pen. Many lucky people have accidentally become millionaires and some even billionaires thanks to the incredible growth of this currency.

And the fact is that 500,000 rubles is not the limit. It is expected that in just a few years one coin will reach a value of 40-50 million rubles; just 0.01 BTC will make you a relatively rich person.

But where can I get Bitcoin? How to earn it? After all, not everyone can buy a couple of coins for themselves, much less take a risk, sell an apartment and wait for the weather by the sea.

You always need to start small, and dropi spent several hours looking for ways to get bitcoins for free and with a minimum of time spent.

The first method is affiliate programs of exchangers.

Every day thousands of new people come into the world of cryptocurrencies, and they all need somewhere to buy their first coins. You can take advantage of this and become a partner of some reliable exchanger, for example Localbitcoins.

The essence of affiliate programs of exchangers is that they pay you for new clients, while the client himself does not lose absolutely nothing. That is, you can register in the exchanger, in personal account get a referral link and offer it to your friends and acquaintances, maybe you even have a website and you will place the link on it.

Localbitcoins is not just an exchanger. This is a full-fledged guarantor of any transaction, it is the most famous and most reliable service for buying and selling bitcoins.

Also, localbitcoins is an excellent way to buy bitcoins at a favorable price,

You can also take advantage of telegram bot affiliate programs.

The second method is the YoBit exchange

Apparently the distribution of coins is over at the moment, but maybe it will resume someday.

The third way is to subscribe to the UFObject channel

The Uniform Fiscal Object company conducts airdrops of its coin almost every time it introduces updates to its blockchain or adds some new service based on its coin.

  • Airdrop - distribution of coins to attract attention to yourself

We have already written in detail about this coin in this one.

The fourth way, but the stupidest and most naive, is to simply ask people for bitcoins.

All the Bitcoin holders we know are very nice people, they fight for a good future for humanity and, at every opportunity, try to involve as many people as possible in this area. Therefore, many can easily transfer you several Satoshi (0.00000001 btc) and thus increase their “army”. And this is not begging, there is nothing shameful in this. Of course, not everyone has such acquaintances or friends, but they will definitely appear soon, because the world of cryptocurrencies is expanding faster than the speed of light.

If you have any other ways to mine electronic gold for free, share them in the comments. You can also leave your Bitcoin wallets in the comments, maybe someone will share their coins.

All the best Bitcoin bonuses and freebitcoin faucets on one page, collected especially for you. Most sites do not require registration; you only need to provide your Bitcoin wallet number. After entering the captcha, payments are immediately sent to the accumulative micro-wallet, when the balance reaches min. the amount is paid to your main Bitcoin wallet. It's simple: insert your BTC wallet number, enter the captcha and receive a Bitcoin bonus. Here are verified sites that distribute Bitcoins for free and from which a payment to a Bitcoin wallet has already been received! If you don't have a Bitcoin wallet yet, create one on the page"Bitcoin Wallet". ABOUT You can exchange Bitcoin and other currencies at EXMO cryptocurrency exchange or usingmonitoring exchangers New faucets of free Bitcoins are constantly being added, add this page to your Bookmarks and visit often!

The best free distribution services Bitcoin faucets.
FreeBitcoin - service No. 1, every hour you can get from 40 satoshi to 0.4 Bitcoin. You can win up to $200 at a time. Registration is described in detail on the Bitcoin Free page (at the bottom of the page). Automatic payment to your BTC wallet every Sunday when you reach a minimum of 25,000 satoshi.
Multi-FAUCET a new faucet for collecting two cryptocurrencies: Ethereum and Bitcoin. A simple registration is required; in your account you need to enter the numbers of your Ethereum and Bitcoin wallets. We log in every 30 minutes and enter the captcha. You are randomly awarded coins. Payout when the minimum is reached - 0.02 ETH and 0.0007 BTC
BIT FUN is a Bitcoin accumulative faucet with games in which you can collect Satoshi for free after a certain time, simply by clicking on a button and solving the captcha. Requires registration and confirmation of your mailbox. Under the menu at the top of the page, click the orange rectangle with the blue button “Claim now!” and enter the captcha.

DailyFreeBits- O Dean is one of the very first Bitcoin faucets on the Internet. This faucet has already paid out a whole lot of money to its visitors. The amount for withdrawal to a BTC wallet is 3500 satoshi. Distributes from 30 satoshi once per hour.

Lead-in - excellent and very stable bitcoin faucet, has been paying regularly since 2014. Every hour gives 85 satoshi, without entering captcha. IN

pays on Mondays to your Bitcoin wallet, min. the withdrawal threshold is 10,000 satoshi - GetyourBitcoin service for free distribution of bitcoins, from 50 satoshi every 5 minutes,Every 14 collections, the bonus reward increases. WITH
atoshi are added to the balance on the site, but you can withdraw without a minimum to fausetbox Ecobot- a faucet faucet appeared on the site and with it the opportunity to receive cryptocurrency or increase your cloud by 0.025 GHS once a day: to do this, select the “faucet” item in the “Products” drop-down menu, guess the captcha - and get a bonus
You can create a cryptocurrency wallet directly on the website - BoxBitcoin Venter your Bitcoin wallet, click “sign in”, select the chest and you can pick up the prize by clicking the button"Take satoshi", you can try again by clicking "Try second chance". Click "next", enter the captcha and click "Get Reward". Pays every 10 minutes

. Auto payments on Sunday. Dancefaucet - an updated auto-dialing faucet that issues tickets, which are automatically exchanged for satoshi every day. WITH Registration required, automatic payouts on weekends when the minimum amount is reached

WeLoveBTC- new faucet - distributes Bitcoin every hour, from 500 to 10,000 satoshi. It is possible to win jackpots, but not big probability. Payouts using FaucetBox

99MILLI - every 5 minutes you can earn from 100 to 1000 satoshi and top rewards come quite often. Payment comes to FaucetBox, without registration, no delays were detected., washing carpets, etc.). Also, all services for free distribution of bitcoins have excellent referral programs from 10 to 50% - invite partners, earn more. Be active - it will increase your income!

Instructions. Registration on the FreeBitcoin free distribution service.

Go to the FreeBitcoin service using the link or copy the link and open it in a new window. When the browser window opens, we will see a page with two forms. We use the form on the left side to start registration, the form on the right is used to log into your account. In the login field, enter your Bitcoin wallet number. Enter your password below, repeat the password and enter your email - click SIGN UP! After logging into your account, we go to the FREE PLAY page, enter the captcha, click “Roll” and get your first Bitcoins. At the top right of the page there are yellow numbers - these are your accruals. This will start a 1 hour countdown timer. After an hour, we repeat the procedure, etc. Payments are automatic (AUTO WITHDRAW - check the box) - once a week on Monday to your Bitcoin wallet. Be active, visit the site more often and see how your winnings increase!