Top article exchanges: why are they needed and how to choose the best one to make money? The best article exchanges Which article exchange is considered good

July 10, 2015, Nadezhda Eremenko

Exchange of articles– a site for selling articles (such as this article). On the article exchange, authors offer their finished articles.

This is the place where articles for sale are stored.

Under content exchange refers to an online market where texts are sold. An article sales exchange is a source of income for a copywriter. And at the same time article content exchange is a place where website owners can find inexpensive material for their brainchild.

Popular article exchanges

Articles to order must have a clear narrative thread and be interesting. If being a copywriter is in your blood, it makes sense to start working with the largest job exchanges for writers:

TextSale – article exchange with low prices. The cost of articles on the TextSale exchange is reduced, because... texts are checked only for uniqueness. They don't check for errors. But you can always watch an excerpt from the article on the TextSale ru exchange to evaluate its quality. Click TextSale article exchange entry to be halfway to achieving your goal. I wrote about it earlier.

Exchange of articles Etxt– an excellent exchange with complete information about the article being sold. Here you will see the uniqueness score (in percentage). In addition, you will also be warned about the presence of errors in the article. Everyone sets their own prices for articles on the Etxt exchange. If you search, you can find excellent articles at very modest prices. Read about how and what they are.
Article exchange site– this is Advego, and, and Content Monster, and Copylancer, and Neotext. On any of these sites you can sell your articles. Unlike the aforementioned Etxt and TextSale, prices here will be higher. But you won’t have to complain about the quality either. Since articles with errors are simply not allowed for sale. Therefore the data article content exchanges can rightfully be called the best sites.

Article Exchange Text is a unique exchange where you can only find deep rewriting or copyright. , with which search engines are fighting, will soon depreciate. And then we will all purchase articles for our website on I gave advice on this in one of the first articles.

Advego article exchange– perhaps the most profitable place for a copywriter and rewriter, for a webmaster and advertiser. The site's many features, once you get used to them, allow you to post articles for sale and search for texts by keywords. I cited it in one of the previous articles. The advantages of the Advego exchange can be identified as follows:

Popular article exchanges– Advego and Etxt. Advego attracts with its wide capabilities and the largest number of customers, and Etxt lures with reduced prices for content. On Etxt, the minimum price is 5 rubles/1000 for a unique rewrite with possible typos and other errors. You can order the text here and correct the mistakes yourself, or buy a ready-made text from Advego at a price of 15 rubles and more.

The price may vary depending on many factors. Often, Contractors with a large rating fulfill Orders at higher prices than novice Contractors. The more experienced the Contractor, the higher his rating, the higher the price Customers charge for completing the task.
We see many examples of the successful work of our users, for whom the Exchange website has become the main source of income with decent earnings.

Registration and stay on our service are absolutely free.
For the provision of services and ensuring the security of transactions with earned funds.

The service site guarantees the security of the transaction between the Customer and the Contractor.

If the Contractor completed the work efficiently and on time, he will receive payment for it.

The customer can refuse payment only in the following cases:

  • the work was not sent on time;
  • The customer was dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed and filed a complaint with the internal Arbitration site, where his side was accepted.
  • You need to add a counterparty. The counterparty is you, your data individual. After that, you add a wallet (card) and confirm via SMS.

    You leave a response to the Order you like. If the Customer chooses you among other Contractors, you will receive a system notification and you can start working.

    When creating a task, the Customer sets a deadline for the work (deadline), leaving a response to it, you undertake to submit the text on time and in accordance with the requirements specified in the terms of reference.

    After writing the text, you send the work to the Customer through the service of our Exchange. Then there are 3 options:

    • The customer accepts your work, the funds for it are transferred to your account.
    • The customer sends the text to you for revision, indicating the reason(errors in the text, inconsistency with technical specifications, low uniqueness). In this case, you should correct the indicated shortcomings and send the text again. If you do not agree with the reason for the revision, then you have the right to file a complaint against the Customer with the internal Arbitration of the service.
    • The customer submits a complaint to the internal Arbitration Service to refuse your work due to errors, low uniqueness or non-compliance with the specifications. If the Customer's side is accepted, the Contractor loses a significant part of the rating (its size is 3 times the rating for the execution of this Order).
  • When creating a task, the Customer sets a deadline.

    It is very important to submit the work on time, so you will not only avoid a fine, but also earn the trust of the Customer. In the future, he may begin to work with you on an ongoing basis.

    The Contractor's rating is an indicator of his experience working on the website service. You receive a rating for timely completion of Orders. You can get a one-time increase in your rating immediately after registration if you fill out your profile, upload an avatar and answer the question “How did you hear about the site?” In addition, there are additional bonuses for submitting work on time, writing unique texts and earning money per day.

    • Opportunity to respond to a larger number of interesting Orders. When choosing a Contractor, Customers often focus on his rating and prefer to give expensive tasks to experienced authors.
    • Reduction of Exchange commission. A Contractor with the title “Academician” has a significantly lower commission than a Contractor with the title “Schoolchild”.
    • Reducing the check queue. The waiting time for uniqueness verification decreases as the rating increases.
    • Opportunity to take a place among the top Performers. Profiles of the best authors with high ratings are shown on home page. Customers are guided by this list and select Contractors who occupy high places in it.
  • Users with a PRO account have the following benefits:

    • rating increase 30% faster;
    • trust from Customers;
    • quick uniqueness check;

    These and other privileges are described in detail on the PRO account page.

    The work is checked personally by the Customer. The service administration reviews the work only if there is a complaint regarding the Order in Arbitration.

    The Customer has 4 days to make a decision about your work (weekends and holidays are not taken into account). If during this time he does not accept the work, does not send it for revision and does not file a complaint, then the work will automatically go to the Auto-Acceptance Arbitration, where it will be checked for errors and compliance with the technical specifications.

    The customer has the right to refuse you if you do not send the work before the deadline. In this case, the task is not paid. For violating a deadline, you will be deducted 2 times more rating than you would have received for completing it.

    Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today I propose to figure out what a copywriting exchange is and which of them are best suited for beginning copywriters. Almost all copywriters, even the most successful ones, began their careers on stock exchanges. This is a survival school for beginners, where it has its own rules and features.

    I offer you an overview of the best copywriting exchanges for beginning authors, I hope this will help you start earning your first money today.

    All copywriting and rewriting exchanges

    But here, with due diligence, you have a much better chance of winning. short time achieve high ratings and decent wages. Constant learning and improvement of your skills will also greatly push you in this direction, I advise you from our Knowledge Base.

    In addition, this is a great opportunity to find employers who will offer you long-term cooperation outside of the exchange.

    Needless to say about the experience and professionalism that grows with every completed order and positive feedback.

    Have you, dear readers, had experience working on exchanges for copywriters? What kind of sites have you worked on? Share your impressions in the comments; perhaps someone needs your advice to achieve the desired results.

    Hello, dear colleagues and readers. How much do you think you can earn on a content exchange? Some easily make 500-1000 rubles in copywriting or rewriting in a few hours, while others have difficulty writing an article and receive several times less. For beginners, experience comes with time, as does income growth. You just need to believe in yourself and improve your professional skills to get more money.

    I immediately provide reference material about what he does and what he does.

    Today we’ll talk about copywriting exchanges and making money on articles on the Internet will be just around the corner. How many projects do you know? I have compiled for you a whole list of exchanges, among which beginners and professional copywriters can find a lot of work. Let's watch.

    15 exchanges for copywriters:

    I also prepared it especially for beginners.
    I often come across the same question - which exchanges are the best for beginners in the field of making money online with texts? There is no universal answer here; everyone chooses individually. For example, I would first pay attention to Etxt, Advego and Contenthub. The ability will come in handy. If there is no such desire, then you can work in narrow topics.

    Now let's take a closer look at the projects from the list.

    Etxt is one of the largest copywriting exchanges on the Internet. This is evidenced by the frequent updating of the order feed and the huge number of registered users - customers and performers.

    Some time has passed since the screenshot was taken and the article was published, so don't be surprised if you see the numbers go up.

    A decent amount of work for beginners and professionals is one of the main distinguishing features of the exchange. Naturally, the level of earnings can vary significantly.

    There is a tender system on the site. If in simple language, then several contractors can apply for one order. The employer makes the choice independently. The exception is individual orders and those that are configured to automatically accept an application that meets certain parameters.


    • Fulfilling orders and selling ready-made unique texts are the two main options for earning money. In the first case, the price is set by the customer, in the second - by the author.
    • The minimum cost of 1 thousand characters is 5 rubles. Recommendation - good authors should immediately pay attention to prices of 20-30 or more.
    • Income can be increased by selling unique photographs. The author sets their cost independently.
    • Withdrawals from 250 rubles to Webmoney (WM) are carried out within 5 working days with a commission of 0.8 percent. It is possible to earn this amount and more within a day.
    • Replenishment is also available via WM. This can also be done through other payment systems, details in personal account. Why refill? Information for customers or copywriters advertising their services in paid ways.

    Job prospects

    First, you need to completely fill out your profile with interesting and useful information when you register. Not everyone does this, so you can significantly increase your competitiveness and begin to focus not on cheap orders, but on more attractive ones.

    The chances of receiving expensive orders increase significantly with completion. It would also be a good idea to improve your skill level in regular and SEO copywriting and rewriting by passing testing. Customers will see all the results.

    A good reputation as a copywriter is the main “element” on the way to increasing income. This point is better understood from the very beginning.

    Text is a content exchange with a long history. Surely, it is already familiar to many who need to check the uniqueness, spelling in the text or the level of its optimization.

    Along with the copywriting and rewriting exchange, there are article and news stores - a distinctive advantage of the project. What are the differences? In some, work is carried out to order, and in others, you can sell or buy ready-made articles.


    • Writing articles to order or selling ready-made options in stores are the main ways to make a profit.
    • 10-60 rubles per 1000 characters of text is the normal cost for an order. There are more and less.
    • A minimum of 100 rubles is needed for withdrawal. You can do it on WMR, QIWI, or make a non-cash payment if you represent an individual entrepreneur or entity. Depending on the chosen method, the commission can range from 0 to 5%.
    • The same systems are suitable for replenishment, plus the options include Yandex Money, Alfa Bank, Sberbank, as well as Visa cards and MasterCard. Information in case you decide to use paid options or are a customer.

    Job prospects

    As with any serious project, a copywriter's reputation can have a serious impact on income. You need to start taking care of her from the very beginning and first at least fill out information about yourself.

    In addition to the options described above, the site can be recommended to other people as part of an affiliate program. You can make money from this. How many? This largely depends on you and the activity of your referrals (users invited based on your recommendation).


    Advego is a large Internet content exchange. It is one of the first projects that I learned about when I first started thinking seriously about making money online. Judging by the information field in the “basement” (lower part of the site), the resource has existed since 2008.

    If you pay attention to the counter, I see that today there were almost 30 thousand visitors and it’s not the end of the day yet. Naturally, among the visitors there are people who want to make money by creating content and purchase it.


    • Income is calculated in USD.
    • The average cost of copywriting is about 2 USD. Rewriting is easier to do and, accordingly, it is about 2 times cheaper. Translation is approximately 1.5 times more expensive.
    • The exchange commission is 10 percent. For example, if an order for 100 USD is completed, the commission will be 10.
    • The conclusion, based on the currency in which earnings are calculated, can be made on WMZ. It is also possible to do it using a WMR or Qiwi wallet. The minimum you will need to collect is 5 USD.

    Job prospects

    If desired and possible, you can increase your income by participating in the affiliate program. Along with completing classic orders, you can take part in the work of the article store. There, copywriters add unique content for sale, setting the desired price.

    In general, the exchange has many services and opportunities for working and developing your financial potential. It makes sense to take the time to familiarize yourself with them.


    Copylancer is a Russian-language exchange for copywriting and finished articles. It has been working for a long time and has managed to gain popularity among authors and employers.


    • About 30-70 rubles per 1000 characters, depending on the level of skill obtained.
    • 20% — project commission from the total order amount.
    • Money for work is withdrawn to WM. Transfers are made on working days.
    • From 120 rubles will be required for withdrawal.

    Job prospects

    The amount of income largely depends on the skill of the copywriter. There is room for improvement.

    Employers and authors can participate in the project’s affiliate program. From each invited referral you can receive 40% of the system commission in the first year, 20 and 10% in the second and third, respectively.


    TextSale is a promising content exchange. A huge number of ready-made articles for sale is one of its advantages. To open access to orders, you will need at least 1 star, indicating the quality of the work. As an alternative, this access can be paid for.


    • You need to dial 200 rubles to withdraw funds to your WM wallet.
    • 90% is the author’s earnings after selling the article.
    • The author's rating can significantly affect earnings.

    Job prospects

    Lifetime affiliate royalties in the amount of 2.5% from referral sales or purchases are an attractive competitive advantage of the project. For anyone who hasn’t made money this way yet, I’ll say that a referral is a person who followed the personal link issued on the exchange and registered.

    Quality content is always in demand. You can prove to the employer that yours is the one through a high reputation. It develops over time.


    ContentMonster is a highly specialized content exchange. Many professionals and simple authors with a good style know about it well.

    The system seriously controls the quality of texts. Therefore, not all beginners will be able to gain access. To begin executing orders, you will need to undergo testing, which will be checked by an expert.


    • Income is accrued in MR and MZ - internal currency. These are the equivalents of rubles and dollars.
    • 60 rubles is the average cost of 1000 characters of written copywriting, 30 is the minimum.
    • 20% — exchange commission on the cost of orders. Retained only from copywriters.
    • 150 MR or 5 MZ is needed to withdraw money to WMR, WMZ. This is usually done within 3 working days after the application is submitted.

    Job prospects

    Quite a few authors strive to get into this project. One of the reasons for this is obvious - you can make a very decent income. To increase your income, you must initially take care of creating a positive rating.

    You can receive 25% of the system’s commission for the financial activity of a customer invited within the affiliate program for life. This is a huge plus. If the author registered using a referral link, then the partner is entitled to 30 rubles if the invited person successfully passed the tests and submitted at least 3 orders.


    TextBroker is a highly specialized and very serious bureau of professional copywriters. Their wages are high here.

    The only thing is that beginners without experience cannot get here. To get started, you will need to confirm your professionalism. For example, show good rating on your accounts in copywriting exchanges, customer reviews, portfolio. There is one exception – I’ll talk about it further.

    Typically, about 500 copywriters work on the project. To be among them is a great success. It's worth the effort. Look at the picture below.


    • 100-1000 rubles – the cost of one thousand characters.
    • $20 is the minimum payout.
    • To receive money, a wallet in the Webmoney system will be useful.

    The intrasystem dollar exchange rate at the time of writing is 50 rubles.

    Job prospects

    Now about the exception. There is a second way to get to the project - by invitation of the customer. There is a nuance here - a copywriter invited in this way will only be able to fulfill his orders and will not be able to take others. Therefore, it is better to prove professionalism so that this restriction does not exist.


    GodsOfContent is a serious project where some can buy high quality articles and others can sell them. Earning money here is more suitable for experienced copywriters. To get a job you will need to pass a test.

    Honestly, I'm a little surprised when I learn that some professionals in their field or experienced freelancers don't know about GodsOfContent. In fact, you can make decent money there.


    • Writing informational, selling and other types of texts to order is the main type of work.
    • Authors can receive about $1.5-10 for every thousand characters without spaces for copywriting or rewriting.

    Job prospects

    Attractive income figures? I think so, undoubtedly. As usual, the professional reputation of the “masters of the pen” is extremely important for the growth of profits and prospects.

    You can earn 55-70 percent of the service’s income by attracting active clients. To receive this opportunity, you will need to register as a customer.


    Contenthub is a copywriting exchange with ample opportunities for earning money. An informative and intuitive interface greatly facilitates the first acquaintance and work with the project as a whole. It makes sense to pay attention to both experienced users and beginners.


    • Writing articles to order and working as a proofreader are key areas for receiving remuneration for your work.
    • To expand your job prospects, you need to undergo testing.
    • Available orders can usually be accepted immediately.
    • Payments to Webmoney. Minimum - 100 WMR.

    Job prospects

    Along with the above, the expansion of financial horizons is facilitated by the existence investment fund. Investments are accepted from 100 rubles.

    3% is the amount of the affiliate remuneration. It is calculated from the amount of money withdrawn by the invited copywriter, which he earned on direct orders received from the system.


    Miratext is a reputable content exchange for websites. Here you can get money for unique copywriting, rewriting, articles in foreign languages. It is also worth highlighting press releases, analytical and selling texts. Another interesting nuance - poems and fairy tales can also be in demand.


    • In your profile settings you can specify WMR, Qiwi and Yandex wallets.
    • There is no minimum withdrawal amount. Payment is usually processed within 1 business day.
    • There is a bonus program under which the author can be awarded MiraCakes. They can be changed, for example, to increase the account balance in other systems, promotional codes.

    Job prospects

    Successful completion test tasks will be useful along the way financial development. Where would we be without assessing professionalism? After all good money It's quality articles that are worth it.

    There is a referral program. If you attract a customer, you will be able to earn 75, 50 and 25% of the system’s profit, which is received as a result of his activity in the first, second and subsequent months, respectively.


    TurboText is one of the popular content exchanges in the Russian-language segment of the Internet. You can work within the framework of copywriting, rewriting, translations and some other areas. Testing is provided for authors.


    • Fulfilling orders and selling content in the store are ways to generate income.
    • Payouts on WMR from 50 rubles. They are carried out on Mondays.
    • The average price for copywriting is around 70 rubles, 49 for rewriting, 98 for translations from a foreign language.

    Job prospects

    Up to 30% of the system commission received from the attracted referral is credited to the partner. There is a nuance - if the invited person is the customer, then up to 30 percent, and if the performer, then 5%.


    SniperContent is a copywriting exchange with a narrow professional focus. A distinctive plus is that customers can not only purchase texts here, but also receive services for their placement on websites.


    • Only 20 rubles are needed for payment. It is carried out on WMR within 3 days (working days).
    • 10% of the performers' earnings are project commissions.

    Job prospects

    Due to the above and taking into account the relatively low competition among copywriters on the site, beginners should take a closer look at the project. There is no point in putting off getting to know each other, as such working conditions may also appeal to professionals.

    25% of the system’s income resulting from the activity of invited users can be earned by participating in the affiliate program.


    Textovik is a “young” and promising copywriting exchange. In the news of the project from the beginning of last year, I see information that it was launched in beta mode.

    Despite its small age, I note good user activity on its pages - I see regular additions of orders on the exchange itself and new articles in the store. If I were a beginner, I would definitely take a closer look at the site. The current prices, I think, will also really appeal to professional authors.


    • There is a store of ready-made articles and orders for writing specific texts.
    • Access to orders depends on status. There are 3 of them - beginner, experienced user, professional. The first have access to orders of 5-50 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces, the second - 50-100, the third - from 100.
    • Funds are withdrawn to Webmoney.

    Job prospects

    Even as a beginner, the pay can be quite decent. Of course, for its growth, you will need to successfully pass testing and maintain your own reputation at the proper level.


    My-Publication is a very interesting exchange for copywriters with a lot of opportunities for professional development. I would like to note that the budgets of various projects may be quite large.


    • The event feed on the exchange includes both one-time orders and vacancies for permanent cooperation.
    • With the growth of the author's intra-system reputation, among other things, the chances of receiving more expensive works increase.

    Job prospects

    Looking for more expensive one-time part-time jobs, earning a rating - this, of course, is good and leads to development in professional and financial relations. There is something to strive for. If you want cooperation on an ongoing basis, then you can look for relevant vacancies.


    NeoText is a good exchange with attractive payment for authors who create high-quality texts. The project has been on the content market for a long time and is characterized on the positive side.


    • Articles are sold through the store at the desired prices or are created to order according to technical specifications from the employer.
    • 1000 characters costs from 0.4 to 4.6 dollars depending on the level of the copywriter. It is assigned automatically based on customer ratings for finished works.
    • Withdraws from $7 to WMZ. Duration - up to 3 working days.

    Job prospects

    Accessing orders over $4 for a standard amount of text is a great goal. If you do everything correctly and write popular texts, you can make a good profit for selling them in the store.

    First steps in making money on exchanges

    Competition among copywriters is high. For aspiring authors, landing attractive work may be difficult at first.

    Walking through the expanses of various content exchanges, I notice the same shortcomings in individual authors. Because of them, many good orders simply do not go to newcomers, going to other people. Can you guess what we're talking about?

    I recorded a short video especially for those starting to make money on stock exchanges. In it I will tell you about some nuances, first steps and typical mistakes that reduce your chances of getting more money.

    What can you say about the information in general? After all, there is room to turn around and something to think about.

    If you have seriously decided to make good money by creating texts, then the question will still arise about. In principle, you can learn throughout your life, but you should start by learning quality lessons.

    Finally, I’ll reveal one more interesting nuance - can you already imagine in numbers how much copywriters earn? More information about this is included.

    Thank you for your attention. I wish you success and, perhaps most importantly, simple human happiness. See you later.

    Thousands of new sites appear on the Internet every day. Regardless of the purpose for which an Internet resource is created, it will have to be filled with information.

    This is where people involved can come to the rescue.

    Copywriting This is a summary of information taken from several sources. That is, copywriters find articles on the Internet on the desired topic, read them, and then retell them in their own words.

    In order to “bring together” customers (people who need to buy or order a specific text) with performers (authors), there are copywriting exchanges.

    If you are a beginner and have a great desire to write, but doubt your capabilities, then you need to start your career as a copywriter on such exchanges.

    • Firstly, you can choose orders yourself (it’s better to start with the simplest work).
    • Secondly, your rights as an employee are protected by the exchange. You can be sure that if you take a responsible approach to your work, you will not be deceived.
    • Third, you will get your hands on low-paying orders and, perhaps, find regular customers with whom you will work outside of exchanges in the future.

    Nuances of the work of different copywriting and rewriting exchanges

    At the moment, there are many freelance exchanges on the Internet where copywriters earn money. Each performer chooses the platform that is convenient for him.

    If you are just thinking about which resource to register on, we advise you to pay attention to the following nuances:

    • Payment amount per 1000 characters. If you have never written articles, then it is better to start with small, average-paying orders (15-20 rubles/1000 characters). Professionals earn more, but the requirements for their work are higher;
    • Availability of tests. Some resources have mandatory literacy tests, without passing which you will not be able to take orders;
    • Convenient site navigation. It is very important that the exchange is convenient and has a clear interface. Thanks to this, you will get to work faster;
    • Withdrawing money. Installed on most sites minimum amount to withdraw earned funds. Pay attention to what payment systems the sites work with. Most often this is only a WebMoney wallet;
    • Site commission. Give preference to sites with adequate commissions and a good attitude towards both customers and performers.

    Review of the TOP 10 copywriting exchanges

    Some beginners believe that it is rational to register on several copywriting exchanges, so that they can take on more orders.

    In fact, if you want to have a highly paid job, you will have to choose one site where you will work, earn a rating, improve your skills, and find regular customers.

    There are 3 types of copywriting exchanges:

    1. Open exchanges- These are sites where anyone can register. To do this, you just need to enter your data, after which you can begin your work activity.
    2. Semi-open exchanges– these are Internet resources where the registered user must pass a literacy test or write an essay on a specified topic. Only after this will he be allowed to place orders.
    3. Closed exchanges– these are sites where a strict selection of copywriters is carried out. If you want to work on such an exchange, then get ready to be asked to provide a resume, portfolio, take a test, or write a short summary or essay.

    To make it easier for you to choose a resource to work with, we have compiled the TOP 10 most popular copywriting exchanges and divided them by type.

    Open exchanges

    Etxt– an exchange uniting several hundred thousand performers and customers. This is one of the most popular resources. Therefore, it is great among copywriters. The site operates a tender system for taking orders. That is, you submit an application to complete the task you like, and the customer chooses who will perform it.

    On this site, customers offer a low price for writing articles, but copywriters have the opportunity to gain a rating, receive a high assessment of their skills, and subsequently perform higher-paying work.

    On Etxt, all users increase their rating as they work. If you earned 10 rubles, then they are equal to 1 rating point.

    Performers with a rating below 299 points cannot submit applications for orders where the cost per 1000 characters is higher than 25 rubles. A newbie can take on a large order only if he passes a literacy test (answers correctly at least 7 questions out of 10).

    In addition to the rating, a copywriter can raise the level of his skill by writing a test task. But keep in mind that moderators check all works very meticulously. Missed punctuation, incorrect case, or more than 3 errors of any kind and you will not earn a single star (out of 3 possible).

    The site has its own services for checking uniqueness and punctuation. It is possible to use paid proofreading services.

    As for finances, commissions are charged from both the customer and the contractor (5% each). Not so much.

    The minimum amount for withdrawal is 250 rubles. from this amount the site will take 0.8% as commission. You can withdraw your earned money to WebMoney, Yandex.Money and QIWI wallets.

    The money will be credited to the specified account within 5 business days. If you need funds urgently, you can order an urgent withdrawal of money, but the commission in this case will be 5% of the withdrawal amount.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • Large number of orders;
    • Good attitude of the site administration towards the performers;
    • Minimum commission;
    • Opportunity for career growth;
    • Opportunity for beginners to earn money;
    • Simple interface.


    • Withdrawal of funds after 5 working days;
    • Big competition;
    • Relatively low prices.

    Advego– one of the oldest exchanges. It is one of the top three among similar sites. There is a lot of competition among copywriters.

    Anyone can register on this online resource. After this, you need to fill out your profile and proceed to search for orders. Based on the results of your work, you will be assigned a certain level of efficiency. It depends on many components. This is the quantity, quality and volume of work performed, speed of completion, etc.

    All calculations take place in y. e. The minimum payment for writing 1000 characters without spaces is 0.2 USD. e.

    You can withdraw earned money only to a WebMoney wallet. At the same time, you need to accumulate 5 USD in your Advego account. e. This is the minimum amount for withdrawal.

    This exchange has its own services for checking uniqueness, spelling and semantics.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • Decent pay for copywriters;
    • Wide variety of orders;
    • Availability of useful services;
    • A small minimum amount for withdrawing earned funds.


    • Great competition within the exchange;
    • Possibility to withdraw money only to WebMoney.

    is a fairly developed exchange that is known to many copywriters working on other resources. All because of a convenient service for checking uniqueness, spelling and SEO analysis, which even an unregistered user can use.

    But on this site they check not only uniqueness, but also use it to make money. By registering, copywriters can take orders or sell ready-made articles.

    On, each user is assigned a certain status. For example, a newcomer is considered a “school student,” but he can raise his status by perfectly fulfilling orders and being active on the stock exchange.

    To work on this exchange you do not need any capital investment. But for each order, the copywriter will pay a commission to the site. Performers with different statuses have different commission amounts. For example, for a “student” it is 10%, and for an “academician” it is 8.25%. That is, the higher the rating and status, the lower the commission.

    You can only withdraw funds to a WebMoney wallet. In this case, the minimum amount for withdrawal is 100 rubles.

    If you don’t want to gradually build up your rating, but want to take large orders right away, then you can deposit a certain amount in order to register a PRO account. This will automatically increase your rating by 30%.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • Excellent multifunctional services;
    • Not too high exchange commission;
    • The ability to quickly increase your rating.


    • Big competition;
    • Possibility to withdraw earned money only to WebMoney.

    TextSale– exchange for selling articles. It is on this site that copywriters make money by selling ready-made content.

    Prices for articles are at an average level. The minimum cost for 1000 characters without spaces is 20 rubles.

    This article exchange for websites also makes it possible to earn money by completing orders. But in order to gain access to them, you need to either gain a rating by selling ready-made articles or pay 300 rubles.

    If you decide to profitably sell your work, then be prepared for the fact that the site will take 10% of the cost of the article as a commission.

    When withdrawing funds, you may encounter the following problem. The exchange withdraws money only to the WebMoney dollar wallet. In this case, the minimum amount is 200 rubles.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • An excellent platform where ready-made content is bought well;
    • Relatively small commission.


    • Ability to withdraw money to only one wallet;
    • Partially paid access to orders.

    Turbotext– a resource where ideal conditions for customers are created. Very strict requirements are put forward for performers. Already at the registration stage, authors are selected. But those who pass all the tests will receive highly paid orders. This resource is aimed at professional copywriters.

    Once registered, performers will be required to pass a literacy test. If a copywriter fails the test, he will be able to take it again no earlier than in 1 month. During this period, orders will not be available to him, but he will be able to complete mini-tasks (like, repost, write comments, etc.).

    In addition to testing, in order to receive orders, you will have to write an essay. Performers who earn a rating of 4 or 5 are granted access.

    The site does not have a tender system like most exchanges. This means that the first copywriter who clicked the “Take order” button is automatically assigned as the performer of a particular work.

    Minimum payment of 22 rubles/1000 sim. newcomers receive. Pros fulfill orders starting from RUB 179/1000 SIM.

    The site administration takes a commission only from performers in the amount of 20%. They withdraw money only once a week (on Mondays). The withdrawal amount should not be less than 50 rubles.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • There is no tender system;
    • Small amount for withdrawal;
    • Relatively high wages for copywriters.


    • Withdrawal of funds once a week;
    • Rigid selection of performers;
    • High commission, which is charged only to copywriters.

    Semi-open exchanges

    ContentMonster is an exchange with strict requirements in relation to performers. But customers feel very comfortable on this site. Let’s say right away that only half of the copywriters pass the test.

    Each performer earns a rating as he completes orders, thereby increasing the level of his skill. But if the texts are of poor quality, the account may be blocked without warning.

    If the copywriter does not deliver the order on time, the account is also blocked, but only for a week.

    The exchange administration often changes the rules of its resource and independently makes decisions to increase or decrease the level of copywriter skill.

    For each completed order, the exchange takes 20% commission from the contractor.

    The average cost of 1000 characters excluding spaces is 40-60 rubles.

    To withdraw your earned money, you will have to save 150 rubles.

    On the site, copywriters are offered free access to the Copywriting School.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • Average prices;
    • Opportunity to improve professionalism at the Copywriting School;
    • Lack of competition.


    • Large commission, which is charged only to performers;
    • Availability of test tasks for admission to orders;
    • Possibility of blocking an account by the site administration in case of late orders or poor quality execution.

    Copy Lancer– this exchange is distinguished by little competition among copywriters and adequate working conditions.

    To start working on this site, you must:

    1. Complete your profile.
    2. Successfully pass the Russian language test.

    Copywriters on this resource charge an average of 40-60 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. Moreover, each contractor, when submitting an application to fulfill an order, independently indicates its price.

    The first few works of newcomers are checked by proofreaders. This is a mandatory condition of the exchange. This service is paid. For checking each text you will have to pay 10 rubles.

    Earned funds can be withdrawn to your WebMoney wallet, but remember that the minimum amount for withdrawal is 120 rubles.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • The ability to complete orders for beginners for 40 rubles/1000 characters;
    • Loyal attitude of the exchange administration towards performers;
    • Adequate working conditions.


    • Access to orders after passing testing;
    • Paid proofreading services when submitting the first orders of newbies.

    Closed exchanges

    Miratext is an exchange where only professional copywriters work. It is quite difficult to access orders on this site.

    Performers have to:

    1. Take a literacy test.
    2. Take a test to test your knowledge of the rules
    3. Write an article on the specified topic.

    The first works of newcomers are checked by editors. This service is not free. You will have to pay 7 rubles/1000 characters for verification.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • Low competition;
    • Decent pay for copywriters.


    • Few orders;
    • Serious selection of copywriters.

    The site administration is very loyal to the performers. There is no tender system for taking orders, i.e. You always have access to a feed of orders - take it and write it right away, hand in the finished work and get paid.

    The average price for writing 1000 characters excluding spaces is 35 rubles. There is no commission charged to copywriters. Withdrawals are made once a week, or at the first request of the authors.

    There are a lot of free tasks and if you really want, you can find a suitable topic for yourself.

    In order to gain access to orders, you will have to fill out a form. Based on this information, the exchange administration decides whether the author is suitable for this site or not.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • The pay is above average;
    • No commission;
    • Loyal attitude towards copywriters;
    • Lack of any tests;
    • Low competition.


    • Small number of orders;
    • Narrow specificity.

    Freelance exchanges

    - an exchange where freelancers work. Among the many different tasks, a copywriter will be able to find a job for himself. In order to work on this site, you will have to pay for access to orders.

    To receive an order on this resource, you must:

    1. Register.
    2. Complete your profile.
    3. Select a tariff plan.
    4. Pay for it.

    On this exchange, customers find performers, but all payments take place outside the site. If one of the parties wants to protect themselves, then you can use a special paid service, with the help of which the calculation will be made.

    When fulfilling orders, performers receive 1-3 USD. e. for work. Withdrawals are made only to a WebMoney wallet.

    Advantages of the exchange:

    • Various tasks;
    • Decent pay.


    • Paid access to orders;

    We talked only about the best copywriting exchanges, but new sites regularly appear on the Internet where you can buy, sell or order text on the desired topic.

    Some of them specialize only in selling ready-made content, and some only in placing orders.

    Very often, new copywriting exchanges are created by one customer for. These sites are most often closed and simplify the work of both the employer and the contractor. As an example of such an exchange - Slogoved.

    Online article exchanges

    We have already mentioned that on exchanges you can not only fulfill orders, but also sell ready-made articles.

    Copywriters who write on their favorite topics post their finished work in the article store. If the topic of the article is interesting and popular, then there will be many people willing to buy articles.

    The main disadvantage of this type of earnings can be considered the lack of a 100% guarantee that the article will be purchased. If you are ordered to write an article on a specific topic, then after writing it you receive payment. In the case of an article store, this rule does not apply. You will have to wait until someone is interested in your work.

    On many exchanges you can simultaneously fulfill orders and sell finished articles. For example, on the Advego,, Etxt, Krasnoslov, Copylancer exchanges, each copywriter can create a store where he will exhibit his work.

    Article stores provide customers with information about the presence of errors in the text, the degree of uniqueness, etc. In addition, you can read an excerpt from the article to understand the writing style.

    An alternative to copywriting exchanges

    Copywriting exchanges for beginners are a great way to test yourself and believe in your capabilities.

    But many professional copywriters find orders through job posting sites. Just go to such a resource and find an interesting offer in the “Work from home” section.

    Some customers and performers who collaborated on exchanges exchange contacts and continue to work outside of it.


    Copywriting exchanges are a place where people cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. Each such resource has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before registering on one of the sites, carefully study its terms and conditions. The success of a copywriter depends on this.