Belarusians are ready to spend about a thousand dollars on a vacation abroad

Almost all travel agencies in Belarus have started early booking: the most favorable time to purchase tours for the summer. Prices vary: from 500 to infinity dollars. The average amount, as representatives of travel agencies say, hovers around $1,000 per person. For this money you will be provided with a flight, a good bed and, perhaps, an all-inclusive service. Can Belarusians afford that kind of money? Let's find out the answer to this question from people of different professions:

Kuten Vlad, programmer

I get high from relaxation, not from work. Work for me is just a tool with which you can become happy. Therefore, I don’t regret spending money on vacation. I think 800 - 1000 dollars is exactly the amount that I can allocate from my budget for the trip. True, now I have a “busy” subscription - I have too little time to travel somewhere.

Inga Voyush, university teacher

I am ready to spend no more than my vacation pay on vacation. Plus, you need to leave something for September (Inga can only take vacation in the summer), because the first salary after the vacation is only in October. At today's salary, vacation pay would be approximately $550. We subtract 250 dollars from this amount to live on in September, it turns out 300 dollars for two months of teaching leave, that is, 150 dollars a month. With this amount you can go to the village to work on the garden beds. There is a lake, a greenhouse, two huge cats and a market nearby. It’s hard to think about a holiday at sea. Well, look, let’s take my $150, subtract $60 from it for a visa and $100 for tickets. It turns out minus 10 dollars. It’s unlikely that you can go anywhere with that amount.

Leonenko Artem, foreman of the mechanical repair shop

If you’re going somewhere, do it with quality and on a grand scale. I never regretted money on vacation, so I always saved on something and collected the amount I needed. Last year, for example, I went to Egypt. The trip then cost me about $700. I had a good rest, but, of course, it took me a long time to pay off my debts. I think this won’t happen now: I got a promotion at work and I have the opportunity to spend more money on trips without infringing myself on something else. This summer I plan to spend up to $1000 on vacation.

Yana Cherepanova, journalist

I would like to spend my vacation exclusively by the sea. It doesn't matter which one. The main thing is that I am surrounded by adequate people and have good service at the hotel. So, today I am ready to spend 400-450 dollars from my wallet on the trip. My ceiling is 500. And only if the conditions at the resort are superb. It’s just that hackneyed destinations like Turkey and Egypt are not my thing. I love to relax in Crimea, Bulgaria. Of course, my dream is Greece. But you’re unlikely to get into this country with $500 in your hands.

Katya Sakovich, digital project manager

I don’t mind spending 1 or 5 thousand dollars on a vacation. Traveling is my main hobby. That is, something for which it is a shame to waste money. I usually travel with my boyfriend. We always choose routes that include several countries and cities. This is always an active holiday: visiting theaters, exhibitions and other religious institutions of a particular country. Well, the duration of our trips is often a month. That is why such a large amount is collected. You just need to save money. For example, in Minsk we don’t go to restaurants and clubs because the prices there are quite high. I cook at home myself. Well, in general, priority when buying things, be it a gadget, clothes or a new car, is given to travel. You know, there’s this picture: “What difference does it make what shoes you’re wearing if you’re standing, for example, on the ocean shore.”

Andrey Tkachev, fitness trainer

I love to travel, but with my schedule it doesn't always work out. So, if I’m going somewhere, I usually don’t regret the money. For example, I’m willing to spend up to $1,000 on a trip for myself alone, but if I’m traveling with someone, then up to $1,500.

The investigation into the criminal case, unprecedented in its cruelty for Belarus, continues. The suspect is a 17-year-old Minsk resident who committed a massacre in the New Europe shopping center in the center of Minsk, the day before and at the university where he was a student. As part of its work, the Investigative Committee announced that it would obtain a license for security activities. Meanwhile, witnesses to the incident continue , and acquaintances of the suspect - to characterize him.

fitness trainer Andrei Tkachev said that the suspect was withdrawn and did not communicate with anyone

photo: from Tkachev’s personal Facebook page

Thus, a fitness trainer from one of the sports centers, which the suspect had visited for the last two years, spoke about his impressions of the young man. Andrei Tkachev noted that the “guy with the ax” was absolutely quiet and silent, did not communicate with anyone, but in the last year he began to shake hands with the coach.

- No one will probably remember how he appeared in our basement rocking chair. There are dozens of such snowdrops every season. Their fuse lasts for a maximum of a month and a half, then they realize that not everything is so simple, and they don’t come anymore. And this one remained, - the athlete shared his memories, noting that the suspect behaved like a typical withdrawn teenager, never speaking to anyone.

According to the instructor, the young man had a noticeable complex, probably due to his appearance. The coach suggested that the teenager may have repeatedly become a target for bullying by peers.

- Such people are probably subject to bullying and bullying by their peers (hello to school and university psychologists), - noted Tkachev.


In addition to being reserved and silent, the teenager was distinguished by endurance and perseverance. Thus, Andrei Tkachev recalled an incident when the coach on duty made a remark to the young man: they say, you should not work with inappropriately large weights so as not to injure yourself. In response to this, he just smiled and continued to study.

- His manner of lifting heavy weights and training for wear and tear was puzzling, as if he hated himself and was trying to punish himself for something, - said Tkachev.

He also recalled a situation after which the suspect began to greet him. According to the trainer, this happened when he needed a simulator occupied by a guy. The instructor suggested doing the exercise one at a time, in response to which he received an approving smile and a nod.

The coach also asked the society not to remain indifferent, but to pay attention to “how many “lost” and withdrawn people are around you, who don’t know what might be on their minds.”

Let us remind you that the tragedy occurred last Saturday. As it turned out later, the suspect is a 17-year-old resident of the capital, from a prosperous, wealthy family. He explained his actions by saying that he was annoyed by everything around him, including himself.

The young man was a student, but did not actually attend - shortly before the tragedy he was expelled. The suspect's father described his son as someone who helped everyone. In his opinion, the medications he was taking could have affected his son’s psyche in such a terrible way.

Spring has begun, and we all suddenly remembered our bodies in an attempt to bring it into some order for the summer. How realistic is this? Quite. opens a new healthy lifestyle project “Big Change”. We have a motivated overweight girl, a professional trainer, a spring remainder and the first June decade of time. We will do everything beautifully. Inside, all the exercises that the participant performs are shown and prescribed. So lose weight with us!


It's not about sports, it's about a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it. In the first episode we show our heroine's introductory training. In subsequent ones, the hall will become much smaller. Because, according to the participant’s trainer, any rocking chair is not a beauty salon at all. Not everything depends on your activities. The main goal of the project is to instill in the girl not so much a love for the gym, but new habits in nutrition, routine and rest. Well, of course, convey, explain and show people how you can lose weight effectively and without harm to your health.


This is Andrey Tkachev. The man is 30 years old, 7 of which he has been actively training. Andrey’s mother is an international master of sports in basketball. Because, firstly, he is 2.06 cm tall, and secondly, he has been involved in sports since childhood. Tkachev is a certified trainer who, in particular, helped Vera Poplavskaya become the absolute national champion in the fitness bikini category. Faith, to be clear, helps us do the Sabbath “While the kettle is boiling.” And Andrey - yes, this is “that long one” from Mark Formelle about underpants.

- In any case, they will write in the comments that the coach is a jerk,- Andrei laughs and goes to meet our heroine.


This is Ann. Anya is from Vitebsk. The girl is 21 years old. She is completing her studies at the philological department there and is preparing to write her diploma. True, he spends most of his time at work in Minsk.

- Oh, it’s like I’m in confession. I submitted an application because I want something new, changes and my greater effectiveness. Initially, I didn’t know that all this would be filmed. But I wasn’t - I decided to write.

Why her?

Surprisingly, there were quite a lot of applications. Something around 60. This is about the relevance and timeliness of the project. It's spring after all - people are getting ready for summer.

- There were two large groups of applications,- says Tkachev, who raked them. - Firstly, girls with very serious excess weight - around 25 kg. You have to understand that they need to work not in a gym with a trainer, but in a clinic with an endocrinologist. Since such excess weight implies changes in the hormonal system.

The other group is young and not so mothers.

- Basically, this is also a story about the hormones that jump after childbirth. It is unlikely that they have problems with their lifestyle, and things will probably get better after some time.

Plus, Anya has no health problems. The training program does not need to be adjusted for various ailments such as back, knees, long-standing fractures and sprains. The girl is bursting with health.

- I have had problems with weight throughout my life. On my mother’s side my relatives are quite plump, and my father is tall and thin. I used to be even fatter, now I’ve lost weight, but then I got involved in work and abandoned everything. True, I understood that I had to take charge of myself.

Initial data

We make all the necessary measurements. The following picture emerges.

Height: 168 cm.

Weight: 74.3 kg.

Waist: 87 cm.

Hips: 105 cm.

Legs: 60 and 59 cm.

Arms: 28 cm.

- Most likely, the number on the scales will change. Of course, she will lose weight (I think about 10 kg), but at the same time she will slightly increase muscle mass. Therefore, visual changes will be much more noticeable than changes on the scale.

Tkachev is not a supporter of any unambiguous criteria, who likes to calculate the ideal ratio of weight and height. He says that without severe harm to the body, you can lose weight by no more than 2-3 kg per month. And the most important thing is how a person feels and how much he likes his own reflection in the mirror.

What does she do in the gym?

For a person who hasn’t been to the gym for a long time, Anya has good stamina. The girl works out three times a week. Basically, these are workouts for all muscle groups. We will keep a diary of her activities. Anyone who wants to repeat can use it.

Workout 1

1. Leg bending while lying on your back with emphasis on a fitball (femoral biceps) - 3 sets × 15-20 repetitions.

2. Stepping up onto a pedestal (glutes and hamstrings) - 3 sets × 20-25 repetitions.

3. Vertical pull-down block to the chest (back) - 3 sets × 15-20 repetitions.

4. Seated chest press - 3 sets × 12-15 repetitions.

5. Pulling the lower block onto the shoulders - 3 sets × 20-25 repetitions.

6. Extension of arms on a block (triceps) - 3 sets × 15-20 repetitions.

7. Lying crunches (press) - 4 sets × 20-25 repetitions.

8. Hyperextension (spinal erectors) - 3 sets × 15-20 repetitions.

Workout 2

1. Leg extension in the simulator - 1 approach with minimal weight to warm up the knee joints.

2. Leg curls in the simulator (femoral biceps) - 3 sets × 15-20 repetitions.

3. Leg raises in the simulator (gluteal, pre-exhaustion) - 4 sets × 20-30 repetitions until burning occurs.

4. Platform leg press with wide stance, toes to the sides (gluteal, hamstrings) - 3 sets × 15-20 repetitions.

5. Vertical row in the Hammer simulator (back) - 4 sets × 15-20 repetitions.

6. Press up while sitting in the machine (shoulders) - 3 sets × 20-25 repetitions.

7. Twisting in the simulator (press) - 3 sets × 20-25 repetitions.

Each workout begins with cardio (running on the treadmill for 10-12 minutes) and joint warm-up, and ends with a cool-down and stretching.

What will happen next

The trainer will analyze Anya’s lifestyle and nutrition. What is her schedule, how does she sleep and rest, what does she eat, how does she eat and how often does she eat. Tkachev will ask the girl to make a list of the foods she consumes in order to understand how much fat and carbohydrates there are. Then he will write a nutrition program. Nowadays there are a lot of applications to control and remember everything.

- You can’t solve all problems with the gym,- says Andrey. - The main thing is to change your lifestyle outside the gym.

Project releases will be released every week.

MINSK, Oct 11 – Sputnik. Well-known fitness trainer in Belarus Andrei Tkachev shared his memories of a young man suspected of murder in the Europe shopping center.

A tragedy occurred in the capital's shopping center on Saturday evening: a young man with an ax and a chainsaw attacked women in the center: one died, another is in the hospital. The suspect is a 17-year-old ex-student of one of the capital's universities, who explained the motives for the crime by hatred of people.

“I’ve been shaking hands with him for the last year.”

As Tkachev recalls on his Facebook page, the guy went to his rocking chair for about two years, and “for the last year he shook hands with him.”

"A quiet, silent guy. No one will probably remember how he appeared in our basement rocking chair. Dozens of such snowdrops come every season. Their fuse lasts for a maximum of a month and a half, then the realization comes that not everything is so simple, and they grow more they don’t come. But this one stayed. He walks around, silently pulls irons, doesn’t talk to anyone,” Tkachev shared his memories.

According to the fitness instructor, complexes were visible in the young man, apparently due to his appearance. “A typical introverted teenager. Such people are probably subjected to bullying and bullying by their peers (hello to school and university psychologists),” Tkachev continued.

“They made a remark, smiled and continued”

The young man never spoke to anyone in the hall, Tkachev recalls.

“Once the trainer on duty reprimanded him that he was working with inadequately large weights and could have injured himself, to which he smiled and continued as if nothing had happened. His manner of lifting heavy weights and training for wear and tear was puzzling. as if he hated himself and was trying to punish himself for something,” he continued.

The fitness instructor himself spoke to him once - when he needed a machine occupied by a guy.

“I asked how much time he had left and whether it was possible to do the exercise with him one by one, to which he nodded and smiled. After that, he began to greet me,” Tkachev added.

In his entry, the coach also urged everyone to pay attention to “how many “lost” and withdrawn people are around you, who don’t know what might be on their minds.”