Currency deposit for individuals interest. Investments in foreign currency are profitable. In what currency can I open deposits at Sberbank


For each person it is important not only to save, but also to increase their savings. Financial institutions offer Russians various deposit programs. Before choosing an option for a profitable investment, it is worth considering the available deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum percentage with different conditions, rates, terms of placement of funds and available operations. All deposits differ in currency, the presence or absence of capitalization, the method of paying interest and other parameters.

Profitable deposits in Moscow banks

There are more than 50 different financial institutions in the Russian capital offering various types of deposits to the public, so it is difficult to choose the best option for yourself. To put money at the maximum percentage, you need to determine the important parameters of the future account:

  • currency;
  • the possibility of replenishment;
  • the possibility of making expenditure transactions;
  • the reliability of the financial institution.

In addition, the most profitable deposits in Moscow should be chosen according to the conditions. For those who would like to quickly accumulate a significant amount, banks develop time deposits for 2, 3 and 6 months. Another investment option is partnership programs with insurance companies. In this case, the client draws up a life and health insurance policy and receives attractive deposit conditions. Russians can open deposits in Moscow at a high percentage in banks that service their salary cards. Issuers are constantly preparing special programs with increased rates for their clients.

Profitable deposits in rubles

It should be noted that the rate for ruble deposits is much higher than for foreign exchange programs. If the client plans to spend money in Russia in the future, then it would be inappropriate to choose dollars or euros for investments. Financial institutions of the capital offer a wide range of deposits for individuals. Before placing your money on the account, you should not only read the conditions, but also check the bank's reliability rating. Sometimes high interest rates on deposits are offered by unreliable financial institutions in order to raise capital.

When choosing an organization for storing and increasing savings, it should be borne in mind that ruble deposits in Moscow banks with rates of more than 11-12% per annum, as a rule, are just a publicity stunt and should arouse certain suspicions. Large financial institutions, such as VTB 24, Sberbank of Russia, Alfa Bank, offer rates on ruble accounts of no more than 8.5%.

Specify profitable deposits in Moscow for today in the table:

Bank's name


"Moscow City"


Rate up to 9.25%, monthly capitalization, additional contributions are available.

"Premier Credit Bank"

"Beneficial cooperation"

Rate up to 9.5%, replenishable.

JSCB "Peresvet"


Up to 9.3% per annum, replenishment.


The rate is up to 9.25% per annum, without credit and debit transactions.



Up to 8.45% per annum, without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal.

"TransCapital Bank"

"Spring hit"

Up to 8.95% per annum, capitalization, replenishment.

Deposits in foreign currency at a high interest

Modern financial institutions offer a wide range of services and products. Deposit programs provide for the opening of not only ruble accounts, but also currency ones. This investment option is especially relevant for those who plan to spend their money abroad, avoiding unfavorable conversion. Foreign currency deposits at a high percentage are offered by many financial institutions in Moscow. However, the rate for such programs is much lower than for ruble deposits. The table below shows the most attractive offers for residents of the capital:

Maximum deposits in Moscow banks (currency - US dollar)

Bank's name


"UniCredit Bank"

"For life"

The rate is 2-3%, monthly capitalization, without replenishment, debit transactions.


"tradition of success"

Rate up to 1.05-2%, replenished, with capitalization of interest.

"Gold standard"

Up to 1.5-2.5% per annum, replenishment, capitalization.

High deposits in Moscow banks (currency - €)

Bank's name




The rate is 0.55-1.8%, no additional fees, partial withdrawal.

"Prime Finance"


The rate is 0.4-1.6%, without replenishment, partial withdrawal.

"Your savings"

Rate: 0.5-1.8% per annum, replenishment, monthly capitalization.

Pension contributions

Most credit institutions offer special conditions for deposits to pensioners. For this category of the population, maximum interest rates and preferential options for early account closure are available. A pension deposit with a high percentage is opened only if there is an appropriate certificate and passport. If the client receives a pension through a financial institution, then you can invest money through the issuer's remote service system.

Before making a final decision, compare the best offers of Moscow banks for this category of citizens. See the table for specific deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate for pensioners:

The best deposits in Moscow banks

Each potential investor is primarily interested in the profitability of the deposit. All investments up to 1.4 million rubles are protected by the state. However, the best interest on deposits in Moscow banks can be found among the offers of far from the most reliable financial institutions, subsidiaries or franchises, which have recently opened and for a short time. Rules:

  • Before you start drawing up an agreement with an issuer, you should make sure that it is in the top 10, 20 or 50 of the best.
  • Placing funds at a higher percentage guarantees a decent income, and cooperation with a reliable issuer - peace of mind.

Up to a year

For those who plan to get the maximum income in a short time, there are term deposits. Such products are designed for 3-6 months, after which the depositor receives his money along with accruals. Deposits for 6 months at the maximum percentage are especially convenient when you need to save up for a vacation, purchase of a car or repairs, because they allow you to save and increase your savings.

See the table for offers for a period of 6 months:

Bank deposits for a year

Most financial institutions are ready to offer maximum interest on bank deposits, subject to long-term placement of funds in accounts. Offers for 12-36 months offer high returns and great opportunities. When choosing the best option, you can make a comparison by:

  • conditions;
  • minimum amounts;
  • availability of capitalization and other parameters.

Residents of the capital can open a deposit for 1 year using one of the offers from the table below:

Reliable deposits in Moscow banks

All metropolitan banks have their own line of deposits. When considering various offers, some clients pay more attention not to possible income, but to the rating of the issuer's company. You can choose a reliable bank with high interest rates on deposits from the list below. All organizations are included in the official top 10, have an impeccable reputation, and a high rating.

Offers from the most reliable banks in Moscow:

  • Profitable online from VTB 24 provides for an income of up to 7.55% per annum. The account is opened for a period of 3 months to 5 years, subject to placement of at least 100 thousand rubles.
  • "Classic" from Rosselkhozbank. The product is designed for different categories of customers, so you can open an account in any currency for a period of 1 month to 7 years. The client must deposit at least 3 thousand rubles into the account. The yield under the program reaches 8.2% per annum.
  • "Perspective" from Gazprombank. To open a deposit, the client needs to deposit an amount of at least 15 thousand rubles into the account. Domestic or foreign opening currency is available. The rate is calculated individually, up to 8%. The term of the deposit is up to 3 years.
  • "Memory of generations" from Sberbank. This product is designed specifically for the Victory Day. Clients can simultaneously increase their savings and help war veterans. The rate is calculated individually, the maximum available income under the program is 7% per annum. To open a deposit, you need to deposit at least 10 thousand rubles on it.

Rating of deposits in Moscow banks for today

Those who believe that savings should provide additional profit should consider the current offers of financial institutions. Maximum rates can be obtained within the framework of current promotions, seasonal offers. The rating of deposits in Moscow banks is formed on the basis of customer feedback and conditions offered by issuers. Although it is difficult to combine reliability and maximum profitability, it is important not to neglect the reputation of issuers. Below are the popular offers of Moscow banks with a detailed description of the parameters.

Asia-Pacific Bank - "Investment" deposit

One of the most attractive offers is the ATB product. The deposit options are as follows:

  1. The offer is available to customers who have issued an ILI policy with a bank partner.
  2. The term for placing funds on the account is 6 or 12 months.
  3. The amount is not less than 167 thousand rubles.
  4. Currency - national.
  5. The maximum rate is 10.5%.
  6. There are no outgoing or incoming transactions.
  7. In case of early withdrawal of funds from the account, all accruals are canceled automatically.

Inkarobank - deposit "High Interest"

This offer will be an excellent option for those who plan to accumulate a decent amount over time and increase it. The deposit options are as follows:

  1. The account is opened in domestic or foreign currency - to choose from.
  2. The initial payment must be at least 200 thousand rubles.
  3. Additionally, you can deposit funds with restrictions (at least 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Interest is paid every month to a separate client account.
  5. Deposit term: 1-12 months.
  6. Debit transactions on the account are not available.
  7. In case of early cash withdrawal by the client, the issuer recalculates accruals at the minimum rate.

Krosna-Bank - term deposit

This offer for residents of Moscow differs in that the bank's interest grows along with the amount in the account, so the client can receive a maximum income of up to 9.33%. The conditions are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Placement term: 6-18 months.
  3. Accruals are paid to the client quarterly.
  4. Interest capitalization available.
  5. Replenishment without restrictions, no later than 3 months before the end of the deposit term.
  6. Rate: 8.26-9.33%.

Bank Krylovsky - deposit "Suitable"

This offer is no longer relevant for residents of Moscow. However, those who previously opened a deposit continue to receive income on the following conditions:

  1. Amount: from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Term of placement of funds: 91-540 days.
  3. Replenishment from 30 thousand rubles is available.
  4. Interest capitalization is provided.
  5. In case of early closing of the account, interest is recalculated only for the current quarter.

Bank Standard-Credit - "Term" deposit

For those who are looking for maximum income that grows with the amount placed on the account, the offer from the Standard Credit Bank will be very tempting. Credit transactions are available on the account, regular capitalization of interest and progressive accrual are provided. The main parameters of the product are shown below:

  1. Term: 1-12 months.
  2. Amount: not less than 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Replenishment is available with restrictions (from 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Monthly payment of interest to a separate account is available.
  5. The interest rate is constantly growing, the maximum income is 9.93% per annum.
  6. In case of early account closure, interest is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Bank Modern business standards - "Urgent replenishment"

For those who are planning to save a substantial amount, this product will be an excellent solution. The deposit provides for incoming transactions, an increasing rate, the maximum amount of which is 8.5% per annum and the payment of accruals after the account is closed. Below are the main conditions for residents of Moscow:

  1. Term: 1-2 years.
  2. Currency: domestic, foreign.
  3. Amount to open an account: at least 15 thousand rubles.
  4. The interest rate depends on the chosen currency: 8.25-8.5% (rubles) / 1.45-1.6% (dollars) / 0.55-0.60% (euros).
  5. In case of early closing of the account, income is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Inbank - Constructor deposit with interest paid at the end of the term

This offer is suitable for those residents of Moscow who want to constantly make a profit from their savings. Interest is paid every month to a separate account of the owner. The main parameters of the program are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 700 thousand rubles.
  2. Deposit term: 1-36 months.
  3. Incoming/outgoing transactions are not provided.
  4. Rate: 7.55-9.38%.
  5. In case of early closing of the account, the income is recalculated at the minimum rate of 0.1%.

Bank Round – “Classic” deposit

This offer will suit different categories of citizens. The account is opened when placing a small amount and can bring income up to 8.3% per annum to its owner. The advantage of the product is attractive rates on foreign currency accounts. The conditions for the "Classic" deposit are as follows:

  1. Currency: national, foreign (euro, dollars).
  2. The first installment is at least 1100 rubles (or equivalent).
  3. Deposit term: from 1 to 36 months.
  4. Additional contributions, capitalization of interest are not provided for by the program.
  5. Early withdrawal is not available without loss of accruals.
  6. Nobody carries money to banks anymore - this is the new result of the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Did you find an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we'll fix it!

The highest rates on deposits in Moscow banks from the top 10 are presented on this page. You can compare and choose a deposit at the maximum percentage for today, in 2019-2020.

A bank deposit for individuals today is one of the most accessible tools for investing savings. By opening a deposit, you keep your money in a safe place, receive a small income from it, and also have quick access to it if necessary.

Most deposits that are issued at maximum interest have common features. They cannot be replenished, partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest is also prohibited. The only exception is short-term deposits for a period of 1-3 months. But they, in general, are not term deposits, but savings accounts with no time limit for investing savings.

When choosing a deposit, of course, first of all, everyone looks at the percentage offered by the bank. Below are the most profitable deposits for individuals today in Russian banks from the top 10, as well as their breakdown by terms:

  • 1 month;
  • 3 months;
  • 6 months (six months);
  • 1 year (12 months).

Deposits with the highest interest rates today

Thinking about where to invest money in 2019 so that it works, many are wondering: which bank has the largest percentage of deposits today. But when opening a deposit account with a bank, one should pay attention not only to the percentage, but also to the conditions of this deposit, such as the minimum amount and term of the deposit.

Deposits at the maximum percentage in top 10 banks

"New Year's Dreams" - MKB

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % monthly

"Your success" - Gazprombank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % at the end of the term

"Fix your income" - Rosselkhozbank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

"Reliable Promo" - FC Otkritie

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

"Even higher" - Alfa-Bank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % monthly

"My income" - Promsvyazbank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

Deposits with maximum interest for 1 month

Deposits with maximum interest for 3 months

High interest deposits for 6 months

High interest deposits for 1 year

If you need to withdraw all the money from the deposit before the expiration date, you can do this at any time. However, interest will most likely not be charged!

Deposits with maximum interest for 3 years

What is the safest amount to open deposits?

According to Russian legislation, deposits up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured if the bank participates in the deposit insurance system. In the event of revocation of a license from such a bank, the Deposit Insurance Agency, through agent banks, fulfills obligations to its depositors within the established limit. This is the meaning of the guarantee of the safety of savings entrusted to the bank.

In a word, if you invest less than 1,400,000 rubles, then you can choose the highest percentage of deposits in banks- if the license is revoked, of course, you will have to be nervous, but the money will still be returned.

Refunds in excess of the specified amount are not guaranteed, so if you keep more than 1,400,000 rubles in the bank, then you are taking on an increased risk.

Find out the exact conditions and interest on deposits in branches or on the official websites of banks. The data is presented for informational and educational purposes and is not a public offer.

It's no secret that everyone has at least one issued loan: many of us are used to living "on credit". However, recently the financial literacy of the population has been growing: we are starting to look for other options for optimizing and replenishing our budget. Currency deposits in Moscow are gaining more and more popularity. By converting savings into foreign currency, they protect against the depreciation of capital, and through the interest paid, they allow you to earn income.

Interest on multicurrency deposits in Moscow

If you decide to open a deposit in foreign currency in Moscow, then do not rush to carry your money to the first bank that promises a big income due to the highest rates on deposits in foreign currency. In fact, in order to assess the level of profitability of the deposit, it is necessary to study all the nuances of its functioning:

  1. You give the bank your savings (for each deposit, a minimum amount limit is set) for a certain period (there are options for termless deposits, which you can close at any time).
  2. During this period, the bank is not only guaranteed to keep your savings in the established currency, but also actively uses them as part of its capital.
  3. As soon as you want to withdraw the money, the bank takes it out of its turnover and gives it to you with interest in the deposit currency.

As a result, foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks should be considered in the aggregate of such conditions as the amount, term and interest that can be received precisely for the fact that the bank has the opportunity to use the amount on the deposit for a certain period. Therefore, the more comfortable the conditions of your multi-currency deposit in Moscow or a deposit in one foreign currency for the bank, the higher interest on deposits in foreign currency you can get.

Accordingly, high interest rates on foreign currency deposits in Moscow imply some restrictions for the client:

  • since the bank has already planned that it will use your money for a certain period, it establishes a ban on closing the deposit before this period;
  • if suddenly the deposit is unlimited, then the bank still sets the period during which it must be warned about the closure so that it can painlessly get the required amount from circulation;
  • during the term of the agreement, it is impossible to withdraw part of the money placed on the deposit.

For compliance with these conditions, the bank pays the highest interest, but for violation it can reduce the initial rate to the lowest possible. Therefore, carefully evaluate your financial capabilities before opening a deposit.

In which bank of Moscow is it better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

To open a multi-currency deposit or a deposit in one foreign currency, you will have to spend some time searching and collecting all the necessary information on the options presented on the market (Sberbank, VTB, and almost all banks in Moscow work with deposits in foreign currency).

To find and choose your most profitable option for deposits of individuals in foreign currency in Moscow as quickly and effortlessly as possible, use the special online deposit calculators for foreign currency deposits in Moscow. According to your individual requirements, which you enter in the appropriate form, the system will select and display a complete list of suitable deposit options in 2019.

As a result, in one place for each current deposit option, you will receive the following information:

  • term of the deposit;
  • interest rate (per year);
  • final income (for a specified period: usually a year).

You can quickly make the right and informed choice, and then immediately send an online application for a deposit in foreign currency, and proceed to registration.

Deposits are an excellent tool for saving capital, available to every citizen. The advantages of using it are obvious: the depositor's free funds are in a safe place and he does not have to worry about their safety. Due to the accrual of interest held in the bank, the funds are less susceptible to depreciation, which can be caused by inflation and other negative factors.

In addition, deposits can be used for profit. On the one hand, this is not high. But the total amount of accruals on several large deposits is quite a tangible amount.

Currency deposits

The depositor's money is converted (at the current exchange rate) and placed on the account in the form of monetary units of another state. At the time of withdrawal, a reverse conversion will be made. At the rate that will be official at the time of withdrawal. Due to this feature, currency deposits have additional advantages.

But they should be used correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and not lose part of your funds. To do this, it is necessary to understand in detail not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages. In addition, to study the options for using foreign currency deposits that are available for use.


The popularity that currency deposits continue to gain is due to the fact that they have a number of very important advantages over ordinary ones. These relate to both risk management and profit making. If we are talking about quite serious amounts, these advantages should be paid special attention, since their role can be significant.

This method of investment is especially relevant in times of instability or when the population becomes aware of the possibility of such in the near future.

Protection of funds from depreciation

Funds placed in foreign currency deposits can be most protected from depreciation caused by the instability of the national currency of the native state or the impact of other negative factors. The choice is made in favor of currencies, the rate of which is the most stable or prone to constant strengthening.

Such currencies are sometimes called reserve currencies. The most famous and popular of those is the US dollar. Most countries of the world assess the stability of their national currency exchange rates by comparison with the US dollar. Russia is no exception. As a result, the depreciation of the Russian ruble does not affect the state of the capital of the owners of deposits opened in US dollars.

Opportunity to make a profit

If the depreciation of the ruble turns out to be too significant, the owners of foreign currency deposits find themselves in a rather advantageous position. For example, the amount of deposits in US dollars opened in 2010 doubled by the beginning of 2015 only due to the strengthening of the American currency. At the time of opening such deposits, their owners paid about 30 rubles for each dollar, and its value at the beginning of 2015 was already 60. In combination with the accrued interest, the resulting benefit turned out to be very significant.

For depositors whose currency was the euro, the situation turned out to be completely similar and turned out to be a benefit. This example perfectly demonstrates how foreign currency deposits of individuals can be used by them for profit.


The advantages that foreign currency deposits have can, under certain circumstances, become disadvantages. Especially with the illiterate use of this method of disposing of capital. To carefully study these shortcomings means to protect your money from possible negative consequences.

In addition to circumstances dependent features that can turn out to be both disadvantages and advantages, there are those that can only be disadvantages. The most tangible of these is the low interest rate.

Possibility of incurring losses

Changes in exchange rates can be not only beneficial. If the deposit was opened shortly before a strong depreciation of the selected currency, its owner will incur losses. In the case of the US dollar, this is unlikely, since deposits are usually long-term, and its exchange rate is likely to strengthen in this perspective.

Nevertheless, an unfavorable scenario for the development of events remains possible, since the economy of any state (and hence the value of its currency) can be negatively affected by such factors and events that it will not be able to resist. Therefore, in order for foreign currency deposits in banks to bring only benefits, certain financial solutions should be applied.

Lower rates

Interest rates on foreign currency deposits are usually lower than on ruble deposits. Sometimes significantly lower. The amount charged may be much less. The choice of the former will be justified in case of financial instability, and in the absence of such, the investor will simply miss the potential benefit in the form of higher interest rates.

For comparison: by opening foreign currency deposits in Moscow, depositors can receive 4-8% per annum. Somewhat less often - 8-9% (the data is relevant for those who are interested in the US dollar). Interest rates on ruble deposits offered by Moscow banks range from 13-18% (the information is current as of early March 2015). Thus, deposits in foreign currency are not suitable for making a profit only in the form of accrued interest. But they are out of competition as a tool for saving finances during a crisis.

Alternative Solutions

Such ambiguity in the disadvantages and advantages can confuse many investors. Or even make them make the wrong decision. Nevertheless, the best option still exists. Its essence is the opening of two or more deposits in different currencies. All personal savings should be divided into two halves. One of them must be invested in rubles, and the other - in the currencies of other states. The euro and the US dollar are best suited for this. You can use both of these currencies in equal proportions. That is, keep 50% of the funds on a ruble deposit, and 25% each in US dollars and euros.

Thus, the total amount of accrued interest will be averaged to the optimum, and the funds will not depreciate both in the case of an increase in the exchange rate of the Russian ruble, and in case of its strong decrease. The same applies to the euro exchange rate against the dollar: the consequences of its changes will also be minimal.

You will find out what advantages foreign currency deposits have and what disadvantages they have, whether deposits in foreign currency are insured and in which banks they can be opened at a high interest rate.

11.04.2018 Alla Prosyukova

« If you want to become rich, think of savings as income.”- a prominent American politician Benjamin Franklin said many years ago, and every year his words become more relevant. Today, most people understand that it is possible to become financially independent only by investing their savings, thereby increasing them.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do this now: securities, mutual funds, real estate, currency, bank deposits, etc.

For a long time, many of our fellow citizens kept their savings in dollars, thereby saving their hard-earned money from all sorts of economic disasters. Someone even managed to make good money on this during the collapse of the ruble in 2014.

Later, there was a period of some cooling to foreign exchange savings: the exchange rate stabilized, it was no longer possible to make decent money. Interest in deposits in foreign currency has come to naught.

Now banks have again “revived” the line of foreign currency deposits: rates have grown, placement conditions have improved. How profitable is it now to invest your savings in such deposits? Find answers to this and other important questions in today's article.

Currency deposits: protection against inflation or a way to make money

Russian banks offer private clients to open deposits in various currencies. The most popular accounts are in rubles, dollars, euros. You can rarely meet offers for deposits in other currencies. For example, in pounds sterling, yuan, etc.

The eyes of potential deposit investors - individuals turn to foreign exchange programs, as a rule, during periods of crisis in the domestic economy and the weakening of the ruble. Thus, they not only want to save their savings from inflation, but also earn additional income by increasing the exchange rate of the foreign currency in which the funds are placed.

Now it is quite difficult to do this, although it is still possible to earn a little, even despite the rather low interest rates offered, but only when it comes to large amounts, long periods. Moreover, it is not bad that the program provides for monthly capitalization.

However, even if all these conditions are met, the result can be disastrous if, at the time of the expiration of the deposit, the conversion rate is lower than the rate when the deposit was placed.

In the current economic and political situation, analysts recommend considering such investments as a way to accumulate funds in the foreign currency needed for a specific purpose.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each banking product has its own advantages and disadvantages. They also have foreign currency deposits.

Main advantages:

  • the opportunity to earn additionally to the % rate on exchange rate fluctuations (in case of its growth);
  • allows you to save money in the currency that is needed to pay for purchases. For example, a client is going to pay for his education in the USA. To accumulate funds, he opens a dollar deposit account.

Disadvantages of currency deposits:

  • exchange rate unpredictability. It may happen that on the day of the end of the term for the placement of funds there will be a low exchange rate and the difference will “eat up” most of the interest income;
  • low interest rates;
  • small selection of programs.

How to open a foreign currency deposit - step by step guide

There is no difficulty in opening. The algorithm is practically no different from the establishment of a ruble time deposit.

However, I made a small step-by-step guide to this process for those who, like me, like to build a clear and understandable scheme of their actions in advance, thereby saving time and nerves.

Step 1. Choose a bank

To quickly select the most suitable credit institutions for opening a foreign currency deposit, I recommend using specialized services. There are many of them on the Internet, for example, (over 2400 programs) and (more than 400 financial institutions are represented) are very popular.

After filling in all the requested parameters (amount, term, preconditions, etc.) in the special lines of the form, by clicking the "Select" button, you will receive a list of banking organizations with their best offers. Read the information, select the appropriate options through the "Comparison" function.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Reliability of the financial institution.
  2. Participation in the insurance system.
  3. Number of open deposit agreements.
  4. Variety of foreign exchange offers.

Visit the websites of selected credit institutions, get acquainted with the available official information and product line. Read reviews, find out ratings. This will help you make your final choice.

Step 2. We get a consultation and conclude an agreement

The choice has been made!

Now is the time:

  • visit a bank branch
  • get expert advice;
  • choose a deposit based on your needs;
  • read the contract.

When reading the documentation, be careful. Clarify all incomprehensible, ambiguous formulations immediately “on the shore”, then the controversial points will have to be resolved in court. Having understood everything, sign the contract, open an account.

Step 3. We deposit funds into the account

It would seem, what is easier - take the money and deposit! However, in the case of foreign currency deposits, there is one important nuance here, which I want to tell you about. When opening such accounts, funds can be deposited both in the foreign currency of the deposit being opened, and in rubles.

If you have domestic money in your hands, then the bank will accept it by converting it at the exchange rate in force in the branch at the time of the transaction. Often it is not very profitable for the depositor.

Don't be upset! There is a way out of this situation - to buy the required amount of currency through the exchange. This is easy to do, and the benefits can be significant.


For example, to open a deposit on February 19, 2018. in Sberbank you need to deposit $5,000. If you have rubles for these purposes, then at the bank's selling rate on that day, 58.04 rubles. for 1 US$, the amount of 290200 rubles is required.

By opening an account for buying currency on the stock exchange with a broker, you can save money. The dollar exchange rate on the stock exchange that day amounted to 56.36 rubles, which means that buying $ 5 thousand will cost you 281,800 rubles. Plus, you will pay a commission on the transaction at the rates of the exchange.

As a result, real savings on this operation will be about 5 thousand rubles. (depending on the size of the brokerage fee).

Of course, such operations are suitable only for those who buy foreign currency from 1000 conventional units. This is the minimum value of the exchange lot of the purchase.

Where are the best rates on foreign currency deposits

Each credit institution offers at least one type of foreign currency deposits. Large banks have in their arsenal a fairly wide range of such products.

In my selection there are 3 reliable banks with interesting deposit offers. Meet, choose, discover!

Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff Bank is known in the Russian Federation to almost every adult Russian thanks to its credit cards. However, in addition to them, the financial institution offers a full range of banking services for individuals and representatives of all categories of business.

Main banking products and services:

  1. Lending.
  2. Settlement and cash services.
  3. Payments.
  4. Investments.
  5. Deposits, etc.

Base rates in foreign currency are not the highest here: from 0.7 to 2.01% in dollars and from 0.7 to 0.9% in euros. But on the other hand, capitalization is provided, replenishment is allowed, flexible terms of placement (3-24 months), pleasant bonuses from a credit institution, there is an opportunity to increase the rate.

touch bank

Retail online bank of the international financial group OTP Group. Touch Bank operates under the license of OTP Bank.

All products of the financial institution are developed and offered only to private individuals. Remotely, through a personal online account on the website, or a mobile application, you can open a deposit, issue a loan or bank cards.

Deposits in rubles, dollars, euros, pounds sterling at fixed and progressive rates, with daily interest payments, will certainly be of interest to many.

Funds are placed for any period: at least 1 day, the maximum period is unlimited. You can invest any amount. Cash withdrawal without commission at any ATM in the world.

You can get acquainted with the tariffs and apply on the website of the financial institution

Alfa Bank

A classic, universal private bank established in 1990.

Main activities:

  • corporate service;
  • investment business;
  • small and medium businesses;
  • private business.

Alfa-Bank has several very attractive deposit offers, both in rubles and in foreign currency.

The conditions for each of them depend on the selected service package:

Placement period Rates for dollar deposits with capitalization depending on the Service Package (%)
Without service package Economy Optium Comfort Max+ Alpha Private
92 0,35-0,65 0,4-0,7 0,45-0,75 0,55-0,85 0,65-0,95 0,75-1,05
184 0,8-1,1 0,85-1,15 0,9-1,2 1-1,3 1,1-1,4 1,2-1,5
276 1,05-1,36 1,1-1,41 1,15-1,46 1,26-1,56 1,36-1,66 1,46-1,76
1 year 1,36-1,66 1,41-1,71 1,46-1,76 1,56-1,87 1,66-1,97 1,76-2,07
550 days 1,52-1,82 1,57-1,87 1,62-1,93 1,72-2,03 1,82-2,13 1,93-2,23
2 years 1,78-2,09 1,83-2,14 1,88-2,19 1,99-2,3 2,09-2,4 2,19-2,51
3 years 2,06-2,38 2,11-2,43 2,17-2,49 2,27-2,59 2,38-2,7 2,49-2,81

For investments in euro, in the presence of capitalization, the rates are in the range from 0.1 to 0.3% per annum. For all packages, interest can be accrued with or without capitalization (at the client's choice), automatic prolongation is provided.

Are foreign currency deposits insured?

Foreign currency deposits of individuals are insured by the state in the same way as ruble investments, provided that the credit institution in which the funds are placed - a member of the state deposit insurance system, is included in the register and has the appropriate license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Usually on the bank's website there is information about this. In addition, you can find out all the necessary information first-hand on the Bank of Russia portal or at the Deposit Insurance Agency in the section Participating Banks.

At the time of writing, the compensation limit is 1.4 million rubles. This amount includes not only the main part, but also the “accumulated” interest for the period your savings were on deposit.

Important! In the event of bankruptcy of a financial institution, compensation for foreign currency deposits is issued in the ruble equivalent at the exchange rate on the day the license was revoked.

The material from the video can help you make the right choice:


We examined the once very popular type of investment - deposits in foreign currency. Now this category is less popular among citizens of the Russian Federation due to the instability of the exchange rate and the general economic situation.

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