Which exchange is better for trading. What is a stock exchange? Which exchange to choose for trading. — Where and what is better to trade

When someone talks about the stock exchange, people far from financial markets immediately have images in their heads of many people calling on the phone, negotiating deals, multimillion-dollar contracts and other “movie” attributes.

Once upon a time this was really the case, people traded in the halls, shouted out prices, called their clients. But now everything has moved to the Internet, and it has become much more convenient.

An exchange is a trading terminal on a computer, with a huge set of data and tools for analysis. Exchanges differ in the goods that are sold and bought on them: securities, raw materials, currency, contracts, etc. Cryptocurrency, as a new phenomenon in the financial world, also required exchanges to regulate trading. This is how the first cryptocurrency exchanges appeared.

Now there are only two options for withdrawing cryptocurrency: the exchange and exchangers. Their main difference is that when trading on the stock exchange, you make a transaction with the same other person or company that stands behind him. When working with exchangers, you work directly with the company, and it provides you with an exchange in return for some kind of fee - a commission.

The commission when working with the exchange is much lower than in exchange offices. Another advantage of the exchange is that it instantly reacts to any changes in the price of cryptocurrency, constantly updating information about rates.

In fact, cryptocurrency exchange is a huge online platform where users from all over the world exchange virtual crypts for virtual currencies around the world.

Now let's move on to an overview of the exchanges that are most popular around the world.

Rating of the Top 7 best cryptocurrency exchanges

Here we have collected 7 official exchanges for you.


Bitrix – one of the largest exchanges on which cryptocurrency trading is carried out. It has been operating since 2015 and since then has firmly occupied one of the leading positions. Stable operation of sites, absence of overloads, relative reliability - these are what you will deal with on Bitrix.

As for currency pairs, there are 260 of them. Not as many as it could be, but all the popular cryptocurrencies and fiat money are collected there.


  • Commission for completed transactions is 0.25%.
  • A large number of trading pairs.
  • Convenient trading tools.
  • Stability of the site.

The downside is that there is no Russian language, which may be critical for Russian-speaking users.


An interesting exchange that is good for its security and support service. Conditions for the whole world are stable, but the presence of the Russian language makes it attractive specifically for audiences from the CIS.


  • Safety.
  • Excellent support service.
  • Constant expansion of currency pairs.
  • Commission 0.2%.

And at Eksmo there is the opportunity to work with the ruble and popular Russian payment systems like Webmoney and Yandex.Money. This is one of best exchanges in Russian.


Polonix– the second largest cryptocurrency exchange. Now it ranks first in popularity among ordinary traders and is not going to lose ground.


  • More than 60 tokens that appear almost instantly after entering the market.
  • Great popularity.
  • Small difference between purchase and sale prices.

Polonix is ​​one of the most interesting and attractive platforms for beginners and experienced traders. It is best to engage in either margin trading or work with altcoins.


An exchange with a simple interface and minimalistic design. You won't find anything unnecessary. But this does not prevent the company from occupying a leading position in the tools it provides for analyzing chart behavior.


  • 400 cryptocurrency pairs.
  • Small commission.
  • Instant withdrawal.

This is another exchange for the Russian-speaking audience. The Russian language and support for payment systems popular in the CIS make it a good place to sell cryptocurrency.


An exchange that is ideal for those who do not want to go through identification and withdraw huge amounts of cryptocurrency without restrictions. It ranks in the TOP 5 in terms of trade turnover. 35 currency pairs are traded.


  • No restrictions on withdrawal.
  • Commission less than 0.20%.
  • Reliability and pleasant interface.


An interesting exchange, with one of the highest security systems. This is one of those old and reliable comrades who have been in the game almost since the very beginning of the cryptocurrency.


  • Reliability.
  • High degree of protection.
  • Possibility to receive funds via direct bank transfer.


Nova was once one of the most interesting cryptocurrency exchanges. Reliability, a large number of currency pairs and friendliness towards beginners were valued first and foremost. But starting this fall, the exchange is gradually ceasing operations, planning to stop trading in February 2018. Therefore, if you have savings left there in BTC or Ether, it is better to withdraw them.

Which exchange to trade cryptocurrency on?

In order to choose the exchange on which you will trade, it is enough to decide on your goals. What currency do you have? Why do you want to buy/sell your assets?

Money does not need to be kept in one basket, this is a well-known fact. Choose the main trading platform where you will store 65-70% of your capital. Then choose 2-3 spare ones and distribute the leftovers among them.

As practice says, such precaution will not be superfluous. In 2011, it began to rise and gain momentum, and if not for one unpleasant circumstance, now it was probably worth all of 20-30 thousand dollars.

We are talking about the hacking of one of the largest exchanges in 2011. Mt Gox suffered a cyber attack, was hacked, and hundreds of thousands of bitcoins were stolen from users' accounts, which the company was unable to replace. The exchange's rating was lost and it went bankrupt.

And also, relatively recently, in 2016, the giant BitFinex suffered a cyber attack when attackers stole more than 100,000 bitcoins. These events show that the distribution of assets between cryptocurrency exchanges is now one of the most important ways protection. After all, currency and commodity exchanges have protection that far exceeds the successes of current hackers, but the same cannot yet be said about cryptocurrencies and their trading platforms.

Now let's move on to more specific information. Let's try to figure out what tasks exchanges are suitable for.

If you are going to invest large sums in popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and others, Bitfinex, Polonix, Bitrix will help you. If you just want to sell the mined assets with minimal losses - Bitrix. If you work with altcoins and are trying to grab a “tasty” coin that will increase in price over time, pay attention to Polonix and Bitrix.

If you have other needs, ask questions in the comments and we will find the right exchange for you.

What operations take place on the cryptocurrency exchange

In addition to standard purchase and sale, most exchanges allow trading participants to perform the following operations:

  • Futures contracts.
  • Option contracts.
  • Margin trading of cryptocurrency on the exchange.

There is not yet the variety of operations that exist on real exchanges. But maybe it's not necessary. Let's talk more about contracts and margin trading.

Futures a contract that is entered into for the future. That is, today you enter into a contract that the day after tomorrow you will buy a thousand rubles at a price of 20 dollars. Regardless of how much a dollar will cost the day after tomorrow, you are obliged to buy 1000 rubles at a price of 20 dollars.

Option - the same contract. Only at the conclusion of it is it indicated that the trader can EXERCISE THE RIGHT to buy an asset at that price. That is, he may use it, or he may not.

Margin trading – combination of own and borrowed money in order to maximize profits. That is, roughly speaking, this is a small loan that is given to a trader to complete a transaction. The trader makes a profit, takes it for himself, and returns the loan with interest. It's simple.

This small list of operations opens up access to a truly diverse approach to making money on the stock exchange.

How to make money on the cryptocurrency exchange

You can make money on the cryptocurrency exchange not only by selling the cryptocurrencies obtained as a result of mining.

Intraday trading of cryptocurrency on the stock exchange is the most promising way to make money. Your task is to buy low and sell high. Or borrow cryptocurrency while it is expensive, sell it and return it when it becomes cheaper. But this is only simple in words; in reality you will have to face a large number of pitfalls.

The simplest and most conservative way is. You take an asset, transfer it to your wallet and wait for it to grow. You can see for yourself how quickly the value of the entire cryptocurrency is growing, so it would be stupid not to invest money in it.

Some exchanges also offer their members to be lenders. Since exchanges rarely want to invest own funds for trading of their clients, they provide the opportunity to invest margin trading to ordinary users. By lending money, you won’t be able to earn that much, but you can never “dismiss” this option as a way to earn money.

What you need to know before you start making money on the cryptocurrency exchange

Making money on the stock exchange in general is a very difficult task. You will need good knowledge in analytics, a mathematical mind and decent experience working in financial markets. But before you learn how to trade on the stock exchange, more than one or two years will pass.

One of the bank’s employees shared information about how he learned to trade on the stock exchange: “I spent 3 years studying the material, about two thousand dollars and several hundred hours of trading in order to learn how to break even on the simplest trading instrument - options. Perhaps someone will succeed faster, but you definitely need to give up the dream that you can sit down and start earning money without knowledge and experience.”

His words just say that before speculating and trading on the stock exchange, you will need to study a lot of manuals, spend hundreds of hours at the trading terminal either on a demo account or on a regular A4 sheet. It would also be useful to “pump up” your emotional stability.

Watching experienced trader, you will never know whether he made $2,000 or lost it. They control their emotions at the level of poker players. This is why playing on the stock market is so difficult.

But all this was true exclusively for trade. What about two other areas: investing and issuing money for margin trading? With these areas of earnings everything is much simpler. Investors do not need to have special knowledge in technical analysis. Their main task is to assess the prospects of assets.

And with cryptocurrencies everything is extremely simple. Does it have real value for? This means it will grow. Doesn't it or is there a better analogue? This means it will remain at the bottom.

And issuing money for margin trading is somewhat similar to lending. There is one “but”: the exchange acts as a guarantor for receiving funds.

It all happens approximately as follows:

A person has 1 dollar. He takes another 9 in order to make a profit of 10 times more. When an asset rises by 10%, a person will receive $1 instead of 10 cents, minus interest for using the amount. But if the asset falls by 10%, the deal will automatically close, since he has lost his dollar, and the system will not allow him to go into debt.

This principle is similar to the work of Forex brokers, who simply close transactions as soon as her account is drained by the entire amount + interest for using borrowed funds.

That is, if you lend money for margin trading, the exchange itself provides a guarantee of return. Your task is to have the required amount of funds to earn money.

How much can you earn on the cryptocurrency exchange?

This is a very interesting and important question that every bidder should ask himself sooner or later. Let's try to roughly predict the profitability based on the Bitcoin chart.

If you look at the Bitcoin chart, you can see that daily ups and downs often exceed 1,000 - 1,500 thousand dollars. That is, by investing 8,000, you can get 9,500. In the most favorable scenario, you will receive from 5 to 8% for each transaction when using margin trading. But on average, the profitability will be somewhere around 30 - 40% per month.

If you invest in Bitcoin now, then against the backdrop of its rise, you can earn 100-200% per annum at the current rate of rise. This is the most optimistic option.

If you give money to those who engage in margin trading, during periods of rush you can raise up to 50% per month. But during periods of recession, few people will buy your assets, so assets can often remain idle for up to 3 - 4% per month. On average, you will receive 50 - 60% per annum with an average investment style, not particularly following market trends.

As you can see, as profitability increases, risks also increase. The safest is lending to those who want to engage in margin trading, with a yield of about 50% per annum. The most profitable is intraday trading with huge risks.

A small forecast regarding the price of cryptocurrency in 2018

Everyone is interested in how cryptocurrency will behave in 2018. Especially after the recent rise and Bitcoin breaking the psychologically important mark of $10,000 at the end of 2017.

Let's try to figure out whether Bitcoin will grow, and with it the entire cryptocurrency. First let's talk about why it is so popular. Due to the fact that crypto implies anonymity of transactions, most people will use it to hide their payments from the government. The shadow sector of the economy, despite the fact that the world is actively fighting it, was, is and will be.

Plus, among other things, cryptocurrencies are being created that will be really useful for business. The same ether and its system of smart contracts, which guarantees the execution of every transaction recorded in its protocols. This makes crypto now one of the most interesting, and most importantly, sought-after assets on the market. Large companies are interested in blockchain, and in order to use the services of the same smart contracts, they need to purchase ether.

This is why cryptocurrency will always grow in the long term. And Bitcoin, as a flagship, will go forward until its very idea becomes a thing of the past. But until the resource for cue balls is completely exhausted, it will continue to grow.

In the short term, things are shaky. Many economists understand that Bitcoin is still an overvalued asset, even though previous years it showed 1000% growth every 12 months. Some traders agree that the market is now artificially overheated.

But the majority still agree that the prospects for the growth of bitcoins and all cryptocurrencies are very bright. This is also shown by the fact that even after cue balls were declared illegal in China, with a population of more than 1 billion people, they quickly recovered, rose and are still breaking through new historical highs.

This is why it is worth investing in Bitcoin and new altcoins. And there is no need to assume that Bitcoin is a bubble that is about to burst. Yes, to some extent it may turn out to be an overheated asset, and most likely it is. But it won't burst like many people say. It can only roll back in value, but will invariably return to its position after some time.


Cryptocurrency exchanges are an excellent tool for not only selling mined assets, but also making money on them. And considering that this is a relatively young market, there are not so many participants in it, and therefore there are still catastrophically few really good specialists. It is still very easy to become a cryptocurrency expert today. Take advantage of the moment and earn money.

1. Determine the coin to trade

First, determine which coins you need an exchange to trade. If it is Bitcoin, or one of the popular alts (TOP-20), any 1st class exchange (Tier-1) will do. Before placing coins on the exchange, we recommend that you go through full verification. Then you will not have problems withdrawing money from your exchange account.

If you are planning to trade less popular altcoins, find out which exchanges they are listed on (coinmarketcap can help you). Choose an exchange with largest volume, and do not keep funds in their accounts longer than necessary (maximum 1 month). Small exchanges tend to close, taking all user assets with them.

2. Determine the amount of your funds

If you plan to operate large sums, choose Binance, Okex, Bitfinex, Bittrex. Exchanges have a long history, large turnover, and value their reputation.

When working With small amounts (up to $200) selection criteria change slightly. It is worth assessing the commission (fee) that you will have to pay when buying/selling coins, as well as when withdrawing funds from the exchange. Focus on withdrawing BTC (as the most liquid cryptocurrency). The larger the exchange, the lower the commission. The commission is fixed and does not depend on the transfer amount (for $10 and for $1,000,000 you will pay the same amount). Typically, it varies from 0.0003 to 0.002 BTC. Thus, the smaller the amount you withdraw from the exchange, the higher the commission will be.

Also note that large exchanges set minimum amount each trading operation (usually $5-7).

3. Read reviews about the exchange on the Internet

For example, a thematic thread of the bitcointalk forum. Make sure users trust it. In addition, you will be prepared in advance for negative aspects in the operation of the exchange website.

4. Withdrawal method

If you plan to withdraw fiat (rubles, dollars, euros) from the exchange, make sure that the exchange supports transactions with your card. In advance Calculate how profitable the exchange rate offered by the exchange will be for you. It may be cheaper to sell coins on a more popular exchange and withdraw funds through a bot, a specialized website, or an exchanger.

    Only keep funds in your accounts that you intend to trade. The remaining coins should be kept in wallets.

    Carefully follow the news of the exchanges - sometimes coins are divided (taken out of circulation by the exchange). In this case, you need to transfer altcoins to another account.

    If you begin to notice oddities in the operation of the exchange (repair work has become more frequent, user complaints about the withdrawal of funds, etc.), withdraw at least half of the assets from this exchange.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the Comments.

Why is choosing the right exchange important?

Everyone who plunges into the world of digital currencies is sooner or later faced with the need to choose an exchange. There are a huge variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, some trading platforms are distinguished by a large selection of currency pairs, others have a user-friendly interface, others have advanced functionality and a variety of technical and graphical analysis tools, others are the fastest to add new tokens immediately after the ICO, others offer advanced security settings, etc.

In most cases, crypto enthusiasts are not limited to just one trading platform. For example, one exchange is used for everyday trading of highly liquid assets, the second - for trading high-risk altcoins, the third - for buying new crypto tokens “for the long term”, and the fourth - for buying or selling crypto tokens that are not represented on the other three exchanges, etc. Here There can be many options.

Do not forget that when choosing an exchange, a trader has to trust funds to a third party. , which give complete control over the private key and, accordingly, the user’s funds, are still only at an early stage of development. Thus, this short guide will focus on the criteria for choosing “traditional” or centralized crypto platforms.

What criteria should you follow when choosing an exchange?

There are quite a few exchanges, and the choice is an individual matter. However, the main criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a trading platform are the following:

Other criteria for choosing an exchange include:

— the country where the trading platform is based (for example, Japanese and South Korean exchanges may “not allow” users from other countries);
- ease of user interface;
— availability of various technical and graphical analysis tools;
— availability of convenient statistics on operations;
— the possibility of margin trading (and, as a consequence, the possibility of receiving passive income from providing loans to other exchange participants), etc.

The Poloniex exchange is said to be popular. This is true?

This crypto exchange is really quite popular and is quite suitable for both beginners and experienced traders. It was founded not so long ago - in 2014, but thanks to a convenient user interface, a wide range of altcoins and the prompt addition of new tokens, Poloniex at one time managed to occupy a daily trading turnover.

Currently, the exchange lists about various crypto assets and four types of markets (\BTC \ETH \XMR \USDT). The platform can operate in three main modes:

— Exchange - spot trading (without leverage);
— Margin Trading - trading with leverage (up to 2.5x);
— Lending - a mode where you can lend to other exchange participants trading using leverage.

For each of the modes there is a convenient opportunity to analyze profits and/or losses in the context of each currency pair. These analysis tools are located in the My trade history & analysis section.

The charts are equipped with a minimum set, which includes moving averages (SMA and EMA), Bollinger bands and. Poloniex also has the ability to create (Buy Stop, Buy Limit, Sell Stop, Sell Limit).

There is a mobile version of the Poloniex exchange, as well as for Android and iOS. At the end of last year, this exchange introduced user accounts.

Where else are a lot of altcoins traded?

Bittrex is a real “abode of altcoins” (there are more than one). Largely due to the avalanche of demand for digital coins alternative to Bitcoin, Bittrex at one time was consistently among the top 10 cryptocurrency platforms in terms of daily trading volume and even occupied a leading position.

Bittrex has a slightly less user-friendly interface when compared to Poloniex. On the other hand, charts are equipped with many technical and graphical analysis tools.

Verification on the exchange is required. Trading commissions are 0.25%.

In general, the Bittrex interface is quite convenient and well thought out, and there are various security settings. In May 2018, the exchange added , but the option is still available only to clients from some American states.

What if I want to trade the most liquid assets?

Then you should go to Bitfinex, where mainly the most liquid cryptocurrencies from the “first echelon” CoinMarketCap are presented. The undeniable advantages of the exchange: professional charts from the service, ample opportunities for statistical analysis user activity and many security settings, notifications, and interface.

Bitfinex supports fiat currencies, the “Financing” mode has been implemented (analogous to Lending on the Poloniex exchange), allowing you to receive passive income from providing loans to other users trading on this platform with leverage. The exchange supports various types of orders, including stop limit, trailing stop, Fill or Kill, etc.

Bitfinex's reputation is unquestionable, especially after the exchange faced users after the 2016 hack.

Among the disadvantages of the trading platform, one can note the somewhat difficult to understand interface, which may seem overloaded to beginners with all sorts of intricate “tricks”. Nevertheless, the exchange deserves attention, especially among crypto enthusiasts who prefer highly liquid instruments and a thorough approach to technical analysis.

What about Binance? Many people talk about this exchange

This trading platform was created relatively recently, but consistently occupies a leading position in terms of daily trading volume. There are many altcoins available on Binance (more than one), and the list of supported coins is constantly being updated.

The interface of the exchanges is quite convenient and not overloaded with elements, but there are many different security settings.

This exchange also has its own token - Binance Coin (BNB), which allows you to save on trading commissions. In April 2018, the marketplace added a balance option (‘Convert to BNB’) to its native tokens.

Binance is popular among both beginners and professionals.

How to decide which exchange to choose? It would seem that an exchange is an exchange, a currency exchange or a stock exchange, what difference does it make? There are traders here and there, deals here and there. Especially a beginner who, out of the blue, decided to try his luck in making money on various kinds of assets, does not see any difference. But in fact there is a difference, and it is significant.

What are Forex and the stock exchange?

Forex is a global system that does not have a physical location and trades currencies on a 24/5 basis. The stock exchange has a more human appearance and is a trading floor where hundreds of stock traders are busy buying and selling shares.

Which exchange to choose: main differences between Forex and stock exchange

  1. Minimum deposit. In order to go to stock market, you need to have a starting capital of at least a thousand dollars, while it is enough to come to Forex with a hundred bucks in your pocket.
  2. Taxation. On stock exchange you do not participate in paying taxes, since your broker does it himself from the profits received and does it officially and transparently. At the same time, you can even ask him, as your tax agent, for a certificate of income. On Forex the situation is a little more neglected. Dealing centers have little interest in taxation; this issue falls on the conscience of traders.
  3. Opening an account. The procedure for opening an account on Forex takes five minutes at most, while on the stock exchange, according to traders, it can take up to 2 weeks. In addition to leaving an electronic application, you need to clarify the details by phone, then personally sign the documents in the office.
  4. Trading volume. On Forex you are unlikely to get such information, tick volume at most. The stock exchange has data on the real volume of transactions, which for many strategies will be a kind of good filter.
  5. Placing limit orders. When you place such an order on Forex, you have to sell at the bid price and buy at the ask price. When you place such an order on the stock exchange, you become a “liquidity provider” whose order is visible to all other players in the market. When the price reaches your request, a direct transaction is carried out: you sell at the ask price, and the buyer buys at the same price. The sale is carried out in the same way. It is this feature that can instantly turn a losing strategy on Forex into a profitable one on the stock exchange.
  6. Cup. This is an additional plus for the stock market; thanks to the glass, you can see all ongoing transactions online, as shown in the picture below.
  7. Execution speed. Every forex broker is slowing down. Opening transactions is much slower than on the stock exchange.
  8. Additional expenses. The use of limit orders significantly reduces additional exchange costs, unlike similar ones on Forex.
  9. Leverage. In dealing centers, leverage reaches 1:1000. On futures up to 1:20, with changes at times of increasing volatility and holidays up to 1:1. Unfinished transactions in the absence of funds will be closed automatically. But those who love martingale and locking are not allowed to enter the stock market.
  10. Possibilities. When trading currency pairs, you are able to draw conclusions based on news and chart analysis. The situation is different when it comes to stocks, futures on them, currencies or commodities.

If you analyze the differences listed above, you still won’t be able to say unambiguously which exchange to choose – stock or Forex. One can only assume that trading on the stock exchange provides more tools for generating income, but is more suitable for “advanced” traders. A minimum deposit and easy opening of an account on Forex are positive features for a novice trader.

Hello ladies and gentlemen! With you private trader Litvinov Vladimir. In previous videos, I discussed the topic of cryptocurrencies. One of the main areas of work is cryptocurrency trading on exchanges. And in this video I want to talk about the main exchanges/platforms for trading. Let's look at the commissions and calculate how much we can earn from this type of trading.

Cryptocurrency trading is somewhat similar to regular trading in financial markets. The same principles and mechanisms. The difference is the legal insecurity of this occupation. There is still no legal framework for trading as well as a regulatory body. Crypto trading carries not only trading risks, but also legal ones. Although there is a lot of talk about government regulation of this area, today there are no legislative acts that can protect our capital. But this topic is very interesting and I want to talk about cryptocurrency trading in the current environment.

In order to start trading cryptocurrency, we need to open an account on the exchange. There are no brokers as such who provide trading. There are also no exchanges registered in the Russian Federation. Large American and Chinese exchanges are coming to our aid. To choose, we need to analyze their trading volume and find highly capitalized ones. Those that have been providing these services for more than one year and are, in quotes, the most reliable.

The Coinmarketcap website will help us with this. On this site we can find trading volumes of the most liquid currencies. Let's select the 5 largest exchanges that trade Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and Dash - the most capitalized currencies. As we can see, the largest exchanges are: Bithumb, Polonex, Bitfinex, Bitrex and GDAX. I’ll say right away that Bitfinex is blocked from many Russian IPs and you can only trade from it through a VPN. And Polonex does not always verify non-American residents. Another major exchange is HitBTC. As for the convenience of depositing and withdrawing funds, a good, but less reliable candidate is the Yobit exchange. I would like to stop and discuss the Bitrex, HitBTC and Yobit exchanges. I will leave all links to resources under the video.

Registration on these exchanges does not seem difficult. Verification and provision of your documents are a little more problematic. But this is also a matter of time. But depositing money, for example on HitBTC or Bitrex, creates difficulties. We cannot introduce money into the exchanges as such. But upon registration, your wallets are created to which we can transfer cryptocurrencies.

This is done through the Bestchange service which I talked about in the last video. You can find how to use it there. Please note that purchasing cryptocurrencies involves large commissions. They can reach up to 10-15 percent.

On Yobit, depositing funds is a simpler task and we can do this in rubles or dollars. There are special tickers or currency pairs for this. I have never seen a currency pair with the ruble anywhere except this exchange. This is very convenient, but many questions arise in the exchange. So, the money arrives in your account, we can choose the one we are interested in currency pair and start trading.

After making Money or transfer of currencies, we have the opportunity to carry out trading operations directly on the exchange. This process is similar to regular trading. The exchanges present the currency pairs we need. Also, graphs are presented, but the graphs are very uninformative. To track quotes, I recommend using the Tradingview service.

On it we can select the currency pair we are interested in, which is traded on our exchange. Drawing a chart, applying the necessary indicators - this will be the simplest task for you. You can select any timeframe and monitor quotes changes online. And to perform the operation itself - a transaction already on the exchange itself, by purchasing the desired currency pair.

The trading process itself can be learned very quickly. I won't even focus on this. It is enough to make several trades with a small lot and look at the mechanism from the inside. But, if you have questions about this topic? You can always ask them in the comments. I will be happy to answer them. Also, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that any trading carries enormous risks. And before you start trading, you should study this issue thoroughly and understand that this activity can lead to a complete loss of capital. Another risk is the reliability of the exchanges themselves, which can stop working at any inopportune moment and disappear with your money. Just remember the largest Russian exchange BTC-e, the head of which was detained in Greece.

As for profitability, it is very difficult to calculate. Not so long ago, cryptocurrency traders made money, as they say, x2 x5 x10. That is, the profitability was crazy. And even now, at the time of recording the video, Bitcoin is showing a new historical maximum. But the time of wild growth of altcoins is coming to an end. Fewer and fewer representatives are showing such growth. Volatility is decreasing, because, as I already said, there is no legal framework, but it is necessary to pump the market with new money and increase liquidity.

When choosing an exchange for trading, be vigilant and diversify your funds. I will leave all links to the resources used under the video. Well, that's all for me. If you have any questions, write them in the comments. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel. Bye bye.