Projects of L-shaped wooden houses. A house in the shape of the letter “L” – practicality and functionality. The project presents

For the construction of corner cottages in the Leningrad region, the same materials are used as for traditional buildings of a standard form. But corner building projects are characterized by a number of typical features:

  • The external attractiveness of the object, which is achieved by the ability to adjust the width of the gables.
  • A garage built into the main structure with two entrances - from the street and from the house.
  • The presence of a spacious veranda or terrace, repeating the configuration of the cottage.
  • Two independent entrances located on opposite (or adjacent) gables.
  • A cozy patio formed by the walls of the house protects from gusts of wind.

For the construction of a one-story building no complex foundation is required, which significantly reduces construction time. With strict compliance with SNiP, in terms of operational characteristics, a corner frame building is in no way inferior to houses made using classical technology. But when decorating the exterior and interior, the flight of designer’s imagination is not limited here.

Fixed prices, strict design documentation, assistance in choosing a project based on photos, and compliance with warranty obligations are our main priorities. Therefore, every client who contacts us can count on European level service.

The primary task that owners face even before building a house is choosing a place for it on the site. There is a basic rule: the corner of the house should be located in the northern part, then it will be possible to organize a cozy patio, protected from the wind.
In the courtyard you can build a terrace, which will visually “complete” the house to a rectangular or square shape.
In the design of L-shaped houses, their wings can be either the same in area and length, or different. By the way, if 2 families or several generations of one family live in a house, then it would be correct to make 2 independent entrances.
House project with the letter G allows you to build a garage as harmoniously as possible, having a common wall with it and, accordingly, an entrance. Imagine how comfortable it is to unload your purchases or just come home, avoiding bad weather outside. The garage can be connected to the whole house heating system, and this will reduce costs compared to if you had to heat a detached garage.
The house design can be created in such a way as to distance a noisy area, such as a playroom or children's room, from a quiet one, such as a library or office. This way, everyone can get along peacefully, and no one will disturb or annoy anyone.
As a rule, the design of a house with the letter L does not involve the construction of a second floor, so it does not require an impressive foundation. This way you can save money on it. However, if desired, it is possible to design both an attic and a two-story building - on this page you will find such projects.

Smart layout in houses with the letter L

In addition to separating noisy and quiet zones, it should be remembered that in a private house there must be technical premises, for example, for a boiler room or pantry. And wet areas where a bathroom or sauna is located must be isolated. The boiler room should be located on the ground floor, so hot water and heat will be evenly distributed throughout the house. If your house is made of wood or wood materials, then the boiler room should be treated with anti-flammable agents.
If you have two-storey house, then the bathtub and toilet can be located both on the first and second floors. This point should also be taken into account when ordering a standard or individual project for an L-shaped house.

Depending on the purpose, houses can be either small, designed for temporary residence and seasonal holidays, or spacious - for permanent family residence. Options with two entrances are also possible; such houses are equipped with two entrances. They require additional insulation and sound insulation, construction of a durable foundation, and communications.

The L-shaped house allows rational use of a small local area. Such houses can most often be found on corner plots. L-shaped houses are not only functional, but also beautiful if modern finishing and roofing materials are used in the decoration. As a rule, such buildings have two entrances. For the construction of corner houses in country style and chalets, laminated veneer lumber is often used. The outlines of the house form a courtyard, which can be conveniently used as a recreation area.

About Us

Construction company"Quality Home" has been constructing country houses, cottages and bathhouses since 2001. We have vast experience in implementing the most complex projects. We guarantee a responsible approach to construction, regardless of the chosen budget plan.

Our company in numbers

For more than 15 years of activity, we have a lot to be proud of:

  • 70% of the 1,200 commissioned properties are used for permanent residence;
  • over 900 satisfied clients, of which about 300 returned;
  • 36 construction teams specializing in the construction of timber buildings;
  • 23 units of special equipment in the fleet, which ensures cost reduction;
  • 2 logging plants equipped with drying chambers;
  • 1 own plot in the Novgorod region.

Our advantages

  • In-house production, allowing you to not depend on suppliers, meet deadlines and offer affordable prices;
  • Experienced crews, polite and non-drinking builders, time-tested;
  • The presence of designers on the company's staff - any of your ideas is under strict technical control;
  • Our own fleet of vehicles saves time and cost of delivery of house kits;
  • Individual approach to each of your tasks.

The wide choice of shapes is due to aesthetic considerations and modern fashion trends. But a house in the shape of the letter “L” rationalizes the occupied territory; with a successful layout, every family member will like a comfortable structure. Initially, L-shaped houses were built on corner areas, then they began to be installed on rectangular/square areas due to the optimal use of the house footage and a cozy courtyard. In the article we will analyze the nuances of planning, design and consider projects of log houses suitable for temporary and permanent residence.

Design Features

It’s not enough to buy a cozy house; it’s important to determine its most convenient location.

  1. The building is placed so that the corner faces north, the blank wall faces the leeward side. A pleasant microclimate will remain in the inner corner courtyard, and weather conditions will not spoil your holiday. The space is protected from strong and gusty winds.
  2. The parts of a house in the shape of an “L” are different: identical and symmetrical, or one side is larger than the other. The angle is not necessarily straight - L-shaped house designs have an acute or obtuse angle, it all depends on the personal tastes of the owner.

Let's consider some more nuances that are important when designing.

Entrance to a residential building

There are several here options:

  • arrangement of the entrance from the inner corner - protection from adverse weather; such a solution is not always advisable;
  • arrangement of the entrance from the side of the building's gables - combined with an open terrace or veranda.

Such options also have disadvantages, so owners often organize several entrances to the house for convenient operation and compliance with fire safety techniques. Entrances are arranged from two gables of the building, and an additional entrance is organized from the inner corner.

Front width

Correctly determining the width of the gables at the design stage is an important point. The owner chooses the width of the gables to his taste - different or the same. Often they equip a wide roof element, which is smaller in length. This way the architecture of the building is not distorted, and the façade becomes attractive and aesthetically pleasing.


Depending on the structure, the structure is erected from timber or using sandwich panels. The following variants of residential buildings made of rounded logs/laminated laminated timber are common:

  • Chalet style;
  • rustic style - in the form of a classic hut.

Experts do not recommend building houses in an “L” shape with several floors. It is rational to build a one-story house and conveniently zone the premises. If there is a small free space, a terrace, veranda can be added, or the construction of a bay window is included in the plan. Sometimes the construction of a standard attic is allowed. Cottage built for reasons of convenient repair and operation. It is equipped with a terrace and a garage, and a cozy patio allows you to have a good time.

Corner house layout

Now about the features of the layout.

  1. In one part of the house there is a sleeping area and a study, the other part is reserved for a playroom and living room. Between the zones there is a kitchen combined with a dining room.
  2. L-shaped residential buildings provide convenient placement of a garage, which is built in and subsequently used practically. The shape of the building allows for a double entrance: during cold and rainy seasons, one can enter the garage directly from the house, and during warm periods, entry from the street is available. Such a room is heated along with the rest - a separate heating system is not installed. This saves costs on equipment acquisition and operation.
  3. In a house made of timber with an attic, a quiet area for relaxation and sleep is created on the attic floor. Downstairs there are common areas, including technical rooms, a living room and a garage. This layout involves allocating space for arranging a bathroom on the first tier, where a small bathroom and toilet are located.
  4. Often, an L-shaped structure is complemented by an open veranda or a spacious terrace - here there is a double benefit - aesthetics and functionality. The outbuildings are used for a pleasant stay with family and friends. Arrangement rules: choose the side that warms up well; they attach it on the leeward side so that the terrace is not influenced by the winds. The veranda is located at the junction of two parts of the building, that is, in the inner corner. This is how the terrace is used both in the warm season and in the rainy season.
  5. Remember that a terrace and a veranda are different architectural elements. The terrace is built on the same foundation as the main building and serves as an extension of the house. The truss and roof of the house in the shape of the letter “L” and the terrace are common. The veranda is a separate extension, often without a roof. Plot owners prefer to equip a corner terrace, which fits perfectly between the two wings of the house.

L-shaped houses fit perfectly into a corner plot and have pleasant advantages: a cozy covered terrace in the corner, a spacious living space with compact dimensions, individual style and functionality.

L-shaped house project

SK "Stroyudacha" offers interesting options for house and bathhouse designs, among which you will find the house of your dreams. All kinds of shapes and configurations, number of floors and area. Here is everything your heart desires.

The usable area of ​​the house is 100 sq. m. m. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a room, a living room and a bathroom. A small porch-terrace in front of the house adorns the building. On the attic floor there is a sleeping area: 2 bedrooms of the same size and a corridor. The L-shape allows you to conveniently plan the premises: on the ground floor, the bathroom is separated from the main rooms; on the attic floor, the corridor is separated from the bedrooms.

Fans of original buildings who want to become the owners of a unique house that will be different from neighboring houses will be able to appreciate such unusual developments of the Cottage Projects company as corner house projects. They can be made in various versions, with different orientations, which will allow you to choose exactly the design that fits into the overall layout of your site.

However, when choosing house designs with the letter L, you need to remember several important points, without which the building will not be truly warm and cozy. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the wind rose, because without taking it into account, it may turn out that the house will be located inconveniently, and it will always be cold in it. In addition, in order to provide a sufficient amount of light in such a structure, it must be correctly oriented relative to the cardinal points.

What's hiding around the corner: choosing corner house designs

The logical conclusion is that when choosing projects for corner houses, it is necessary to understand as fully as possible the intricacies of the location of such a structure. Or - entrust the solution to this problem to the Cottage Projects company, whose specialists will not only help you choose the best development directly for your site, but will also perform all the necessary calculations, and, if necessary, advise you on other, more suitable options, for example, U-shaped home, the special charm of which is the presence of a cozy courtyard. Thus, no matter what kind of house you plan to build in the future, with “Cottage Projects” it will be the best: comfortable, spacious and warm.