A loan for the purchase of housing for a young professional. How to get a mortgage for young professionals? Registration procedure: step by step instructions

The most important operator of the railway networks in Russia is the Russian Railways company: a mortgage for a young specialist in this organization is available on preferential terms. More than 4,000 young specialists of Russian Railways are on the waiting list for support.

Who is considered a young specialist of Russian Railways

Before considering the Russian Railways mortgage program aimed at improving the living conditions of the company's young workers, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the status of "young specialist". This status is assigned by Russian Railways to full-time graduates of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions under the age of 30 who are employed by the organization:

  • in the direction issued by the educational institution;
  • after training under an agreement on targeted training of a specialist;
  • in the year of graduation.

The status of a young specialist arises for a graduate from the moment of signing an employment contract with Russian Railways and is valid for 3 years.

The status of a young worker may be extended if:

  • referrals for an internship with a break from work;
  • conscription into the army;
  • referrals to graduate school to defend a dissertation;
  • being on a long sick leave (more than 3 months);
  • going on maternity leave.

The status is renewed only once and only for the duration of the reason for the renewal, but not more than 3 years and until the specialist reaches the age of 30 years.

Housing policy of Russian Railways for young professionals

In general, the housing policy of the Russian Railways organization includes three areas:

Acquisition by Russian Railways employees of residential premises built by NGO "Zhilsocipoteka Fund" and CJSC "Zheldoripoteka" on the basis of funds received by these companies from JSC Russian Railways.

Subsidizing part of the cost of paying interest accrued under mortgage agreements to Russian Railways workers.

Provision of gratuitous subsidies to certain categories of Russian Railways employees who purchase housing.

Young professionals can count on the company's corporate support in the first two areas.

On the basis of an agreement between JSC Russian Railways and the NO Fund Zhilsocipoteka and CJSC Zheldoripoteka, young workers are sold up to 5% of the residential premises built by these organizations. However, such housing is only available to specialists who are assigned to a specific job due to production needs and who are in particular need of assistance to improve their living conditions. The conditions for obtaining a mortgage under this program are as follows:

  • the size of the initial payment is not less than 5% of the value of the property;
  • the term of the mortgage loan is not more than 15 years;
  • the interest rate is 1% per annum.

As for a subsidy that compensates for part of the cost of paying interest on a mortgage, here JSC Russian Railways operates through a bank with which an agreement has been concluded on cooperation in providing mortgage loans to workers of Russian Railways, at the moment such a bank is VTB 24. According to the program, a young specialist can purchase as a secondary real estate and housing in a new building on the following conditions:

  • initial contribution from young workers is not required;
  • the maximum loan term is 15 years;
  • the VTB 24 mortgage rate for young professionals is 10.5%, while the subsidy rate for young employees of Russian Railways on the loan is 8.5%, so the mortgage burden for young people is 2% per annum.

The amount for which the mortgage subsidy is provided is calculated based on the cost of 1 sq.m. living space and standard area of ​​premises per family. The cost of 1 sq.m. is determined by multiplying the average market value of 1 sq.m. housing in a certain region of the Russian Federation by a correction factor equal to 1.3. The standard area of ​​housing purchased by a young specialist of Russian Railways under a mortgage agreement is 33 sq.m. for one person, 42 sq.m. for a family of a specialist of 2 people and 18 sq.m. for each family member, if there are 3 or more people in the employee's family.

When applying for corporate support to improve housing conditions under both programs, the young professional must have a clean credit history, and the amount of monthly mortgage payments must not exceed 35% of the total family income of the employee.

How to become a member of the housing mortgage program of Russian Railways

Russian Railways provides mortgages to young specialists in accordance with the order of priority according to the registration list based on the decision of the company's housing commission. In order to register a young worker, first you need to contact the local authorities and officially receive the status of “in need of better living conditions”. Without this basis, registration will not be possible.

Those who intentionally committed actions that led to a deterioration in living conditions are also not registered for 5 years from the date of these actions.

If there are grounds, young specialists must submit to Russian Railways a package of the following documents:

  • an application with a request for registration in accordance with the form approved by the company;
  • copies of passport pages;
  • a copy of a military ID for men under 27 years of age;
  • marriage certificate and marriage contract (if any);
  • birth certificate of the child/children;
  • income statement for the last 6 months;
  • a certified copy of the work book;
  • for co-borrowers, a copy of a driver's license or a certificate from a psycho-neurological and narcological dispensary stating that they are not registered.

If necessary, additional documents and information may be requested from the worker.

After the housing commission approves the registration of a young specialist, he is entered in a special accounting book and an accounting file is opened for him. Then, within a month, the Russian Railways employee receives a written notification of the decision, and he only has to wait for his turn to receive a preferential mortgage.

Mortgage for young professionals is an assistance program that is designed to receive preferential lending terms when young professionals buy housing with a mortgage. Its financing is carried out at the expense of the federal or regional budget.

Young professionals include citizens of the country who graduated from higher educational institutions and recently got a job in budgetary organizations. Due to the low level of wages, this category of workers is in particular need of financial support from the state.

To support the influx of new specialists in this area, special benefits were developed for young professionals and the possibility of their participation in the mortgage lending program.

  • doctors;
  • teachers;
  • scientific staff.

There are also requirements for the employee himself:

  1. Age up to 35 years for all categories except scientific. For them, the maximum age is 40 years.
  2. Employment in a budgetary organization for the first time after graduation.
  3. Employment no later than one year from the date of completion of profile training.

Also, depending on the profile direction of the budgetary profession, there are additional requirements for the applicant for the benefits of a young specialist:

military personnel

Funds for this category of workers are allocated from the federal budget. They must necessarily participate in the accumulative program of mortgage lending. They must make contributions for 3 years to this program, after which they will be eligible to participate in concessional lending.

But if the military does not want to participate in this program, he has the right to refuse contributions and join this program. And, accordingly, will lose the right to receive preferential mortgages.

Teachers and researchers

For them, professional education makes no difference. They can graduate from a higher educational institution in any specialty and go to teach. In this case, the main requirements for teachers will be:

  • the age of the employee is up to 35 years;
  • his experience is more than a year in a non-profit educational organization.

For researchers, these requirements are more increased:

  • age up to 40 years;
  • his work experience in a non-profit educational organization from 5 years.

Medical workers

For doctors, one of the most obligatory conditions is their relocation to rural settlements. The professional orientation of the health worker will also have an impact. First of all, the most demanded specialists will be included in the program. In addition, the following requirements apply:

  • the employment contract must be concluded for at least 5 years.
  • the age of a medical worker is up to 35 years.

Benefits for young professionals

In addition to the opportunity to obtain favorable mortgage terms, employees who meet the requirements for the category of young professionals are entitled to apply for:

  • lifting;
  • lump sum payments.

Elevation allowance is accrued to the employee by the employer in the first month of official work. The amount of these payments is regulated by regional authorities and depends on the chosen profession. As a rule, it ranges from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. If a specialist quits of his own free will before the end of the employment contract, then he is obliged to return the amount of lifting. The term of work at the conclusion of the contract with the lifting can not be less than 5 years.

A lump sum payment can be made as an allowance during the duration of the primary employment contract, and can be paid after its completion. This payment is also made by the employer. It is calculated as 40-50% of the monthly salary.

All benefits listed are tax deductible. And they are additional measures to attract personnel to budget professions with low wages.

Also, the regions may provide the following benefits for specialists who have moved to live in the countryside:

  1. Early retirement after 25 years of service.
  2. The right to longer annual leave, which can increase up to 1 calendar year after more than 10 years of service.
  3. Permission to combine the main labor activity with other types.
  4. The working week may be shortened.

There are also special compensatory measures to stimulate rural specialists:

  1. Compensation for payment for services for heating and combustible materials for heating in the amount of up to 100%.
  2. Compensation for payment of electricity up to 100%.
  3. Compensation for renting housing, as well as its maintenance and repair up to 100%.

Regions may provide other types of benefits. Detailed information about this is provided in the social protection authorities.

Mortgages for young professionals

Registration of the purchase of housing on credit is another of the measures to attract young employees to budget organizations. There are several options for preferential acquisition of living space:

  • by receiving subsidies from the state;
  • federal program "Housing";
  • regional programs such as Mortgage for Young Professionals;
  • mortgage programs designed with the involvement of the interests of the employer.
When allocating subsidies from the state, the specialist pays only the principal amount of the debt of the monthly payment. And the interest on the loan is repaid from the federal budget.

In a mortgage involving the interests of the employer, in a similar way, the interest for using the loan can be repaid from the budget of the employer itself.

Federal program "Housing"

This program can be used by any young professionals. It implies state assistance in the purchase of housing in the amount of 40-50% of its market value. To do this, a young specialist must submit an application to the administration of the settlement for participation before September 1 of the current year.

Together with the application, he is obliged to submit documents proving that he has the opportunity to make an initial contribution of 10%. And also must prove its ability to pay the loan.

Mortgages for young professionals

Regional program, on the basis of which a specialist receives preferential lending conditions:

  • low interest 5%
  • loan term up to 10 years.
To approve this loan, you need to prove that the specialist has 30% of the cost of housing, and also has the ability to make monthly payments on the loan. When applying for this program, the specialist is required to work in the area for at least 5 years.

Thus, the state encourages young professionals at the federal and regional levels to choose budgetary professions and live in sparsely populated areas.

State support is provided to the population at different levels. We are talking not only about supporting the poor and large families, but also young workers. It is imperative to attract young people to work in various fields and directions. In the future, this will ensure a change in personnel.

One of the types of support is a mortgage program for young professionals. A special project was developed for novice workers, allowing them to obtain a housing loan on favorable terms. Small regional banks and several large ones, such as Sberbank and VTB, take part in the implementation of the program. Consider the proposed topic in this article in more detail.

There are quite a lot of young specialists in Russia. By definition, this category of citizens can include a graduate of an educational institution (university or secondary school) that has state accreditation. The second condition is full-time training and on a budgetary basis.

IMPORTANT. Graduates of commercial universities are also considered young professionals, but with the difference that they paid for their studies themselves and will not be able to apply for benefits from the state.

The status of "young specialist" is valid for the next three years after graduation. Sometimes the validity period is extended for a while:

  • Carrying out military service;
  • maternity leave;
  • Postgraduate studies;
  • Obtaining an additional prof. education.

After receiving a diploma, a specialist must get a job in the specialty received. It is important to go to work no later than one year after graduation. There is no probationary period for young professionals.

ON A NOTE. It is allowed to include graduates no older than 35, and in some cases even 30 years old, into the group of "young specialists". All individuals who have completed education at an older age cannot expect to receive further mortgage benefits.

Preferential credit terms

Young professionals can apply for a mortgage loan on a general basis. Conditions may be unfavorable for people who are just starting out in the labor force. In order to support citizens, state support programs operate in a number of regions of the Russian Federation. By participating in such a program, young professionals get the opportunity to get a mortgage at low interest rates. The terms of debt repayment can also be very loyal:

  • The rate is 8.5-9% per annum, instead of 12-14% under the basic programs of banks;
  • Initial payment - 10-15%, instead of 20-30%, acting on standard projects.

Under such conditions, repaying the debt is much more convenient and this is the advantage of the offer. It is not easy to get on the list of beneficiaries. The opportunity to obtain a preferential loan is provided only to young professionals working in a particular field. Here you can specify teachers and scientists, military personnel and workers in other areas.

INTERESTING. A number of industries have their own programs, not state ones. Participation in these projects allows workers to receive housing or money to purchase it. There are not many such offers, but they bring real benefits.

Requirements of banks to applicants for a loan

Banks that issue preferential loans under the Mortgage for Young Professionals program impose certain requirements on applicants:

  1. The age of the specialist is 21-35 years. The restriction is due to the fact that mortgage loans are considered the most long-term and must be repaid before retirement age.
  2. The presence of seniority in a budgetary institution is not less than a year. The total working period must be three years or more. The fact of employment must be confirmed with the help of relevant documents.
  3. Solvency confirmation. A young specialist must have sufficient income to pay monthly loan payments. The amount of his earnings should cover the expenses of the family and the amount of the loan. By law, no more than 45% of the applicant's income should go to pay the loan.

ADVICE. Not always a young specialist can meet the specified requirements. It happens that the applicant does not have enough income. In this case, it is allowed to involve a spouse or other person as a co-borrower. Another option is to offer liquid collateral.

Who is eligible for benefit programs?

Different categories of citizens can enter the role of a borrower. By law, young professionals can take part in the program, but there is no more precise definition of status. All information about the categories of applicants will be presented in the table.

Group of program participants

Borrower age limit

Length of employment

Additional nuances

up to 30-35 years

Not less than a year

It is necessary to work in a state institution for the provision of general educational services.


up to 35-40 years

Employment in a scientific organization

Signing of a cooperation agreement for five years.

Benefits are due when moving to the countryside. The subsidy is allocated to highly demanded specialists.

military personnel

There are no restrictions.

Participation in NIS for three years.

Mandatory participation in the NIS. The money is allocated from the federal budget.

Within the framework of the social program, restrictions on the specialty are not established. Even if the profession indicated in the diploma is not related to pedagogy, all the same, the young person will get access to benefits.

The documents

The lender makes demands not only to clients, but also to the prepared documentation for the mortgage. The following papers need to be included in the package:

  • The civil passport of the applicant and any document confirming the identity of the client (SNILS, TIN, in/y);
  • Certificate of earnings (2-NDFL or in the form of a bank);
  • Employment certificate, copies of the workbook;
  • Papers certifying that the applicant does not own a residential property;
  • Availability of savings sufficient to pay the initial amount.

IMPORTANT. For people of a certain profession, other documents may be required. So, young scientists are required to confirm the presence of a scientific degree.

Bank offers

Not all banks are willing to meet young professionals. Often, mortgage lending is denied, referring to the lack of sufficient income or the necessary entries in the workbook. This fact does not make it possible to clearly determine whether the future borrower will responsibly treat the return of the loan. But banks also need borrowers, so proposals for lending to budget employees from small regional banks are received regularly.

ATTENTION. More chances to get a mortgage from a young specialist, with participation in the Young Family program. Starting from 2018, the list of creditors on this issue has seriously expanded.

Consider the offers from banks in the table below:

Name of banking institution


  • from 9.5 - for ruble loans;
  • from 8.8 - for foreign currency loans.

Alfa Bank

Bank of Moscow

Delta credit

The interest rate is reduced, so the offer from each bank may be preferential for young employees.

Corporate mortgage programs for young budget employees

A new opportunity has been developed for young people - obtaining a mortgage at the expense of the corporation. In order to attract new participants to work in harsh and very uncomfortable conditions, companies enter into an agreement with banks to provide mortgages at reduced interest rates. All losses in income that the bank bears are compensated by the employing companies.

ON A NOTE. An example of such a program is the Russian Railways project. Employees can apply for a loan to purchase housing at VTB Bank. Mortgages are issued at 10.5% per annum (the rate may be higher), but the borrower pays only 2%. The loan is issued for 25 years. The loan is issued by concluding an agreement with the employer.

How to get such a mortgage?

The process of obtaining a mortgage is quite troublesome. Before you start applying for a loan, you need to get on the waiting list. Much depends on the region where the specialist lives. The number of candidates may vary from region to region.

After registering in the queue, you will need to make the following data:

The mortgage registration scheme for a young specialist is standard. With the exception of queuing, the applicant does not have to do anything special.

List of required documents

When going to the bank, the applicant must prepare in advance and take with him a complete package of documentation:

  • Civil passport (for the borrower and co-borrower;
  • Certificates 2-NDFL and other certificate in the form of a bank;
  • Certificate from the place of work confirming the length of service;
  • Cadastral passport and other documents for residential premises;
  • Preliminary agreement for the purchase of housing

Detailed information on the conditions for issuing a mortgage to young professionals can be obtained on the official website of the loan bank. If you have any questions, when visiting the bank, it will be enough to clarify everything with a specialist.