Indicators characterizing the deposit portfolio. Banking analytics lessons or “analytics from scratch” (continued) Contract term

The main objectives of the analysis of attracted funds (hereinafter - PS) can be considered:

Establishing the role of each type of attracted funds in the bank's resource base;

Identification and establishment of trends in the increase or decrease of each type of PS;

Detailed assessment of the bank's deposit and loan portfolio;

Determination of the nominal and real value of deposit instruments, attracted interbank loans (deposits), debt securities issued by the bank;

Formulation of a general conclusion about the bank's existing PS formation policy.

The sources of information for the analysis of the PS of the bank can be synthetic and analytical accounting of the bank, the turnover sheet for the accounts, as well as information from individual forms financial reporting jar.

Within the framework of the approach presented by us, PS is proposed to be carried out in the following stages:

Stage 1. Determining and analyzing the total value of PS, finding its share in the bank's liabilities, assessing the dynamics for the analyzed

Note that at this stage of the analysis, only preliminary conclusions can be drawn about the state of the bank's PS. In particular, according to the results of the analysis, PS is generally a positive trend (+) and may indicate:

Expansion of sources for conducting active operations;

Attraction by the bank of cheaper resources (in the form of funds to settlement, current accounts, to accounts of demand deposits);

Expanding the range of PS sources, incl. use of time deposits, attraction of interbank loans, etc.;

Theoretical foundations of the formation of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank. Essence deposit operations commercial bank. Household deposits as the main source of the bank's resource base. The structure of the resource base of a commercial bank.

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Before starting to form the main directions deposit policy, it is necessary to analyze the composition and structure of the bank's deposit portfolio. Belarusbank was chosen as the analyzed bank, where, using the example of one of the branches, its activities to attract free cash in deposits will be considered. As you know, this bank is the legal successor of the former Savings Bank and it accumulates a significant part of the population's deposits. Therefore, most of the analysis is the consideration of deposits of the population.

First, let's consider the structure of household deposits in terms of the way they are withdrawn (see Tables 1 and 2).

These tables provide data on the ruble and foreign currency deposit portfolios of the bank on household deposits for three years. As shown, in 1997 ruble deposits were dominated by demand deposits, which accounted for 58.5% of the total amount of these deposits. The vast majority of these deposits are accounts to which the wages of the population are credited. The excess of demand deposits over time deposits by 17.3% indicates the low attractiveness of the latter, which is why the population left a significant part of the funds in current accounts.

As part of time deposits, the largest shares are occupied by deposits with terms of 6 months (12.97%) and 12 months and more (15.4%). This shows the propensity of the population to save for long periods of time. This was facilitated by acceptable interest rates, as well as relative stability in the economy. Attracting long-term resources by the bank helps to increase the stability of the resource base, increases the possibilities of long-term lending. Also of interest is the share of one-month deposits, which amounted to 7.23% of all ruble deposits of the population. They exceed deposits for a period of 3 months, which take only 5.57% of the attracted resources of the population. All this testifies that some depositors prefer to divert their funds only for a month, considering other, longer-term types of deposits unattractive, and possibly fearing changes in the economy.

It should be noted that there are savings certificates in the attracted funds. True, their share among deposits is very small (only 0.28%), which indicates the relative underdevelopment of this instrument, compared to traditional deposits. However, the very presence of certificates testifies to the bank's interest in raising funds using methods of various qualities.

The situation with the bank's foreign currency deposit portfolio on household accounts is somewhat different. Term deposits dominate here. Their share among all foreign currency deposits amounted to 57.8%, which indicates the tendency of the population to save money in foreign currency. As part of time deposits, more than a third is occupied by deposits for a period of 3 months, therefore, this is the most attractive type of currency savings. The high share of long-term deposits (18.5%) is also of interest. This indicates the ability of the population to divert significant foreign exchange funds for long periods, which allows them to issue long-term foreign currency loans or use them in other active operations. A slight lag in the share of deposits for a period of 6 months allows us to conclude that they are also relatively attractive. Indeed, otherwise their share would be much lower.

It is now necessary to consider changes in deposit portfolios as of 1998. The total growth of ruble deposits amounted to 32.8%. This was achieved due to the growth in the share of term deposits, which amounted to almost 54% of all ruble deposits of the population. The reason for what happened can be considered an increase in the attractiveness of these deposits due to higher interest rates, as well as relative stability in the economy. This is evidenced by the sharp decline in the share of term deposits for a period of one month. The population began to invest their money for longer periods. As before, the most attractive are deposits for a period of 12 months or more. The shares of deposits for 3 and 6 months have slightly decreased, but they are still used by the population, which is confirmed by their growth in absolute terms by 107 million and 88.8 million rubles, respectively.

The situation with the currency portfolio was different. The increase in deposits for the year amounted to 17.7%. The share of demand deposits has almost halved. This is explained by the fact that in 1997, through Belarusbank, lump-sum benefits were paid from the Mutual Understanding and Reconciliation fund, as well as quarterly benefits to former soldiers of the Polish army from the Embassy of the Republic of Poland. In the reporting year, there were fewer clients receiving the above payments. Against the background of a decrease in the share of demand deposits, the share of term deposits increased significantly (to 76.6%). As with ruble deposits, the share of long-term attracted resources increased in their composition. Deposits with a maturity of 3 months decreased to 15.5%, while 6-month deposits increased to 23%, and annual deposits - to 37.5%.

This is very beneficial for the bank in terms of liquidity, however, at the same time, there is an increase in interest expenses on deposits.

It is impossible not to dwell on the situation with certificates. During the reporting period, their share fell to 0.01%. This signals the unattractiveness of this tool among customers and the need to review the conditions for their implementation and circulation.

At the beginning of 1999, the ruble deposit portfolio grew by almost 70%. There was also an increase in demand deposits by 4979.8 million rubles and their share in the ruble portfolio up to 48.8%. This can be explained by the increase in the minimum wage and, as a result, the increase in the amounts received on bank accounts as wages for employees of enterprises and organizations. In parallel, the amount of time deposits increased (growth by 4463.8). This also indicates an increase in the income of the population, which is reflected in savings. As part of time deposits, the share of deposits for a period of 1 month decreased to a minimum and amounted to only 0.53% of all ruble deposits. This is a vivid example of the loss of attractiveness of this type of deposits. To change the situation, it is necessary to change the conditions for this deposit, including the interest rate. Deposits for a period of 3 months also decreased (decreased by 4 million rubles). Consequently, they also lose their attractiveness and the population prefers other terms of investment. The population redistributed these funds to more long-term investments, as evidenced by a threefold increase in the amount of deposits for up to 6 months and 3.5 times - for deposits for 1 year and more. The share of certificates was one thousandth of a percent, which indicates the lack of demand for this product.

There were some other changes in the currency portfolio. The total increase in funds amounted to 15523.4 million rubles (an increase of 3.5 times). At the same time, balances on demand accounts continued to decline, despite the increase in the official foreign exchange rate. The reason for this was the decrease in the balances on the accounts of clients receiving quarterly payments from the Embassy of the Republic of Poland. Growth in time deposits amounted to 4.2 times, and it was achieved due to the growth of balances with accounts with a maturity of 12 months or more. It follows from this that the population is most satisfied with the conditions for keeping funds on these deposits, and also that they have opportunities for long-term savings in foreign currency.

Now consider the situation with the number of bank accounts opened by the population (see Table 3).

As of the beginning of 1997, 40,076 accounts were opened in the bank for the population. Of these, about 42.5 were demand deposits and approximately 57.5 were time deposits. It should be noted that in 1996 the current deposits of the population were consolidated, for which there was no movement for a long time. As of the beginning of 1996, 34,546 demand accounts were opened with the bank. And now they have been combined and only 16841 are left, which greatly facilitated the work of the service personnel. All foreign currency deposits accounted for only 0.7% of the total population's accounts, with demand deposits accounting for 0.5%. Therefore, the bank serves mainly ruble accounts. By the number of demand accounts, one can judge the work done by the bank to service these labor-intensive accounts. A high proportion of term deposits is achieved through compensatory accounts intended to cover the population's losses from the depreciation of their deposits in the early 90s. They occupy about three-fourths of all urgent accounts.

As of 1998, the total number of accounts decreased by 53. This was due to a decrease in the number of demand deposits in foreign currency (by 93), which is confirmed by the data in Table 2, and fixed-term ruble deposits (by 209). With regard to the latter, it should be noted that, according to Table 1, there was an increase in funds in these accounts by 1.5 times. Consequently, the population began to keep larger amounts of money. The growth in the number of ruble demand accounts indicates that additional customers have been attracted to the bank for servicing.

By 1999, the following situation had developed. The decrease in the total number of accounts continued, and they decreased by 1843 accounts. The reason for the decline was the decrease in the number of demand accounts. At the beginning of the year, special savings accounts were opened, to which the balances of deposits with amounts not exceeding 1,000 rubles were credited. Also, a continued decrease in the number of foreign currency demand accounts and fixed-term ruble deposits is noticeable. A slight increase in the number of fixed-term foreign currency deposits and a significant increase in funds for them indicates an increased amount of foreign currency funds invested by the population. The increase in the amount of funds contributed to ruble time deposits and on demand is evidenced by a decrease in their number and an increase in the volume of funds for them.

The dynamics of the number of accounts can be seen in the diagrams in appendices 1 and 2. As you can see, demand deposits, term deposits in general and term deposits for 12 months behave relatively stably. The reason for this is their large number, which hides minor changes in the deposit portfolio. The situation is different with time deposits for up to 12 months. As you can see, during the specified period there was a sharp drop in the number of deposits with a term of 1 month due to the loss of their attractiveness among the population. In parallel, there was an increase in the number of accounts with a term of 6 months, which is evidence of their growth in attractiveness.

Now let's analyze the structure of the deposit portfolio depending on the type of depositor, that is, the distinction will be made for deposits of legal and individuals(see figure 2)

In the diagrams, one can notice an upward trend in account balances of both legal entities and individuals. For a more complete analysis, we will use the data from Table 4.

As we can see, as of the beginning of 1997, the deposits of the population significantly prevailed in the bank's deposit portfolio. Their share was 81.8%. Consequently, at that time this bank formed more than three-fourths of its credit resources at the expense of the free funds of the population. Half of all attracted funds are ruble accounts, which expands the possibilities of conducting active operations in rubles. The share of foreign currency deposits of the population is almost 30% of all bank resources. Against this background, the share of deposits of legal entities stands out insignificantly - only 18%, among which 30% are foreign currency funds. The total amount of attracted resources of the bank amounted to 19,088.46 million rubles.

As of the next reporting date, there was an increase in attracted resources by 14,062.9 million rubles (by 74%). In terms of types of depositors, it can be seen that the growth was mostly due to an increase in ruble funds of legal entities (5 times), which increased their share in the bank's resources to 36.7%. Such a high rate is ensured by the transfer of accounts of budgetary organizations to Belarusbank, as well as by attracting several new clients. A slight increase in foreign exchange balances on the accounts of enterprises indicates their weak spending, insufficient foreign economic activity. With regard to household deposits, it should be noted that their share has slightly decreased against the background of an increase in funds in the accounts of legal entities. However, in absolute terms, their ruble balances increased by 3360 million rubles (33%), foreign currency - by 943.4 (17.6%).

In 1999, the situation was as follows: the attracted resources of the bank increased by 48243.8 million rubles (2.5 times). The share of funds of legal entities increased to 44.9% in the total volume of resources, and both ruble funds (by 21129.2 million rubles) and foreign currency funds (by 2148.7 million rubles) increased. This indicates an increase in the funds circulating in the accounts. In the resources of the population, the largest increase was achieved by foreign currency accounts, which increased by 2.3 times. This happened due to the growth of the exchange rate and an increase in the propensity of the population to save in foreign currency. Ruble funds increased only 1.7 times.

Considering the changes in the shares of deposits in the deposit portfolio over the two analyzed periods, it can be assumed that deposits of legal entities will dominate in future periods.

Appendix 3 shows the dynamics of the bank's checkable deposits by category of depositors. As you can see, over the period indicated, checking accounts of individuals dominated, and their surge in the last quarter is explained by the fact that, in addition to loans, funds of compensatory government bonds began to be credited to these accounts.

Sav = Osr / V * D (1)

SSR- average term of deposit ruble storage in days;

osr- average daily balances in rubles;

AT- turnover on the issuance of deposits;

D- the number of days in the period.

This indicator reflects the dynamics of the stability of deposits, which is especially important when evaluating bank deposits as short-term lending resources. The result obtained shows the length of time during which the bank can use the funds attracted in deposits for active operations. Let us now calculate this indicator for the first quarters of 1997-98 (in billion rubles).

SSR(1997) = 11.612 / 117.7 * 90 = 10 (days),

including: on demand deposits of the population SSR(1997)=73.5 days,

on time deposits of the population SSR(1997) = 159.4 days

on legal deposits persons SSR(1997) = 1.8 days.

SSR(1998) = 44.386 / 263.23 * 90 = 15.2 days,

including: demand deposits of the population Ср (1998)= 55.2 days,

term deposits of the population SSR(1998) = 211 days,

legal deposits. persons SSR(1998) = 4.7 days.

As you can see, the average deposit ruble storage period for the reporting date was 15 days on average. This means that the funds invested in the entire deposit portfolio of the bank settle on the accounts for an average of 15 days, with the funds remaining for the longest time (211 days or 7 months); then come deposits of the population on demand (55 days or 1.8 months); and then the deposits of legal entities (almost 5 days). It can be seen from the calculations that the deposits of the population settle in bank accounts for longer periods, that is, they are more stable. This is due to the fact that most demand deposits of the population are intended to pay them wages and pensions and are therefore used once or twice a month. And according to the accounts of legal entities, the movement of funds is carried out several times a week, which is associated with their production activities. As a result, it turns out that the period of settling of funds on them is much less.

Compared to the same period of the previous year, there was an increase in the size of the indicator SSR, with the exception of funds held in demand deposits of the population. This indicates that people prefer not to keep large amounts of money in these accounts.

The second indicator is the level of settling of funds received in deposits. The following formula is used to calculate it:

Uo \u003d (Ok - He) / P * 100 (2)

Wo- the level of settling of funds received in deposits;

OK- balances of funds on deposits at the end of the period;

He- balances of funds on deposits at the beginning of the period;

P- receipts on deposits.

This indicator reflects the share of funds received in deposits that is not spent by the depositor and settles in the account. Based on it, banks analyze the results of the deposit policy and the possibility of conducting credit policy. Let us calculate the level of settling of funds for the 1st quarter of 1997-98.

For the 1st quarter of 1997 we get the following numbers:

Wo(1997) = (16214,5-11653,7)/262451,9 *100 = 3,72 %

Including: on demand deposits of the population Wo(1997)= 23,2%,

on time deposits of the population Wo(1997) = 11,4%,

on deposits of legal entities Wo(1997) = 1.2%

For the 1st quarter of 1998 we get the following figures:

Wo(1998) = (31512,13-28788,5)/262451,9 * 100 = 1,04%

including: on demand deposits of the population Wo(1998) = 1,9%,

on time deposits of the population Wo(1998) = 27,6%

on deposits of legal entities Wo(1998) = 0,5%

As can be seen from the calculations, in 1997 the level of settling of funds received as deposits in the bank's deposit portfolio decreased 3.6 times and amounted to 1.04%. This means that almost 4 times less money was deposited in the accounts than at the beginning of the year. Increasing the indicator Wo occurred only with time deposits of individuals, because these accounts are intended for long-term storage of funds. This also confirms its high specific gravity in comparison with other contributions. On demand accounts of both the population and legal entities, there was a decrease in the value of the indicator Wo, and in terms of household deposits, the rate of decline was much higher. This indicates that depositors on demand accounts almost completely withdraw the amounts received by them: the population - for current consumption, enterprises and organizations - for the implementation of their economic activities.

Let's summarize. As it was seen, the bank has a fairly extensive deposit portfolio, and there are ruble and foreign currency deposits of the population and legal entities, as well as checking deposits. As of the last reporting date, in the context of borrowers, deposits of the population prevailed, however, they exceeded the deposits of legal entities by only 10%. In terms of the type of deposited currency, deposits in rubles dominate, their share is about 70% of the entire deposit portfolio. A significant share of ruble resources increases the bank's ability to lend to the population and business entities. Over the past year, cash balances on all deposits increased by 2.5 times. This is a positive factor, because as a result of the growth of the deposit base, the bank has an opportunity to expand its active operations. The bank also benefits from a high share of funds in accounts of legal entities, since these accounts pay a minimum interest. The next chapter will talk about the measures that banks can use to increase their borrowed resources.

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The current conditions of market transformations predetermine the development of the banking system in line with global trends. Therefore, when forming their policy today, domestic banks should rely on the knowledge and experience that exist in the world. However, one should take into account the fact that in modern conditions the achievements of Western economic theory are not able to fully satisfy the needs of the Russian commercial bank as a subject market economy. They are applicable only in the part that meets the specifics of the development of our state at the current stage of the functioning of the economy.

The most important component of the entire banking policy is the policy of forming the resource base. The formation of the resource base in the process of the bank's passive operations has historically played a primary and decisive role in relation to its active operations. The main part of banking resources, as you know, is formed in the process of conducting bank deposit operations, the effective and correct organization of which ultimately determines the stability of the functioning of a credit institution.

It should be noted that the formation of the deposit policy in our country has not been given due attention. This was due to the fact that the demand for banking services significantly exceeded supply, high inflation, the availability of cheap resources, a constantly growing dollar - all these conditions provided a high rate of return for banking operations, changing the very nature of their risk. And the presence of the interbank lending market, which perfectly coped with the function of refinancing "long" operations, allowed banks not to worry too much about the structure of their borrowed funds.

The banking crisis of 1998 and 2004, the financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent development of the Russian banking system confirmed the need to increase the role of the commercial bank's deposit policy, and, consequently, to improve it. An important indicator of the effectiveness of the formation and management of bank resources is the management of the deposit portfolio with the lowest costs and the largest resource base to finance those active operations that the bank wants to provide. Both in Russian and foreign banking practice, the deposit portfolio is an important component of the resource base of a commercial bank (CB).

resource base credit institutions in the period from September 2008, it was supported mainly by funds raised from the Bank of Russia and budget deposits. By January 1, 2009, the volume of loans, deposits and other funds raised by credit institutions from the Bank of Russia reached 3.4 trillion. rubles, or 12% of the banking sector's liabilities (as of January 1, 2008 - 34.0 billion rubles, or 0.2%, respectively).

As of July 1, 2009, Sberbank's deposit portfolio amounted to 5.2 trillion rubles, which is 18.8% more than as of July 1, 2009. Gazprombank (+18%) also observed growth in deposits, as a result of which the bank moved to second place over the year, overtaking VTB, whose similar indicator, on the contrary, decreased by 2.15% and amounted to 1.1 trillion rubles. RBC Rating //

The peculiarity of managing the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank is that there are no deposits left in the domestic financial market. financial instruments, which would guarantee a relatively risk-free placement of funds, covering the operating costs of the bank, providing a minimum acceptable margin. The most important performance indicators of a credit institution - profitability and liquidity - largely depend on the efficiency of deposit portfolio management.

Based on the foregoing, the relevance of the topic of the thesis is due to: the need to study the methods of managing the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank in relationships with customers.

The relevance of the issue was determined by the choice of topic, goals and objectives of the thesis. The purpose of the thesis is to clarify the essence of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, methods of formation and management of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved:

Consider the nature and classification of deposits;

To reveal the essence of managing the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank;

To analyze the formation and management of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank (on the example of OJSC Agroinkombank).

The subject of the thesis is the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank. The object of the study was a regional commercial bank - OJSC Agroinkombank.

The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications. The first chapter is devoted to methods of managing the bank's deposit portfolio. The second chapter analyzes the results of the deposit activities of OJSC Agroinkombank.

The information base for the completion of the thesis was educational and scientific literature, publications in the periodical press, legislative and regulatory acts, financial and financial statements OJSC Agroinkombank.

commercial bank deposit portfolio


1.1 Deposits:entity,classification,characteristic

Operations to attract funds to banks, the formation of their resources for the purpose of their subsequent placement and income generation, are passive operations jar. The passive operations of the bank include: raising funds for settlement and current accounts of legal entities and individuals, opening term deposits, obtaining interbank loans, forming the bank's own capital, issuing its own securities, and other Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M., 2005. - 40 p.

Hence, all passive operations can be divided into:

Deposit, including obtaining interbank loans;

Non-deposit or issue.

Deposit (deposit) operations of a commercial bank are operations to attract funds from legal entities and individuals in deposits for a certain period of time or on demand, as well as balances on customer settlement accounts to use them as credit resources and in investment activities.

Non-deposit sources of the formation of the resource base of a commercial bank include: deposit and savings certificates, bonds, bills.

Deposit and savings certificates are publicly traded securities issued by commercial banks and representing time deposit documents. In terms of their economic content, deposit and savings certificates do not differ from each other, being financial instruments that combine the properties of both a stock instrument and a deposit. Purely technical differences between these two subspecies of the same type of security are due only to the subjective criteria of the current banking legislation.

The certificates earn interest similar to the interest on deposits. At the same time, Russian commercial banks use both fixed and floating interest rates. The use of registered certificates has only one explanation: to enable the tax authorities to more clearly track the amount of the total income of their owner.

An additional advantage of a certificate as a financial instrument compared to a deposit is that it can be sold, bequeathed, transferred free of charge to a third party, i.e. sold on the secondary market.

Contribution (deposit) - these are funds (in cash and non-cash form, in national or foreign currency) transferred to the bank by their owner for storage under certain conditions. Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-I "On Banks and Banking Activity"

In world banking practice, deposits are usually understood as entries in bank books that indicate the presence of certain requirements of customers to the bank, or funds that customers deposit with the bank on the basis of agreements, contracts and obligations for depositing, provided for by the law Zharkovskaya E.P. Banking. Series: Higher financial education. - M.: Publisher: Omega, 2006. - 452 p. .

In Russian practice, a bank deposit is considered both in the broad and in the narrow sense of the word. In a broad sense, a deposit means a complete transfer of funds with an obligation to return, accompanied by the recipient's freedom to dispose of them. In the narrow sense, a bank deposit (deposit) is money in Belarusian rubles or foreign currency placed by individuals and legal entities in a bank or a non-bank financial institution for the purpose of storing and generating income for a period (urgent), or on demand, or before the onset of (non-occurrence) of a circumstance (event) specified in the concluded contract (conditional) Zharkovskaya E.P. Banking. Series: Higher financial education. - M.: Publisher: Omega, 2006. - 452 p. .

A bank's deposit (deposit) operations are part of its passive operations, the result of which should be an increase (at least - prevention of a decrease) of that part of the bank's attracted funds, which is formed due to voluntary placement with it by customers (individuals and legal entities), as well as other credit institutions of their temporarily free money on the terms agreed by the parties, namely as a bank deposit or deposit Attracting deposits and deposits by the bank //

Specifically, these operations include:

* opening accounts for deposits of clients - individuals, to which the latter immediately deposit certain amounts, and maintaining these accounts (including accepting additional amounts of deposits, if this is provided for by the account regime);

* opening accounts for deposits of legal entities, to which the latter immediately deposit certain amounts, and maintaining these accounts (including accepting additional amounts of deposits, if this is provided for by the account regime);

* opening and maintenance of settlement, current and other bank accounts, which accumulate mobile balances of clients' funds (crediting to clients' accounts of cash receipts addressed to them or the amounts of their own cash proceeds).

The range of deposit (deposit) operations does not include those passive operations of the bank, the results of which are: an increase in its own capital; obtaining credits and loans; raising funds in other ways (for the latter, see § 6.4).

If we take into account that banks traditionally attract free funds of legal entities simultaneously by all available methods, and the population, especially in Russia, also traditionally limits its relations with banks to almost one deposit operation, it will be clear that the deposit market is the main arena of competition for the money of the population.

The right to attract people's money in deposits is only available to banks, which are given such a right in accordance with a license issued by the Central Bank.

Moreover, this right can be obtained only by those banks that have been operating for at least two years, and since 2004 - participating in the system compulsory insurance deposits and registered with the Deposit Insurance Agency (see below for more on this). Regular attraction of people's money in bank deposits is called a savings business.

A legal entity can also be a depositor (although in Article 36 of the Law “On Banks and Banking Activity” only individuals are called depositors). A legal deposit is usually referred to as a bank deposit. According to Art. 834 CC bank deposit - this is the same as a bank deposit. In practice, this term is usually used in two cases: when the investor is not an individual, but a legal entity; when it comes to the amount deposited in the bank for a strictly defined and, as a rule, not subject to change period (term deposit).

Deposit accounts can be very diverse and their classification is based on such criteria as the sources of deposits, their intended purpose, the category of the depositor, sources, term, form of withdrawal, degree of return, etc. (Fig. 1).

In the economic literature, there has not been a unified and sufficiently developed classification of deposits, however, the category of the depositor and the form of withdrawal of the deposit are most often used as signs. So, based on the category of contributors, there are Beloglazova G.N., Krolivetskaya L.P., Savinskaya N.A. and others. Banking: A textbook for universities. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2008. - 592 p. :

Deposits of legal entities (enterprises, organizations, banks);

Deposits of individuals.

Figure 1 Lavrushin O.I., Mamontova I.D., Valentsova N.I. Managing the activities of a commercial bank (banking management) / Ed. Dr. Ek. sciences, prof. O.I. Lavrushin. - M.: Jurist, 2005. - 688 p.

Classification of deposits

O.I. Lavrushin. This author divides deposits according to the form of withdrawal into three groups:

Demand deposits (obligations that do not have a specific term);

Term deposits (obligations with a definite term);

Savings deposits.

So , deposits before demand are funds that can be withdrawn at any time without prior notice to the bank by the client. These include funds on current, settlement, budget and other accounts related to settlements or intended use funds.

Demand deposits are inherently unstable, which limits their use by commercial banks. For this reason, account holders are paid little or no interest. In the face of increased competition in attracting deposits, commercial banks seek to attract customers and stimulate the growth of demand deposits by providing additional services to account holders, as well as improving the quality of their service. For demand deposits, banks are required to keep a minimum reserve of central bank Russian Federation.

Interest on demand deposits is credited to the depositor, as a rule, once a year at the beginning of a new calendar year.

Demand deposits are the most liquid. Their owners can at any time use the money on demand accounts. Money is deposited or withdrawn to this account both in parts and completely without restrictions, and it is also allowed to take cash from this account in the manner established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In other words, the advantage of demand deposit accounts for their owners is their high liquidity. The main disadvantages of demand deposits for their owners is the payment of low interest on the account, and for the bank - the need to have a higher operating reserve to maintain liquidity.

With the help of demand deposits, the problem of making a profit by the bank is solved, since they are the cheapest resource, and the costs of servicing settlement and current accounts of customers are minimal. In most commercial banks, demand deposits occupy the largest share in the structure of attracted funds. However, the optimal share of these funds in the bank's resources is up to 30-36%. In Russia, the share of these funds is much higher. An increase in the share of demand deposits in the financial resources of the bank reduces its interest expenses and allows you to get a higher profit from the use of these funds in banking assets. But at the same time, current accounts are the most unpredictable element of liabilities. Therefore, their high share in borrowed capital greatly weakens the bank's liquidity. In this regard, an important task of management is to determine the optimal structure of the bank's deposit base.

In second place in terms of importance for banks are urgent deposits, as they are stable and allow the bank to have depositors' funds for a long time.

Urgent contributions by Kurbatov O.V. Malakhova N.V. Bondar E.O. Banking law: A textbook for universities (ed. Kilyashanov I.Sh., Zhukov E.F.) - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2008, 335p. - these are funds credited to deposit accounts for a strictly specified period with interest paid. The rate on them depends on the size and term of the deposit. The fact that the owner of a term deposit can dispose of it only after the expiration of the agreed period does not exclude the possibility of early receipt of his funds in the bank. However, in this case, the client's interest rate on the deposit is reduced.

Term deposits are classified according to their term:

deposits with a term of up to 3 months;

deposits with a term of 3 to 6 months;

deposits with a term of 6 to 9 months;

deposits with a term of 9 to 12 months;

deposits with a term of more than 12 months.

The advantage of term deposit accounts for the client is to receive a high interest, and for the bank - the ability to maintain liquidity with a smaller operating reserve. The disadvantage of term deposit accounts for clients is low liquidity. For the bank, the disadvantage is the need to pay increased interest on deposits and thus reduce the margin.

There are two types of term deposits:

term deposit with a fixed term;

term deposit with prior notice of withdrawal.

Contributions With preliminary notification Balabanov A.I. Borovkova V.A. Banks and banking: Banking system; Textbook for universities Ed. 2nd Money and credit, 2007, 448 p. about the withdrawal of funds means that the client must notify the bank in advance of the withdrawal of the deposit within the period specified by the agreement (as a rule, from 1 to 3, from 3 to 6, from 6 to 12 and more than 12 months). Depending on the notice period, the interest rate on deposits is also determined.

If the depositor wishes to change the amount of the deposit - to reduce or increase, then he can terminate the current agreement, withdraw and re-register his deposit on new terms. However, in case of early withdrawal by the depositor of funds on the deposit, he may lose the interest provided for by the agreement in part or in full. As a rule, in these cases, the interest is reduced to the amount of interest paid on demand deposits.

By attracting time deposits, the problem of ensuring the liquidity of the bank's balance sheet is solved.

In world banking practice, an intermediate position between term deposits and demand deposits is occupied by savings deposits. They play an important role in the resources of banks, in particular earmarked deposits. Traditionally, these operations in Russia were carried out by Sberbank, but at present, in the course of competition for resources, commercial banks have begun to master this loan capital market as well.

savings contributions population deposited and withdrawn in full or in part and certified by the issuance of a savings book. Banks accept targeted deposits, the payment of which is timed to coincide with the period of holidays, birthdays, etc. Savings deposits include deposits formed for the purpose of accumulating or maintaining monetary savings. They are characterized by a specific motivation for the emergence - the promotion of thrift, the accumulation of targeted funds and a high level of profitability, although lower than for term deposits Money, credit, banks: Textbook, M: KnoRus, 2010, 560 p. .

Savings deposits have their advantages and disadvantages for banks. The significance of savings deposits for banks lies in the fact that with their help unused incomes of the population are mobilized and converted into productive capital. The disadvantages for banks are the need to pay increased interest on deposits and the exposure of these deposits to economic, political, psychological factors, which increases the threat of a rapid outflow of funds from these accounts and the loss of bank liquidity.

In the course of considering this issue, it should also be noted that the deposit policy of domestic commercial banks uses tools foreign practice- savings the certificate can only be issued to individuals residing on the territory of the Russian Federation or another state that uses the ruble as legal tender.

Upon the expiration of the term for claiming monetary amounts, the owner of the certificate must submit it to the bank along with an application containing an indication of the method of redemption of the certificate.

To the greatest extent meets the requirements of ensuring proper liquidity of the balance sheet of a commercial bank attracting term deposits. From here emerges an important task for the bank

To interest clients in keeping their funds in fixed-term deposit accounts.

Deposits legal persons is cash or securities deposited with financial and credit, customs, judicial or administrative institutions.

Ordinary funds of legal entities are kept on the settlement, current and budget accounts of these enterprises opened in commercial banks on the basis of bank account agreements. Keeping funds in bank accounts does not bring income to the enterprise. For a certain fee, in accordance with the bank account agreement, the bank undertakes to: accept and credit funds incoming to the account, comply with the instructions of the account holder to transfer funds from the account, and issue appropriate amounts of money from the account in cash.

Funds credited to deposits of legal entities are kept in banks on other accounts and on the basis of bank deposit agreements. Bank deposit agreements are concluded on different conditions and are of two types:

Contracts for demand deposits - the return of the deposit is carried out on demand, and its profitability is insignificant.

Agreements for term deposits - the return of the deposit is carried out after the expiration of the term specified in the agreement. Its profitability depends on the term and amount of investment and is much higher than in the first case.

Legal entities are not entitled to transfer funds in deposits (deposits) to other persons.

Funds of enterprises and organizations can be divided into two categories:

1) who earn through production activities or trade.

2) which are received for maintenance from the budget, for non-commercial services, for targeted long-term programs or events.

The first category of funds, as a rule, is always in circulation and is delayed on settlement and current accounts only until the next payment or for a specific purpose. Enterprises register such funds as time deposits of legal entities rarely and only to solve a specific problem, and the income received from this investment is not considered an end in itself.

The second category of funds, as a rule, is delayed in the accounts of enterprises for longer periods, spent as needed or on schedule. Enterprises can and should place these funds more actively on fixed-term deposits of legal entities in order to obtain additional income. So, for example, one of the large industrial universities placed all the funds collected for paid tuition for students on quarterly deposits, and directed interest income to the primary needs of the students themselves and to reduce mortgage rates for their employees.

When working with deposits of legal entities, individual banks apply an individual approach. Interest rates on deposits of legal entities attracted by commercial banks, as a rule, are not advertised. The interest rates offered to the enterprise on deposits of legal entities depend on the amount and terms of investment, as well as the interest of the bank in working with a particular enterprise on other aspects of cooperation in the field of banking services.

Significant funds are sometimes accumulated and stored on the settlement accounts of individual enterprises for making future payments. Money can lie without movement from several days to several months and practically bring no income to their owner. This situation is beneficial for banks - these are free resources, and interest must be paid for deposits of legal entities. Therefore, the bank in which the current account is opened does not always take the initiative to conclude an agreement with the enterprise on the deposits of legal entities. And if he offers to open a deposit account, then the interest rate on deposits will be initially offered at the minimum. Here, on the part of the enterprise, bargaining at an interest rate is appropriate.

Banks are very reluctant to accept time deposits of legal entities with funds with a term of up to one month. Often there is such a situation when, if there is a significant amount on the account of the enterprise, the bank almost every day checks with the accountant the upcoming payments for the next few days. This means that the bank, at the moment, needs short resources, but is trying to solve the problem for free. But in order for the money to work and bring some kind of income to the enterprise, you need efficiency in moving money from one bank to another, from a current account to time deposits of legal entities or to current accounts in banks that charge even minimal interest on them, but for "demand deposits". And then, it is always easier to negotiate higher interest rates with banks, when you work with several banks, then there is an opportunity to choose more profitable offers.

The transfer of funds to time deposits of legal entities is formalized by bank deposit agreements. The conclusion of a bank deposit agreement for a legal entity is accompanied by the submission to the bank of a list of documents for opening a deposit account. Here is an approximate list of documents required to open a deposit account:

Commercial banks constantly face serious competition in the financial resources market when attracting deposits. Those banks that offer customers the most convenient and profitable deposit schemes win in this competitive struggle. An important role in motivating clients to invest money is played by the level of interest for this type of deposit. Commercial Bank may offer, in addition to interest, additional financial benefits to its customers.

1.2 Controldepositportfoliocommercialjar

Management of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank is carried out within the framework of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

Under deposit portfolio should be understood as the totality of deposits attracted by the bank. The formation of the deposit portfolio should be considered as a continuous cyclical process, consisting of the main stages Guzov K.O. Deposit portfolio of a bank: improvement of methods and tools of formation // Banking business, №2 February 2006. :

1) analysis (study of the “behavior” of funds on customer accounts),

2) planning (focus on attracting certain clients, groups of clients and types of deposits),

3) work to attract customers (introduction of new products, flexible tariff policy and individual work with clients)

4) control.

The successful functioning and development of the bank largely depends on after the adoption of all management decisions.

Currently, various approaches are being used to solve the problem of forming a deposit base. Sometimes the number one issue for a bank becomes the issue of "attracting a client", i.e. The bank puts the marketing principle “Bank for the client” at the forefront of its work. With regard to solving the problem of forming a deposit portfolio of a commercial bank (CB), the main results of using this principle are to ensure a stable inflow of free cash to the bank and attract new customers. However, in and of themselves, attracting more customers and a steady influx of deposits do not improve the stability of the resource base.

As part of the marketing approach, pricing issues should be considered, since it is the price that is one of the key factors determining the mutually beneficial cooperation between the client and the bank and directly affecting the profitability of the latter. The main difficulty in solving the problem of pricing is the determination of the cost banking product. The methods of its calculation are based on determining the composition of the costs of the service provided, and the main issues are the choice of both ways to account for direct and indirect costs, and the allocation of indirect costs to specific services (products). Most often, the criterion for allocating indirect costs is the share of services in the total volume or quantity of services provided. Practice shows that for a large CB with an extensive network of branches, the implementation of such a calculation of the cost of services rendered is difficult.

The traditional approach to determining the stability of deposits is to calculate two or three main indicators or modify them: the average retention period of funds (Ad), the level of settling of funds (Uo), as well as the value of the balance of funds available for use - transformation (D s) . Guzov K.O. Deposit portfolio of a bank: improvement of methods and tools of formation // Banking business, №2 February 2006.

In the economic literature, there is another way to determine the stability of deposit resources - assessment using the stability coefficient of the balance (K st) B. Strizhko. Indicator of the stability of the bank's passive base (coefficient of variation of balances) // Vkladchik.In.UA, 27.02.2011. This indicator assesses the amplitude of fluctuations in the balances of attracted funds.

The most comprehensive approach to the analysis of the bank's client funds, proposed by A. Burya back in 1998, can be considered. It provides for: allocation of client groups; calculation of coefficients characterizing the stability of the residues of each group; assessment of the current state of the client base; determination of the current trends of its change; forecast of further development. However, to assess the stability of the customer base, this approach uses standard coefficients (average shelf life, settling level, fluctuation amplitude), and therefore has the disadvantages and contradictions inherent in these methods Voloshin I.V. Analysis of cash flows of a commercial bank // Operational management and strategic management in a commercial bank. - 2004. - No. 4. .

In modern banking practice, the formation of a deposit portfolio in accordance with the requirements for maintaining the bank's liquidity is usually achieved by regulating the ratios between assets and liabilities by maturity using the calculation of special coefficients that evaluate these ratios. It should be noted that these methods are not intended to analyze the client base and identify stable deposit resources, they do not provide answers to a number of topical questions that arise in the implementation of the deposit policy: what types of resources, what clients and in what quantity should the bank attract in order to ensure stability resource base.

An important aspect in solving the problem of forming a deposit portfolio is the planning of work to attract deposit resources. In order to ensure planning and management of work to attract customers, the bank needs to assess the possible amount of cash balance that potential and existing customers can provide. In other words, it is necessary to determine how many clients one must have or attract in order to provide a given volume of deposits.

It should be noted that in the Russian practice of analyzing banking activities, there are no independent methods for analyzing a bank's deposit portfolio. There are methods for analyzing the resource base, which banks independently develop, and within their framework they can determine the directions for analyzing the deposit portfolio, taking into account the specifics of their activities and the characteristics of their operations.

How to analyze the deposit portfolio has not been studied in detail in the economic literature. A number of authors show the need for an analysis of passive operations (the bank's resource base) and offer appropriate methods. As part of the analysis of the bank's resources, G.S. Panova and O.V. Kotina propose to analyze the deposit portfolio by the subjects of attraction and the urgency of investing funds by investors Kotina O.V. Analysis of the bank's deposit portfolio. // Banking analytics lessons or "analytics from scratch",, 03/21/2006. Most of the authors, among them S.Yu. Buevich, O.G. Korolev, E.B. Shirinskaya, speaking about the analysis of passive or deposit operations, focuses exclusively on the stability and cost of funds raised (deposits), as well as the efficiency of resource use Buevich S.Yu., Korolev O.G. Analysis of financial results of banking activity. - 2nd ed. - M.: KNORUS, 2005. - 160 p. . However, given the variety of deposits and the specifics of economic relations that develop during deposit operations, in the study of banking activities in general and indicators that allow assessing the quality of funds raised (bank liabilities), in particular, the analysis of the deposit portfolio should occupy a special place. The need for such an analysis is confirmed by one of the main conclusions drawn from the analysis of the resource base and deposit operations of credit institutions of the Russian Federation, carried out in the second chapter of the study, that the share of deposits in the total volume of liabilities of the banking sector is increasing.

The methodology for analyzing the bank's deposit portfolio is the result of a search for the most appropriate way to assess the accuracy of the implemented strategic targets and objectives of the bank's deposit policy.

The analysis of the deposit portfolio, based on the basic characteristics of the deposit and deposit operations, is carried out in the following areas (Fig. 2):

Analysis in the above areas can be carried out only if the bank has a well-functioning system of analytical information.

The analysis of the value of the deposit portfolio begins with studying the dynamics of the bank's interest expenses on liabilities (raised and borrowed funds) in general and by types of deposit resources, then the nominal and real value of deposits by categories of depositors is determined. The basis for calculating the real value of deposit resources is their nominal value.

The average nominal value of deposit resources is defined as the ratio of the bank's expenses on deposit accounts, issued deposit and savings certificates (accrued and paid interest) to average balances on the respective accounts of deposit resources.

The volume and structure of the deposit portfolio must meet the needs of the bank when placing resources, including the specified parameters (target indicators) for their further management. According to the assessment of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank (Table 1), an assessment is made of the sufficiency of deposit resources attracted by a commercial bank.

Table 1 - Estimation of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank

The main directions of the analysis of the deposit portfolio of the bank

In general, the assessment of the sufficiency of deposit resources is carried out in the course of monitoring the fulfillment of planned indicators established for deposit operations, taking into account the general goals of managing deposit resources.

Under management deposit portfolio should be understood as a set of actions aimed at the formation of a deposit portfolio that meets the needs of the bank in the field of placement of deposit resources, ensuring liquidity and an acceptable level of profitability.

Deposit portfolio management activities include:

Analysis of the structure of deposits by maturity

Analysis of the structure of deposits by the degree of demand for the latter

Risk insurance methods for bank deposit operations

Structural analysis of attraction of resources

Transformation Risk Assessment

Assessment of the degree of stability of deposits

Retrospective analysis of risks associated with deposit operations

When evaluating a bank's deposit policy, information on the impact of the state of deposit resource management on current activities in the structural divisions of a credit institution may be important. Such information may be provided by the internal control service.

The main goals that determine the need for deposits for the coming period (year, half year, quarter, month) are:

1) Ensure the process of placing funds in full with deposit resources, in other words, the continuous conduct of active operations that generate income.

Two approaches can be used to address this issue. One is based on the planned indicators for the development of active operations for the coming period and involves the establishment of specific targets for increasing the total volume of attracted resources and deposit resources in particular. At the same time, the structure of the deposit portfolio is planned in advance, which causes some adjustment of the tactics used by the bank in the process of organizing and conducting deposit operations, marketing strategy.

Another approach is based on one of the most important tasks of the bank - minimizing the costs of attracting funds to deposit accounts and at the same time ensuring the necessary structure of the deposit portfolio by customer categories, terms and types of deposits. Ultimately, the problem of the required amount of deposit resources is solved for the implementation of plans for the development of bank operations at minimal cost.

2) maintaining the liquidity of the bank, that is, its ability to ensure the timely and complete fulfillment of its monetary and other obligations arising from transactions using financial instruments at the expense of the assets at the disposal of the bank or by obtaining loans for money market, including the interbank credit market.

Depending on the conditions under which the bank deposit agreement was concluded, the bank must be ready to return the funds on demand (demand deposits and term deposits of individuals) or after the expiration of the period stipulated by the agreement or the occurrence of the conditions stipulated by the agreement (deposits made under other return conditions).

In theory and practice, the bank's liquidity is considered in conjunction with its profitability. In the process of asset management, banks almost always face the dilemma "profitability - liquidity". We are talking about the main issue that any economic agent (including a bank) has to solve when concluding a deal, carrying out any financial transaction, namely, the choice of the ratio of income and risk. In other words, the bank may experience tension in liquidity not only due to the behavior of depositors (in this case, this is just one of the possible problematic situations), but also to a large extent from the choice of the most appropriate solution when setting the profitability-liquidity dilemma in the context of banking strategies and tactics.

Thus, the management of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank is designed to ensure maximum efficiency in the use of deposit resources.

Effective management of deposit operations involves expanding the network and types of deposit accounts, meeting the needs of customers in a wide variety of banking services, providing investment guarantees through the deposit insurance system, and the like. The mode of operation of deposit accounts in a bank should meet the needs of maximum simplification of the procedure for conducting deposit operations

A prerequisite for the implementation of evidence-based management of deposit operations of a commercial bank is a previous analysis of the state, structure and use of the resource base and passive operations.

The bank's strategic deposit management tools include measures aimed at strengthening its position in the deposit market, which involves taking into account the entire range of factors that create the external environment for banking. Tactical tools for managing deposit operations in a bank include measures to improve the internal organization of deposit work: improving the rules and procedures for implementing deposit agreements, improving the work of the bank's staff involved in passive operations, searching for new forms of working with clients, reducing the likelihood of risk and irrational decisions, etc.

In the strategic plan for managing the bank's deposit activities, it relies on the marketing of the deposit market, regulation of demand and supply of deposit services. In the tactical plan of management of the bank's deposit operations, first of all, it provides for the establishment of a clear monitoring of the quantity and quality of its deposit portfolio.

A specific feature of deposit operations is the active role of the bank's client, who independently determines the amount of the deposit, that is, a part of his income, which he directs to savings. Measures to influence the economic behavior of potential depositors should take a significant place in the process of managing the deposit operations of a commercial bank. Honesty and decency of the bank in relation to customers should be the norm in any, even the most unfavorable for banking, situations.

The increase in the cost of deposits also leads to an increase in the cost of the bank's credit resources. Therefore, the bank's aspirations to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of depositors should be limited to future opportunities for profitable placement of attracted resources at a higher percentage compared to deposits. To implement this task, commercial banks set the minimum amount of a term deposit, the minimum period for which funds are deposited, the annual interest rate, the frequency of interest payments (monthly, quarterly, at the end of the term) and the like.

Effective management of deposit operations creates conditions for optimal resource regulation in a commercial bank. Skillful resource maneuvering is an important indicator of the professionalism of bank personnel.

Passive operations of a commercial bank are organically linked with active operations. Banking management is inseparable from ensuring effective interrelationships between the passive and active operations of the bank. Attracting funds for bank deposits loses any meaning if there are no reliable channels for their next profitable placement. A commercial bank is responsible to the depositor for the obligations arising from the deposit agreement, its own funds, property and all relevant assets.

One of the methods for managing a bank's deposit portfolio is insurance deposits .

In Russia, the problem of creating a mechanism for guaranteeing bank deposits of the population was resolved through the adoption of Law No. 117-FZ "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation" in December 2003. In accordance with this Law, for the first time in Russia, a nationwide fund for compulsory insurance of bank deposits of individuals and an appropriate management body in the form of a state corporation - the Deposit Insurance Agency are being created. Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities", Article 38

The objectives of the Federal Law are to protect the rights and legitimate interests of depositors of banks in the Russian Federation, to strengthen confidence in the banking system of the Russian Federation and to stimulate the attraction of household savings in banking system Russian Federation.

Insurance is subject to funds of individuals placed in deposits and accounts in banks registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. Types of deposits: Federal Law "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation" No. 177-FZ dated December 23, 2003

Contributions With complete reimbursement- deposits for which the insurance indemnity is 100% of the deposit amount. Since the beginning of the deposit insurance system and until October 1, 2008, the maximum amount of a deposit with full compensation was 100,000 rubles. After October 1, 2008, full compensation is paid for deposits not exceeding 700 thousand rubles.

Contributions With proportional reimbursement- deposits with incomplete compensation paid in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. plus 90% of the deposit amount exceeding 100 thousand rubles. This group, depending on the date on which the information is provided, includes deposits in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. up to 200 thousand rubles inclusive (from 08/09/2006 to 03/25/2007), from 100 thousand rubles. up to 433333.33 rubles. inclusive (from 26.03.2007 to 01.10.2008).

Contributions With partial reimbursement- these are deposits with incomplete compensation for the amount for which the maximum insurance indemnity established by law is paid. This group of deposits, depending on the date on which the information is provided, includes deposits in excess of 100 thousand rubles. (until 08/09/2006), over 200 thousand rubles. (from 08/09/2006 to 03/25/2007), over 433,333.33 rubles. (from 03/26/2007 to 10/01/2008), over 700 thousand rubles. (after 01.10.2008).

Deposit insurance is carried out by virtue of the said Law and does not require the conclusion of an insurance contract. In order to manage the deposit insurance system, on the basis of the law on deposit insurance, in January 2004, the Russian Federation established a state corporation - "Deposit Insurance Agency"

In Russia, participation in the deposit insurance system is mandatory for all banks that attract funds from individuals. To date, the number of banks participating in the deposit insurance system in the Russian Federation is 941 banks (in total, the Bank of Russia or on the basis of its decision by the authorized registering body as of February 01, 2009 registered 1225 credit organizations, 1170 were banks and 55 were non-bank credit organizations .

In 2010, the number of banks entitled to take deposits from individuals decreased by 30 to 819 credit institutions. As of January 1, 2011, 909 banks were included in the register of banks participating in DIS. The difference between the number of banks participating in DIS (909) and the number of banks licensed to work with individuals (819) is related to the insured events that have occurred and the prohibition against a number of banks to attract funds from individuals. The volume of household funds placed in them amounted to 9.8 trillion rubles, having increased over 2010 by 31.3%.

In the total volume of household deposits in banks participating in DIS, deposits and accounts covered by the law on deposit insurance account for over 99%. Review of the retail deposit market for 2010 // State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency", MOSCOW, 2011 Insurance compensation for deposits in a bank, in respect of which an insured event has occurred, is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100% of the amount of deposits in the bank, but not more than 700 000 rub. (for insured events)

Deposits in foreign currency are recalculated at the rate of the Central Bank on the date of occurrence of the insured event.

The maximum amount of compensation is 700,000 rubles. for all deposits and accounts in one bank. Deposits in different banks are insured independently of each other.

After the payment of the insurance indemnity, the rights of the depositor's claims on the deposit, which exceed the amount of guarantees, are satisfied in the course of bankruptcy proceedings in the first priority of creditors. The rights of the depositor to claim the amount of insurance payments made are transferred to the Deposit Insurance Agency. If the depositor received a loan from a bank in respect of which an insured event occurred, then the amount of insurance compensation is reduced by the amount of the bank's counterclaims to the borrower.

Not subject to insurance:

1) funds on the accounts of individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such accounts (deposits) are opened for the implementation of entrepreneurial or relevant professional activities provided for by federal law;

2) bearer deposits;

3) funds transferred to the bank for trust management;

4) deposits in foreign branches of Russian banks;

5) money transfers without opening an account;

6) funds on depersonalized metal accounts.

The financial basis of the system is the mandatory deposit insurance fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund). As of December 29, 2010, its size was 110.8 billion rubles. The main sources of the formation of the Fund are the property contribution of the state (6.9 billion rubles), insurance premiums banks and income from investing the Fund's resources.

Insurance premiums are the same for all banks participating in the DIS and are subject to payment by the bank on a quarterly basis. The rate of banks' insurance premiums to the Fund is set by the Board of Directors of the Agency and currently amounts to 0.1% of the average amount of insured deposits of individuals in a bank for the corresponding quarter. Since the beginning of the work of the CER, the maximum amount of insurance compensation in Russia has increased by 7 times. At first it was 100,000 rubles, from August 9, 2006 it was increased to 190,000 rubles, from March 26, 2007 - up to 400,000 rubles, and from October 1, 2008 - up to 700,000 rubles. During the history of the deposit insurance system in Russia, 92 insured events were recorded (as of October 2010). The amount of liability for insured events that have occurred is 21.9 billion rubles. for 597.5 thousand depositors. GK DIA //

The creation of a system for guaranteeing bank deposits and protecting the interests of depositors made it possible to really increase the reliability of banks and their ability to fulfill the task assigned to banks to transform citizens' savings into investments that the Russian economy so badly needs.

The next method of managing a deposit portfolio is grade risk transformations. Transformation is a banking strategy in which resources are bought in the short-term market, where they are cheaper, and sold in the long-term market, where they are more expensive. This strategy is practiced by all banks from time to time, especially if there is a tendency to lower rates. Transformation operations are very risky. Liquidity risk is the biggest threat.


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    The concept, essence, goals and objectives of commercial bank finance. The role of finance in strengthening the stability of a commercial bank. Characteristics of the main performance indicators of a commercial bank. Problems of the functioning of the finance of a commercial bank.

Attracted deposit funds (PDF) of the bank represent its "client" base in terms of the formation of the deposit base. In domestic banks, it is this component that occupies a significant part of the total funds raised. Thus, the analysis of the bank's deposit portfolio is a rather relevant topic in the situation of the global economic crisis, since the results of its implementation will make it possible to take timely measures to stabilize the activities of a particular bank, to avoid default.

In this paper, the object of analysis will be the performance indicators of PrivatBank. The main areas of analysis of the bank's deposit portfolio can be represented as follows:

1) determination and analysis of the total value of the VAT, finding its share in the funds raised, assessment of the dynamics for the analyzed period.

As of 01.04.2008, the share of PDS in the total amount of attracted funds amounted to 78.299% (UAH 41,818.472 million). Comparing this figure with that of 01.04.2007, one can note an upward trend of 9.46% (by UAH 3,956.91 million).

The growth in the share of resources attracted from clients can be regarded as a positive development, as it contributes to the growth of the profitability of banking operations.

2) grouping and subsequent analysis of the PDS structure.

The analysis of MPS is carried out by groups characterizing the main sources of attracting bank resources. These groups are formed by the urgency of investments and by categories of investors.

To analyze the MPD in terms of the urgency of investments, it is advisable to form an analytical table 1.

Table 1.

Analysis of the deposit portfolio (by maturity of investments)

Article name

Amount, in million UAH

Structure, in %

Deposits (D) total, including:

Demand deposits

Term deposits


Such an analysis of the PDS shows that term deposits make up the bulk of the deposit portfolio. However, there is a tendency to reduce its share in the total value of VAT: as of 01.04.2007, time deposits amounted to 66.815% in the total structure of deposits, and by 01.04.2007 they decreased by 2.205%. In terms of the cost of attracting resources, we can say that 65% of these resources are “expensive”.

In general, in absolute terms, there is an increase for the specified period by UAH 1,721.281 million. A positive moment in the composition of term deposits will be the growth of long-term resources, which will increase the terms of their placement. However, the amount of long-term assets should still be less than long-term liabilities. This is due to the fact that it is quite easy to increase the terms of loans issued and the average maturity of the loan portfolio. And to reduce the terms of placement of funds while reducing the terms of attracting resources is almost unrealistic. As a result, the bank may lose liquidity.

To formulate the final conclusion on the analysis of deposits by maturity, the following indicators are calculated (Table 2).

table 2

PDS usage indicators

Name of indicator

· factor of urgency of structure of deposits (d in D). It is defined as the ratio of the volume of term deposits to the total volume of deposits.

The decrease in the share of term deposits in the total amount of the bank's deposits should be assessed negatively, since term deposits provide the bank's liquidity at an acceptable level and allow it to be increased, to carry out operations for the placement of resources for longer periods.

· share of term deposits in total liabilities d.

As can be seen from the calculations, an unfavorable situation has developed for the bank in terms of this coefficient, but there is a tendency to approach the recommended level. In the future, this will lead to an acceptable level.

· Liabilities Structure Ratio (LSC): the ratio of demand deposits to term deposits.

The calculated indicators of this ratio indicate that the relative need of the bank for liquid assets, due to the structure of liabilities, reaches a fairly high level. In addition, during the analyzed period, this need increased by 5.11%.

The analysis of PDS by depositors also makes it possible to identify the specifics of the bank's attraction policy (Table 3).

Table 3

The analysis showed that in the context of the category of depositors, the deposit portfolio of the bank is formed mainly at the expense of deposits of legal entities. The predominance of such deposits in the structure is a positive trend. For most banks, deposits of legal entities are cheaper than deposits of individuals. In addition, such attraction of funds is the least time-consuming type of banking operations.

It should be noted the growth of individuals' funds both in absolute value (by 1915.598 million hryvnia) and relative (by 13.12%), mainly due to the increase in their income.

Based on the results of the analysis, the following conclusion can be drawn. The growth of attracted funds is generally a positive trend, as it indicates the expansion of sources for active operations; attracting cheap resources by the bank; expanding the range of sources of these funds, including the use of term deposits. However, this situation can be accompanied by negative aspects. Here it is necessary to highlight the rise in the cost of attracted resources due to an increase in the volume of "expensive" resources, an increase in the volume accounts payable, the growth of the bank's outstanding obligations to its depositors and creditors.


1. Sagitdinov M.Sh. On the issue of analyzing the activities of a commercial bank // Banking. - 2006, - No. 15
