Is it possible to exchange change for banknotes at Sberbank? Changing money at Sberbank Sberbank exchanging small change for banknotes

Surely every family has a good tradition of putting change in a piggy bank, or at least many of us have at least once discovered a mountain of coins that we would like to exchange for paper money. Accordingly, each of us has at least once wondered where we can exchange money. Let’s answer an important question for many: is it possible to donate change to Sberbank, and if so, how to do it? The first place we usually turn to for any financial-related issue is Sberbank.

Features of the operation

First, let's answer the question of whether it is possible to exchange change in a savings bank for banknotes. Yes, you can. There is only one feature in the line banking services there is no such operation. Speaking in simple words, an employee, namely a cashier-operator, has the right not to accept coins, or to do so at his own discretion. The fact is that, according to the internal regulations of Sberbank, the exchange of change for banknotes remains at the discretion of the bank employee, and the client does not have the right to demand that this request be fulfilled.

Please note that the bank reviews complaints from customers online on the bank’s official website, and in this case, if you are dissatisfied with the employee’s refusal, you can write a letter to the support service, there is a possibility that the request will be considered, but this will not result in punishment for the employee .

How to exchange coins

Now we’ll look step by step at how to exchange change for banknotes at Sberbank. To begin with, you can call the bank branch to clarify whether it deals with the exchange of coins, that is, you can receive a refusal or consent in advance so as not to waste time visiting the bank. If you were given a positive answer, then you must come to the branch with your passport and coins.

Next, you must go to the cashier and declare your intention to exchange coins for banknotes. The employee will give you an application that you must fill out, namely indicate your data, including passport details, this is necessary in order to prevent the sale of counterfeit banknotes. Afterwards, the employee counts the coins and issues banknotes; in the application, you write a receipt indicating how much you handed over and received.

Please note that exchanging coins for banknotes at Sberbank is a paid operation and there is a commission of 1-3% determined by the territorial division, which you can pay separately.

There is one more nuance - this minimum amount, Here it is 100 rubles, that is, if you have less than this limit, then it is not advisable to make an exchange. In addition, you can sell such an amount in any store, even regardless of the denomination of the coins, because according to the rules of trade, any seller is obliged to accept monetary units of any denomination as payment for the purchase.


Sberbank cares as much as possible about the quality of service for its clients, which is why they trust it. Today the bank began installing specialized terminals for exchanging small change for paper money. Indeed, this is quite convenient, because here the process is completely automated, insofar as the coins are counted by a specialized device, the operation of which takes a minimum amount of time, the exchange of small change for banknotes in Sberbank is a rather lengthy event, and there is no human participation in the terminal. Let's look at how to donate change to Sberbank using a specialized self-service device:

  • the client must load coins into a specialized receiver;
  • then wait a while while the device calculates;
  • when the counting is completed, the amount will be displayed on the device monitor, taking into account a commission of 3%;
  • The machine dispenses paper bills.

There is one significant drawback, namely that these devices can only be found in the capital, that is, only in Moscow.

Terminal for exchanging coins for banknotes

Alternative options

What to do if you were unable to exchange change for paper money at Sberbank, because in practice there is no guarantee that a bank employee will accept it from you. This means that you can act differently, there are several tricks that you can resort to, let’s look at it in more detail.

If you have accumulated a lot of small change and the bank refused to change it for you, then you can pay it at the same bank. For example, through a bank cash desk you can make various payments, these include housing and communal services, traffic police fines, loans and much more. If you pay with coins, then the bank employee has no right not to accept them, and if this happens, then feel free to complain to the support service - this is already a violation of internal regulations.

Another way - transfer money to your Sberbank card account through the cash desk. For this you will need a plastic card and passport. Just count up the change and hand it over to the cashier; he also has no right not to accept it. After the money arrives in your account, and this happens almost instantly, without leaving the bank branch, get cash from an ATM.

Don't have a bank card? This is not a problem, you can apply for free in 15 minutes debit card instant issuance, completely free of charge and immediately top up her account with coins.

As a last resort, if you were unable to deposit the money at Sberbank, you can do this in the store. Some retail outlets are happy to exchange coins for banknotes, because in general exchange is always needed, sometimes, on the contrary, there is not enough small money for change. Just don't go to the big ones. Network shops, they exchange according to internal rules Money do not implement.

So, in any case, if you want to exchange change, be sure to contact the bank. Just before your visit, it is advisable to call the branch and ask whether the employees carry out the exchange and for what fee, that is, specify the size of the commission. By the way, to go to the bank you need to choose a convenient time so that the cashiers are not overloaded.

If you have several large bills, and you want to exchange them for small banknotes, the procedure can be performed at a financial institution. However, we must take into account that exchanging money at Sberbank is a paid service, so there will be a small commission.

Terms of exchange at Sberbank

You withdrew money from your card, but the ATM only gave you large amounts. How can you easily change them at a bank to make it more convenient to pay for goods and services in everyday life? Let's see how money is exchanged at Sberbank and look at the tariffs.

How does the procedure work?

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • The user must contact Sberbank with a passport, writing an application for exchanging money.
  • In the appeal you need to describe the bills being exchanged and you must indicate personal information.
  • The cashier checks the transferred cash.
  • If they are genuine, an employee of the institution gives the client small money (if the citizen wishes, the amount is given in coins), withholding a percentage for exchanging money at Sberbank, and signs the appeal.
  • The applicant takes the money.

If the bank does not have banknotes of the required denomination specified in the client’s application for exchange, Sberbank may transfer to the client bills of a different denomination, but in the amount specified in the same application.

Commission (percentage) for the service

The commission for exchanging money at Sberbank ranges from 1-5 percent of the amount exchanged.

The amount of the fee in the organization's branches may vary. Therefore, it is recommended to clarify the interest rate in advance by calling the specific bank branch where the operation will be carried out or familiarize yourself with the tariffs.

Sample application for exchange

The application for the exchange of money must be drawn up correctly, therefore Sberbank has a sample for filling it out. It can be obtained from a bank branch.

However, you can download the sample in advance, fill out the required fields at home and take the completed form to Sberbank. The second option is more optimal, because the departments may not have a sample form.

We suggest downloading a sample application for exchanging money at Sberbank here and carefully studying its points. The application for exchanging money has several pages; it is also suitable for legal entities for exchanging money.

However credit institution allows the application to be submitted in any form, but you must indicate:

  • Full name of the applicant.
  • Name of the organization where the service is ordered.
  • Address of a specific Sberbank branch and its number.
  • Client passport details.
  • Characteristics of banknotes required for exchange: number, denomination, quantity.
  • Parameters of cash received: quantity, denomination.
  • Date of application.
  • Applicant's signature.

To avoid finding yourself in a difficult situation when purchasing goods or paying for transport services, change money at Sberbank or another bank in advance. Watch the video in which experts explain in what cases a citizen can exchange a banknote outside of a bank:


So, exchanging money at Sberbank in 2019 is subject to a commission of 1-5% of the amount being exchanged. The operation is carried out according to accepted general requirements. A service fee is charged because exchanging money at Sberbank is a normal procedure, and the bank employee performs certain operations. The requirements for writing an application and presenting a passport may seem unnecessary, but it is necessary for detection counterfeit bills and restrictions on the activities of counterfeiters.

Donating change to Sberbank is a great way to get rid of small money. Today this is the only option for those who have a large number of coins and want to exchange them. This is as simple as possible to do, and the whole process will take a minimum of time.

Why is it worth getting rid of small change of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks and others?

  • Such coins accumulate in large quantities and have no practical value.
  • It is very difficult to carry them with you in order to give at least a small part while shopping.
  • They take up space in your home or wallet.
  • If you don’t immediately give away small coins in other stores, then more and more of them accumulate over time.

Therefore, it is better to find a worthy use for a large number of coins. Does Sberbank accept them and what are the nuances of this exchange operation? You should understand all the subtleties and rules.

Getting rid of small change is quite simple; it can be exchanged at the bank. This operation is quick, you will receive banknotes and will be able to fully pay with them in the store.

According to the Central Bank resolution, Sberbank is obliged to accept change from people and carry out its exchange. Bank employees cannot refuse you this operation; you will be able to go through the procedure in any case.

Now you know whether you can donate change to Sberbank. But how to do that? The process is quite simple and is carried out in several stages:

  1. To carry out this operation in 2019, you will need to provide a passport to employees.
  2. To write an application.
  3. An employee will count the coins for exchange and ensure their integrity and authenticity. After determining the amount, an agreement is concluded, you receive the bills.

When completing your application, you will need to include the following information:

  • Full name of the person performing the transaction.
  • Number.
  • The denomination of the coins you want to change.
  • If you need to exchange money legal entity, then the name of the organization is indicated.

Some features

If you want to donate coins to Sberbank, then you need to know some subtleties:

It is recommended that before contacting the bank, you check with the employees where you can carry out the transaction as quickly as possible. Many branches have special machines for counting money. They significantly speed up the process and allow you to save time.

If there is no equipment, then if there is a large volume of small items, employees can schedule a time for a visit. During the hours indicated by them, the loading of the cash registers is minimal, and it is possible to avoid queues during the recount.

Give change to the store

Where can I donate change? I manage to give it to employees of various stores. They are ready to accept only coins with a denomination of one ruble and above. This fact should be taken into account when exchanging.

The procedure is quite simple:

  1. You need to approach the seller or cashier and ask if they need change. Many stores are in dire need of coins and will gladly accept them.
  2. It is better to sort it into bags in advance to make counting easier.
  3. Give the change to the seller to determine the amount.
  4. Then you can exchange it for paper money.

Change is a full-fledged means of payment and must be accepted on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, coins from the piggy bank can be used to pay for various services and goods.

Where should I give them? It is better to carry out transactions at a bank, which usually has equipment for counting coins. There are several possible uses:

  • Payment for services at the cash desk.
  • You can deposit money into your personal account and then withdraw it.
  • You can buy currency using the coins you have.
  • Payment of utility services.
  • Many other operations.

The bank cannot refuse to accept coins as a means of payment. Naturally, it is better to sort them so that the further calculation procedure takes a minimum amount of time.

Bottom line

You can not only exchange money at Sberbank, but also use change to pay for services and deposit it into your account. You can load it onto your card and then pay in stores or withdraw cash from an ATM. This solution has several advantages:

  1. An employee has no right to refuse to accept money.
  2. You will not have to pay interest on the exchange.
  3. This is a clever way to get rid of small items.

The procedure for counting a large number of coins will take some time. This fact should be taken into account; it is better to come during minimally busy hours so as not to create queues at the ticket office. These are all ways to get rid of small items.