Apartments on military mortgage Morton. Morton Military Mortgage. What is the maximum term for a mortgage loan?

The MORTON group of companies is one of the leading companies in the field of construction. This developer is engaged in the construction of large residential neighborhoods and entire complexes with the latest infrastructure. All developer projects are located in the capital region and the nearest Moscow region. This company is ready to offer its clients real estate of various levels: from economy class to comfort and business class.

A pleasant moment for military personnel will be that new buildings and military mortgages from the Morton company are available in several banks. This indicates the good reputation of the developer and a wide selection of banking conditions under which a targeted housing loan can be provided.

Developer partner banks

The list of Morton's partners is very large and includes more than 20 financial institutions, which indicates its reliable position in the market. The developer cooperates with creditor banks:

  • OJSC Sberbank of the Russian Federation,
  • Uralsib,
  • Metallinvestbank,
  • NOMOS-bank,
  • OJSC Moscow Industrial Bank,
  • OJSC Gazprombank,
  • ZAO Raiffeisenbank,
  • MDM Bank and many others.

But not all of the listed creditors provide CLP to NIS participants. For example, it will not be available yet.

As for targeted housing lending to military personnel with shared participation, the developer also works in partnership with several lending institutions for military mortgages and shared construction:

  • Gazprombank;
  • Bank ZENIT;
  • Svyazbank;
  • VTB 24.

CLOs are provided by partner banks of the Military Mortgage program. Morton works with the following lenders:


The maximum loan amount is 2,200,000 rubles, the minimum is not established. The interest on the loan depends on the age of the serviceman and on the status of the apartment (under construction or completed) and varies from 10.5 to 12%. In addition to insurance of property interests, due to the risk of damage to the property itself, Gazprombank does not require other types of insurance (insurance of the risk of death or disability).


Available in the amount of CZHZ - from 300 thousand to 2.2 million rubles. The percentages will be:

  1. at the stage of equity participation - 12%,
  2. after delivery of housing and ownership rights - 10.5%.

Insurance includes both various risks during the construction stage and property insurance after registration of property.

The period for consideration of an application for a CLP is 10 working days.


The size of the loan for a military mortgage is from 400 thousand to 2.2 million rubles, the interest rate also depends on the age of the serviceman, the status of the property being sold and ranges from 11.30% at the construction stage and 10.5% for registered housing.

Svyaz-Bank provides mandatory insurance for clients (insurance of risks and loss of property) and voluntary (personal insurance, as well as life and disability).

It will take up to 2 business days to review your application and receive a response.

VTB 24

The maximum loan amount for a military mortgage is 2.35 million, the minimum is 300 thousand rubles. Interest will be charged from 8.7% per annum, the risk of loss is insured and property insurance is provided (after state registration).

Considering the conditions of banks, it is clear that each has its own positive aspects in the conditions of obtaining a military mortgage. Therefore, when choosing a lender, you should decide what priority is the maximum loan size or the minimum interest rate.

Accredited facilities

Morton Group has several accredited construction sites where you can purchase living space with a military mortgage on the basis of an equity participation agreement. At the same time, if the main characteristics of housing and its cost suit the military man, then he needs to decide on the choice of a creditor bank. Because different banks work with different real estate properties.

By applying for a targeted housing loan from a selected bank, a military serviceman can purchase apartments in new buildings from Morton in the following areas of the Moscow region:

  • Leninsky district;
  • Zheleznodorozhny;
  • Shchelkovo;
  • Krasnogorsk region;
  • Vidnoye, Leninsky district;
  • g., etc.
A serviceman will be able to get acquainted with each property from the developer in more detail by visiting the official website of Morton Group of Companies. The Military Mortgage section describes in detail the conditions for all properties offered for sale.

What reviews say about the developer

If you study the messages on the forums about the Morton company, you can see some uncertainty between positive and negative reviews.

For example, everyone who applied for a loan at VTB 24 (which has the lowest interest rate) was denied a loan. You can also see many complaints about the high cost of housing and a few about delays in housing delivery.

Taking into account the dynamic development of construction projects, it is recommended to find out all current conditions directly from the developer. Depending on the degree of readiness of a residential building, whether it is a zero cycle or interior decoration, the cost per square meter depends.

Military personnel can enter into an agreement to obtain a mortgage loan and purchase an apartment after three years participation in NIS. Condition for obtaining a loan - initial payment payment for an apartment. In different banks it is from 10% before 20% the cost of the purchased housing.

Therefore, before applying to a bank for a mortgage loan, a serviceman must make sure that his account in the Savings and Mortgage System enough funds to pay the initial fee.

A serviceman has the right to receive a loan for a military mortgage from one of the banks collaborating with NIS. The information published on our website will help a potential military mortgage borrower choose a bank.

Residential complex "Meshchersky Les" - here you can buy an apartment with a military mortgage

By contacting a bank, a potential borrower enters a well-functioning mortgage lending system that provides the following: advantages:

  • NIS partner banks cooperate with accredited construction organizations. When purchasing a home under the terms equity participation These developers and military personnel have less chance of running into swindlers who take money for a view of the pit and disappear in an unknown direction.

We especially note that accreditation of developers is handled by the bank, not the Ministry of Defense and not the NIS operator. This kind of accreditation is a proven procedure, a standard within the framework of mortgage lending services.

For example, Bank "Absolut" cooperates within the framework of military mortgages with the PIK group of companies, which absorbed such a well-known brand in the construction industry as Morton. "PIK" provides apartments with a military mortgage in the residential complex "Meshchersky Les" (Moscow, Solntsevo).

The military mortgage of Sberbank and VTB 24 allows you to purchase housing in Moscow in the Luchi residential complex (developer LSR Group).

  • When purchasing housing on the primary and secondary markets, the bank manager will help the borrower choose an apartment at a price corresponding to the amount of prospective budget subsidies under the NIS program. That is, a military man you won't have to pay extra for an apartment out of your own pocket.
  • Banks have well-established connections with insurance companies.

In some cases, military personnel would like to find an insurer themselves that provides services on more favorable terms. However, such experiments did not bring the expected result, and the state decided to restore order in this area. WITH January 1, 2017 Amendments to the Law “On Shared Participation in Construction” came into force. Created in accordance with them insurance fund, to which all developers are required to contribute by 1% from the cost of the housing being built.

Experts believe that with entry into force These amendments reduce the problems for participants in military mortgages with shared participation in construction to zero.

"Molodostroy" and others.

Those NIS participants who consider participation in bank mortgage programs too expensive, there is an option to contact Molodostroy.

This - association of military personnel in need of apartments. Sets a goal cost optimization when purchasing housing with a military mortgage on the primary market. Cooperates with such developers as Granel Group of Companies, LSR Group, A101. It is believed that contacting Molodostroy helps a serviceman save from 40 thousand rubles.

Residential complex "Luchi" - apartments are also sold here to military mortgage participants

The organization owns the website “Molodostroy 24”, which presents association services. This includes trust management of the NIS participant’s cash savings. This service is called “Remote Transaction” and costs 30 thousand rubles.

Initially, the founders of “Molodostroy” dreamed of building housing “by sharing”. And they even created the housing cooperative “Youth Construction”. This organization, in collaboration with JSCB Peresvet, began cooperative construction in interests of young military personnel.

However, cooperation alone was not enough to provide housing. The idea ceased to exist in 2014. IN 2016 JSCB Peresvet experienced an insured event (external management was appointed to satisfy depositors' requests through the Deposit Insurance Agency).

Which confirms the idea that the path to purchasing a home is thorny outside bank mortgage programs.

Theoretically, a military member participating in the NIS can turn to the services of private realtors or real estate agencies. The regulatory framework of the NIS provides for payment for this type of service from funds received into the serviceman’s accounts.

However, the serviceman acts at his own peril and risk. You will not find a list of accredited agencies and realtors on the website of the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka" - the operator of the Savings and Mortgage System. All advertisements like: “Private realtor with a military mortgage license” should be considered as publicity stunts.

In the regions

Until now, we have been talking about military mortgages in Moscow and the Moscow region. This is where he buys a home every 5th participant NIS.

In other regions the figures are more modest. For example, they wanted to buy apartments in St. Petersburg with a military mortgage only 8% of NIS participants. In other regions - even less.

Military mortgages are gaining momentum in Sevastopol. Let us recall that in Soviet times, when officers could choose a place for permanent residence after retirement, Crimea was the most popular m place for relocation of military personnel.

Basic scheme for purchasing an apartment with a military mortgage in the regions no different from Moscow. And here we take the position that it is preferable for military personnel to cooperate with specialists from the NIS partner bank and entrust them with the selection of housing, conclusion of contracts, etc.

For those who want to take a chance, on the websites of the Federal State Public Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” (NIS operator) and “Molodostroy” there are entire sections dedicated to housing cooperatives offering their services to military mortgage participants. Just select your region and click the mouse, and it’s at your service up to 60-70 organizations, ready to bless you with housing for your money.

Finally, absolutely desperate risk-takers can turn to the services online intermediaries: Avito, etc. We have no reliable information about what such attempts led to.

How to sell an apartment purchased with a military mortgage

Apartment purchased with a military mortgage becomes property buyer after full repayment of the debt to the creditor bank. It is widely believed that from this moment the owner of the property acquires the right to sell it, make a deposit, etc.

Selling an apartment purchased with a military mortgage is not easy

But a soldier often has a need change duty station, move to another region. What to do in this case?

Mortgage law rules suggest way out of this situation. In this case, the mortgage program participant must find a buyer who will remove the encumbrance under the mortgage agreement from the apartment with a one-time payment. Simply put, it will pay off the debt to the bank.

After which the mortgage program participant and the buyer have already solve their problems: who owes whom how much, when one moves out, another moves in, etc.

It is clear that such a scheme is of little use to a military man who simply does not have time to search for buyers. The operator of the NIS "Rosvoenipoteka" has worked out and agreed with banks for such cases a scheme according to which a leaving serviceman sells an apartment purchased with a military mortgage to another military member of the NIS, and he assumes obligations to repay debts to the bank for his predecessor.

It is too early to generalize the experience of using such a scheme - there is too little of it. Military personnel forced to leave housing purchased with a mortgage and move to another region, prefer to rent it out. This raises a number of rather complex legal issues.

On the right to use an apartment purchased with a military mortgage

Formally, renting out an apartment is entrepreneurial activity. And military personnel are prohibited from doing business.

But in this case, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties entered into the position of citizens. Subject to payment of tax (13%) military personnel have the right to rent out an apartment.

But - by agreement with the creditor bank and insurer.

In many cases, military personnel, in order not to waste time on formalities, entrust the delivery of housing encumbered with a mortgage creditor bank managers. The bank willingly undertakes this type of service. For him this is additional profit.

New building - apartment for military mortgage

This is not the only difficulty in the right to use a mortgaged apartment. So, he has every right to register in it only military personnel, on whose behalf the mortgage agreement was signed. Close relatives - wife, children - are registered only in agreement with the bank. Although in most regions, registering organizations do not comply with this condition and register both close and distant relatives at the request of the participant in the military mortgage.

Approvals are required and for alterations or repairs in the apartment. In this case, you should focus, first of all, on the norms of housing legislation, which are very strict. Lay linoleum or drive a nail into the wall possible without permission, but installing a through hole in the wall, building up heating radiators or glazing a balcony requires the development of a separate project, its approval by several authorities, approval with subsequent verification of the accuracy of the project by a supervisory organization.

In general, using an apartment encumbered with a mortgage is a topic so broad and complex that it requires several additional articles for complete coverage.

Today, the state is faced with a new important task - providing housing for military personnel. Military mortgages are becoming a reality thanks to the efforts of the government and the heads of Russian banks. The Morton company helps people purchase housing in a short period of time and avoid the most common mistakes made by those who want to quickly get an apartment.

General information about the company

The Morton company is considered a leader in the development market and has already taken up the sale of apartments in new buildings - this is a special project that the Morton company developed together with well-known Russian banks.

The Morton company is rapidly building new microdistricts, the latest residential complexes with developed infrastructure, which is why it receives positive feedback from colleagues and clients. Morton organizes his projects and work in the Moscow region, including the entire region, and in the near Moscow region. Morton offer their clients housing of various levels: 1. Economy class, 2. Comfort, 3. Elite.

Who can get a mortgage

Mortgages for military persons are provided to the following persons:

  • officers who managed to conclude their first contract before 2005;
  • employees of the navy with the rank of warrant officer and midshipman who managed to work for 3 full years after January 1 (inclusive) 2005;
  • employees - contract soldiers (rank and file and junior officers, including sailors) who entered into a second contract, starting on January 1, 2005;
  • persons who have already graduated from a military university, but only those who graduated in 2005 and later, but before that managed to conclude a contract to continue serving in the army.

Every year, the account of the person in whose name the mortgage for the military is registered receives the amount of money specified in the contract, which can be used to make a down payment for the purchased property. If a credit mortgage is issued, then all funds can be used for payment.

Conditions for purchasing an apartment

To purchase an apartment you must complete the following steps:

  1. We turn to Morton employees.
  2. We collect and present a certain package of necessary documents:
  • a document proving your identity (passport of a Russian citizen);
  • a document confirming your participation in the mortgage system;
  • application (they will show you a sample);
  • an application form drawn up on the bank's letterhead;
  • an equity participation agreement and, directly, the mortgage itself are concluded.

Mortgage conditions from the Morton company and various banks

Gazprombank has the right to issue loans in an amount of no more than 2,200,000 rubles - this is the established maximum, and there is no minimum. The percentage of lending varies from 1 to 12%. It all depends on the client’s age and the status of the housing provided. The bank's management never required various types of additional insurance (loss of ability to work, death), even taking into account all the risks.

Bank Zenit issues loans in amounts from 300 thousand to the same 2,200,000 rubles. A military mortgage in any of the banks is more than real. The percentages are calculated differently: if the apartment is owned in equal shares by several people, then the amount will be 12%, and if it is the private property of one, then 10%. The bank has received excellent feedback from clients. Military mortgages are insured at all stages - from construction to delivery of housing for use. Customer applications are reviewed within 10 days.

Svyaz-Bank issues loans in the amount of 400 thousand to 2 million 200 thousand rubles, and the interest rate again depends on the client’s age, the status of the housing, the stage of work (construction or commissioning) and ranges from 10 to 12 %. Bank employees will explain everything to you in more detail. The staff will also offer you additional life and health insurance; in case of loss of ability to work, your loan will be paid by the bank. The bank will review your application as quickly as possible - it takes up to 2 business days.

When applying for a military mortgage, consider what you need - a large amount or a minimum annual interest rate.

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For military personnel.

Group of companies "MORTON" is one of the largest developers in the Moscow region. Construction sites, and recently entire residential neighborhoods, of this construction company are located in the cities of Balashikha, Shchelkovo, Vidnoye, Lobnya and Zheleznodorozhny, in the Leninsky district and in Moscow.

"MORTON" is constructing monolithic and panel houses in microdistricts that are constantly in the news: "Butovo Park" and "Solntsevo-Park" (Leninsky district of Moscow Region), "Zavidnoe" (Vidnoe), Shchitnikovo (Balashikha), "Katyushki" (Lobnya ) and others.

Thus, Morton Group of Companies becomes the largest Russian developer selling apartments for military personnel in new buildings using a military mortgage.
So far, an apartment in a new building with a military mortgage from the Morton Group of Companies can only be purchased in three large microdistricts of the company: the Zavidnoye microdistrict (Vidnoe city), the Severnoye Kupchino microdistrict (Zheleznodorozhny city) and the new Sacramento microdistrict in Balashikha (13 km . from MKAD).

The Sacramento microdistrict may be of interest to those military personnel who want to have their own. A completely new housing format is being implemented in Sacramento. In the microdistrict, 89 small apartment buildings (from 8 to 40 apartments) will be built, two-, three- and three-story residential buildings with an attic. The project combines the advantages of urban and rural lifestyle. Each apartment located on the ground floor will have a separate exit to the front garden. GC "MORTON" provides the opportunity to obtain a plot of land for use...

Head of Mortgage and Subsidies Department of Morton Group Alena Antsyshkina believes that “the company’s joining the military mortgage program will significantly expand the possibilities for military personnel to choose apartments in the best new buildings in the capital region. For Morton Group of Companies, this is reaching a new target audience, for which we have a unique offer in terms of price-quality ratio.”

Gazprombank and ZENIT Bank, working under the “military mortgage” program, will lend to new buildings of the Morton Group of Companies. , loans for the purchase of apartments in houses under construction were the first to be issued by the bank "" and "". To purchase an apartment at the construction stage under the DDU (share participation agreement), you must be a participant for at least three years and obtain an NIS Participant Certificate.

Morton Group of Companies has been successfully working with the state for several years on the issue of providing housing for military personnel of the Russian army and other law enforcement agencies.
Thus, within the framework of a government contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the company built a microdistrict of 24 houses with a housing area of ​​480 thousand square meters for military personnel in Balashikha near Moscow. According to government contracts with the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to date the company has built and transferred 40 thousand sq.m. housing in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. In 2012, more than 35 thousand square meters will be transferred to military personnel of the Internal Troops. housing built by Morton Group of Companies in Zelenograd and Lobnya. Now, in the “line of offers” for military personnel, the developer has a “military mortgage” program for NIS participants.

You can fill out an application for selecting an apartment with a military mortgage .

Last year, the Morton group of companies actively worked with military personnel under the Military Mortgage program, selling them apartments in houses under construction on the primary market. This is one of the few companies where new buildings can be purchased with a military mortgage. However, not every new Morton building can be purchased by an NIS participant.

Given the great interest in this program, this year the Morton Group of Companies, in the framework of cooperation with the Federal State Institution Rosvoenipoteka, plans to additionally accredit other new buildings of the company. As Oleg Kolchenko, vice-president of the Morton Group of Companies, said at a press conference at RIA Novosti, the number of new building projects is planned to be increased to 20 objects or 47 thousand apartments.

The announced plans are grandiose, taking into account the fact that for the entire 2012, 20.5 thousand apartments were purchased using military mortgages in Russia, and no more than 10 thousand in the Moscow region!

Kolchenko added that within six months the company plans to begin selling apartments under Military Mortgage in the Drozhzhino, Butovo Park 2 projects, as well as two projects in Lobnya with an area of ​​over 100 thousand square meters.

In March 2013, Morton Group sold apartments in 11 accredited new buildings under the “military mortgage” program. The share of apartments sold under this program to military personnel in March 2013 amounted to 20% of total sales. Using the figures announced by the head of the mortgage and subsidies department of MORTON Group of Companies Alena Antsishkina, we can assume that for military mortgages the company sells at least 1,500 apartments to NIS participants monthly.

In the near future the number of new buildings accredited by Morton Group of Companies will increase to 20 residential neighborhoods. As the company notes, Morton Group of Companies is already ready to independently satisfy the needs of all NIS participants for housing on a military mortgage in the nearest Moscow region.

Banks provide loans to military personnel when purchasing an apartment in new buildings.: "", Zenit Bank, Svyaz-Bank. JSCB “Russian Capital”, operating under the AHML “military mortgage” program, began issuing loans for the purchase of a house with a plot of land.

In November 2013, he accredited the sale of a new building under the “military mortgage” program in the low-rise microdistrict “Ilyinskaya Sloboda” (Ramensky district of the Moscow Region). GC "Morton" plans to build on the street. Nata Babushkina 36 low-rise buildings for military personnel.

The Ilyinskaya Sloboda project of the Morton Group of Companies provides for the construction of 3-story residential buildings with a total area of ​​12,500 sq. m. m. A one- or two-room apartment with an area from 33 to 55 sq.m. can be purchased both through Svyaz-Bank and through.

The microdistrict is located next to a forest park, a 15-minute walk from the Ilyinskaya railway station. You can get to it from the station. or from Kazansky railway station.

Morton Group of Companies plans to complete the construction of the Ilyinskaya Sloboda microdistrict in the 4th quarter of 2014.

The Morton group of companies can offer about 63 thousand apartments in Moscow and the Moscow region for participation in the Military Mortgage program, said October 10, 2014. Vice President of the Group of Companies Oleg Kolchenko.

“We can offer military personnel about 63 thousand one- to three-room apartments in new Moscow and the Moscow region,” he noted. The area of ​​these apartments varies from 33 to 100 square meters, according to the company’s materials.

According to him, the company is increasing the number of projects accredited under the program every year. If in 2012 there were five, then in 2014 their number increased to 15. He noted that in 2012, 188 military families purchased housing from Morton, and in 2013 - already 1.5 thousand families.