Cash on delivery new mail. How to send or order cash on delivery. Procedure for placing an order with cash on delivery

Dear customers and visitors to the World of Gadgets online store. We are pleased to inform you that now you can order and pay for almost all of our goods upon receipt in any city in Ukraine (cash on delivery service) and at the same time eliminate all risks when ordering goods in our online store, having first checked them for compliance with your order.
We are also pleased to inform you that direct delivery of all orders costing from 3000 hryvnia, within the framework of the "Cash on Delivery" service - carried out FOR FREE, But for return shipping, regardless of the order amount - YOU repay.
We consider all our existing and potential clients to be honest and decent people and trust them and send the ordered goods to almost anywhere in Ukraine without requiring a penny of advance payment.
To deliver our goods using the service " Cash on delivery" - we use the services of 4 carriers, namely:

  • New mail

  • Intime

  • Autolux

  • Ukrposhta

Each of the above carriers has its own characteristics in working with cash on delivery service, therefore, below are the terms of payment for goods upon receipt in your city from each of the carriers:

NEW POSTA is the leader in Ukraine in express delivery of goods, which can deliver goods in more than 800 cities Ukraine for 1-2 days. Very good service and inexpensive. At the same time, one of its advantages is that they can deliver the goods directly to your home or to the address you specified. You pay for the goods V national currency
Delivery can be made either to the carrier’s warehouse in your city or to your address by courier.
BY NOVA POSTA using "cash on delivery service" is:

  • When delivered to a Nova Poshta warehouse in your city - 35 hryvnia + 2% of the cost of goods compulsory insurance
  • For targeted delivery by courier to your home or office - from 60 hryvnia + 2% of the cost of goods, mandatory insurance

You can check the availability of a NOVA POSTA representative office in your city and also calculate the delivery cost on the website


INTIME- this is also one of the good express delivery services in Ukraine, which can deliver goods in more than 200 cities Ukraine for 1-3 days. Good service and inexpensive. We recommend using it if the warehouse in your city is located in a very convenient location for you. You pay for the goods in national currency upon receipt of the goods and checking their compliance with what you ordered.

Delivery can only be made to the carrier's warehouse in your city.
Return shipping cost INTIME using "cash on delivery service" is: - 35 hryvnia + 1% of the cost of goods compulsory insurance
You can check the availability of an INTIME representative office in your city and also calculate the cost of delivery on the website


AUTOLUX is one of the first national carriers that has just appeared in Ukraine, which can deliver goods to more than 2 00 cities Ukraine for 1-2 days. Good delivery service, but too bureaucratic. We recommend using it only as a last resort, since there are often long queues and the offices are not in very convenient places. You pay for the goods in national currency upon receipt of the goods and checking their compliance with what you ordered.

Delivery can only be made to the carrier's warehouse in your city.
Return shipping cost AUTOLUX using "cash on delivery service" is 35 hryvnia + 2% of the cost of goods; compulsory insurance.
You can check the availability of an AUTOLUX representative office in your city and also calculate the cost of delivery on the website


UKRPOSTA is the national postal operator of Ukraine. The advantage of using this service is delivery to any point in Ukraine, both in a large metropolis and in a small village where it is not possible to deliver goods by other carriers. The average delivery time by Ukrposhta is 4-5 working days.
After the goods arrive at your post office, the postman must bring you a notification that our parcel has arrived for you. After this, you go to your Ukrposhta branch (specified in the notification) and there you receive your order and pay for it. You also have every right, in the presence of a Ukrposhta representative, to open the parcel and make sure that the arrived goods correspond to your order - and then pay for the order. Unfortunately, very often postmen do not deliver notifications, so if you have not received a notification within a week, then most likely the goods are already at the post office and you need to go there and check the availability of the parcel by your name.
The cost of Ukrposhta services is quite difficult to accurately calculate, since they use a complex tariff schedule - but on average, the cost of return delivery of money for cash on delivery is 3-5% from the cost of the goods.
You can check the availability of a UKRPOSHTA representative office in your city and also calculate the cost of delivery on the website

Today, cash on delivery is considered the most expensive method of delivering goods or shipments. At the same time, cash on delivery, which includes the cost of the goods and the cost of sending money to the seller, is completely unjustified. After all, it does not protect either the rights of the buyer or the rights of the seller.

The selected and ordered product on the website is packaged and sent by mail. In this case, the buyer is obligated to purchase this product at the post office through payment of the assigned cash on delivery. And at the same time, you can notice that the cost of mailing is significantly higher than the cost of sending it, but by prepayment through a bank.

Why is this happening? The thing is that for its services the post office necessarily “throws on top” the cost of the insurance fee, which is imposed on the item when it is sent, plus a commission fee when it is received. It turns out that the buyer, due to his ignorance of these details, unknowingly overpays more than 10% of the commission cost directly to the post office, deluded that he will first be allowed to look at the product, and only then, if everything suits him, pay for it.

The seller, in turn, risks spending money on long-distance shipment there and back if the parcel is not purchased at the post office by the customer.

Highest delivery price!

Yes, this is a confirmed fact. It is “cash on delivery” that ends up being more expensive even when the client chooses expedited first class air delivery and with 100% insurance.

How does the cost of the ordered product increase?

The thing is that cash on delivery is essentially a double operation. That is, along with the registration of the service for issuing the item at the post office, a money transfer service to the seller is also issued. Its cost usually ranges from 4 to 7 percent (based on standard postal rates) of the amount transferred. This percentage is necessarily added to the total cost of the goods sent.

Due to the lack of awareness of buyers at post offices, there are often cases of scandals and accusations against postal employees, ending in the customer’s refusal to receive the parcel. At the same time, he, the buyer, feels deceived; the parcel is returned to the seller, who pays for its “travel” around the country and also feels “hoodwinked.” Thus, the store suffers losses in the amount paid for packaging and delivery of the parcel.

And it is worth noting, moreover, since cash on delivery can only be applied to goods with a declared and fixed value, the cost of shipping increases.

Is cash on delivery more expensive than prepaid parcels?

Of course, the answer to this question will be positive. Indeed, in addition to the cost of the parcel (ordered goods) at the post office, you will need to pay for insurance and sending money to the seller, which is actually carried out using a postal order. And the post necessarily charges a certain percentage for its services.

So the result of receiving a parcel using the “cash on delivery” service is not always reassuring, especially for the customer. As a rule, the payment amount is 30 percent higher than even postal delivery of an order with prepayment.

Complete lack of security guarantees!

Is it safe to receive goods using the cash on delivery service?

There are no guarantees for goods sent via cash on delivery. Therefore, you should be as careful as possible when ordering a particular product in an online store. Many of the online sellers are ordinary scammers whose goal is solely to deceive the buyer. If you find one, you should contact the police.

Many customers think that receiving a parcel via cash on delivery is a safer procedure than by prepayment. But this is a big misconception. You still receive the right to open the parcel only after transferring the money to the cashier in full, including a percentage for postal services and shipping. There is no insurance or guarantee that the item or product you order will not be replaced by another, cheaper and lower quality one.

The only advantage of cash on delivery is the so-called temporary deferred payment, that is, you do not need to pay the cost of the order immediately, but have the opportunity to collect the required amount during the time that the parcel will go to your post office.

But, of course, one cannot blame all online stores for fraud. It is important to remember that your product must pass through the hands of postal employees, and here, too, fraud and substitution of goods in the parcel cannot be ruled out.

Are there rules for the customer to refuse to receive shipments by cash on delivery?

There is no official rule against refusing to receive your package. Of course, you can refuse to receive it. But it is important to remember about the rights of the seller. According to the law, the seller has the right to apply to the arbitration court during the contractual period and demand full compensation from the buyer-customer for the costs of sending and receiving the parcel. In addition, the seller has the right to demand compensation for penalties (moral damages) and legal services provided to him.

Moreover, it is necessary to recall the existence of the so-called “base of unreliable clients.” Access to it is open to every online store, and any seller has the right to include in it his customer, who for unknown reasons refused to receive goods sent to him by cash on delivery. This database is open and accessible to almost all Internet sellers, and if a customer’s name is found in its lists, he will be denied the service of sending goods by cash on delivery.

There is another option for a so-called unreliable client to receive an order: if he is paid in advance, the cost of the order will be increased by an amount that covers the possible risk that the seller suffers when working with such a client.

In order to subsequently protect the rights of the buyer and prove the fact of redemption of his parcel, any non-cash payment will be recorded in the banking system, or if paying in cash, he will be given a receipt by the cashier, the presentation of which is sufficient to satisfy the plaintiff in court.

Advantages of cash on delivery

There are several advantages to cash on delivery. These will include:

  • peace of mind while waiting for the goods, because you have not had to pay for it, and you know for sure that the money was not wasted;
  • no need to go to the bank and pay for the order. One trip to the post office after receiving notification of the arrival of a parcel in your name will be enough.

Disadvantages of the cash on delivery service

At the same time, there are several negative aspects of cash on delivery, which are directly related to a more expensive service:

  1. The seller is charged additional shipping costs when sending the parcel, and he, in turn, increases the cost of the goods;
  2. You will also have to pay the post office for the services it provides in accepting the goods, sorting them and transferring money.

Procedure for placing an order with cash on delivery

Everything is quite simple: the client places an order by phone or the Internet, the sales manager sends a request to confirm the order (usually to an email inbox). After confirmation, the order is formed and sent by mail. When a parcel arrives at the address post office, the client receives a notification that the goods have been received. The customer goes to the post office, pays and receives his parcel.

How quickly and in what way can I receive a parcel with cash on delivery?

The delivery method depends on the classification of the item: parcel or parcel (depending on the size and dimensions of the ordered product) to the post office. Delivery time usually ranges from 5-15 days, depending on the distance from the warehouse to the customer’s city.

What are the restrictions on shipping with cash on delivery?

Shipments with the “cash on delivery” service are limited to one country. In this case, they are carried out only within Ukraine. The cost of payment will be indicated in the postal shipping rules. Parcels are not sent using cash on delivery for military units and units, and to institutions with the “Field Post” address.

Are there exceptions for opening cash on delivery parcels before payment is made?

No. The parcel can be opened and the goods viewed only after handing over the money to the cashier and receiving a receipt for payment. But, the buyer has the right to check the integrity of the packaging before this and check the weight of the parcel with the specified seller when sending it. If there are no signs of opening the package, the Ukrainian Post does not accept claims regarding the contents of the parcel or parcel.

Frequently asked questions about the cash on delivery service

Is it possible to receive and open the parcel before paying?– answer: No.

Is it possible to view the sent goods before transferring the money to the post office?– answer: No.

Is it possible to check the goods for defects before paying for the shipment?– answer: No.

Is it possible to refuse the goods after opening the parcel and get the payment amount back?– answer: No.

Delivery payment statistics in Ukraine:

The main disadvantages of the “cash on delivery” service

  1. Firstly, cash on delivery is considered the most risky and fraudulent way to receive goods by mail. Indeed, in places where advanced technologies are being introduced very slowly (in villages and villages), and residents simply do not suspect the existence of other types of goods shipments, the risk of a postal worker being caught in fraud is minimal. But he will not contact the person who receives the parcel via airmail via expedited class, because he understands that this customer knows about his rights and is legally “savvy” in matters of delivery and forwarding of goods.
  2. Secondly, cash on delivery is considered the most complex type of shipment. The sender has to fill out different forms several times, make several inventories at once, and after that he has to track his shipments and control their delivery.
    In this case, a courier (postman) is involved, who carries notifications of receipt of the parcel to the post office. The buyer must go to the branch himself and, after standing in line, pay for the parcel in cash and only then receive it and open it to check the goods.
    The money will be received by the seller only 15-30 days after the parcel is sent. And if the buyer does not receive it, the return journey will take at least a month. All this will lead to an increase in the cost of the product.
  3. And thirdly, cash on delivery is the most expensive of all other types of shipments. And besides, it is not always possible for technical reasons (the computer broke down, the Internet disappeared, and so on) to pay for and receive the parcel on the day when the buyer came for it.
    In case of full prepayment for the goods, the parcel will be issued at any time, since you will no longer have to pay for it.
  1. What is cash on delivery?
  2. What is the cost of the cash on delivery service?

What is cash on delivery?

Cash on delivery from Nova Poshta is payment for goods/cargo by the recipient upon receipt of the parcel at a Nova Poshta branch or at his place of residence.

Here's another cash on delivery - this is a definite sum of money, which is collected by the postal service from the addressee upon delivery of what was received by mail. This is the amount of money that the recipient must pay upon receiving the mail.

Cash on delivery sets this carrier apart from other competitors that do not have this useful feature.

The cash on delivery method of purchase is extremely convenient for the consumer - because:

  • You save time. Let's assume you decide to buy a product on a prepaid basis. From this we can conclude that first you need to come to the bank and pay for the purchase. This is how you spend your time visiting the bank. If you make a purchase with payment due
  • You are freed from scams by a careless merchant

How to send with cash on delivery?

When sending the parcel you will be asked for your phone number, last name and first name. Will be entered into the database. (You will be identified by your phone number: if you come a second time, you will be asked not for your last name, but for your phone number). You will be promptly asked to register a loyal customer card. Then you need to tell the operator the number mobile phone, last name and first name of the recipient, as well as the city and number (or address) of the Nova Poshta branch. You also need to indicate the estimated cost of the parcel, and if you are sending it with cash on delivery, then the amount you want to receive for the parcel. All this is entered into the computer in literally 2-3 minutes. Yes, and the entire departure time will take more than five minutes, then this one is on our website

Then you give the parcel to the operator, it is immediately packaged (you don’t need to do anything yourself), and you are given a document called the “Bill of Lading” (at one time there was a “Declaration for forwarding postal items or postal orders”). The invoice number will need to be provided to the recipient.

Cost of cash on delivery service

Based on the table above, the cost of cash on delivery within a city or region, from branch to branch, will be 16 UAH, in Ukraine 23 UAH.
If the shipment is from branch to door or from door to branch, then the cost of cash on delivery will be 35 UAH, in Ukraine 40 UAH.

Important: if the estimated value is greater 200 UAH an additional commission of +0.5% of the cost will be charged.

By Anna Kucherova; ?>

One of the reasons for our population’s cautious attitude towards online shopping, I would say, is the lack of guarantees and the inability to “touch” the product, so to speak. Hence the number of requests in the search engine “order cash on delivery”. If you are about to make your first online purchase , you experience terrible uncertainty: you are afraid to make a mistake not only with the size, but also with the quality of the fabric, seam finishing and fittings.

However, sellers take no less risk, so they are looking for ways to send cash on delivery with the least risk to themselves.

Should I order cash on delivery?

A fast and reliable way to transport goods is through modern delivery services like Nova Poshta. Upon receipt, you have the opportunity to unpack the goods, carefully inspect, evaluate and only then pay its cost.

A similar scheme is used by online stores and individuals, for example, when selling used items. If you order cash on delivery, the purchase price increases slightly, prices range from 15 to 50 UAH depending on weight and volume. For example, for a parcel of 1-1.5 kg you will pay 18 UAH, and for 5 kg – approximately 30 UAH. You will have to pay another 20 UAH for transferring funds to the seller if you are satisfied with the product. But you retain the right to refuse a low-quality or unsuitable item.

How much to pay and where to go

It doesn’t matter if you are looking for how to send cash on delivery or are going to pay for a purchase. In any case, you need to understand how much you will have to pay extra for delivery services and where the nearest branch is located.

When I used Novaya Poshta delivery for the first time, their calculator helped me figure out the prices. On the website: enter the cities of dispatch and receipt, the approximate weight and dimensions of the package and click “calculate”.

There, in the “branches and delivery times” section, you can see the number and location of the nearest branch. Use the filter at the top right, where you are asked to select an area, it will still give you a long list, but it will be easier to navigate. In addition to the address, the map displays the location. I use the subsection “branch work schedule”, where the last cell contains an active link to the map.

Instructions on how to send by cash on delivery

This system is also convenient for the seller. It’s not that difficult to figure out how to send cash on delivery. The main thing is that in this way he confirms the quality of his product, and there are more people willing to pay him. Just the other day I sent a raincoat this way that I no longer like, but would please a woman in another city.

We discussed the details over the phone, after which I went to the nearest Novaya Poshta branch. To fill out the submission form, I specified the basic details in advance:

  • Recipient's full name;
  • Delivery city;
  • Address or branch number where the buyer plans to pick up the parcel;
  • Mobile number.

What I really like about Novaya Poshta is that their program is tied specifically to a phone number. If a person has used the services of this service once, other details will not be useful. Give the smiling young lady at the counter your mobile number and the system will give you the rest.

A big plus, in my opinion, is that you don’t need to fill out forms manually: firstly, the likelihood of errors in your last name or address is reduced, and secondly, the time for processing a shipment is reduced to 1-2 minutes. Order by cash on delivery or send, everything is resolved quickly.

Upon completion, you will receive a copy of the invoice, which is best kept until the purchase is completed. The person receiving the package needs a 14-digit number, which I sent via SMS directly from the post office. Using this number you can check when your arrival is expected and how much to pay upon receipt.

What is cash on delivery via Novaya Pochta?

    Cash on delivery from Nova Poshta is when you receive the goods, look at it, check it and check that everything works and only then pay the money. This service is paid and will cost about 30 hryvnia. The sender can receive the money at the Nova Poshta branch where he sent the goods.

    Nova Poshta is a postal service in Ukraine.

    Cash on delivery means that the recipient, the addressee, pays for services upon receipt of the goods. The same as in Russia and in many other countries. Convenient, although you have to pay extra for the service.

    Cash on delivery is a certain amount of money collected by the postal service from a specific addressee when the process of delivering an incoming parcel to him takes place. But if you refuse to pick up the parcel, you may well not pay.

    Let me give you an example.

    Once I sold a book via the Internet, the buyer was from another city. We agreed that he would pay for the purchase upon receipt at the Nova Poshta branch. That is, when sending, I indicate that the parcel cash on delivery and indicate the amount that the buyer must return to me. The buyer pays for the parcel at his post office, and I am at home waiting for a notification from Nova Poshta about the receipt of funds for my book.

    This payment method is very convenient for buy and sell. The buyer, before paying for the goods, can look and touch it.

    Cash on delivery is a certain amount of money that is collected by the postal service from the addressee upon delivery of what he received by mail. This is the amount of money that the recipient must pay upon receiving the mail.

    Cash on delivery is when you pay money at the post office upon receipt of the goods. If you don't like something, leave and don't pay. But if you open the package, then that’s it, they won’t figure it out. Or rather, they won’t let you open the goods until you pay. If there are complaints about what is inside, this is already a problem of the buyer-seller and not the post office.

    Everything is very simple.

    You order goods online and agree that you will pay for the purchase after the parcel arrives at the department and you can look at the goods.

    Of course, you will have to overpay for this service, but on the other hand, no one will be able to deceive you by sending a low-quality product, or by not sending anything at all (there have been cases).

    If the site is unverified and you know practically nothing about the seller, then it is better not to take risks, but to use the cash on delivery service, so you will definitely not run into a scammer.

    This is quite a convenient and good service from Nova Poshta. You order the product and wait for it. Then you go to the Nova Poshta branch and, after checking the parcel, pay for the goods. I recently bought a tablet. After making sure that the tablet was working properly, I paid. If I didn't like the product, I would refuse to pay. From now on I will use this method of paying for purchases on the Internet, as it is safer than buying a pig in a poke.

    After payment, the money is transferred to the sender's account. Of course, it costs a little more. But I am satisfied with this method of payment.

    This is a fairly old form of payment for postal services and payment for goods received by mail. If the shipment is issued as cash on delivery, the recipient will pay for it. But the person who sent the parcel will receive money only after payment and receipt of the goods (minus postal services).

    Very convenient for trading by mail.

    Cash on delivery is payment for goods by the customer upon receipt of the parcel at the post office or at his place of residence. The convenience of this method of payment is that you do not have to pay for the goods if their integrity is damaged or a discrepancy is identified with what you want.

    Cash on delivery sets this carrier apart from other competitors that do not have this useful feature.