A simple scalping strategy. Scalping rts. scalping forts. scalping on MICEX. three exchange strategies for a luxurious life Scalping RTS futures from A to Z

Today, futures for RTS index are an extremely popular financial instrument for concluding speculative transactions. The RTS index directly reflects the entire essence and state of the domestic stock market. As for the calculations of this asset, they are made in dollars, based on the value of the 50 largest corporations in Russia: GazProm, SberBank and other organizations.

Thus, trading futures on the RTS index is a speculator’s prediction of the value of an asset in the near future. Perhaps the main advantage of the considered financial instrument is a high level of liquidity, in addition, it is characterized by low costs and long trading sessions.

The daily turnover of trading on RTS index futures is almost twice as high as the turnover on the entire stock market.

Firstly, it should be noted that the trader does not have to replenish the account with the full amount provided for in the contract. For profitable trading, 15% will be quite enough, which will act as security for this financial instrument. Despite this loophole, the calculation of profits and losses will be carried out as if the trader had paid the full value of the contract.

There are many different models for trading RTS futures. However, intraday speculation and, of course, scalping are considered the most effective. When trading intraday, the results will be recorded after the end of the trading session, that is, at the very end of the working day. Scalping is more complex methods, therefore requires intensive study.

The main subtleties of scalping with RTS futures

The essence of the trading model is that a speculator makes money on fluctuations in the value of a financial instrument over a short period of time. This approach assumes that a trader will be able to conclude several hundred profitable transactions during the day. The principle of profit formation is designed in such a way that each order brings a small profit.

Experts note the fact that scalping is far from the easiest method of generating income, but, nevertheless, it is the only approach that allows you to multiply the initial investment several times over a short period of time. In addition, the efficiency and productivity of scalping strategies can always be increased through the use of trading robots.

Hidden tips for profitable scalping with RTS index futures

To succeed in trading futures on the RTS index, a speculator needs to use some kind of market tips, in particular, you need to carefully monitor changes in value basic types fuel, exchange rate ruble and basic foreign currencies. And, of course, you should never neglect the reports of leading domestic financial corporations.

If everyone has finally decided to start trading futures on the RTS, then it is still better to stick to the scalping model. Even despite the fact that if you are a beginner who has no experience in the field of stock trading. By simultaneously opening multiple transactions, the trader increases the likelihood of making a profit, not to mention the fact that the risk of losing the lion's share of the deposit is reduced to zero. Of course, in the end you can achieve very impressive results.

Today, scalping trading on the market is one of the most profitable types, despite the fact that each transaction does not bring too much profit. This is due to the fact that scalping strategies allow you to make a profit even from the most minimal movements of the market, which, as we know, is almost never static.

While? Just as classic trading strategies do not work with minor price fluctuations, scalping ones allow you to gain several points from both its rise and its fall.

RTS futures scalping is no exception.

RTS futures are one of the most liquid instruments Russian market, it has high volatility, trading lasts almost 14 hours (starts at 10-00 and ends at 23-50), trading commissions are minimal.

Scalping strategies allow you to earn very large sums on RTS futures - the market can change in a matter of seconds.

How to calculate the cost of a lot on futures?

To calculate the value of a futures contract, you need to know in what increments the price changes. For RTS futures, the step is 10 points. This means that all futures changes occur by a multiple of 10.

For example: the previous futures price was, say, 127,320 points. This means that the next change is calculated using the formula 10 * n. Thus, the new price value can be equal to 127,330, 127,370, 127,400, i.e. new price– old price = number divisible by 10.

Futures scalping strategies can be either manual or robotic.

With manual strategies, you should pay attention to the tape, the order book of all quotes and Western futures quotes, because, according to professional traders, the domestic market is quite seriously correlated with Western ones.

Auto-trend strategy

Actually, this is not even a strategy, but a robot that is created to find strong impulses and to find longing for entry.

The algorithm is based on a pattern of price changes that can be compared to an impulse: a trend in the development stage does not end instantly, the price retains its “inertia” for some time.

The robot allows you to monitor the situation almost completely automatically: the trader should make a decision after receiving an entry signal, and then decide when to complete the transaction. The ratio of trader's profit to brokerage profit improves significantly (due to the fact that almost no transactions are made on the sideways side).

Scalping is one of the main “hit” trading strategies used by private traders on the Moscow Exchange futures market. The main instrument of scalpers is futures on the RTS index, the main advantages of which are obvious to everyone:

  • most speculative instrument stock market,
  • the most liquid
  • the lowest commission for completed transactions (there are no analogues in the world!),
  • one of the most robotic tools on the Russian market.

We present to you two main strategies with which you can make money on the RTS index:

  • "Scalpingon the RTS indexwith intraday elements"- author's strategyViktor Gaiduk.
  • "Scalping on the RTS index with a robot"- author's strategyAlexey Sedov (Alex) .

More details about each:

"Scalping on the RTS index with intraday elements" - author's strategy IN Iktor Gaiduk .

About the strategy in a nutshell: Fast scalping entry, long-term position holding.

Author and course presenter: Viktor Gaiduk, winner of the 16th place in LCH-2009, nickname XL.dbondar, increased his deposit from 30 thousand rubles in 2 months. up to 130 TR; 18th place LCH-2010 nickname Funky_AL, in 3 months increased the deposit from 50 tr. up to 176 tr. Trained more than 500 students throughout Russia.

Basis of the strategy: short-term holding of a position on the RTS index, based on an analysis of support-resistance levels, key indicators of technical analysis, Western guides, and the use of special software.

Target: taking a continuous price movement as long as there is a set of signals in the direction of our open position, in practice this is from 400 to 5000 points.

Working volume: from 1-5 to 70 - 100 RTS index contracts.

Advantages of the strategy:

  1. high income (on average about 200-300 thousand rubles per month from a volume of 50-100 RTS index contracts (deposit of about 0.5 - 1.5 million rubles),
  2. absolute risk control (you fully own the transaction, keep your finger on the pulse, short time spent in the transaction).
  3. relative simplicity of the strategy (with the advent of your trading experience - from 3 months) in the technique of execution and decision-making in the market.

Disadvantages of the strategy:

  1. high concentration is required from the trader (every decision must be balanced and justified by the current market situation).
  2. Psychology plays a very important role (for example, it can be very difficult for a beginner to force himself not to press the button).
  3. discipline is necessary - as in a professional army (showed weakness - left the market, such is the fate of 95% of novice traders).

Who is this strategy suitable for? It is for people:

  • under the age of 40,
  • good computer skills
  • from a technical point of view, having wired high-speed Internet from 2 Mbit/s,
  • devoting all their free time to trading (at least 3-5 hours a day).
  • having a supply of starting capital “for life” of 200 thousand rubles (since initial training and trading practice takes at least 3-6 months, in order to start earning the first money from the market - to reach “self-sufficiency of trading”).


If everything described above suits you, and you are for yourself firmly decided start trading this strategy, then contact us. With us you will gain knowledge, trading practice (you will work side by side with experienced traders), benefits (multiple savings of your time and money), due to the fact that we:

  • We have been working in the market for more than seven years,
  • we teach only in practice, things that actually work in the market here and now,
  • We have extensive experience in teaching (special exercises, tasks to develop the necessary skills in trading).

Note!One-time number of students for individual training with Viktor Gaiduk strictly limited(no more than 3 students per month)!Due to this, if the limit for the current month is selected, then a pre-registration system operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Please check with our manager for current information.

Leave a request for an individual practical course on the strategy "Scalping-intraday on the RTS index" with Victor Gaiduk. Next, our specialist will contact you and answer your questions related to training.

“But from the outside you wouldn’t be able to tell that this man is making millions on the market.” - most of you will think, looking at Victor’s photographs.

Victor Gaiduk gives advice to novice investors.

"Scalping on the RTS index with a robot " - author's strategy of Alexey Sedov (Alex).

A fundamental role in scalping (and in other strategies) is played by support and resistance levels. These levels are drawn by traders on the instrument chart on different time frames, divided by seniority from annual to weekly. Levels are like trading rules that everyone follows.

The market has a trend (strong, long-lasting impulse) and consolidation (sideways). It is certainly more interesting to trade when there is a trend, the price moves and we make money on this. The main mistake of an unprofitable scalper is that he trades everything and always, and especially on the sideways! This is logical, he is always looking for an impulse in price movement. But impulses come in different strengths. As a rule, most of them are “breeding” - when the price seemed to go up, he entered into a trade, and immediately caught a pullback and closed the moose.

Conclusion: you need to divide impulses into strong (trend) and weak (flat), and trade only strong ones along the trend.

In identifying strong impulses (trends), we will be helped by a special Robot for scalping on the RTS index "Auto-Trend of the RTS Index" from "Workshop of trading and trading robots".

Scalping Robot "Auto-Trend of the RTS Index".

A trend trading algorithm designed for scalping and identifying strong impulses on the RTS index.

Implemented on the TSLab trading terminal (supported by brokers Finam, IT Invest, Alor, Ricom Trust, Polar Star, Rick-Finance, Otkritie, Solid, Fora - Capital).

Novelty and competitive advantages of the strategy: This strategy allows you to:

  • automatically monitor the current situation on the market,
  • relieves most of the trader’s psychological stress,
  • allows you to systematize trading, reduce “intuitive” trading to a minimum,
  • allows you to significantly improve the ratio of the trader’s profit to the broker’s profit (brokerage commission), minimizing the side effects.
  • allows you to trade when there are strong directional movements.

Description: The trading robot is designed to identify strong impulses in price movement on the RTS index. The robot gives a signal, determines the entry point (price and direction of the transaction), and the trader makes a decision about entering and exiting the transaction.

Trading idea: The operation of the algorithm is based on one of the patterns of price movement in the stock market, which can be characterized as a price impulse. This idea can be described using a simple example with a car: “In sunny weather, when a car is moving at a speed of 80 km/h, its braking distance will be 30 meters. Neither 5, nor 10, but precisely 30 meters.” The same can be seen with price movements in the stock market. If someone buys, and the trend is in the development stage, then it will not end at one moment, for some time the price will go in the direction we need.

Additional options: The TSLab trading terminal allows you to configure additional useful functions in the Scalper robot "Auto-Trend RTS Index":

  • automatic entry into a trade without the participation of a trader,
  • free SMS informing about the transaction that occurred, the signal that appeared.

Attention! Leave a request and you will receive a free consultation from a trader on setting up and using the “Auto-Trend RTS Index” scalper robot.

A practical example from trading: Below, on the left, is a chart of the RTS index dated November 2, 2012. There is a robot signal on it to enter short at a price of 143200. Then the price, with several rebounds, continued to fall by inertia.

Actions of a trader - scalper: we see the signal, the price at which the scalping robot recommends entering. Next, we open a deal and draw a profit; the trader determines the stop and the size of the profit himself, based on his experience.

You can also daily, on-line, watch the broadcast of trading signals from the Scalper Robot "Auto-Trend of the RTS Index" (the left half of the working desk of the trading terminal).

Leave a request for the scalping robot "Auto-trend of the RTS index. Next, our specialist will contact you and answer your questions.

Futures on the RTS index

The most popular financial indicator used by speculators and scalpers in the Russian derivatives market is RTS index futures.
Moreover, this indicator has many useful parameters. Thanks to them, market participants can receive dividends extremely efficiently. In this case, we are talking about commission interest, built-in leverage, a high level of volatility, and extended trading. The latter last from 10 o'clock in the afternoon to 23:50.

This futures is based on the RTS stock index. It reflects the processes that occur in the market. It can also be used to find out investors' plans regarding the index value on the current spot market. For this reason, the indicator and futures values ​​are almost always in adjacent positions. True, there are minor differences between them. In particular, futures on the RTS indicator are more volatile than its underlying asset.
At the same time, the futures indicator is equivalent to the value of the RTS indicator multiplied by 100. Thus, the futures level, which is 114.5 thousand points, will correspond to the index level, which includes 1,145 points.

How are futures indicators converted from points to Russian rubles?

The specification of the official description of the exchange instrument stipulates that the price of 1 point reaches $0.02. Consequently, the price of a futures contract for the RTS indicator in rubles. expression can be determined by the following equation:
For example, 114.5 thousand points are multiplied by 0.02 and multiplied by 30 rubles. The result is 68.7 thousand rubles. This is the final cost of the contract in rubles. expression.
To become the owner or purchase futures on the RTS indicator, there is no need to invest the entire amount, which is calculated in rubles. It is necessary to provide only a certain percentage of this amount or use the so-called guarantee security (GS). As a rule, it reaches 15-20% of the contract value. Based on our data, we see that the contract price should be 12% of 68.7 thousand rubles. As a result, it turns out 13,740 thousand rubles.

In this case, dividends will appear in the account. And in case of loss, the corresponding amount will simply disappear from him. In other words, it appears that the trader has paid for the entire contract. That is, in this case, the corresponding effect is achieved by the “built-in leverage”.
How does built-in leverage work?
Let's assume that the trader has accumulated 20 thousand rubles. On the first day, he purchases futures for the RTS indicator, using the guarantee collateral, which amounts to 13,740 thousand rubles. On the fifth day, he already has an amount that reaches a little more than 20 thousand rubles. After which the long position is closed. In total, within five days dividends reached 10.4%.

Futures contract validity period

All features, sooner or later, end. The day the contract ends is called the expiration date. This is the date when obligations under previously concluded agreements must be fulfilled, which then become invalid.

Within the framework of the derivatives market, contracts that relate to the same underlying asset can operate in parallel. However, they have different “expiration dates”. For example, in the terminal table, which is available online, 2 types of futures for the RTS indicator are displayed. This is RTS-12.17, as well as RTS-3.18. The completion date of the first is calculated in December of the current year, the second is valid until March 2018. However, the most liquid contract is RTS-12.17. However, when expiration begins to take effect, liquidity will move to the closest features. Simply put, RTS-3.18 will come into force.
In the process of trading on FORTS, including futures transactions on the RTS indicator, all players have the opportunity to take advantage of the following advantages:
— choose one or a number of instruments (rare exchanges provide a wide range of instruments);
— apply RTS without being a resident of the Russian Federation;
— receive good dividends;
- adopt accessible and easy-to-use tools;
— insure yourself against potential risks.
And this is not all the advantages. By trading futures on the RTS indicator, you can make a good profit and avoid large commission payments. It also cannot do without regulation, transparency, and the possibility of purchasing a whole range of futures. Moreover, all calculations occur in monetary terms.

Why is stock trading not so liquid?

Based on practice, we can say with 100% confidence that compared to futures, the securities market is less liquid. The big advantage of futures trading is the small an initial fee. It is called margin collateral. It is enough to pay only 20% of the amount provided for in the contract. You can also put up futures for trading without using broker assets. And this is a significant advantage. After all, in this way good savings on all kinds of costs are achieved. So what do we get in the end?

Buying and selling features using the RTS allows traders to properly manage their financial means. If you apply a competent trading scheme, there is a good chance to increase dividends several times. True, the risks also increase. However, this is an inevitability that cannot be avoided. The trader is only required to effectively “maneuver” during the trading process, avoiding certain dangers.
By using RTS futures, traders hedge possible risks related to stocks. It is noteworthy that in Western countries Futures trading is the most popular way to receive dividends. At the same time, all players, both large and small, can use futures. It is the most reliable trading tool in global transactions.

Distinctive characteristics of RTS

Futures on the RTS indicator are traditional contracts. They are not carried out through the delivery of underlying assets. They are executed using cash payments. By becoming participants in transactions where futures on the RTS indicator are used, traders undertake to contribute funds or receive a certain percentage, in accordance with the margin between the contract value and the cost of executing the transaction on features. The execution cost is calculated based on the average of the RTS indicator for the last hour of the trading process and on the final day of the futures transaction.

The RTS indicator is an official indicator that appears on the MICEX-RTS exchange platform. Since 1995, it has become a benchmark indicator that reflects all processes occurring in the Russian stock market. The RTS indicator is calculated in real time, during the trading session. Analysts are studying a list of data on contracts that were concluded between participants in the Classic RTS market. Reporting time starts at 10:30 and ends at 6 pm Moscow time. In this case, 50 securities that are confirmed by Russian issuers are taken into account.

Futures on the RTS index (historical information)

This indicator appeared within the RTS derivatives market in 2005. Among the so-called market makers who used RTS index futures were: Troika-Dialog, as well as KIT-Finance. By the way, futures trading was spurred by the delisting of securities issued by RAO UES of the Russian Federation throughout 2007. Speculators immediately liked them. A little later, a number of speculators began to use RTS futures. As soon as such dynamics emerged, RTS futures began to serve as the most liquid instruments of the Russian exchange market.

Main advantages of RTS features:
— fairly good liquidity;
- small commission costs;
— high level of volatility;
- long trading session.

Other futures and their characteristics

By and large, a futures contract is a derivative instrument for the acquisition and sale of the underlying asset. It can be an index, a security, currency pair or a specific unit of goods (that is, “black gold”, precious metal, etc.) Moreover, these assets must provide 2 specific parameters. This is like the cost and date of sale (delivery).

All contracts are assigned a completion date and concise designations. For example, “Ri” is a futures contract on the RTS indicator. But “Si” represents dollar futures. As for "Eu" and "SBRF", the first reflects the euro, and the second - securities Sberbank.

Opening and maintaining RTS futures positions
To activate a position on a particular futures, you need to provide an account on the GO exchange platform (its parameter reaches 13,650 rubles):
— the actual GO indicator is calculated on the official resource of the exchange platform or through the Current “QUIK” table (sometimes the management of the exchange platform can increase the GO level - as a rule, this happens during holidays or long weekends);
— due to changes in the value of futures, a borderline result may appear on the account (the so-called variation margin).

Clearing of futures for the RTS index, precious metals, “black gold”. During this process, dividends/losses are calculated taking into account certain positions.
1. In the process of border clearing, which is also called “day”, settlements are made in accordance with the indicative exchange rate of the US dollar, regulated by the exchange platform. However, in fact, cash are credited to the account only after evening clearing. In the period from 2 pm to 6:45 pm, dividends received will be reflected in QUIK. There is even a corresponding column for this, called “Accumulated Income”.
2. During evening clearing, all calculations are performed taking into account the current US dollar exchange rate. It is set by the exchange floor at 6:30 pm. In this case, the cost of opening positions is compensated by the price provided by clearing.
3. As for the variation margin, which includes unfinished positions in the evening session, it is taken into account for the next day.
Basic terms and definitions:
Variation margin is a dividend or an investor's loss that occurred with open positions and was a consequence of a change in the value of the futures.
GO is a set of finances that are required to activate positions on 1 futures transaction.
Clearing represents a settlement scheme that takes into account the mutual obligations of market participants.
Open interest means a set of activated transactions.
A settlement period is characterized by the period of time that lasts between one clearing and another.
The settlement cost is the price that is used to calculate the variation profit.
Contract specification means documentation that regulates the classic requirements of a Derivatives Contract and other aspects.
Execution of futures transactions represents a process during which the validity of the Futures Contract on the exchange platform is completed and all agreements on it are fulfilled.
“Margin Call” is a market situation when the amount of money in a market participant’s account decreases below the established limit (then the broker has the right to forcefully close the trader’s position).

What is RTS scalping?

Scalping is in high demand on the RTS exchange platform. Because it provides an effective trading strategy. With its help you can receive small but stable dividends.

Benefits of scalping

There are a lot of them. If we collect the most significant ones, they are as follows:
— analysis of trend positions is not carried out;
- informational reasons are ignored;
— a scalper is an undiluted speculator;
— the scalper does not develop strategies;
— there is no need for the scalper to engage in currency market forecasts;
— in the first place for a scalper is the current state of affairs on the market;
— the scalper quickly studies the state of the market and suddenly goes on the attack.

Trading strategy technique on the RTS

In fact, the strategies are completely different. We will mention only the most popular of them. For example, there is an “order book”, which many traders consider the most effective indicator of market conditions. By applying this strategy, market participants become familiar with possible trends in the stock market. An example that clearly illustrates the principle of the “order book” is the consolidation of significant requests (applications) for sale or acquisition. At the same time, it is not possible to formulate certain algorithms and norms for the functioning of the “order book”.
What role do indicators play in the RTS futures trading process?
Of course, scalpers carry out a comprehensive study of the stock market. However, the information they receive does not influence the final decision on a particular transaction. A certain part of scalpers use familiar indicators. There are also scalpers who do not resort to technical analysis at all. This is explained by the fact that this analysis is based on long time frames. That is, in its process, the shortest period of time is calculated in minutes. To obtain the value of the oscillator, as well as the index, it is necessary to use information regarding previous bars. Simply put, the information obtained from technical analysis, is short-term. It allows you to make a forecast only for four or more minutes.
The quieter you go, the further you'll get
Have you chosen scalping? Then forget once and for all about the big dividends that just one transaction can bring you. After all, the principle of scalping is illustrated in the best possible way by the well-known saying - “a penny saves a ruble.” Scalpers, who have extensive practical experience behind them, carry out many transactions in one day, while receiving relatively modest dividends. As a result, they become owners of a fairly large amount.

Only forward - trading strategy on the RTS
Only dynamic and nimble traders use scalping. Positions using this method become irrelevant at the moment when traders notice subtle signs indicating that certain changes will soon occur in the market. For example, a contract was purchased. At the same time, over the course of half a minute, its price increased and “froze” in the future. There is no point in taking risks in this situation. This position must be completed as quickly as possible.
Completing a trade and the principle of scalping
When taking part in trading futures on the RTS index, traders are faced with different principles that relate to control over financial funds. Some market players, in order to implement their plans, endure drawdowns for a long period of time. Other traders strictly follow pre-determined proportions for losses and dividends.
In fact, there is nothing complicated about scalping. When you foresee impending losses, you need to immediately exit the position, regardless of the consequences that such a move will bring. After all, the auction is long. You will be able to make many more transactions that will definitely turn into profit.

Video courtesy financial company "Royal Investments & Capital Hedging" (FC "R.I.C.H.") successfully used in managing the assets of its clients.


On the 30-minute chart of RIZ1 we are close to the downward trend line, and on the 5-minute chart we can see a clear rising wedge, the order book on top is denser and the volumes are higher than for buying. All this provides grounds for opening a short position with targets at 142,500 and further at 142,000.

The first 2 parts were opened almost according to the market, because... there is an execution down the glass + the intention to break through the current wedge and go down. The gougs (Sipy and Dax) have also stopped growing and are drawing black candles.

When the downward movement was confirmed, which resulted in a further decline in the CP and MICEX, the execution of current buy orders on the market and the breaking of the rising wedge down, the position was doubled. The 5-minute candle was closed with a decline and below the rising wedge, which also served as a signal to hold a short position. After fixing the “zeros” (142,000) and further decreasing, you can safely leave the position until your goals are achieved.

The first part was closed when the first downward target was reached - 142,500. I used the rebound to 143,000 to once again increase the position to the full volume. Thus, having closed one part at the bottom and opened again on a rebound from the fall, I improved the average price of my position, and it became more comfortable to expect a further decline.

And again, the first target of decline had two parts closed. Half of the deposit was left to finalize the goals. The average price of the position is very high and at the moment I was only risking profit, because... In any case, I would close it as a plus.

When approaching the final goal and large buy orders are visible at the bottom of the order book, the position is closed.

Interview with Ruslan Salimov

1. What type of trading do you use?
Intraday with holding a position from 10 minutes to several hours, although I don’t disdain a light scalp.

2. Does your trading allow you to make money on the market every day?
Of course not. This does not happen, there will definitely be unprofitable days, the main thing here is to properly regulate risks.

3. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in it?
It allows you to capture large movements on trending days, but on the “saw” it can fail.

4. Yours trading strategy Was it formed from personal experience or do you stick to third-party developments?
She stuffed herself exclusively with her cones.

5. Do you use analysts’ opinions and news when trading?
In general, I don’t read forecasts.

6. What indicators do you use?
“Machine”, and even so that the graph does not look empty.

7. How do you most often enter the market, with orders or by market. Describe the situations?
In different ways, mainly with orders, I fly into the market only during strong movements, or if the order was not executed.

8. Recruitment and delivery of positions is carried out in parts or with one application, why?
I rent out the entire amount at once only at a loss. I close profitable positions in parts, because the first parts leave when the first goals for the transaction are achieved, and the rest are held until the finish.

9. What is the maximum risk per trade?
On futures it’s somewhere around 100-300 points, I can allow it to sit out or gain a position in a similar range.

10. How do you determine the exit point?
According to the schedule, rarely per glass.

11. What is your priority? Glass or chart. Describe the situations?
The priority is naturally the chart, the glass largely gives false information. It happens that according to the chart there is a breakdown of the level, and in the order book there is a hold in large volumes, they make you believe in a rebound, but they are immediately removed and attached on the other side and in fact a breakdown occurs.

12. What can you say about the major players and their influence on the market?
They exist and I try to work with them.

13. What intervals during the trading session are the most profitable, when to expect major movements?
From opening to lunch and from 16.00 to closing.

14. Highlight 5 main provisions of your trading that help you earn money?
Don't go in on an empty glass. Don't slow down. Don't average. Don't be greedy. Stop.

15. Why do you use LTSD in trading?
It’s a very convenient thing; you don’t have to bother with the terminal and place orders manually, calculate the average price of a position, etc. + provides a ton of visual information about the market.