How to make money on credit and debit bank cards. How you can make money on a credit card! We reveal for you the secret of how to really make money on card transactions

Wealthy people live on credit and receive additional income from this. Do you think this is impossible? will tell you about the tricks and advantages of using banking products.

One client's story

Dmitry graduated from a prestigious institute and, thanks to his abilities, moved from Yekaterinburg to Moscow. He was hired by a very well-known bank, one of the 5 largest financial institutions in the country. He knows almost everything about finances, so he can afford more than others.

The banker has five different plastic cards. All of them are selected based on the greatest benefit from use. One by one he borrows from the bank 50 thousand roubles. per month. He places this money on a short-term deposit, from which he receives income. As soon as Grace period comes to an end, he pays off the loan from his salary. He buys train tickets using a co-branded card, and plane tickets using a card that allows him to accumulate miles. In stores, he pays with a cashback card, which returns up to 5% from its cost. Thanks to all these manipulations, he saves and earns a decent amount.

Better with a card than without it

One little-known banker said that a person with a card receives advantages over someone who does not have one. And he was right. A plastic card is the key to most bonuses that you can get from a bank. Let's take, for example, an instrument such as a credit card. It is quite dangerous - card loans are very expensive, the interest rate on them is in the range 18-100% per annum. However, 90% of credit cards have a grace period option, with which you can use the bank’s money for free for 50-55 days. There is a nuance here that part of the busy ( 5-10% or at least several hundred rubles) must be returned within 30 days. It is also worth considering that many banks charge a commission for annual service, and this varies from 500 before 3000 rub. in year.

« You can earn money by taking advantage of the grace period for lending credit card by placing your borrowed funds in a deposit or savings account at a bank. After this, the client can withdraw money and pay off the debt on the card, while he will still have the amount of accrued interest on the deposit or account“,” confirms Anton Pavlov, head of the department for work with the retail segment of Absolut Bank.

Let's say we issue a standard card at VTB24 bank. She is standing 900 rub. in year. The interest rate on a loan, which is still better not to get into, 19% per annum. An additional advantage is cashback in the amount 3% for paying for services at gas stations, restaurants, pharmacies or cosmetics stores. Let's say the credit limit on it is 50 thousand roubles. (this size is determined individually for each client). We immediately transfer this money via Internet banking to a deposit account with a rate 10% per annum, for example, to a bank (one of its deposits allows replenishment and partial withdrawal without loss of interest). By the end of the month, the borrowed money must be returned, but during this time, just like that, without doing anything, you can earn more 400 rub. If we placed it for a month 150 thousand rubles, then we would have received more 1,2 thousand roubles.

Next, we use a VTB24 credit card to pay for gasoline. Let's say it will be per month 5 thousand roubles. It will be automatically returned to your account 150 rub. Let's add this amount to 400 rub. from the deposit, multiply by 12 months and subtract the annual maintenance. We get 5,7 thousand roubles. This is only from using the services of just two banks.

No unnecessary movements

For those who do not want to move money back and forth, a debit card is suitable with the possibility of receiving income on the account balance within 9-10% per annum. You can arrange one, for example, at Svyaznoy Bank or at Russian Standard. The card owner does not need anything - the more money there is, the more income is accrued. If you transfer to the card monthly by 20 thousand rubles, then at the end of the year it will be 253,3 thousand rubles, of which net income will be 13,3 thousand roubles. This amount can be placed in a separate account and at a rate 11% earn more per annum 27,8 thousand roubles.

It is worth mentioning guarantees. All deposits, the amount of which does not exceed 700 thousand roubles., . Cases of bank closures are extremely rare, so you don’t have to worry about your savings.


For avid travelers, it is better to get a co-branded card that awards bonus miles, which can later be exchanged for an air ticket. Depending on the program and type of card, 1 bonus mile is awarded for every 30-100 rubles spent on the card. For example, you can save up for an air ticket from Moscow to St. Petersburg if you spend 175 thousand rubles. on a VTB24 credit card - this is about 14,5 thousand roubles. per month.

A card from a bank stands out in this segment Tinkoff Credit Systems. When purchasing a ticket on any airline financial institution accrues 3 points for every 100 rubles, 2 points for purchases around the world and 1 point for every 100 rubles. for payments via Internet banking. In addition, there are special promotions that allow you to earn 10 miles for every 100 rubles. when purchasing tickets, turn to certain sites. If you spend using a card 20 thousand roubles. per month, then in a year you can save up for a ticket to Berlin and back.

« A customer who regularly makes purchases with an All Airlines card can save up for several round-trip flights per year. In a year you can get up to 144 thousand miles (mile = ruble), and servicing the card costs 1890 rubles per year“says Oleg Anisimov, vice-president of TKS Bank.

Internet to help

You can save and earn money without even leaving your home. To do this, it is enough to have a card account in a bank that has its own network service. We are talking about Internet banking. With its help you can pay loans, open deposits, transfer money, pay for utilities, etc. As a result, the client reduces his expenses associated with traveling to the bank, and also saves up to several hours a month, bypassing queues at branches.

There are many other ways to benefit. To identify them, it is enough to carefully study the offers of banks, compare them and pragmatically calculate your benefits. Since the banks are making money from you, make money from them too. Everything is fair and mutually beneficial.

Enterprising people manage to make money from non-standard things. For example, on a credit card. It’s paradoxical, but true – it turns out that with the right approach, you can get an increase in the family budget with the help of a credit card.

First, let's look at how banks make profit from owners of credit payment instruments:

  • Most banks charge interest on banknote withdrawals.
  • Almost all credit institutions charge a fee for issuing a card.
  • SMS notifications about completed transactions.
  • For annual service.
  • In case of late payment, banks charge fines and penalties.

How to use a credit card profitably

In order not to remain in debt to the bank, you need to use borrowed resources correctly:

  • It is beneficial to use a credit card; if you are asked to leave a deposit for a rented car while traveling, it is better to use borrowed funds if there is a grace period;
  • if you urgently need money, a credit card will help out (for example, your car breaks down while traveling, you don’t have enough banknotes to buy a bargain in a store).

How to make money on a credit card

Let’s analyze what simple techniques you can use to improve your level of well-being:

  1. you need to issue a credit card with a grace period (usually 55 days, but some banks, for example, offer up to 110 days);
  2. we make purchases using a credit card;
  3. We analyze and choose just for you. For example, if you often buy air tickets, it will be more convenient to purchase them with bonuses in this category;
  4. we formalize debit card, with interest accrued on the balance or open a deposit in a bank. For example, it offers 6% per annum on the balance;
  5. we receive a salary and wait for interest to accrue;
  6. If we want to deposit money in a bank, we withdraw money from an ATM. Optimally choose credit institution, which does not charge a fee for cashing out, for example, Alfa Bank and Raiffeisen offer credit cards with free withdrawal of banknotes;
  7. At the end of the credit card grace period, we pay off the debt by transfer from a debit card.

From theory to practice: earning money on a Tinkoff card

Let's look at an example of making money on credit cards using products Tinkoff Bank. We issue two at once: debit and credit. Let's assume that our salary is 50,000 rubles.

  1. We spend money from a credit card within the limits of our income (we don’t go into the red).
  2. We receive a salary of 50,000 rubles (we will assume that all the profit will be spent).
  3. We pay utilities with a credit card and make purchases in stores.
  4. We withdraw 5,000 rubles. Money will come in handy in places where there are no payment terminals. will take decent interest, and from 3,000 rubles without commission at any ATM.
  5. At the end of the month, Tinkoff awards cashback. If we take 1% as a constant, and do not take into account the increased percentage (for example, 5% for restaurants), at the end of the month we get a profit of 450 rubles.
  6. Let's calculate your earnings. The money was on debit card from 6% on balance (45,000 rubles * 6% / 12 months) = 225 rubles.
  7. At the end of the grace period, we transfer 45,000 rubles to a credit card.
  8. Annual income will be (450 + 225)*12= 8,100 rubles.
  9. Subtract the cost of annual maintenance 8,100 – 600 = 7,500 rubles.

As you can see, the higher your income, the more significant profit you will get using this method. Whether the amount is large or small is up to you to decide. Any penny will never be too much, because at the end of the year you can please yourself with a small gift for this amount.

Credit cards are known to everyone, but few know how to make money on credit cards and whether this is even possible. We will show you several ways to use cards not only for free, without paying interest to the bank, but also to earn good money from it.

You must have at least three credit cards with a grace period.

  1. Use your first card to pay for purchases or withdraw cash with no commission or with a minimum commission.
  2. At the end of the grace period of the first card, pay off the debt with the second card.
  3. At the end of the grace period of the second card, pay off the debt with the third or first card.

And you can do this for as long as you like.

It says how to withdraw cash from a credit card without a commission or with a minimum commission. Here's just some brief information:

  • Using payment Webmoney systems and Yandex.Money, you can buy electronic currency and then make a cashless payment with a credit card.
  • Many banks allow you to transfer funds to a debit card. It is also possible to link a debit card to an account.
  • Using a QIWI wallet, transferring money from a credit card to a Yandex wallet and then withdrawing it from a Yandex card.

How to make money on a credit card

  1. The first card with the Cashback function and a grace period of about 50 days.
  2. The second card with a grace period.
  3. The third card with a grace period.

Earning scheme

  1. The first card is used for personal purchases in shops and supermarkets.
    Cashback - with each purchase, 2-5% of the purchase price is returned to the card. For example, I spent 40 thousand and returned 2 thousand.
  2. At the end of the grace period of the first card, you pay off the debt with the second card.
  3. At the end of the grace period of the second card, you pay off the debt with the third (or first) card. And so on.

At this time, cash (salary, other savings, what is earned on credit cards) is on a debit card with a deposit function and also generates income. Interest is charged on this money (about 8% per annum).

As a result, we have two thousand additional money returned for purchases using the Cashback system, plus a small income from the deposit.

Co-branded cards, all kinds of bonus programs, gifts and discount systems, cards with the Cashback function will help you save and increase your funds.

The card with a grace period of 100 days can be used for business. During these three months, you can, for example, buy and resell goods at a higher price, and then return the money to the bank.

Additional Information

Why are credit cards growing in popularity?

Just a few years ago, only the most reliable and conscientious clients of banks could boast of this - most often these were businessmen or rich people who had proven their solvency and aroused the trust of banks. At that time, banks were not ready to issue plastic cards to the majority of clients - neither debit nor, especially, credit, since the costs of their production and subsequent servicing did not pay off.

Over time, the attitude towards plastic cards has changed dramatically, and today, to become a happy owner of a card, it will be enough to visit a banking institution just once. Why is it so profitable for all banks to work with cards?

First of all, to issue any plastic card, you need to open a personal account at a bank. And what more bank issues cards, the larger the customer base becomes. The bank annually allocates funds for both maintenance and issuance of new cards. In addition, bank employees prepare special offers for clients in order to interest them, for example, in credit services.

Today on plastic cards salaries, stipends, pensions and other regular payments are accrued. Therefore, it is very profitable for banks to expand their customer base. Cardholders can take advantage of a whole list of services provided banking institution. Special offers are created especially for them.

Basic functions of credit cards

It can be done very quickly. Typically, registration is carried out with the provision of a minimum of documents, usually only a passport. The credit card gives its holder the following opportunities:

  • the ability to withdraw cash through ATMs;
  • the ability to pay for all kinds of goods and services at various points using terminals;
  • the ability to independently replenish your account at debit ATMs;
  • the ability to make payments through ATMs (for example, to pay a loan).

If desired, you can install additional functions on the card: SMS notification about the movement of funds in personal accounts, mobile banking application, Internet banking.

With a very convenient SMS notification service, the cardholder will always know about the status of his money account. This function is indispensable for those who are concerned about possible facts of illegal withdrawal of money from an account or crediting of an incorrect amount to it.

Using the Internet banking service, you can perform many simple card transactions while outside the bank, for example, transfer funds to internal and external bank accounts and make all types of payments. A mobile app makes it even easier to control movement Money on accounts and conduct Bank operations using just a mobile phone.

What to pay attention to

The grace period, also called the grace period, is the number of days that involves the use of card assets without accruing interest under the loan agreement.

That is, if during a given period of time you spend the Nth amount, deposit it into your account and top up your balance with some a small amount until the end of the grace period, then no interest will be accrued on the debt.

Issuing banks actively use many tricks that force cardholders to pay for using funds from their credit cards even during the grace period. The fact is that in each bank the procedure for calculating the grace period occurs differently.

In some banks, the countdown of the grace period begins from the day the card is issued or from the moment of its immediate activation. In other banks, the grace period begins on the specific date when the card payment was recorded.

Attention! In some banks, the grace period begins not from the moment of purchase, as the borrower naturally assumes, but from the first day of the current month.

Also, in some banks the grace period is one-time, that is, if once you can take advantage of the interest-free use of funds, then in the future the profitable use of the card will become impossible.

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You ask yourself the question: How can you make money? Do you want to know how by credit card any bank you can earn real money? If you follow a few rules, this is not difficult. We are ready to reveal this secret to you.

Recently, many banks are competing to provide their customers with the best possible Grace period. This is the period of time for which the bank completely does not charge interest for using a loan(but subject to full repayment). For most banks, this period exceeds 50 days.

Thus, if there is credit card you can use this gift for your own selfish purposes. The main point is that for a period of 50-60 days you can use bank money for free. Let’s make a reservation right away in order to have credit card profit, you need to exclude withdrawing funds from an ATM (so as not to pay a commission for “cash out”), and also always repay the loan during the grace period in full and without delay.

The main essence of the scheme is that during the entire grace period (50-60 days) you spend money exclusively from a credit card(without using , making purchases directly). Let me note right away that credit cards maybe two or three (but even one with a large limit is quite enough).

In the meantime, your own finances (including your monthly income) should work for you and bring in money. You ask “How?” The easiest way of all is to open a deposit with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment. Then put your salary + other income and savings there.

Next, during the entire grace period, you use the bank’s money, paying for everything you need with a credit card. Subsequently, after the expiration of your grace period, you withdraw the required amount from the deposit (on which you have already accrued interest) and paying off credit card debt. That's all!

In fact, everything is very simple, but if you strictly follow the above rules and have self-discipline, you will be able to use the money to your advantage and absolutely free! Earn real money with no help interest loan(during the grace period).

Example: How much money can you earn per year if you have a credit card with a limit of 100,000 rubles?

With a grace period of 50 days and a deposit rate of 9% per annum: In just one year you can make a profit of 14,784 rubles.

BelFinance.Ru notes: The larger the limit of your card, the greater your annual profit can be!

You need a new thing, you don’t have money, you have to wait a long time for your salary, or you just don’t want to – and they take out a loan. But not everyone knows how to make money using this product (if you are interested in making money on the Internet -). A credit card with a grace period is an excellent lifestyle option for enterprising citizens. Read more below.

How to live off credit cards?

The topic of making money with loans is not new. Yes, if you borrow money and do not pay it back, then, of course, you will have to pay considerable interest to the bank. But if you act wisely, then banking product can be used to advantage not for financial institution, but for yourself. For this:

  1. Eliminate all unnecessary expenses, which lead to the need to pay penalties and interest.
  2. Always fit into the grace period– any delays cost money, so if you borrow money, be sure to pay it back before you start charging for its use.
  3. Don't withdraw cash– the bank provides considerable interest for these transactions.
  • all purchases (groceries, things, medicines, etc.) are paid strictly by credit card - non-cash method;
  • You put your salary on a deposit, which you need to open in the bank in advance.

What's the point? The fact is that during the grace period you use funds within credit limit, and you receive income from interest on the deposit account. Before the end of the grace period, you will need to repay the main debt on the card - in this case, interest is not accrued for using borrowed funds, but you regularly receive interest from the deposit.

Of course, you won’t be able to earn millions using the method discussed, but you will earn a pretty penny (the size of a penny depends on the size of your income). A small but nice bonus for purchasing something!

Earning money by cashing credit cards

By using It’s difficult to earn credit cards by cashing out, but it’s possible. To do this, you need to output credit funds in cash or transfer them to another account and put them on deposit. This option is not suitable for all borrowers, but if you have a lot of credit cards and a decent limit is set on them, you can try. The scheme is controversial, therefore, in order not to make a mistake, first carefully study the proposed conditions, calculate all the interest, find monthly profitable deposits and only then act.

How to make money on bank cards and financial transactions: main ways

Above we looked at the main ways to make money on credit cards. Visa and Mastercard. But there are other options - not so profitable, but simpler and quite workable. Among them:

  1. Cash back function- that is, the return of a certain percentage of the money spent on purchases. Most credit cards from the most famous banks have cash back ( Tinkoff, Sberbank, Uralsib and so on), but the conditions offered are different - so compare and clarify. You will receive the most bonuses if you choose the product that best suits you - after all, some of us spend money mainly on groceries, some on equipment, and some on online games. If you're interested in a "special" product, you'll just have to spend a little more time searching for it, but the effort will pay off. All you have to do is pay for purchases with a credit card, which provides a refund of a certain percentage of the amount spent. Usually it is not very large and amounts to 0.5-3%, but there are more profitable options.
  2. affiliate program– you will need to attract new clients. Some banks like Avangard and Tinkoff offer such programs to their clients. Let's say you bring a friend, he, on your recommendation, issues a credit card, and the bank pays you an incentive in the established amount. It's a small thing, but it's nice!
  3. Co-branding cards– in their pure form they do not bring income, but they allow you to save a lot on loyalty programs. The point of using this product is the following: you issue a card issued jointly by the bank and some other company, pay with it for purchases in partner stores, accumulate bonuses, which you can then exchange for goods or discounts (depending on the terms of the specific offer).
  4. Bonus cards– the principle of using them is approximately the same as the principle of using co-branded cards. Active customers accumulate points and receive gifts or discounts for them. Main difference bonus card from co-branding is its versatility, since in this case there is not one partner, but many, and, accordingly, there are also a huge number of discounts. The most “delicious” card in this category is Raiffeisen Raspberry.

Is it that simple? Namely, many credit card holders do not take advantage of these opportunities simply because they do not know about them. We also recommend that you very carefully study the terms of service of the selected product - commission, cost of various operations, insurance (whether there is one or not), and so on. The conditions of banks are very different - there are points in the contract marked with an asterisk that can reduce all your aspirations to earn money to zero. You also need to have a high level of organization and discipline - if you do not repay your debt on time, you will return all the bonuses from the program partners with more than interest to the bank.

Two main rules for using credit cards

So that the credit card brings you real income(even if not big), and not a headache and additional expenses:

  1. Do not withdraw cash from her or do so in exceptional cases. The bottom line is that the interest rate for withdrawing money from ATMs is high, and in addition, not all banks offer a grace period for cash withdrawals. That is, if you needed money, before withdrawing it from your credit card, you need to think a hundred times, measure it seven times and only then cut it off.
  2. The debt must be repaid without delay - otherwise you can forget about earning money.

And also, carefully (or rather, very carefully!) read the conditions for withdrawing money and repaying debt. The fact is that the free period can be 55 days, but the money must be returned within a month - otherwise you will have to pay a fee for using the card (about 200-300 rubles monthly). Many banks that offer free annual service have similar conditions. This does not mean that you cannot go into grace - you just need to be aware of this moment. Will the interest on the deposit be higher than the conventional 250 rubles for monthly maintenance? In this case, choose what is more profitable for you.

In order not to spend hard-earned money, but to earn banking and affiliate money, you will need:

  1. Find a card with free service, accrual of miles, cashbacks and other bonuses. An income deposit should also be selected carefully and preferably using a deposit calculator.
  2. Instead of SMS notifications, use online banking or mobile services.
  3. Forget that you can withdraw cash from a credit card - this is not profitable.
  4. Try to choose a high-status card - after all, the higher the status, the more interesting the income and bonuses. Yes, status cards require paid service, but sometimes it is more profitable to pay for it and use the benefits provided within the program than to save on both service and bonuses.
  5. If it is a deposit, then it is preferable to be replenished and with a high return. The deposit amount should not exceed 1.4 million - that is, the figure that is protected by the deposit insurance system.


In this material, we used a number of terms that may not be clear to all credit card owners:

  • Grace– this is the grace period. Usually it is 55 days. The use of borrowed funds during the grace period is conditionally free (conditionally, because not all transactions are eligible for grace).
  • Credit limit – the amount available to you on a credit card. The bank sets it individually, taking into account wages, credit history and other factors. Much depends on the policy of a particular institution.
  • Annual maintenance – the amount you will have to pay for servicing the credit card. There are free products.
  • Cashback– return of a certain percentage of the total purchase amount.
  • SMS notification– almost all notifications are paid, you can refuse them.
  • Insurance– Banks rarely insure credit cards, but anything can happen. For the client, obtaining insurance is an additional expense.