How much do real estate letting agents earn? How much do elite realtors earn? What are the salaries of realtors in other cities of Russia?

The earnings of realtors in Moscow are legendary. After all, even the cheapest apartment in the Russian capital costs at least 5 million rubles, and the commission of real estate agencies ranges from 3 to 5%. What can we say about the de luxe and premium segments, where the cost of apartments starts from $1 million. That is, even according to the most conservative estimates, the commission of an elite agency is 30-40 thousand dollars. The amount is certainly impressive, but it is worth considering that this is not net profit, but only income that must first be divided between the partners in the transaction, then deduct from it the costs of advertising, office rent and much more. Elite.RU magazine, having surveyed the owners of five agencies, calculated the average profitability of real estate companies operating in the luxury housing segment.

Real estate agency commission.

In the segment of expensive urban real estate, the commission percentage usually ranges from 3 to 5%. In rare cases it can reach 6%. The most low interest Real estate agencies earn in the commercial real estate segment (1-2%), the highest in suburban real estate (3-10%).

Counterparty's share.

From 30 to 50% of the amount received by the agency representing the interests of the seller is transferred to counterparties - partners who brought the buyer. As a rule, if an agency partner is a private person, then he can only claim 30%, maximum 40%. Real estate agencies are only willing to give half of what they earn legal entities, the same agencies.

It is worth clarifying that in 99% of cases, only the seller pays the commission to realtors. The logic in this is simple: the buyer is already parting with a significant amount when purchasing an apartment. And besides, lately there have been many sellers on the market and above, but few buyers. On average, there are 5-10 sellers per buyer. However, this was not always the case. In the 90s of the last century, there was almost no quality housing on the capital market. And at that time, realtors took 5-6% from home sellers, and in addition - 2-4% from the buyer.

Agent's commission.

The main share of the income of realtors working in real estate agencies comes from percentages of completed transactions. The fixed salary of agents is extremely small: as a rule, it rarely exceeds 30 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, in elite real estate agencies, realtors still receive a small fixed salary, while the earnings of realtors in the economy class consist only of percentages. It also happens the other way around, but extremely rarely.

As for the real estate commission, in the elite segment it is 20-40% of the amount received by the agency (hereinafter, we consider 100% the amount received by the seller’s real estate agency without taking into account the counterparty’s share). Commission varies depending on the availability and size of a fixed salary, personal financial plan and many other reasons. For example, where the client came from: if “one of our own”, the agent’s interest is significantly higher.

An experienced agent “closes” 3-4 transactions in six months. There are “stars” in this area, who often earn more than company owners. Their income can be up to 80-100 thousand dollars a month, but there are certainly only a few realtors of this level. On average, the monthly salary of an agent working in the luxury real estate segment is 100-180 thousand rubles per month, in the mass market - 40-120 thousand per month.

Marketing costs.

Typically, 10-15% of an agency's income is spent on marketing. First of all, this is advertising of objects, as well as image advertising of the agency itself. In addition, large companies actively participate in various real estate exhibitions, special awards, etc.


Office rent accounts for 10-15% of income; in rare cases, if a company pays a lot of attention to its image, these expenses can reach 20%.


This expense item includes the fixed salary of agents (if any), as well as payment of management personnel and office employees - department heads, secretaries, marketers, PR managers, programmers, system administrators, lawyers. As a rule, these costs do not exceed 15% of the company's income; in rare cases, it reaches 20%. It is worth noting that wages and office costs, as a rule, correlate with the size of the agent’s remuneration: the higher they are in the company, the lower the percentage of realtors.


The average profitability of a real estate agency is 10-15%. However, realtors note, it doesn’t change from year to year: in a falling market it can drop to zero, and in a good year it can reach 20-25%.

The real estate industry is in constant “movement” - someone is buying a new home, while others are saying goodbye to their old one. And not everyone knows the legal aspects of transactions for the purchase/sale of land, a house or an apartment, which means they need the help of a specialist. And despite the additional costs, the services of a realtor today are in great demand among those who want to change their place of residence. However, there are many other opinions - that real estate specialists are “eating their bread in vain.” But be that as it may, there are a lot of advertisements in the newspaper and on the Internet for recruiting employees for real estate agencies. How much does a realtor earn? And is his life so cloudless - maybe his nerves are more valuable?

It is unlikely that at least one professional who successfully conducts business in the real estate market will specifically answer the “inconvenient” question about the level of his salary. The reason is banal - in this area you can earn 1000 rubles this month, and in another - 100,000 rubles.

Why are newbies attracted to working as a realtor?

Many newcomers to the hunt for easy money are trying to figure out how to find a job as a realtor. This is also encouraged by the abundance of available vacancies from different agencies for this position. Moreover, the requirements set by the employer are almost always minimal - secondary education and excellent communication skills.

Forums and thematic websites are full of advertisements for the purchase/sale of real estate - an unplowed field of work. It turns out that there is a demand for the service. And where there is customer interest, there will be income. That's why many people strive to get into this field.

Working as a realtor in an agency seems easy for beginners for several reasons:

  • A real estate specialist can set his own working hours - as a rule, agencies do not “regulate” its duration.
  • Knowing how to work as a realtor on your own, you can “earn extra money” by supporting transactions not as a representative of a real estate company, but as a private individual.
  • If you master all the intricacies of the matter, you can really earn a lot. The percentage of just one transaction is sometimes equal to the monthly salary of a school teacher. What if there are several such transactions?
  • There are plenty of real estate agencies in every city. And if you don’t like it in one place, you can always go to another employer.

Have you already started looking for information on where to start working as a realtor? Take your time and evaluate the main disadvantages of the profession.

There are also enough of them:

  • Irregular working hours are not always good. Today you are free by lunchtime, and tomorrow you will have to show clients the apartment for sale late in the evening.
  • It is better to work as a real estate specialist for those who have personal transport. You can't travel much on buses and trolleybuses, considering that the objects may be located outside the city.
  • High incomes are not always the case – the trend is constant. It also happens that not a single deal is concluded in a month.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of working as a realtor and having clearly made a decision, you can begin searching for a vacant position.

What indicators make up a realtor's income?

A realtor's income is variable and often depends on fluctuations in the real estate market. You shouldn’t count on hundreds of thousands of income without gaining the proper experience - everything has its time. When going to work in this field, keep in mind that the salary level will vary.

How much realtors actually earn depends on the following factors:

  1. Interest rate on the transaction. The percentage can be calculated based on the footage of the object, or it can be fixed. Rates are different everywhere, and in some regions there are no rates at all. But not all the proceeds from the purchase/sale transaction go directly to the realtor - 20-50% is taken by the company for which he works.
  2. Market segment. How much interest a realtor receives from a transaction will also depend on the type of real estate with which he works. Economy-class housing costs much less than luxury cottages, which means your earnings will be lower. But selling luxury houses and apartments is very difficult - a completely different category of consumers that requires a certain approach.
  3. Region of work. It is clear that Moscow realtors earn more than specialists from the region - the cost of real estate is higher here, which means that the percentage received varies upward.
  4. Experience. A novice realtor, due to lack of experience, will receive less than a specialist who has been working in this field for a long time. A real professional already has an established client base and useful connections, which attracts sellers and buyers of real estate to him.
  5. “Part-time jobs.” Every experienced realtor also serves private clients - “bypassing” the company for which he works. And this significantly increases his profits.
  6. Brand recognition. How much you can earn on average as a realtor will also depend on the company for which he works. A popular brand always attracts customers, and therefore profits.

There are many factors influencing the income of specialists. But it is possible to highlight averaged data. The average salary of a realtor in 2016 in Russia ranges from 50,000-60,000 rubles/month. Very encouraging indicators, right? But compared to 2013, the average income of realtors has decreased slightly - previously this figure was 75,000 rubles per month. Average data cannot fully show exactly what kind of income a specialist in this field can have. For example, the average salary of a realtor in Moscow and the region is 50,000 rubles/month. But in the Krasnodar Territory, specialists receive, according to analysts, around 100,000 rubles per month.

Salary levels vary. But one thing is clear - by successfully making at least 4-6 transactions a month, you can safely ensure a comfortable existence for yourself!

How are foreign real estate specialists doing with their salaries? Everything is even more colorful here. According to statistics, the average income level of local realtors fluctuates around 55,000-60,000 euros/year, which, recalculated at the current exchange rate, is ≈3,500,000 rubles/year.

Which skills will bring you more income?

Not satisfied with how much a realtor earns in Moscow? This is not a reason to give up and look for another field of activity - you can learn everything!

Highly qualified specialists who have been working in real estate for a long time really like the work they do. Of course, they are satisfied with the income. But these are professionals with a capital “P”, who know this area inside and out.

In order to make a sufficient number of transactions to obtain high incomes, you will have to master many issues. And how to become a successful real estate realtor?

What nuances need to be studied?

  • Legal aspects of transactions. Mortgage, maternal capital, military certificates - all of these documents are often used to purchase a home and require certain legal knowledge. Clients have many questions related to the legal side of the transaction - and they need to know the answer to each of them.
  • Market. It is worth accustoming yourself to weekly viewing of the dynamics of the real estate market. Especially now, when there is a crisis in the country, you need to be on alert, instantly reacting to the ever-changing demand and purchasing power.
  • Locality. It is impossible to find good housing for a client without knowing the areas of the city. Quiet neighborhoods, business centers, luxury developments - you need to know what to offer the client.

You can know literally everything, but still achieve nothing. Therefore, we will put the ability to communicate with people at the forefront. It is communication skills that influence the salary of realtors. When searching for a home or selling it, it is important for a specialist to become a comrade for his client, guiding him, advising him and warning him. A realtor must be able to sell. This does not mean that you need to “sell” illiquid assets everywhere (although this often has to be done) - it is important to be able to present even the disadvantages of living space as advantages. The highest level of skill! This is what you should strive for! A ?

The profession of a realtor has always been considered promising, and most importantly highly paid. There are legends about the earnings of realtors, as if their salaries amount to tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Isn’t that why the realtor profession is getting younger from year to year, replenished with young and active personnel who want to have decent money today and now.

Is this really true? How much does a realtor earn today, what does his salary depend on?

It is important to understand that realtors do not have wages in the usual sense of the word, that is, there are no salaries as such in this profession. Earnings depend on the number of transactions carried out during the month. Therefore, a realtor’s income largely depends on himself, on the person’s professional skills and personal qualities. After all, the profession of a realtor requires high returns in the field of jurisprudence, law, psychology, not to mention analytical skills, knowledge of banking credit programs, knowledge of the real estate market, the ability to convince, tell, find and present in the best option object, etc. All these skills do not come immediately, but only with experience and the desire to learn this difficult art. Therefore, young people, dreaming of how to make money as a realtor large incomes, you must be aware that a realtor’s income directly depends on many factors, including personal skills and luck.

A realtor’s earnings primarily depend on the level and reputation of the real estate agency in which the realtor works. Training from professionals with a good reputation, combined with personal effort, will bring positive results much faster than working in a little-known real estate agency or alone. Earning a reputation as a single realtor is much more difficult than working in a team that has long proven itself.

How much do realtors earn? It also depends on the region. In general, the realtor earns a certain percentage of the transaction. It is clear that the larger the transaction amount, the higher the realtor’s personal income. In capital cities, where housing is more expensive, you can earn much more.

A realtor's income is a commission on the amount of income of a real estate agency for a transaction carried out directly by the realtor. On average in Russia, real estate agencies set a commission of 3-6% of the transaction amount. Of this, the realtor’s personal income in various agencies ranges from 30 to 50% of the amount total income transaction agencies. Simple arithmetic calculations will allow you to calculate how much on average a realtor can earn from a transaction if an apartment is sold, for example, for 300 thousand dollars. Even one such transaction per month will satisfy the salary requirements of many top managers.

But the question arises: how often does a realtor manage to carry out a deal of this level? As mentioned above, the region in which the real estate agency operates is of decisive importance. The level of housing prices, as is known, depends on the region, on the prestige of the area, on the degree of elite housing. Obviously, the cost of housing in Moscow is not comparable to the cost of housing in a remote provincial town.

How much does a realtor earn in Moscow?, is interesting to many who are looking for work and don’t mind coming to Moscow to earn money. If we talk about Moscow, then a novice realtor can count on a personal income in the range of 20-25 thousand rubles per month. But these are only starting numbers, the growth of which depends on the growth of the young broker’s professional skills, personal qualities and “Lady Luck”.

Today there is no need to talk about any stability in the income of a real estate agent. In the work of a realtor, it is more appropriate to talk about average annual earnings. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that no matter what region a realtor works, his income is the result of painstaking work that requires daily dedication, concentration of forces, high personal communication skills, and the ability to use modern information technologies.

It's hard to predict how much does a realtor earn in Moscow. The only thing we can say for sure is that month to month is not the same even with an experienced broker. Some people manage to carry out up to 5 transactions a month, while others have difficulty carrying out only one. On the other hand, you can work on an expensive order for more than one month, but if it is successfully completed, the income of the agency, as well as the agent, will be very impressive.

On average, according to thematic surveys on Internet sites about the level of wages real estate agents, the income of experienced Moscow realtors is in the range of 100-120 thousand per month. In regional areas, these figures will be an order of magnitude lower - 10-15 thousand per month.

A realtor's earnings can fluctuate depending on the complexity of the transaction. For example, an urgent sale can be assessed at higher rates, and the realtor’s percentage depends on what specific role the realtor played in this transaction. If the broker accompanied the transaction completely from start to finish, then the percentage of his earnings will be higher.

It’s unlikely that anyone needs to explain what the profession of a realtor is. If you have at least once in your life felt the need to rent or rent out an apartment, sell a residential or commercial property, then you know very well exactly how these specialists work. It can also be mentioned that 90 percent of all advertisements in one way or another related to renting, buying, selling, and other real estate transactions published in the press, online, and other media are placed by these kind people.

A realtor is an intermediary between two parties to a transaction, who, if the transaction is successful, receives a certain percentage of the amount paid by the buyer or tenant. Stable monthly salaries are quite rare in this profession, which can be called a serious disadvantage. On the other hand, the income of such an intermediary is practically unlimited and depends solely on his diligence, hard work and ability to bring together parties interested in the acquisition, sale, rental or rental of any real estate.

How much does a realtor earn in Moscow?

A realtor's income is a secret behind seven locks. Even the intermediaries themselves are very reluctant to answer the question: what is their salary, and what does the monthly profit consist of? Therefore, in order to get at least an approximate calculation of its profit, you have to turn to experts who have significant experience in this business or in cooperation with numerous real estate agencies.

According to these same experts, the profit of a metropolitan realtor from one purchase and sale transaction can be approximately 4-7 percent. Considering the unrealistically high prices for real estate in Moscow, this can be called a very decent income. Moreover, the amount of commission may change upward, depending on the factors listed below:

  • housing liquidity. If the apartment is located in areas of Moscow that are significantly removed from the center, if there are a number of problems with transport and social infrastructure, then selling such housing is much more difficult. Consequently, the realtor’s income will be significantly higher;
  • urgency of the transaction. Many homeowners who need money set a condition for selling in a short time - literally one and a half or two months. In such conditions, the intermediary's commission also increases;
  • participation in the transaction by the realtor himself. If he not only found a buyer for housing or commercial real estate, but also provided documentary support for the purchase and sale process, then profits will increase sharply.

If we talk about services such as daily or long-term rental housing, here the average profit of a realtor is much less, despite sometimes completely extortionate commissions ranging from 50 to 100 percent of the transaction amount. This is explained simply: those who want to rent an inexpensive and comfortable apartment try to find it on their own, diligently avoiding intrusive intermediary services.

The most profitable real estate properties for a realtor

So, we have decided that the most profitable transactions for realtors are purchase and sale transactions of a wide variety of real estate. In St. Petersburg or Moscow, they can bring the most active intermediaries from 100 to 350 thousand rubles. Real professionals may well receive more than 1 million per month, but for this, activity alone will not be enough. In other cities, this amount is much less, but there are also opportunities for substantial earnings in the southern regions - in Krasnodar, the Caucasus, Crimea and the periphery.

A real goldmine for both real estate agencies and independent realtors is economy-class housing. It is precisely this that today is accessible to almost all segments of the population and is in maximum demand. Low cost, in comparison with business-class apartments or prestigious cottages, does not mean anything for intermediaries, since they benefit from a larger number of completed transactions.

How much does a real estate agent earn?

Intermediaries working in specialized agencies (the majority of them, since it is very, very difficult to start independent activities in this area) receive approximately 25-35 percent of the commission. The exact amount depends on the company's reputation, its status in the market, and the segment in which it operates.

When the question arises about buying, selling or renting real estate, very often people turn to specialists in this field - realtors. This is a private person who works for himself or in a real estate agency and acts as an intermediary between the two parties to the transaction.

Broker income by country

According to data from open vacancies on recruiting portals, the average salary of a realtor in Russia is 50 thousand rubles.

Minimum earnings intermediary per month 20 thousand rubles.

Real maximum realtor salary in the country 500 thousand rubles. per month.

Average realtor salaries by region of Russia (thousands/rub.):

  • Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Rostov regions, Khabarovsk Territory - 70;
  • Volgograd, Tyumen region, Republic of Tatarstan - 60;
  • Krasnodar region - 55;
  • Perm region, Kirov region - 50.

The most vacancies in this specialty are open in the following regions of the country:

  • Moscow region - 21.5;
  • Krasnodar Territory - 10.1%;
  • Rostov region - 3.9%.

In practice, a realtor's salary is calculated in the form percent from the concluded deal. Therefore, how much such a specialist earns depends on his business skills, communication skills and activity.

Profit of a real estate intermediary in different cities of Russia

  1. Moscow. In the capital, brokers earn much more than their colleagues in other cities. This is due to the fact that in Moscow the cost of real estate is much higher and realtors charge 1-2% more of the transaction value. Thus, the average figure for a realtor’s salary in Moscow can vary between 51-301 thousand rubles/month. It is worth noting that in Moscow for 2017 and this year, salaries by profession have not changed significantly.
  2. Saint Petersburg. The average salary of a realtor in St. Petersburg is slightly less than their metropolitan counterparts and amounts to 100-200 thousand rubles. per month.
  3. Sochi. The salary level of a realtor in Sochi ranges from 50-180 thousand rubles.
  4. Novosibirsk It all depends on the activity of the broker and the number of transactions completed; the salary of a realtor in Novosibirsk is approximately 23-200 thousand rubles. The same earnings are promised to intermediaries in Rostov-on-Don.
  5. Ekaterinburg. As of 2018, the salary of a realtor in Yekaterinburg is 40-60 thousand rubles.
  6. Salaries in the amount of 30-150 thousand rubles. get a broker Tyumen.
  7. In Saratov, Krasnodar, Omsk Realtors' income can be 15-100 thousand.
  8. The lowest salaries for intermediaries are in the following cities: Belgorod, Orenburg, Penza and amounts to 25-70 thousand rubles.

Real estate agent vacancies and profits

According to the website russia.trud employers offer the following vacancies and salaries for realtors:

  • Real estate agency " Moscow Nights“Moscow offers 50% of the transaction commission. We are ready to hire without work experience, but the applicant must have qualities such as activity, determination, communication skills, and stress resistance.
  • Rostov-on-Don. Real estate agency " Landlord” will hire a person with 1 to 3 years of experience. At the same time, they offer 50-80% of the commission, advanced training at various lectures and master classes, payment for advertising and mobile communications.
  • IACN “ Heritage” is looking for people to work in an office in Krasnodar. Promises up to 80% of the deal, an average of 30 thousand rubles. They provide a customer base, pay for advertising and provide legal support.
  • AN “ Your home“The figure for the proposed payment is 45-80 thousand rubles, 40-80% of the commission amount. The office is located in Rostov-on-Don. The applicant must have experience in this field and have a number of qualities: punctuality, dedication, activity, sociability.

Remuneration by profession in other countries

  • Germany. An employee in this field on average can receive a salary of 2.5-4.6 thousand euros, which translated into rubles is approximately 150-270 thousand rubles. For real estate values ​​up to 15 million euros, the commission percentage is 3.5-7.
  • Broker's salary and percentage of the deal during France depends on the value of the property. The more expensive, the less percentage the realtor receives. If the cost is up to 50 thousand euros - 8%, 50-120 thousand - 7%, 120-200 thousand - 6.5%, 200-500 thousand - 6%, 500 thousand-1 million - 5% , if the cost is above 1 million euros, then the percentage of remuneration is 4.5.
  • IN Great Britain A very small percentage of the transaction that the broker receives is only 1.5-2%. If the property is very expensive, then the realtor receives only 0.5%.
  • IN Spain a realtor can receive a salary as a percentage of the transaction in the amount of 1.5-5, but there is also a fixed remuneration of 6 thousand euros, this is in the case of inexpensive properties.
  • USA. A realtor receives 5-6% if the value of the property is no more than $1 million. If higher, then the percentage drops to 4-4.5.
  • Kazakhstan. Average salaries are 157 thousand tenge. Maximum salary 488 thousand tenge. Minimum - 65 thousand.
  • IN Belarus salary varies between 341-2889 rubles. The average figure is 778 rubles.
  • Ukraine. The realtor's salary is 4500-50000 UAH. On average - 9700 UAH.

Factors influencing the income of a real estate intermediary:

  • The cost of the property. For example, an apartment in the capital is much more expensive than in a small town. Naturally, if you receive a commission from a transaction in the amount of 2-5%, your earnings will differ significantly.
  • Renowned realtor and real estate agency. In an agency with a good reputation, employees receive higher salaries, the figure is approximately 200-300 thousand. But employees of little-known companies can receive 10 times less.
  • The problem of real estate. When selling secondary housing, there are often problems with the number of owners and their shares, and other problems with documents.
  • Private realtor or agency employee. A private realtor, after concluding a transaction, receives his 4-6%, while a broker working in an agency must share, he receives on average only 35% of the commission when completing a transaction. Therefore, before you get a job, you need to know how to calculate the salary of a realtor in a real estate agency. After concluding a deal and receiving a commission, the agency pays a certain percentage of the transaction fee. The percentage is different everywhere and can be from 25% to 80%.
  • Types of real estate. Income depends on what property the intermediary works with. A commission of 3-5% for a transaction with luxury or business class housing is a very good amount. The most high interest rates when selling suburban real estate - 3-10%.


There is very little information about salaries in the work of realtors; the salary mainly depends on the specialist himself. The more transactions he makes, the more salary will receive.