Features of investing money in investment and commemorative coins. Commemorative and investment coins. What is profitable to invest in?

Investing in precious metal coins. All the pros and cons

When visiting some bank branches, a beautifully illuminated stand with various coins and bars catches your eye. Looking at this magnificence, many wondered what kind of coins these are, why are they needed, is it more of an aesthetic product or can one make money on it? Indeed, you can earn income from these coins, as well as save your capital from depreciation. Despite this, coins are not purchased in large volumes by investors, since they have their own investment characteristics. The desire of investors is not only to preserve their savings, but also to increase them.

Unfortunately, deposits now bring only nominal income rather than real income, since deposit rates are below the inflation rate. Based on this, people are looking for a stable and reliable source of savings and accumulation. Bullion coins are one such investment option. They are available not only to large VIP investors, but also to ordinary ordinary citizens with small capital, since the cost of one coin on average reaches 8-30 thousand rubles.

What are bullion coins?

These are coins made from pure precious metal. The most common items are made of gold and silver. Investors prefer to use them to preserve and increase their capital. In our country, investment coins are issued by the Central Bank in large quantities, have a simple design and are minted using simplified technology. The denomination of a coin may differ from its real value, since its price is determined by the amount of metal spent.

Since 2011, coins have ceased to be subject to VAT, which has increased their attractiveness for investment. You can buy coins in banks. The main distributor is Sberbank, selling more than a million coins per year. Coins are sold in special capsules. This protects the coin from damage or environmental influences. Coin quotes are set on a daily basis. Current information about coins and values ​​is located on the Central Bank website in the “Coins and Banknotes” section.

How to buy an investment coin?

The purchase does not present any special difficulties or restrictions. To become the owner of a coin, you need to go to a bank branch, select the copy you are interested in, present your passport and conclude a purchase agreement. The bank has no restrictions on the number of coins purchased or the purchase amount. The buyer decides for himself how and where to store the purchased coins. When storing, it is important to remember that the slightest defect or damage to a coin leads to a loss of its value or the bank’s refusal to allow further redemption. There is also a spread between the purchase and sale prices - the difference. The principle reminds exchange rate– sold for more, bought back for less. So, having bought a coin for 20 thousand rubles in one day, you can only sell it back to the bank at a discount.

You can purchase coins not only from a bank, but from specialized companies. It’s worth saying right away that the risk of purchasing a fake in the second case is greater. Experts recommend purchasing coins exclusively from banks.

The first investment coin is the African Krugerrand, issued in 1967. In Russia, the most popular coins are “St. George the Victorious” with a face value of 50 rubles. 2006-10 release, “Chervonets” 1975-82, “Winter Olympic Games 2014”, etc.

What is the essence of investing in coins?

Essentially, metal is bought here. Some will say that metal can also be bought in ingots. However, unlike bullion, which is subject to VAT, coins are an exception. It will also be easier to sell a coin than an ingot. Investment coins have high liquidity and will not lose their value over time. True, this investment is designed for the long term. Short-term investors should not use this instrument. Investing in bullion coins is an investment in a precious metal that increases in value over time. It is important to maintain the original quality of the coin so that it does not become unprofitable for the investor.

Before buying investment coins, it is worth remembering that it is unlikely that you will be able to receive income in the near future. To earn money you will have to wait a long time, which is calculated in years. To make a serious investment, you need to competently analyze the state of the market and be able to predict its movement. The price of precious metals changes more slowly than we would like. The only way to quickly recoup your investment is to use an artistic or numismatic component. Some collectors are ready to pay a decent amount for the coins missing from their collection. With well-chosen coins from limited collections, you can make a good profit in a couple of years. The main thing is to be able to understand what will be valued by numismatists in the future.

How to store coins?

To sell a coin profitably, you need to preserve it well. Since the shelf life sometimes reaches several years, it is worth taking care of the storage location. This can be a closet or safe, dry, without direct sunlight, without sudden temperature fluctuations, without the presence of chemicals. All this can ruin the coin, for example, the metal can enter into a chemical reaction. Of course, the coin should not have mechanical damage, chips, or dents. Typically, coins are sold in specially prepared capsules that protect them from external influences, so they should not be removed from them.

In any economic conditions, favorable growth or crisis, people tend to think about how to save and increase their savings. One of the alternatives to bank deposits can be investment coins made of gold or other precious metals - their price is close to the cost of the material, and the absence of VAT on the transaction makes the purchase profitable. But they will be attractive in investment terms only if two conditions are met - a constant increase in their value and good liquidity.

What are investment coins

Investment coins are understood as special monetary units issued Central Bank a certain country, and intended not for cash payments, but for investing money. In many cases, such coins are formally marked with a denomination, but it has nothing to do with the actual value of the coin. For example, the “Zodiac Signs” series, released by the Central Bank of Russia in 2005, has a denomination of 25 rubles, despite the fact that purchasing these 3.11 gram gold coins from Sberbank will cost the buyer 10,490 rubles each.


Traditionally, bullion coins indicate the content of precious metals, and this indicator is more important than the denomination of the monetary unit. It allows you to very accurately determine the real price of a coin and its size is a multiple of a troy ounce - the international weight of precious metals (denoted as “oz”, equal to 31.1 grams). For example, the most popular gold investment coin in our country, “St. George the Victorious” (4,250,000 pieces of 50-ruble denomination were issued), contains an inscription on the obverse indicating the content of 7.78 grams (1/4 troy ounce) of 999 fine metal.

Central banks of other countries are also actively issuing investment coins, for example, the Canadian “Maple Leaf” has several denominations from 1 to 50 Canadian dollars(the largest coin contains 1 ounce of gold and, as of the end of September 2019, sells for 80,600 rubles). Other popular samples include “Chinese Panda” (1 oz, 82,350 rubles) and the American “Golden Eagle” (1 oz, 80,600 rubles).

Silver hoarding coins

Along with gold, silver is also actively used for the manufacture of investment coins. For example, the Russian “Silver Sable”, with a weight of 1 oz and a 3-ruble denomination, is sold for 1,550 rubles. “St. George the Victorious”, “Maple Leaf”, “Chinese Panda” (1 oz, prices in order - 1,390, 1,400, 2,100 rubles) also have silver versions. In addition to silver and gold, platinum and palladium are used for investment coins.

Distinctive features

Along with investment coins, a variety of commemorative samples made of precious metals have become widespread today (for example, the domestic gold series “Winter Sports” or “Save Our World”), which can be very similar in appearance. But at the same time, commemorative options are intended for numismatists and have the appropriate quality of coinage and design.

The principle of determining the value of a coin

If you ask at what price you can buy gold coins today, the price difference immediately becomes noticeable. For example, for 1/4 oz samples the following indicators will differ from each other by 2-3 times:

  • investment coin “St. George the Victorious” – 19,950 rubles;
  • commemorative “Eugene Onegin” - 34,500 rubles;
  • commemorative “Arbitration Courts” – 63,000 rub.

Having placed investment and commemorative coins side by side for comparison, it is easy to notice the minimized design in the first case - for investment coins the emphasis is on the amount of precious metal. Commemorative samples, on the contrary, in addition to containing precious metal, emphasize colorful design, embodying artistic and numismatic value.

Coinage quality

The difficulty of making a coin from precious metals largely depends on the quality of the coinage, and this largely determines its final cost. For safety, such samples can be packaged in a special capsule made of transparent plastic. There are two main types of coinage:

  • Uncirculated – used for samples of normal quality, except for investment ones, these can be standard change coins. In this case, the sample does not have a mirror surface, contrasting relief or complex pattern.
  • Proof is a minting for collectible coins, characterized by a polished mirror surface, pronounced relief and a complex pattern.


Millions of circulations of investment coins contrast very strongly with small issues of collectible samples. For some Russian commemorative coins, the mintage does not exceed 100 copies (for example, some samples from the “Geographical Series”), and rarity only increases its value. In this regard, gold or silver investment coins are much more affordable and will be easier to find on sale.

Reverse design

Since the production of investment coins involves minimizing costs to reduce the overall cost, the design of the reverse (obverse side) will be simple. Intended for investing money, such a coin will be distinguished by its simplicity and uncomplicated design. Essentially, this is the same gold bar, playing a similar role as an investment (it is interesting that the coin series for the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 have a characteristic rectangular shape).

Why is it profitable to invest in coins?

Talk about the benefits of this investment instrument should be done with great caution. Before you buy gold bullion coins (or silver, platinum, palladium), you need to learn a few simple rules:

  • The price dynamics on the domestic investment coin market strictly follows the global precious metals market, where there are ups and downs. For example, if in September 2000 1 oz of pure gold cost $300, then in September 2019 it cost $1,300.
  • Changes in quotes largely mean global economic processes. For this reason, you can buy gold investment coins in order to save your money, and not to receive income.
  • “Gold” investments can perform well in the long term (or in anticipation of global changes in social life, when the value of money supply). For short periods of time, the difference between the buying and selling rates may be insignificant.

No value added tax

In accordance with the Tax Code (TC), investment coins are sold without VAT, which significantly reduces their cost. It is precisely this factor that makes the purchase of coins attractive for investment, because if there was a value added tax, there would be much fewer people willing to buy gold coins with an 18 percent markup.

Features of taxation regarding personal income tax

There are some other nuances that future investors should definitely know about. Due to the fact that investment coins are property, according to Article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, their sale by an individual implies the payment of a tax of 13%. Wherein:

  • If investment coins belong to the owner for more than three years, then he is exempt from tax.
  • Having transferred personal income tax, the payer under Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation receives the right to property tax deduction in the amount received from sales (but not more than 250,000 rubles).

Dynamics of prices for precious metals

World gold prices largely determine how much you can get from selling investment coins in a bank. In this case, the owner’s income will not consist of changes in world prices, but from the difference in purchase and sale prices. The table shows the situation in the short term, and it shows that investment coins cannot always bring profit:

Name of investment coin, year of issue

Denomination, rubles

Selling price of the Bank of Russia as of October 2, 2012, rubles

Purchase price by Sberbank

as of October 2, 2017, rubles

Dynamics of change over 5 years, %

Dynamics of changes over 5 years, rubles

Golden chervonets (“Sower”), 1975-1982.

7.74 (gold)

"St. George the Victorious", 2006-2010, 2012

7.78 (gold)

"Sable", 1995

31.10 (silver)

"St. George the Victorious", 2009-2010.

31.10 (silver)

"Sochi-2014", 2011-2013

31.10 (silver)

"Sochi 2014",

7.78 (gold)

Bank spread

The bank’s benefit from trading investment coins lies in the spread - this is the difference between the purchase and sale prices. The spread depends on the metal (for silver it will be greater than for gold), and in some cases it can be tens of percent. The table complements the previous one, showing the cost of gold coins in Sberbank today and the existing spread:


Denomination, rubles

Sale price by Sberbank as of October 2, 2017, rubles

Purchase price by Sberbank as of October 2, 2017, rubles

Difference between sales and purchase prices, rubles


7.74 (gold)


7.78 (gold)

31.10 (silver)


31.10 (silver)

31.10 (silver)

7.78 (gold)

15.55 (gold)

Where to buy investment coins

Considering the prevalence of investment coins, acquiring them will not be difficult. Depending on the situation, one of the following options may be appropriate:

  1. When purchasing from a bank, the authenticity of investment coins is guaranteed by the status of the institution and documentary evidence (check). The disadvantage is that the prices are too high.
  2. Purchasing from a specialty store can be ideal in terms of price/quality ratio. These can also be online stores, but postage costs will increase the cost.
  3. In Moscow and other large cities, a good option would be to visit a collectors' club. Here you will be offered not only domestic samples from the catalog, but also American “Golden Eagles”, South African “Krugerrands”, and other investment coins.

Selling gold coins

Options for selling your “gold reserves” will be similar to places of purchase, while “by default” means sales at the bank. But given the not very convenient bank prices, it makes sense to pay attention to specialized stores. Selling a gold coin directly to individuals involves all the risks of such activities (including personal safety seller), but may be beneficial in terms of a higher price.

What affects the value of a coin

Since investment coins are produced in large quantities and with a minimum of artistic refinements, there will not be many factors determining the cost. The main ones include:

  • material (gold coins are more expensive than silver coins);
  • net weight (that is, precious metal content);
  • safety (small scratches are allowed, but no more).

Advantages and disadvantages of investing

Like any type of investment, investing in numismatic assets has its pros and cons. The positive aspects include:

  • ease of implementation - purchasing investment coins does not require special knowledge and they are sold in many places;
  • no VAT on purchases, making the price more affordable;
  • a well-thought-out denomination series that helps you choose the right price (for example, the Victorious investment coin is issued in denominations of 50 rubles for the gold version, and 3 rubles for the silver version);
  • investments acquire a “tangible” character – you can literally touch them, and at the same time they are very compact;
  • high liquidity of the material (especially gold) regardless of the economic system and political regime.

You don't have to look too deep to see flaws. The main disadvantages of investing money in investment coins:

  • tangible income is possible only in the very long term;
  • additional effort/cost is required to ensure secure storage;
  • coins with a damaged surface can greatly lose value;
  • a large spread making such an investment less effective;
  • difficulties with purchasing and selling a large number of coins - this is not possible in all banks/stores.

Investment coins of Russia

In addition to the coins presented in the comparative tables on price dynamics and spreads, the list of investment coins of the Bank of Russia includes other samples:

  • “Russian Ballet” series (gold, silver, palladium), 1993
  • Series “Zodiac Signs” (gold), 2002-2005.
  • “River Beaver” (gold), 100 rubles, 2008
  • "Story money circulation"(gold), 100 rubles, 2009


It is possible to achieve great success only if there is a stable increase in capital. Almost everyone does this, just in different manifestations. The most convenient way is to attach Money in promising areas in order to extract maximum income. This allows you to receive almost passive capital growth, and investing in coins is considered one of the popular methods. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to understand the specifics of this area, clearly understand the risks and advantages of investment coins and build a clear strategy of action. This is exactly what will be discussed next.

Features and concept of investment coins

Currently, there are many different coins that have a high value exceeding millions of rubles. However, they are collectible.

Bullion coins are made from precious metals and are purchased with the aim of obtaining further benefits by increasing the price of gold or silver. Their cost is as close as possible to the metals from which they are made. This is achieved due to its simple appearance, lack of features and complex elements. In addition, they are produced in large quantities. All these factors make them absolutely useless for numismatists. They are manufactured with one purpose - to provide an original and convenient investment opportunity. Carrying out a deep analysis, it becomes clear that buying such coins resembles a process and has much in common with and in the future allows you to receive a similar income.

Investment coins, unlike collectible coins, are primarily valued not for their beauty, rarity and historical significance, but for their precious component. Their cost directly depends on weight. The second factor is the technical condition of the product. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure careful storage and protect the investment item from mechanical damage.

Terms of profit

Silver bullion coins, like gold ones, slowly rise in price. This is due to the financial stability of precious metals. On the one hand, this is a significant advantage, since it will not allow you to lose all your money. But from the point of view of profitability, this is a disadvantage, as it prevents quick resale and achievement of set goals.

In most cases, tangible income comes no earlier than three years later. The exception is the purchase of coins during a decline in prices and a sharp rise in price against the background economic factors. The likelihood of such an outcome is very low. Therefore, you need to focus on the long term.

Examples of popular coins

Russian banks offer a wide selection of this kind of coins. Their number and range is constantly expanding. Various images associated with memorable dates or great personalities can be minted on the obverse. In addition, they have different weights and materials of manufacture. It is the last two criteria that are key. Below are some examples:

  • Gold "Chervonets" issued in the USSR until 1982. Its total weight is 8.6 grams, of which 7.74 grams are pure gold.
  • George the Pobedonosets, who appeared in 2006, when the supply of Chervontsev began to run out. These coins have almost identical mass of pure gold. The difference is in hundredths of a gram. They are most popular among investors due to their optimal weight and, accordingly, affordable price.
  • Square coins dedicated to the 2014 Winter Olympics. The weight of pure gold can range from 7.78 to 15.55 grams. They ceased production in 2013, so they are relatively rare.
  • Judo-14. Gold coins weighing 1 kilogram. Accordingly, these specimens have a significant value exceeding several million rubles.

In addition, there are many other options, the availability of which can be checked on official websites and bank branches. Investing in coins should be done with the help of banks. Individuals may inflate real figures and offer fakes that are unsuitable for investment activities.

Positive sides

The high popularity of purchasing precious coins is due to a wide range of advantages that attract investors. The main ones are:

  1. Compact size, no storage problems. Small copies can be stored anywhere, including a home safe. This feature allows for easy transportation and hiding the investment item from prying eyes. For example, when buying gold investment coins, you can place tens of millions of rubles in a compact safe.
  2. Practicality. These coins do not require care from the owner. Each of them is stored in a special capsule, which reliably protects from scratches, dents and other damage that can occur even with careful use. The shell has a transparent structure and allows you to examine each element in great detail. Therefore, you should only open the capsule if absolutely necessary.
  3. Availability. To buy gold and silver coins, it is enough to have a passport and personal capital. The purchase is quick and hassle-free. It is worth noting that many people can purchase them, this is due to the presence of silver copies that have an acceptable price.
  4. Ease of sale. Get rid of precious monetary units and getting your investment capital back is very simple. Many banks are making purchases.
  5. Relatively low probability of incurring investment losses. The fact is that the main material is precious metal, which always has a high cost and demand. In the worst case scenario, you can get back most of your investment. At best, investing in coins will provide a significant increase in funds.
  6. Aesthetics. This method allows you not only to increase your existing capital, but also to get aesthetic pleasure from beautiful, highly valuable products.
  7. There is no need to worry about the well-being of the bank. Purchased coins are handed over to the owner. Therefore, unlike metal and cash accounts, bankruptcy or liquidation of a bank will not cause problems for the investor and will not entail losses.

To the general list, we can add that all transactions with coins are exempt from value added tax, which is a significant advantage over other types of investments.

Negative sides

Before you invest your entire budget in an investment business, you need to assess the existing risks. There are quite a few disadvantages, but in some cases they can play a key role. First of all, it is worth remembering the following points:

  1. You cannot be sure that coins made of precious metals will bring guaranteed profit. If the price of gold or silver decreases, you may suffer losses.
  2. Long term. As practice shows, precious metals are stable and gain in price very slowly. This means that such an investment must be made on long term. Only then can you make significant profits. The only exception is market instability, accompanied by sharp price changes.
  3. Banking policy. All banks sell coins at the same price, and buy them several percent cheaper. This difference results in certain monetary losses for investors. Therefore, in order to receive income, you need to wait for such an increase in the price of metal that can cover all costs and increase the investor’s capital.

The listed conditions indicate that investments in gold and silver coins should be made by those who are willing to wait a long time for a favorable moment for resale.

Investment stages

Investing money is a responsible step that requires an objective assessment and adherence to a clear algorithm of actions. The process of purchasing and obtaining subsequent benefits from investing in precious metal coins can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Determining the budget. It is very important to analyze what kind of investment return the investment can bring. For this purpose, the amount of initial capital is indicated. It is worth noting that small investments will not bring a tangible effect. This is due to the slow and slight increase in prices for precious metals.
  2. Cost accounting. You need to understand that there is a difference in the cost of buying and selling. Statistics show that gold bullion coins are more profitable in terms of resale.
  3. Setting goals. Each investor pursues a specific goal. This can be a rapid increase in capital or its preservation. In the case of coins, you need to understand that profit can only come after a few years, and its volume in the majority of cases does not exceed ten percent of the total investment. For those who hope to quickly increase their wealth several times, this method is not suitable.
  4. Coin selection. First, you need to conduct an analysis and understand which metal has acquired a stable upward trend in value in recent years, and which has fallen in price. For example, if silver has been steadily falling in price or staying the same for three years, then silver bullion coins would not be the best thing to buy. However, there are exceptions when there is a sharp and significant drop in price due to temporary political factors. This allows you to seize the moment and make a profitable purchase. Such sharp drops are most often short-term in nature and are accompanied by a subsequent rise in price.
  5. Regular monitoring. When gold coins are purchased, you need to constantly monitor changes in value. This is the only way to control the situation and sell the investment object at the maximum price.
  6. Buyer's choice. The bank is considered the most reliable buyer. In this case, the transaction takes place quickly and safely, but the purchase price may not suit some investors. Individuals sometimes offer more profitable terms, allowing you to get big income, but there is a possibility of becoming a victim of fraud. When making private transactions, you need to take care of both personal and legal security.
  7. Grade. An objective determination of cost can only be carried out by a specialist. The final price depends not only on the weight, but also on the visual condition. That is why you need to carefully store the jewelry.

By following the above procedure and following the basic recommendations, you can reduce risks and increase the likelihood of generating income.

No one is insured against losses, but it is worth making every effort to prevent this from happening, and investing funds will help improve financial condition. A few simple tips will help with this:

  • If the total value of coins exceeds 250 thousand rubles, they automatically receive property status. Therefore, a sale within the first three years of ownership will incur a tax of thirteen percent. For this reason, it is advisable to invest for a period of three years or more.
  • When choosing, pay attention to those copies that were produced in the smallest circulation. This can subsequently have a positive impact on the cost.
  • Do not open the protective capsule. Any scratches and deformation are reflected in the final cost, and therefore in the amount of profit.
  • It is recommended to buy precious coins only from reliable places. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing a fake.
  • When purchasing, you need to pay attention not to the total weight of the product, but to the mass of the precious metal contained.
  • The terms of purchase and sale may vary from bank to bank. Therefore, it is necessary to study all the offers and choose the most profitable one.
  • There is no need to make investments during a period of sharp rise in prices for precious metals. This will not generate income and will most likely result in further losses.
  • The decision to sell must be made quickly. Prices on the world market change every day, so there is practically no time to think.

In addition, you need to set yourself up for success and wait for the right moment. The right motivation and strategy is the first step to success.


Income from precious coins is achieved through profitable resale. This is a long process that takes several years and requires constant monitoring of gold and silver price indicators. It is advisable to make investments only for investors who have significant capital and do not seek to make a profit in short time. In other cases, it is recommended to consider other types of investment.

Video lecture:

Investing in precious metals has long been considered the privilege of wealthy people who own large amounts of savings and want to place them in a bank for a long time. Now the trends have changed somewhat. In recent years, there has been an increased interest on the part of the population in metal bars and bullion coins, while not all bank clients belong to the VIP category. On the contrary, coins are often purchased by older people in the hope of using them to create a family capital for their children and grandchildren. Gifts in the form of gold coins have become fashionable: they are presented to leaders, at the birth of a child, to newlyweds, etc. Banks, in turn, try to meet demand and constantly purchase appropriate “thematic” copies. How profitable are investments in precious metals, and what types of coins can be purchased in Russian banks? Let's try to answer these questions.

How can you use precious metal coins?

If you have visited Sberbank branches, then you have probably noticed more than once the brightly illuminated stands with beautiful coins and precious metals in bullion. Looking at all this, many of us had a thought - what are these coins for, what is their practical value and why do people buy them.

We will try to answer these questions, and start with the fact that each coin has its own denomination, expressed in the currency of a certain country. For example, a gold coin “Matsesta” weighing 1 kg, dedicated to the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014, has a face value of 10 thousand rubles (with a sales price of 2.4 million rubles) and anyone can pay for a purchase in a store with it (at face value) . It is clear that this is not worth doing, since its actual value is many times higher than its nominal value.

The peculiarity of coins made of precious metals is that they can either be bought from a bank (at the sale price) or sold back to the bank, and if you sell immediately after purchase, the price will be significantly lower and you will lose money. However, before approaching the issue of pricing, we will note the main uses of coins and understand their characteristics. So, coins made of precious metals can be used as:

  • gifts and souvenirs. As an example, we can cite coins whose release is timed to coincide with the coming Year of the Horse and the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. In addition, there are copies whose design is specially designed to congratulate a family on the birth of a baby, marriage, etc.;
  • collectibles. In recent years, in addition to ordinary, homogeneous coins, non-standard coins have become increasingly common on stands: with inserts of different precious metals, holograms, inlaid with precious stones or Swarovski crystals;
  • objects for investment.

In Russian banks you can purchase coins from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. From the general range, we can distinguish about 30 largest mints located in Niue, the Cook Islands, Australia, Tuvalu, Canada, France, Singapore, Malawi, Spain, Great Britain and other countries. In terms of price-quality ratio, products from Russian mints are especially popular. Next, we will talk about the main characteristics of precious metal coins, and whether it is worth investing in this segment.

Main characteristics of coins made of precious metals

All coins available for purchase in Russian banks can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Commemorative, or souvenir and gift items with high quality “proof” coinage, a perfectly smooth surface and a complex reverse design, produced in limited quantities. Their price is higher compared to other types.
  2. Investment coins, minted in the usual “uncirculated” quality. The cost of such a sample is as close as possible to the price of the precious metal it contains. Most often, the circulation of investment coins exceeds tens of thousands; they are produced in several “sizes” (the picture is the same, but the weight of the metal is different). For their production, gold up to 999 purity is usually used.

When purchasing a coin of any type and quality, the buyer is issued a certificate of authenticity and a cash document, which must indicate the type of precious metal, weight, fineness, denomination, as well as the complete set. As a rule, coins are sold in their original packaging, while the net weight, fineness and weight may not be indicated on the product itself, only the issuing country and denomination. All other parameters are at the request of the manufacturer.

So, we come to the most important question about the possibilities of making money by investing in coins made of precious metals. Let's try to figure out how profitable these investments are and what risks are associated with them.

The feasibility of investing in coins – is there any benefit?

As we have already said, banks offer their clients two types of coins - investment and commemorative. Accordingly, based on this classification, we can assume that the best results come from investing in investment items. Let's check if this is actually true.

Let the investment metal be gold, so to assess the effectiveness of our investments we will use the discount price of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (depending on world prices for gold), and as of November 27, 2013 it is equal to 1326.53 per gram of metal.

Next, consider an example of purchasing a gold investment coin “Talisman Bear” (mint quality “uncirculated”) weighing 15.55 grams and face value 100 Russian rubles. In Sberbank on November 27, 2013 they will sell it to you for 30,100 rubles or 1,935.69 rubles per gram, which exceeds the discount price of the Central Bank by 45.9%. Moreover, if you suddenly decide to sell the coin, the Sberbank purchase price will be 21,700 rubles or 1,395.5 rubles per gram of gold (5.2% higher than the discount price).

The next step is to evaluate the effectiveness of investing in commemorative coins and to do this, consider the example of purchasing a gold copy belonging to the Sochi - 2014 series, called “Hockey-14” (minting quality “proof”:), with a denomination of 50 rubles. and weighing 7.78 grams. Sberbank's selling price is 17,200 rubles or 2,210.8 rubles per gram of gold (66.66% higher than the discount price), the purchase price is 11,100 rubles or 1,426.74 per gram (7.55% higher than the discount price).

And in conclusion, we present the cost of purchase and sale of the most popular gold investment coin “St. George the Victorious” (mint quality “uncirculated”), with a face value of 50 rubles. and weighing 7.78 grams: Sberbank sale price – 16,170 rubles or 2078.41 rubles per gram of gold (56.68%); purchase price – 10,500 or 1,349.61 rubles per gram (1.72%).

As we can see, investments in coins made of precious metals are unprofitable in the short term and therefore impractical. As for long-term prospects, they directly depend on world prices for precious metals, and we will receive income from investments only after these prices exceed current ones by 50-60%. An exception, perhaps, are commemorative coins that have numismatic (collectible) value, but, unfortunately, this market is very specific and requires certain knowledge in this area, which makes it accessible to a limited number of specialists. We can only note that the cost of a commemorative coin in the future is influenced by the mintage of the issue - the smaller it is, the more profitable the investment may turn out to be. But, as a rule, valuable coins in the bank are inaccessible to an ordinary client “from the street”, since they do not reach the “counters”.

As for the issue of taxation of these transactions, according to paragraph 11, paragraph 2 of Art. 149 Tax Code Russian Federation all transactions for the sale of coins made of precious metals, which are legal means of cash payment Russian Federation or another foreign country are exempt from VAT.

As a result, we can conclude that coins made of precious metals are a valuable gift for birthdays, New Years and other holidays, as well as an investment object for children and grandchildren.

Investment coins are made from high-grade precious metals, the main materials being gold and silver. In Russia, they are issued exclusively by the Central Bank, and then sent to commercial banks, which sell them to customers. Coins are valuable not only because of the precious metal, but also as an investment.

What are investment coins

These are products that are made primarily from gold and silver, although they can also be based on platinum and palladium models. They are minted in large quantities, so they usually have a simple design. Sometimes small defects are observed on the surface, which does not affect the value, since it is determined by the mass of the precious metal and its market price at the moment.

Each model must contain the following information:

  • name of metal;
  • his sample;
  • exact weight (up to thousandths of a gram or more);
  • year of issue;
  • denomination of the coin.

The denomination is always indicated conventionally - for example, 10, 50, 100 rubles. The selling price and selling price are determined by the market value of the metal. In this case, the exchange rate is always set by the Central Bank for each day:

  • gold today costs about 2,600 rubles per gram;
  • silver - 33 rubles;
  • platinum - 1790 RUR;
  • palladium - 1980 rub.

You can purchase coins:

  • in banks (Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB 24 and others);
  • in specialized stores that have the appropriate license;
  • in online stores, for example, “Golden Mint”;
  • in pawn shops.
In stores, banks or on the website you can always find a complete catalog of coins for investment. They indicate detailed information about the model, including the issuing country that issued the coin, as well as its parameters (diameter, thickness in millimeters).

Types of models

There are silver, gold, platinum and palladium bullion coins, with gold and silver coins being the most common.

Typically, models are classified by purpose - there are investment and commemorative coins. The former are intended as a means of saving and increasing own funds, the latter are mainly used in private collections. Although, with a successful combination of circumstances, they can also be sold and make a big profit.

Models are also classified depending on the quality of the coinage:

  • uncirculated - standard quality;
  • proof (proof) - high quality, such embossing produces virtually ideal products.

You can also conditionally divide coins into several groups depending on their masses:

  • light (up to 4 g);
  • medium (4-6 g);
  • heavy (7 g or more).

From a practical point of view, investors should be more interested in heavy coins. The quality of the coinage is not of fundamental importance; they mainly pay attention to the weight. As for the choice of metal, here you need to focus on the dynamics of exchange rates. The most common investment is in gold, the price of which is in a stable upward trend.

10 most popular Russian coins

Today, both Russian investment coins and products are available foreign countries. The most popular coins that can be purchased in our country are described in the table.

Name issuing country denomination metal metal mass, g* approximate price, rub
St. George the Victorious Russia 50 RUR gold 7,78 21500
3 r silver 31,10 1270
Bear** 100 RUR gold 15,50 50000
Sower 10 rub. gold 7,74 23100
2018 FIFA World Cup 3 r silver 31,10 1500
Buffalo Bison USA 50$ gold 31,10 85000
Year of the Dog 2018 Australia 1 Australian $ silver 31,10 2000
Lion of England Great Britain £100 platinum 31,10 73600
Statue of Liberty USA 50$ platinum 15,55 40800
Howling wolf Canada 200 CAD gold 31,10 85500
Vienna Philharmonic Austria 100 euro gold 31,10 87400

*Based on the minimum content of pure precious metal

** Minted in honor of the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

How to make money on investment coins: 7 rules

You can purchase and sell investment coins due to the advantages that they give to their owner:

  1. First of all, they provide a real opportunity to at least save money, since precious metals are highly liquid. The products are easy to sell - for example, sold to the same bank. Metal rates have a steady upward trend, so they provide an opportunity to protect savings from inflation.
  2. If you purchase and sell a product at the right time, you can earn significant money. However, making a profit is not guaranteed (unlike, for example, bank deposit), since the owner must have certain knowledge regarding price dynamics.
  3. An opportunity to earn money is also provided by the fact that since 2011 the Government of the Russian Federation decided to abolish VAT (18%) on the purchase and sale of coins. However, this tax is still paid when purchasing bullion from precious metals
  4. It is quite convenient to store any model. A small product can cost several hundred thousand or millions of rubles. At the same time, storing money in cash at home is not safe; a coin in this sense is much easier to hide.

However, coins as a store of value also have a significant drawback. It is due to the fact that rates can fluctuate significantly, so you need to learn to identify both moments for a profitable purchase and for sale - often you have to wait several years for them.

Therefore, it is useful to know about the following buying and selling rules:

  1. First of all, it is important to determine the amount that can be invested. It should be no more than what the owner is theoretically willing to lose without damaging his budget.
  2. Purchasing a small number of coins (2-3) will not bring significant income, so if the investment is small, it is better to choose another method of saving (for example, a traditional bank deposit).
  3. Significant savings can be achieved when purchasing a large batch of products - additional discounts of about 1.5-3% are provided.
  4. It is not advisable to buy products that are small in size and weight (weighing less than 4-5 g), since the costs of their production make up a large share of the cost.
  5. Before making a purchasing decision, you must decide on the metal. To do this, you should analyze the dynamics of the exchange rate over the past 5-10 years, as well as the short trend over the last six months, in order to select the most suitable price range.
  6. One should also take into account an important pattern, which was determined on the basis of long-term observations. Only those models are purchased whose cost is closest to the metal exchange rate (in terms of the corresponding number of grams). This means that if the price of a product diverges from the exchange rate by more than 20%, it is better to refuse the purchase. The optimal value is within 5-10%.
  7. After purchasing, you need to choose the right moment to sell. In this case, it is advisable to sell the model only after it has been assessed by a qualified specialist (usually appraisers work in large banks). Otherwise, there is a risk of selling at a known low price. Such a moment can be expected for several months, years and even decades. In this case, it is advisable 3 years after the purchase, because in this case the tax on profits received in the amount of 13% is not charged. However, if a very successful situation arises, this advice can be neglected - it is important to accurately calculate profits and losses.

Basically, investors choose between silver and gold. Silver bullion coins are significantly cheaper and can change in price quite quickly. However, preference should be given to gold. Its rate is growing steadily, the metal is always in demand. In addition, it is better stored because it does not darken in air, unlike silver. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the fact that the model must be packaged in a plastic box. You should not take it with bare hands - it is better to use special jewelry gloves.

6 differences between an investment and a collection

Bullion coins are sometimes confused with collectible coins, since banks and specialty stores sell both models. However, there are several differences between them:

  1. The most important difference is that investment coins are used as a means of saving and increasing funds. At the same time, collectible options are purchased by numismatists to replenish personal collections. Subsequently, such products can also be sold (for example, after 20-30 years), but in this case there is no direct task of accumulating finances.
  2. Commemorative coins are issued exclusively in connection with certain dates or in honor of films, works of art, etc. For example, there are coins in honor of Victory Day, in honor of the World Cup, which will be held in Russia in 2018. And investment money is minted all the time.
  3. The circulation of collectibles is small, but coins for savings are produced in large quantities.
  4. The designs on the models for the collection are usually complex, their appearance is perfect. The simplest designs are applied to investment coins; small mechanical defects can often be seen, which is explained by the mass minting technology.
  5. In the case of commemorative models, the buyer pays not only for the metal itself, but also for complex production technology (applying a design to the surface). If you buy a bullion coin, then 70% of the money spent will go towards the precious metal itself and the remaining 30% will go towards production work, transport costs and mark-ups.
  6. Finally, another difference is that the value of a bullion coin is mainly determined only by the weight of the precious metal. At the same time, commemorative models can be sold for a large amount after a significant amount of time (for example, after 30 years).

Thus, investment coins are a means of saving and increasing funds. However, investing can only be done if you have the appropriate skills to make forecasts on the exchange rate and market prices for precious metals. Typically, professionals manage to make money by purchasing products at the right time at a favorable price, after which they expect their prices to rise