Gleb zadoya dollar exchange rate forecast. Gleb Zadoya is a leading financial market expert. His activities and opinions of clients. What is the success of the financier

There is one very ambiguous personality in the field of forex - Gleb Zadoya and his project "Analytics Online". There is a lot of noise around him, because he is a prominent personality, he speaks on the RBC TV channel, his analytics are posted on the world-famous website (in the Russian branch):

What can I say, it is immediately clear that a person has money and knows how to develop his information project. For only an idiot would think that Gleb got to RBC and Investing for free, these resources do not exist to do charity work.

For people who are not familiar with trading, Gleb, of course, may seem like a very qualified person, well-known, and therefore really reliable and proven, but let me explain to you in detail why you should be careful with Gleb and his company:

  1. Gleb's knowledge of trading is quite doubtful, since this person considers himself a nugget in trading. He is one of the few "gurus" who teaches not to put stop losses in trading! All the trading minds of the world have long come to the conclusion that trading is risk management! Gleb Zadoya believes that there is no need to manage risk at all! In accordance with his knowledge, if you take a loss, you need to open an additional position in the same direction and close both positions only when the loss on the first position equals the profit on the second, which is called averaging! I must say right away that averaging killed more Jews than Hitler! All those who do not put stop losses have long since left trading and are “collecting bottles”. If you show me at least one profitable trader who never puts stops (and he is not an arbitrageur) and averages, I will come to Moscow and walk around the Red Square with a poster “I'm an idiot”!
  2. Gleb's strategies are also a separate "song", indicators, indicators, indicators again and a bit of fibonacci! From Gleb one cannot hear any understanding of the market, no market mechanics, Gleb does not even look at volumes with one eye, builds in a very strange way, one cannot hear about normal candlestick analysis, etc.
  3. Gleb Zadoya works closely with the kitchen broker Profit Group, which has long established itself as a “breeder” like Tele Trade and Forex Club. They work according to the old scheme, you are invited for an interview for some vacancy, and as a result, with the help of NLP and your stupidity, in 2 weeks you are already a certified trader with a deposit of $ 2,000, which will be lost no later than a month. the whole scheme of work of an excellent broker, which has nothing to do with Forex. Many have tried to trade with them, it is simply not intended for trading. Such brokers open only for "breeding hamsters and rabbits." This "kitchen" is registered in Panama and the Virgin Islands, it does not have any licenses (except for, but it is not a regulator), I have never heard positive feedback from real traders! Well, what then is Gleb like, if he works with such a broker? For me, the answer is obvious!
  4. Gleb Zadoya's company "Analytics Online" employs people with an absolutely vague past, you will never find any evidence at all that one of them trades at all, just like Gleb himself! Here is an example of one of the strange employees of the company, on which you can easily dig up interesting information:
  5. Aggressive marketing company "Analytics Online" horrifies me personally! The most cruel of course is the statements of Gleb Zadoya: "not one unprofitable month since 2009." Mr. Zadoya, if I understand correctly, this is due to the fact that you do not trade? Maybe this is due to the fact that you do not place stops, trade 0.01 lots and you have uncovered losses for 2 years? In general, I don’t know such traders and have never heard anything about them, every trader at least sometimes closes a month in the red, because there are months when the market is generally inadequate and cannot be analyzed, and by the time you understand this, there will already be losses on the account ! Gleb also uses the well-known marketing nonsense of any sucker:
    Show positive results to people, not toilet paper in their hands!
  6. Gleb, like any good marketer, keeps up with the times. In 2015, Gleb introduced binary options, which, of course, hints once again that Glebushka is acting simply to the tune of Profit Group! Where is the money there and Gleb!
  7. Gleb, together with several of the same "traders", created the website, where he is listed as an asset manager with a deposit of $3 million, which is impossible with the Profit Group broker! This information is false! And in general, think, will a person managing such funds find time to conduct seminars almost every day, speak at RBC, record videos for YouTube and other things? Of course not! In fact, I have never heard of investors using the forex market for investment! Currency pairs are immobile, they are not in growth, big money is invested only in the stock market. After all, no one will give you leverage for trading $3 million, and without leverage you can't make money on Forex!

Well, the “nail” of my “coffin lid” review of Analytics Online, I want to show, of course, their analytical forecasts for every week! I open the first video, chosen randomly:

Forecast for 10/19/2015. I see a ton of indicators, a long retelling of where which indicator is and on what time frame. The result of the forecast, we buy from 1.3200 and 1.2800. Now the result:

The prediction worked! Definitely!

I open another forecast for 09/21/2015 and immediately fall into a precipitate:

Gleb shows us a 4-hour chart and says the following: “The key strongest support is 1.28000.” I look at it for about 10 minutes, then another 10 minutes and I can’t understand where at the price of 1.28000 the chart did reversals or showed some kind of activity judging by the 4-hour graphics? I personally do not see support at this level at all, much less strong!

Well, the forecast itself is to buy again and almost from the same levels: 1.2800 and 1.2100. And here is the result:

The result of two weeks of flat in the minuses!

To be honest, I don't need more!

Conclusion: Wherever you stick, everywhere there are only questions and no answers! Therefore, I can say one thing, if you want to feel for yourself all the tools of the marketing technologies of a modern scam, then I ask you to visit Gleb, if not, then I think you need to bypass and save your money!

Good luck and profit!

Gleb Zadoya is a well-known analyst and project manager at Analytics-online. The services of this expert have already been used by many traders around the world. He took part in television broadcasts dozens of times, interviews with him were published by well-known magazines and newspapers. How did Gleb Zadoya get such popularity? His biography is known to a wide range of traders.

The life path of the author of analytical forecasts

Gleb Zadoya was born in 1988. Lives in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Orenburg State Institute of Management. By education - an economist-accountant. on small business, economics and financial markets. Since childhood, he loved to count, was interested in currency and stock markets. Trading various assets, Gleb preferred to make a profit with the help of knowledge and his mind.

The first trading experience was obtained by him in 2005, while still a student. Gleb Zadoya started buying and selling assets in Russian stock market. Since then, his life has been closely connected with currencies, stocks, options and other financial instruments. As a trader and analyst, already professionally, Gleb Zadoya started working in 2008. In the next two years, he began to manage the assets of individual investors. Headed the Moscow department of PROFIT Group. Completed a training course with leading brokerage companies.

How a Trade Forecasting Analyst Works

First of all, Gleb Zadoya considers himself an investor and trader who sets out ideas for profitable trading in the market, based on his trading experience. Initially, he develops a detailed trading plan with certain entry points, and on the basis of this specific plan, deals are placed, analytics is carried out, which is popular among people trading in financial markets.

Most give forecasts, but do not trade themselves. And, accordingly, the level of trust in these experts is much lower. It is also extremely important for an analyst to predict the right trends over a long period of time and maintain a reputation for many years. Gleb Zadoya wrote an analytical forecast for the first time in 2010 on a traders' forum. Then came the idea of ​​posting full reviews. It is important that only after five years of profitable trading did he take up analytics.

What is the success of the financier?

Gleb Zadoya loves his job and tries to understand all the nuances. Therefore, probably, his analytical forecasts are successful. When creating the Analytics-online project, the main task was to support novice traders in trading. In addition to analytics, specific entry points into market positions were also required. And almost no one could give them. That is, there was little competition in this niche, and the team of Gleb Zadoy took its place in the field of analytics for traders. The potential for providing this service is huge, and the company "Analytics-online" expects to receive income on this market many years.

The team is selected experts and traders only with many years of experience. Basic requirements for employees: firstly, the desire to work in financial markets, and secondly, the ability to be useful to clients. That is, an employee of the company must give traders valuable advice for trading.

In addition to analytical forecasts, Gleb Zadoya teaches at the Trading Academy, whose courses have been attended by thousands of people trading on financial markets. He is the author of many videos about Forex and a famous video blogger among traders in Russia and the CIS.

Analyst Review Sources

Newcomers to Forex and stock trading often hear this name for the first time and wonder who Gleb Zadoya is. Reviews of his activities are left in large numbers on various resources. The YouTube channel contains numerous videos with detailed master classes on trading (analysis of strategies, determining strong levels, etc.).

Gleb Zadoya is considered an expert in the trading community. He holds the position of head of the analytics department of the PROFIT Group brokerage company, conducts seminars for beginner traders, gives interviews to well-known newspapers and TV channels, such as RBC. Such popularity can hardly be called an accident, so what is the secret of this trader?

How did Gleb Zadoya start his trading journey?

Photo of an expert.

Not much is known about the biography of the analyst. The 29-year-old trader, who was educated as an accountant, graduated from the economics department of the Orenburg State Institute of Management. Gleb Zadoya currently lives in Moscow. Since 2005 he has been working in the stock market, since 2008 he has come to Forex. His professional specialization is closely related to the complex analysis of financial markets, but at the end of the 2000s he also managed the assets of private investors. At the moment, he heads the company "Analytics Online", which enjoys significant success both in the trading community in Russia and in the CIS.

For reference! In addition to his main activity, Gleb Zadoya teaches at the Trading Academy.

Gleb in VK.

Videos posted on YouTube about the intricacies and strategies of working with the Forex market, and its courses for those who wish to learn the basics of trading are widely known. A practicing trader actively uses social networks:

  • "In contact with";
  • "Classmates";
  • "Twitter"
  • YouTube.

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YouTube channel.

In addition to the forecast for the week, analytics and videos, Gleb Zadoya is engaged in the following activities:

  • publishes short reviews of books read about trading;
  • talks about past and planned webinars;
  • shares “recommendations for the week” when working with currencies and the financial market.

There are many publications, analytical news is constantly released, and information is regularly updated in the Analytics Online company.

Trading forecasts from a leading trader and his analytical methods

A feature of the expert's analytical activity is his personal experience in trading and investing, which allows him to competently judge trading in the Forex market. Analytics is developed based on the creation of a well-developed and detailed trading plan with entry points, which allows you to conclude the most reliable and competent deals.

The placement of analytics takes place, first of all, in the Russian segment of, one of the most popular sites among financiers. Weekly and monthly forecasts are also published on Forex trading resources. However, not all forecasts of such a well-known trader come true.

So, for example, it happened with the forecast of May 12, 2015, when a trader, along with leading analysts from Alfa-Bank, put forward a forecast that in May 2015 the dollar would cost 45 rubles. Despite this, the value of the dollar did not fall below 49 rubles, and, moreover, on May 31, 2015, the Central Bank fixed the exchange rate of 52.97 per dollar.

Nevertheless, forecasts are updated with enviable regularity. Several recent publications may be of particular interest to traders.

On the growth of the ruble

The note is about the fact that the State Duma has submitted four bills on personal income taxes for consideration. The United Russia party did not vote for the proposed projects, thus none of them passed. This is due to the fact that on the eve of the 2018 elections, unpopular government decisions have negligible chances of being adopted.

But everyone understands that after the elections the bills will still be adopted. Against the backdrop of these movements in the State Duma, there was a depreciation of the dollar on the Moscow Exchange, but oil prices rose. Thus, the positive dynamics supports the ruble and increases its chances for growth in the future. But in the near future, a break of the dollar / ruble pair below 57 is doubtful, but there is hope that the rate will still fall to 55.

About cryptocurrency

What is the predicted value of bitcoin?

What is bitcoin, even schoolchildren know, and that this virtual currency unit shows stunning breakthroughs in growth in a short time, is also known to many. Literally the day before, its cost rose to $ 5,000, although not so long ago, $ 1,000 was paid for 1 unit. Quotes continue to rise, literally in a week, they have grown by another $700. Many specialists financial sphere they are worried that there could be a collapse and a bubble in the cryptocurrency market with a massive collapse in prices.

Gleb believes that such a rally is quite acceptable in blockchain technologies. And although there are signs of a bubble, it has room to continue to inflate. Therefore, according to Zadoy, the cost of bitcoin can grow not even 2, but 10 times or more. But this does not mean that the cryptocurrency market will be calm, traders will still have to go through many ups and downs, which they successfully use to buy.

How to learn trading from video tutorials for beginners?

Gleb Zadoya offers participation in a variety of seminars and webinars aimed at teaching competent trading in the Forex market. You can learn profitable strategies for working with financial markets and the basics of trading for free: just look at the videos offered on YouTube. Video lessons vary depending on the goals and experience of the listeners:

  1. So, as an introductory material for those who are interested in financial analytics for the first time, the course “Forex Course for Beginners” is presented, which contains not only the basic terminology and methods of market analysis, but also reflections bordering on psychology on the topic “How to believe in yourself?”.
  2. Eight lessons devoted to the topic of “financial literacy”, which has become very popular in recent years, are also addressed to a wide range of viewers: planning personal and family budgets, thinking about the credit system, and “secrets of the rich” gained more than two thousand views in each video.
  3. There are recipes for advanced traders as well. Five-six-minute "Trader's Notes" devoted to various aspects of working with financial markets, video reviews of "Analysts Online" are also available on the expert's channel.

So, for example, in the video lesson “What is Forex? Basic concepts and principles of work” Gleb talks about what the currency market is, where the word “Forex” comes from. The expert explains what currency pairs and quotes are, how to calculate the cost when buying one currency for another.

In addition, the trader in the video lesson pays attention to the following issues:

  • Ask and Bid price;
  • what is a spread and what is its size;
  • differences and advantages of Forex;
  • the mode of operation of currency exchanges;
  • what are sessions, and at what time they are traded;
  • liquidity and volumes;
  • base and quote currency;
  • what is a lot and its calculation.

In his video, the expert explains why Forex is the most profitable.

Interesting! Gleb claims that a successful trader should earn from 100% per year.

Another lesson that may be useful for beginners: "What are timeframes, and what are price charts?" In this video, he explains what time schedules exist, how they differ. Gleb draws an example of the movement of quotes on the chart on the coordinate plane and clearly shows how the closing prices are located. Zadoya also provides an image of a bar chart with open / close prices, using his example, he talks about bullish and bearish bars.

In addition, beginners will find useful information about Japanese candlesticks and their use on charts.

Paid "trading secrets"

The analyst himself and the Trading Academy company offer not only free training videos and relatively inexpensive intensives (only 5,000 rubles per view), but also coaching - individual training, support in trading, joint transactions directly with Gleb. Special offer, however, and costs almost 300,000 rubles.

In the "Questions and Answers" section, support in case of purchasing a unique course is promised for life, but whether it is worth taking a loan or borrowing money for the acquisition, it is up to each individual to decide. However, the average price of a paid course at the Trading Academy is 10,000 rubles, and we are talking not only about master classes or video tutorials by Gleb Zadoy, but about trading courses in general.