Bailiff service in sk. Main Department of Bailiffs for the Stavropol Territory. Federal Social Insurance Fund for the Stavropol Territory. checking debt against database

Every resident in Stavropol is familiar with fines, loans, and that for failure to pay them you can deal with bailiffs. In order to find out about debts and quickly pay them off, you need to use the service of the FSSP website for the Stavropol Territory. Why is this portal so popular and why is it valued?

How to find the necessary information on the site?

Any new guest who visits the portal for the first time will immediately be able to figure out how to use the special functions. For example, the search bar for finding out about your debt is located at the very top of the main page, so any user can immediately find it.


Search phone numbers

They also often go to this portal in order to find out the phone numbers of FSSP employees in the Stavropol Territory. To do this, you just need to indicate the name of the department for organizing enforcement proceedings. After that, click on the yellow “Find” button and wait until the system shows all the options.


Reconciliation with the database

The most important feature for which this portal is so highly valued is the ability to check the bailiff service database to determine debt. This function can be performed due to the IP number. Also, any user can use the “Advanced Search” button,

Advanced Search

to choose one of three options:

  • search by individual entrepreneur;
  • individual;
  • entity.

Depending on which option is selected, the user will need to fill out a specific form. There it is necessary to indicate the full name and date of birth for the individual, and the full name and address of the debtor for the representative of the enterprise.

Debt payment

Payment via electronic systems

After you have checked the FSSP database for the Stavropol Territory and discovered the debt, you can pay it on this website. It is better to do this right away, because the longer the debt is not paid, the greater the penalty will be accrued on it.

You need to find the inscription “You can pay using electronic payment systems.” After you hover your cursor over the blue highlight, a list of popular payment systems that you can use will appear on the screen. Among them are.